So, was the Las Vegas massacre an act of terrorism?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
I know there is still an ongoing investigation but, thus far, we haven't been told of a motive. While the victims were mostly country music fans and probably mostly conservatives and Republicans, we don't know if that's why he targeted that concert.

As it stands now, there doesn't appear to be any motive other than a desire for one apparently sick and deranged man to kill a lot of people. Therefore, I would deem this to NOT have been an act of terror. An act of terror would require a cause of some type, usually, political or religious.

Of course, there are some who consider any shooting where 3 or more are shot, as an "act of terror". But that's simply not always the case.

Perhaps more information will come out and we'll learn that the shooter did have a political or religious motive and then it could be classified as an act of "terror". We'll see.
I know there is still an ongoing investigation but, thus far, we haven't been told of a motive. While the victims were mostly country music fans and probably mostly conservatives and Republicans, we don't know if that's why he targeted that concert.

As it stands now, there doesn't appear to be any motive other than a desire for one apparently sick and deranged man to kill a lot of people. Therefore, I would deem this to NOT have been an act of terror. An act of terror would require a cause of some type, usually, political or religious.

Of course, there are some who consider any shooting where 3 or more are shot, as an "act of terror". But that's simply not always the case.

Perhaps more information will come out and we'll learn that the shooter did have a political or religious motive and then it could be classified as an act of "terror". We'll see.
It's a real mystery, if you ask me, why there has been a total news blackout on this for weeks. A curtain came down just like that. I am wondering if there is some conspiratorial angle (remember ISIS said right at the beginning that he was one of theirs?) and they have hushed up the investigation in order to catch the froggy.
Dunno. To me, it is VERY curious.
I know there is still an ongoing investigation but, thus far, we haven't been told of a motive. While the victims were mostly country music fans and probably mostly conservatives and Republicans, we don't know if that's why he targeted that concert.

As it stands now, there doesn't appear to be any motive other than a desire for one apparently sick and deranged man to kill a lot of people. Therefore, I would deem this to NOT have been an act of terror. An act of terror would require a cause of some type, usually, political or religious.

Of course, there are some who consider any shooting where 3 or more are shot, as an "act of terror". But that's simply not always the case.

Perhaps more information will come out and we'll learn that the shooter did have a political or religious motive and then it could be classified as an act of "terror". We'll see.
The wacko shooter in Las Vegas defies all profiling.

I do not believe he meets the criteria of a terrorist.

I think he was just wacko like Holmes in Aurora or Loughner in Tucson.

So far McVeigh is still in 1st place for body count among American killers. He was wacko too but the FBI called him a terrorist so they could try him in Federal court.

Bin Laden is in 1st worldwide for killing Americans with Yamamoto from WW2 in 2nd now. Yamamoto had to cede his title to UBL in 2001.

Airplanes have killed the most Americans -- with the UBL and Yamamoto raids.

Truck bombs are in 2nd place, mostly due to McVeigh.

Guns are only a pinprick in the total numbers of fatalities however they get the most attention from gun fearing Democrats.

Most people don't realize that U.S. Civil War Confederate generals were responsible for killing the most Americans in history -- millions. Yet there are still statues standing to their infamous memory.
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Paddock was hated government and taxes. Not suggesting that he was ideological to any great degree and the mystery does remain.

However, the notion that he targeted country music fans because he hated conservatives is silly. He looked at other outdoor concerts in no way "country".

In the months before he carried out the Las Vegas massacre, killing 58 people and injuring nearly 500 others, Paddock booked hotel rooms at two other major outdoor music festivals. The reservations were curious for a man who friends and neighbors say was decidedly anti-social, but investigators are now working to determine if they were a significant foreshadowing of things to come, or meaningless travels of someone with the means to fly around the country.

A real estate broker who helped Paddock sell multiple properties in California more than a decade ago said the future gunman expressed dislike for taxes and the government — even selling off a series of buildings in California to move his money to the low-tax havens of Texas and Nevada.
Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock

Terrorism? Nah, just an anti-social nut job who decided to kill a bunch of people and go out in a blaze of glory.
Is it terrorism if a nutjob just desires to kill people?

I may be wrong but it seems to me that terrorism is a means to an end. This guy was just hell bent on killing for killings sake.
I know there is still an ongoing investigation but, thus far, we haven't been told of a motive. While the victims were mostly country music fans and probably mostly conservatives and Republicans, we don't know if that's why he targeted that concert.

As it stands now, there doesn't appear to be any motive other than a desire for one apparently sick and deranged man to kill a lot of people. Therefore, I would deem this to NOT have been an act of terror. An act of terror would require a cause of some type, usually, political or religious.

Of course, there are some who consider any shooting where 3 or more are shot, as an "act of terror". But that's simply not always the case.

Perhaps more information will come out and we'll learn that the shooter did have a political or religious motive and then it could be classified as an act of "terror". We'll see.
It's a real mystery, if you ask me, why there has been a total news blackout on this for weeks. A curtain came down just like that. I am wondering if there is some conspiratorial angle (remember ISIS said right at the beginning that he was one of theirs?) and they have hushed up the investigation in order to catch the froggy.
Dunno. To me, it is VERY curious.
The only conspiracy is the one to keep your cunnie off the streets OldLady .

There have been few news releases on the Vegas shooter because he is simply so baffling.

He was about your age however.
Yes I consider him a terrorists. Just used different tools for killing than the NY guy.
The word "terrorist" gets tossed around so much, it has become nearly meaningless.

Before 9/11, we would never have called this guy a terrorist, or even considered it.

He just a loser loony tune, no different than Charles Whitman.
Is it terrorism if a nutjob just desires to kill people?

I may be wrong but it seems to me that terrorism is a means to an end. This guy was just hell bent on killing for killings sake.

You win - terrorism is indeed "a means to an end" that is ideological by nature.
...the notion that he targeted country music fans because he hated conservatives is silly.

Well, I agree that there is NO evidence to suggest that he targeted that concert out of a dislike for conservatives. With that said, if it had been a rap concert or a LGBT event, we would undoubtedly be hearing how he was an apparent racist or homophobe.
He first tried to target a hip-hop festival. Nice try.

What do you mean by "nice try"? I just stated there is ZERO evidence that he targeted that concert for political reasons.
Is it terrorism if a nutjob just desires to kill people?

Well, not if you subscribe to this definition of "terrorism" that I borrowed from Wiki.

Terrorism is, in the broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror, or fear, to achieve a political, religious or ideological aim.
He just a loser loony tune, no different than Charles Whitman.

Well, it was discovered that Whitman had a malignant brain tumor that may or may not have contributed or even caused him to go off the deep-end.
...the notion that he targeted country music fans because he hated conservatives is silly.

Well, I agree that there is NO evidence to suggest that he targeted that concert out of a dislike for conservatives. With that said, if it had been a rap concert or a LGBT event, we would undoubtedly be hearing how he was an apparent racist or homophobe.

That's a fair point
On the other hand, try telling the survivors of that horrific event that it wasn't a "terrorist" act. They'd probably both laugh and curse me out of the room.

Perhaps it WAS a "terrorist" attack, just not necessarily one with an ideological motive.

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