So We need the U.N?

Should the US leave the UN?

  • Yes-Get us out and save money

    Votes: 19 79.2%
  • No- They are the only legitimate international body

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • I like mashed potatoes

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters
I agree, thats what makes it valuable.

The internet is an unprecedented forum for discussion. And it is not ruled over by petty dictators and thugs.
What good has the UN accomplished in the last 20 years to justify its existence?

Provided a global forum in which to further diplomatic discussions in a more transparent way than discussions between only two countries does. Also a great PR and geopolitical messaging device to get a countries POV across to the globe.

it backfires though. like when they let the jackass from iran speak
The internet is an unprecedented forum for discussion. And it is not ruled over by petty dictators and thugs.
What good has the UN accomplished in the last 20 years to justify its existence?

Provided a global forum in which to further diplomatic discussions in a more transparent way than discussions between only two countries does. Also a great PR and geopolitical messaging device to get a countries POV across to the globe.

it backfires though. like when they let the jackass from iran speak

It gives the rest of the world a chance to see how big of a jackass he is though.

I kinda like it that way.
Half a million Iraqis starved to death and the oil-for-palaces scam is evidence of "success" of the UN?!?!?!?

Un-be-friggin'-lievable! :rolleyes:

5,000 American dead, many, many more without limbs or vision.
A very proud legacy, one only a chicken hawk would celebrate, huh Dude?
500,000 starved Iraqis, most of them the chiiilllldrreeennn < 5,000 American troops.

Nice math, psycho.

Nice number chicken hawk. Where'd you get it? BTW, how many dead from sectarian violence? How many dead or maimed by collateral damage? How many will die in the nascent civil war?

BTW Rabbi, the issue is the U.N.; my point is spot on - talking is better than killing.

BTW, Dude, aren't you supposed to be fiercely independent? Your neocon, nation building, big government colors are showing.
The internet is an unprecedented forum for discussion. And it is not ruled over by petty dictators and thugs.
What good has the UN accomplished in the last 20 years to justify its existence?

Provided a global forum in which to further diplomatic discussions in a more transparent way than discussions between only two countries does. Also a great PR and geopolitical messaging device to get a countries POV across to the globe.

it backfires though. like when they let the jackass from iran speak

Yep. But they still take no action...
500,000 starved Iraqis, most of them the chiiilllldrreeennn < 5,000 American troops.

Nice math, psycho.

BTW Rabbi, the issue is the U.N.; my point is spot on - talking is better than killing.

Yeah. It worked well for Chamberlain at Munich.

Oh, you convinced me. The Senate Republicans sank President Wilson's effort to establish the League of Nations, an organization that likely would not have stopped Hitler, but might have given Chamberlain another card to play. Unlike you, rational people understand that the U.N. is not the panacea, some malignancies must be cut out. But sometimes that action does more harm than good (see Iraq for a concrete example).
BTW Rabbi, the issue is the U.N.; my point is spot on - talking is better than killing.

Yeah. It worked well for Chamberlain at Munich.

Oh, you convinced me. The Senate Republicans sank President Wilson's effort to establish the League of Nations, an organization that likely would not have stopped Hitler, but might have given Chamberlain another card to play. Unlike you, rational people understand that the U.N. is not the panacea, some malignancies must be cut out. But sometimes that action does more harm than good (see Iraq for a concrete example).
Please. Respond to the challenge: What good has the UN done in stopping wars in the last 25 years?
They failed in the Balkans
They failed in Somalia
They failed in Haiti
They failed in Kuwait
THey failed in Iraq
They failed in Chechnya
And they are failing, badly, in Iran.
5,000 American dead, many, many more without limbs or vision.
A very proud legacy, one only a chicken hawk would celebrate, huh Dude?
500,000 starved Iraqis, most of them the chiiilllldrreeennn < 5,000 American troops.

Nice math, psycho.

Nice number chicken hawk. Where'd you get it? BTW, how many dead from sectarian violence? How many dead or maimed by collateral damage? How many will die in the nascent civil war?

BTW Rabbi, the issue is the U.N.; my point is spot on - talking is better than killing.

BTW, Dude, aren't you supposed to be fiercely independent? Your neocon, nation building, big government colors are showing.

The Politics of Dead Children - Reason Magazine

ReliefWeb » Document » More than one million Iraqis killed by UN sanctions, Baghdad says

UN Sanctions Against Iraq

Without Medicine And Supplies, The Children Die

A Million Iraqi Kids Dead, And Counting

Hardly sources which are part of the VRWC.

Your psychopathic colors are showing.
500,000 starved Iraqis, most of them the chiiilllldrreeennn < 5,000 American troops.

Nice math, psycho.

Nice number chicken hawk. Where'd you get it? BTW, how many dead from sectarian violence? How many dead or maimed by collateral damage? How many will die in the nascent civil war?

BTW Rabbi, the issue is the U.N.; my point is spot on - talking is better than killing.

BTW, Dude, aren't you supposed to be fiercely independent? Your neocon, nation building, big government colors are showing.

The Politics of Dead Children - Reason Magazine

ReliefWeb » Document » More than one million Iraqis killed by UN sanctions, Baghdad says

UN Sanctions Against Iraq

Without Medicine And Supplies, The Children Die

A Million Iraqi Kids Dead, And Counting

Hardly sources which are part of the VRWC.

Your psychopathic colors are showing.

they hate us because we are free
Nice number chicken hawk. Where'd you get it? BTW, how many dead from sectarian violence? How many dead or maimed by collateral damage? How many will die in the nascent civil war?

BTW Rabbi, the issue is the U.N.; my point is spot on - talking is better than killing.

BTW, Dude, aren't you supposed to be fiercely independent? Your neocon, nation building, big government colors are showing.

The Politics of Dead Children - Reason Magazine

ReliefWeb » Document » More than one million Iraqis killed by UN sanctions, Baghdad says

UN Sanctions Against Iraq

Without Medicine And Supplies, The Children Die

A Million Iraqi Kids Dead, And Counting

Hardly sources which are part of the VRWC.

Your psychopathic colors are showing.

they hate us because we are free
The United Nations: "The He-Man Despots And Dictators America-Haters Club".

500,000 starved Iraqis, most of them the chiiilllldrreeennn < 5,000 American troops.

Nice math, psycho.

Nice number chicken hawk. Where'd you get it? BTW, how many dead from sectarian violence? How many dead or maimed by collateral damage? How many will die in the nascent civil war?

BTW Rabbi, the issue is the U.N.; my point is spot on - talking is better than killing.

BTW, Dude, aren't you supposed to be fiercely independent? Your neocon, nation building, big government colors are showing.

The Politics of Dead Children - Reason Magazine

ReliefWeb » Document » More than one million Iraqis killed by UN sanctions, Baghdad says

UN Sanctions Against Iraq

Without Medicine And Supplies, The Children Die

A Million Iraqi Kids Dead, And Counting

Hardly sources which are part of the VRWC.

Your psychopathic colors are showing.

For someone who brags they have never opened a book on psychology, you sure like to use the vocabulary. By the way, psychopath is way dated, it's now called a character disorder, something you ought to know intimately.
I'll read your sources and decide for myself if they are credible.
Last edited:
Nice number chicken hawk. Where'd you get it? BTW, how many dead from sectarian violence? How many dead or maimed by collateral damage? How many will die in the nascent civil war?

BTW Rabbi, the issue is the U.N.; my point is spot on - talking is better than killing.

BTW, Dude, aren't you supposed to be fiercely independent? Your neocon, nation building, big government colors are showing.

The Politics of Dead Children - Reason Magazine

ReliefWeb » Document » More than one million Iraqis killed by UN sanctions, Baghdad says

UN Sanctions Against Iraq

Without Medicine And Supplies, The Children Die

A Million Iraqi Kids Dead, And Counting

Hardly sources which are part of the VRWC.

Your psychopathic colors are showing.

For someone who brags they have never opened a book on psychology, you sure like to use the vocabulary. By the way, psychopath is way dated, it's not called a character disorder, something you ought to know intimately.
I'll read your sources and decide for myself if they are credible.

I'm holding my breath on this one.
Nice number chicken hawk. Where'd you get it? BTW, how many dead from sectarian violence? How many dead or maimed by collateral damage? How many will die in the nascent civil war?

BTW Rabbi, the issue is the U.N.; my point is spot on - talking is better than killing.

BTW, Dude, aren't you supposed to be fiercely independent? Your neocon, nation building, big government colors are showing.

The Politics of Dead Children - Reason Magazine

ReliefWeb » Document » More than one million Iraqis killed by UN sanctions, Baghdad says

UN Sanctions Against Iraq

Without Medicine And Supplies, The Children Die

A Million Iraqi Kids Dead, And Counting

Hardly sources which are part of the VRWC.

Your psychopathic colors are showing.

For someone who brags they have never opened a book on psychology, you sure like to use the vocabulary. By the way, psychopath is way dated, it's not called a character disorder, something you ought to know intimately.
I'll read your sources and decide for myself if they are credible.
I know how to screen the psychos from the mere neurotics...You definitely border on the former.

Now, to the facts of the case.

The UN's idiotic sanctions and the borderline criminal oil-for-palaces program were responsible for no less than twice the deaths of innocent civilians as I had first cited.

Not that I was ever favor of the '03 invasion nor the unilaterally "no fly zones" enforced by Bubba and PoppyBush...I wasn't. Nonetheless, the invasion did put an end to the UN sanctioned scam and ended the heartless starving of the civilian population of Iraq by the UN and Hussein regime.
The only thing wrong with the UN is that we are expected to fund pretty much all of it and we get shit on in return.

Take the IMF as an example. Why do we fund 17% of it while China funds 3%? Yet they get an equal say in how it's ran. How is that right?
BAGHDAD, Jun 22 (AFP) - International sanctions imposed on Baghdad since 1990 have left 1,159,807 Iraqis dead, the Health Ministry said Tuesday.

Sanctions meant children succumbed particularly to respiratory infections, diarrhoea and malnutrition and adults to cancer, heart problems, kidney failure and diabetes, the ministry said in a statement carried by the Iraqi News Agency.

In January, Health Minister Umid Medhat Mubarak said 1,873,464 Iraqis had died as a result of the Gulf War and sanctions follwoing Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.

Iraq regularly accuses the United States and Britain of making the situation worse by holding up the approval of contracts for food and medicine under the UN oil-for-food programme.

fch/ezz/bp/cl AFP

Copyright (c) 1999 Agence France-Presse
Received by NewsEdge Insight: 06/22/1999 09:12:41

©AFP 1999: The information provided in this product is for personal use only. None of it may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the express permission of Agence France-Presse. ©AFP: The information provided in this product is for personal use only. None of it may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the express permission of Agence France-Presse. LOOKS LIKE A COPYRIGHT VIOLATION.

March 6, 1992: The Washington Post reports that the U.S. Census Bureau demographer assigned to estimate the number of Iraqis killed during the Gulf War will be fired. Beth Osborne Daponte estimates that 86,000 men, 40,000 women and 32,000 children died at the hands of American-led coalition forces, during the domestic rebellions that followed and from postwar deprivation. After various protests, the Bureau rescinds the firing but rewrites the report, lowering the death toll and removing the data on women and children. The following month, the Pentagon published its three-volume official history of the war, but a draft chapter on casualties is deleted and there is no mention of Iraqi deaths. (The London Independent, April 23, 1992)

Alexander Cockburn? Evidence or opinion?

That said, there does seem to be sufficient evidence that Iraq suffered as a result of the sanctions; however, current public opinion seems to indicate the Iraqi people feel they were better off under
Yeah. It worked well for Chamberlain at Munich.

It did.

6 Historic Villains You Didn't Know Had Incredible Careers |

The point is, the association of Chamberlain with spineless foreign policy is so strong that it's quoted by people who don't remember elementary school history classes well enough to know who he was. All because during the rise of the Third Reich, Prime Minister Chamberlain was sent to meet with the most sinister, evil man in all of history. Instead of returning shaken from coming so close to the true depth of mankind's depravity and demanding all of Germany be razed, he came back and declared that, in exchange for giving Hitler small chunks of Europe, there would surely be "peace in our time."

That's right: He met Hitler and came out of it thinking that, if anything, the man should have more control.

History would eventually prove Chamberlain to be "hilariously wrong" (or would have if there wasn't so much genocide involved), and his name is now invoked as a curse any time anyone ever suggests negotiating with an enemy rather than immediately bombing them off the map.

Not Remembered For: Everything Else He Did.

Before winning the Prime Minister position, Chamberlain was a successful MP, Postmaster General and Minister of Health. He was even Chancellor of the Exchequer twice (the second most important guy in British politics--like the American Vice President, except he does a bit more than just nod solemnly and give the occasional comforting neck-rub). He later passed the Factories Act, which improved the horrifying work conditions in factories and cut back on child labor. He was extremely popular and even made the cover of TIME in America.

If you're saying, "Sure, he was popular until he sold out to fucking Hitler!" you're wrong. After he made the deal in Munich his popularity shot up to 68 percent--20 points higher than what Barack Obama gets right now in the USA. Above all else, the people did not want to get into another freaking war.

That's one thing some historians are trying remind everyone about Chamberlain these days. Making the deal with Hitler looks bad now, because we know how the movie ends. Not so easy at the time, when Chamberlain was at the head of a country whose military was in no shape to fight, and the only ones who had offered to stand with him if he threw down against the Nazis were the freaking French. There were no good options on the table.

So instead, he came back home from making the deal with Hitler having bought a period of peace that he spent rapidly building the military that would eventually be strong enough to repel the Nazis. And by the way, the main reason they were able to mobilize so quickly was because of an earlier national program to modernize the nation's factories. A program put in place by... Neville Chamberlain.

The debate rages among historians (and will probably rage in the comments) but the guy probably deserves better than to have his name thrown around as the political equivalent of "pussy."

It worked to make his name synonymous with spineless diplomacy in the face of real threats to liberty.
If you consider that an accomplishment.
Yeah. It worked well for Chamberlain at Munich.

Oh, you convinced me. The Senate Republicans sank President Wilson's effort to establish the League of Nations, an organization that likely would not have stopped Hitler, but might have given Chamberlain another card to play. Unlike you, rational people understand that the U.N. is not the panacea, some malignancies must be cut out. But sometimes that action does more harm than good (see Iraq for a concrete example).
Please. Respond to the challenge: What good has the UN done in stopping wars in the last 25 years?
They failed in the Balkans
They failed in Somalia
They failed in Haiti
They failed in Kuwait
THey failed in Iraq
They failed in Chechnya
And they are failing, badly, in Iran.

Darfur and Rawanda. big ass fail on the UN's part.
It worked to make his name synonymous with spineless diplomacy in the face of real threats to liberty.
If you consider that an accomplishment.

Only because of ignorant close-minded partisan blowhards like yourself. :thup:
We need to leave the UN, EVICT THEM FROM OUR SOIL and pull back ALL OF OUR FUNDING.

America is in dire straights....we can't save the world. It's time to look at saving our own asses.


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