So We Find Out FBI Has Been Investigating Trump Since July

...a list of Trump allies who had some form of contact with Russian officials, from now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn to former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort to campaign aides J.D. Gordon and Carter Page to longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone.

FBI investigating ties between Trump campaign and Russia
You know, so far I have been reading over some of the comments in this thread, particularly of those lambasting Trump for his (clearly) unsubstantiated wiretap tweets. I agree, they are unsubstantiated. But weren't you the same folks who said Russia hacked our election? Far be it from me to lecture you about hypocrisy, but I find it funny you're willing to question Trump on unsubstantiated claims of Obama ordering wiretapping on his phones, but are unwilling to admit that Russia couldn't lay a hand on our electoral system. No votes were flipped, no machines were hacked... nothing. So, it appears to me that both you, and Trump, are in the same boat, that is, making claims that are clearly without basis in fact. Oh, still making that charge? Okay, well here, take it from the NSA and FBI director.

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"Is it possible that all of these events and reports are completely unrelated, and nothing more than an entirely unhappy coincidence? Yes, it is possible. But it is also possible, maybe more than possible, that they are not coincidental, not disconnected and not unrelated, and that the Russians used the same techniques to corrupt U.S. persons that they have employed in Europe and elsewhere."
if you can't discern the difference between testimony regarding the hacking of voting machines and the fbi testimony today, then i don't know what to tell ya.
But there was NO surveillance. Now if you're stupid enough to believe they've been investigating since July and didn't do surveillance you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion.

Then we find out today there is 20 people in NSA who can unmask the names of those who are being monitored. Looks like the only question left for this part of this waste of time is who was the Obama mole in the NSA who leaked Flynn's name which proves the surveillance.

So, the only crime committed was the leaks, felony, up to 10 years in Federal prison. Libtardos better hope to hell they don't find out there's a direct tie to Obama and the one who leaked in the NSA.

Democrat's are going to keep this Russian witch hunt up until they inadvertently expose Obama and his dirty deeds.
^ Lol zero grasp of the issue

What part of "you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion." did you not understand?

The leak was a crime. Comey stated clearly there was NO hack of voting machines. Your butthurt is all about Hillaryous' loss and the swamp being drained of Communists and criminals.
You think only 20 people could have unmasked Flynn. This shit goes deeper and is more complicated than that. Trump has apparently been engaged in suspicious activities for well over a decade now. I can't wait to find out why.
This concerns me. I believe 2005 was the first year. The power players can sink anyone without providing proof of illegal activity. Anonymous leaks etc.

In today's America, you must assume everything you say in a conversation or posted on the internet has been recorded and is available to thousands of government agents. It's disheartening. Big brother is everywhere.
But there was NO surveillance. Now if you're stupid enough to believe they've been investigating since July and didn't do surveillance you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion.

Then we find out today there is 20 people in NSA who can unmask the names of those who are being monitored. Looks like the only question left for this part of this waste of time is who was the Obama mole in the NSA who leaked Flynn's name which proves the surveillance.

So, the only crime committed was the leaks, felony, up to 10 years in Federal prison. Libtardos better hope to hell they don't find out there's a direct tie to Obama and the one who leaked in the NSA.

Democrat's are going to keep this Russian witch hunt up until they inadvertently expose Obama and his dirty deeds.

If they were doing LEGITIMATE surveillance, then this is fine, isn't it? If no laws have been broken, then what?
But there was NO surveillance. Now if you're stupid enough to believe they've been investigating since July and didn't do surveillance you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion.

Then we find out today there is 20 people in NSA who can unmask the names of those who are being monitored. Looks like the only question left for this part of this waste of time is who was the Obama mole in the NSA who leaked Flynn's name which proves the surveillance.

So, the only crime committed was the leaks, felony, up to 10 years in Federal prison. Libtardos better hope to hell they don't find out there's a direct tie to Obama and the one who leaked in the NSA.

Democrat's are going to keep this Russian witch hunt up until they inadvertently expose Obama and his dirty deeds.
^ Lol zero grasp of the issue

What part of "you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion." did you not understand?

The leak was a crime. Comey stated clearly there was NO hack of voting machines. Your butthurt is all about Hillaryous' loss and the swamp being drained of Communists and criminals.
You think only 20 people could have unmasked Flynn. This shit goes deeper and is more complicated than that. Trump has apparently been engaged in suspicious activities for well over a decade now. I can't wait to find out why.
This concerns me. I believe 2005 was the first year. The power players can sink anyone without providing proof of illegal activity. Anonymous leaks etc. In today's America, you must assume everything you say or post on the internet has been recorded and available to thousands of government agents.
2004 was the first year. Though Trump's ties to Russia go back several decades. His family and him have been involved in real estate in the most major cities in this country for decades. No doubt he's worked hard to hide his ties to the mob and foreign investors. Though inviting known mobsters to his parties was a really dumb move. It's all getting ready to come out and I can't wait! :thup:
Don't bother. Etherion/TemplarK is getting ready to shit and strut all over the board.

That qualifies as a congressional subpoena, does it not? I don't know what you're trying to disprove.
Don't bother. Etherion/TemplarK is getting ready to shit and strut all over the board.

Am I already upsetting you? Well, that has to be a new record.
when you correspond with thugs under surveillance, maybe your conversations get heard.

you'd think this might occur to a guy with such a good brain. :lol:
Don't bother. Etherion/TemplarK is getting ready to shit and strut all over the board.

Am I already upsetting you? Well, that has to be a new record.

But there should be a lot more poop all over the board
Don't bother. Etherion/TemplarK is getting ready to shit and strut all over the board.

Am I already upsetting you? Well, that has to be a new record.

But there should be a lot more poop all over the board
Yep. I have better things to do than to play with a troll.
But there was NO surveillance. Now if you're stupid enough to believe they've been investigating since July and didn't do surveillance you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion.

Then we find out today there is 20 people in NSA who can unmask the names of those who are being monitored. Looks like the only question left for this part of this waste of time is who was the Obama mole in the NSA who leaked Flynn's name which proves the surveillance.

So, the only crime committed was the leaks, felony, up to 10 years in Federal prison. Libtardos better hope to hell they don't find out there's a direct tie to Obama and the one who leaked in the NSA.

Democrat's are going to keep this Russian witch hunt up until they inadvertently expose Obama and his dirty deeds.

Who's aruging with you that there wasn't survellance? No One is. We know that the Russian phones were wiiretapped. Anyone that is talking to the Russians is obviously going to be wiretapped. What surprises me is that this survellance goes all the way back to July.

The RNC convention was held in July--and the Russian Ambassador was there also.

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

Now I have never witnessed any campaign sit down across the table with a Foreign Adversary to write Foreign policy--in the middle of the campaign season and long--before they were even close to winning a fucking election.

And right there is where this INVESTIGATION started.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


Am I already upsetting you? Well, that has to be a new record.

But there should be a lot more poop all over the board
Yep. I have better things to do than to play with a troll.
Lol no you don't.

Riddle time! What can you put in a barrel with no lid, that you can see and makes the barrel lighter?

Don't look it up, or at least admit that you did if you do :thup:
Don't bother. Etherion/TemplarK is getting ready to shit and strut all over the board.

Am I already upsetting you? Well, that has to be a new record.

But there should be a lot more poop all over the board
Yep. I have better things to do than to play with a troll.
Lol no you don't.

Riddle time! What can you put in a barrel with no lid, that you can see and makes the barrel lighter?

Don't look it up, or at least admit that you did if you do :thup:

Lol. See you later bro.

Don't bother. Etherion/TemplarK is getting ready to shit and strut all over the board.

Am I already upsetting you? Well, that has to be a new record.

But there should be a lot more poop all over the board
Yep. I have better things to do than to play with a troll.
Lol no you don't.

Riddle time! What can you put in a barrel with no lid, that you can see and makes the barrel lighter?

Don't look it up, or at least admit that you did if you do :thup:

Lol. See you later bro.

Really? You're not even going to try?! The answer's pretty goooood!!! :thup:


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