So we’re off “collusion” and on to “criminal conspiracy”?

Can you quote him saying that?

It was known that Trump was walking out of infrastructure meeting. His signs were already prepared . He was caught with his pants down had no plan so he walked out
If I wanted you removed and arrested would you work with me

Sure you would

Pelosi has to apologize to trump, or impeach him

She cant do either so she is screwed
So, you are basically giving tRump permission to not do his job.
He is doing his job, Pelosi promised to impeach so is she doing her job

Nope, Pelosi is a failure

Please quote Nancy Pelosi promising to impeach.

I can't recall Nancy saying she would impeach Trump.

What I do recall is her saying that Trump was akin to a KGB agent for Putin, Hitler, insane, corrupt, and the embodiment of Satan.

Then she had this bizarre quote in which she said Trump was not worth impeaching. Well what then qualifies Nancy?

If I wanted you removed and arrested would you work with me

Sure you would

Pelosi has to apologize to trump, or impeach him

She cant do either so she is screwed
Frannie hate to break it to you but when a president refuses to do his job for our citizens it's WE who are screwed
He didn't say he wouldn't work with them, he said he would work with them after they finished with their witch hunt.
But that will be years AFTER his presidency The moron thinks it will all end when he walks out of the WH The schmuck is wrong
It'll end when Obama's henchmen in the FBI start doing the perp walk.
You have to know that ain't happening
Guess I should save this comment so I can rub your nose in it later.
Can you quote him saying that?

It was known that Trump was walking out of infrastructure meeting. His signs were already prepared . He was caught with his pants down had no plan so he walked out
If I wanted you removed and arrested would you work with me

Sure you would

Pelosi has to apologize to trump, or impeach him

She cant do either so she is screwed
Frannie hate to break it to you but when a president refuses to do his job for our citizens it's WE who are screwed
He didn't say he wouldn't work with them, he said he would work with them after they finished with their witch hunt.
So he's attempting to obstruct congressional investigations by holding legislation hostage.

Not cool.
And Democrats never do that, do they? LOL
It was known that Trump was walking out of infrastructure meeting. His signs were already prepared . He was caught with his pants down had no plan so he walked out
If I wanted you removed and arrested would you work with me

Sure you would

Pelosi has to apologize to trump, or impeach him

She cant do either so she is screwed
Frannie hate to break it to you but when a president refuses to do his job for our citizens it's WE who are screwed
He didn't say he wouldn't work with them, he said he would work with them after they finished with their witch hunt.
So he's attempting to obstruct congressional investigations by holding legislation hostage.

Not cool.
And Democrats never do that, do they? LOL
Please post an example.
Frannie hate to break it to you but when a president refuses to do his job for our citizens it's WE who are screwed
He didn't say he wouldn't work with them, he said he would work with them after they finished with their witch hunt.
But that will be years AFTER his presidency The moron thinks it will all end when he walks out of the WH The schmuck is wrong
It'll end when Obama's henchmen in the FBI start doing the perp walk.
You have to know that ain't happening
Guess I should save this comment so I can rub your nose in it later.
That works both ways
Can you quote him saying that?

It was known that Trump was walking out of infrastructure meeting. His signs were already prepared . He was caught with his pants down had no plan so he walked out
If I wanted you removed and arrested would you work with me

Sure you would

Pelosi has to apologize to trump, or impeach him

She cant do either so she is screwed
So, you are basically giving tRump permission to not do his job.
He is doing his job, Pelosi promised to impeach so is she doing her job

Nope, Pelosi is a failure

Please quote Nancy Pelosi promising to impeach.
If I wanted you removed and arrested would you work with me

Sure you would

Pelosi has to apologize to trump, or impeach him

She cant do either so she is screwed
Frannie hate to break it to you but when a president refuses to do his job for our citizens it's WE who are screwed
He didn't say he wouldn't work with them, he said he would work with them after they finished with their witch hunt.
So he's attempting to obstruct congressional investigations by holding legislation hostage.

Not cool.
And Democrats never do that, do they? LOL
Please post an example.
How about holding the entire fucking country hostage until they force the President out of office? Name one thing the MFs have done to work with Trump.
Frannie hate to break it to you but when a president refuses to do his job for our citizens it's WE who are screwed
He didn't say he wouldn't work with them, he said he would work with them after they finished with their witch hunt.
So he's attempting to obstruct congressional investigations by holding legislation hostage.

Not cool.
And Democrats never do that, do they? LOL
Please post an example.
How about holding the entire fucking country hostage until they force the President out of office? Name one thing the MFs have done to work with Trump.
Isn't he the fn great deal maker ? The pos wants it his way or the highway Dems won't kiss his butt like repubs do
He's overturned everything Obama put in place with no votes needed ,,he prevents witnesses under subpoena to testify because he knows that'll be his end just like he cheated on taxes and fears showing them What part of this pos would dems want to work with?
He didn't say he wouldn't work with them, he said he would work with them after they finished with their witch hunt.
So he's attempting to obstruct congressional investigations by holding legislation hostage.

Not cool.
And Democrats never do that, do they? LOL
Please post an example.
How about holding the entire fucking country hostage until they force the President out of office? Name one thing the MFs have done to work with Trump.
Isn't he the fn great deal maker ? The pos wants it his way or the highway Dems won't kiss his butt like repubs do
Like the DACA deal they wanted so badly, when he offered them more than they asked for and they STILL said NO because it included funding for the wall that they themselves had already approved?
He's overturned everything Obama put in place with no votes needed
I didn't hear you complaining when Obama issued EOs to overturn what past Presidents had put in place. I guess you don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot, huh?
What part of this pos would dems want to work with?
Well you just undermined your own argument there. What part of that POS Pelosi would the President want to work with? Thanks for making it easy, idiot.
MORON It's the Presidents job to work with Pelosi to find a way of agreement It's not pelosi's job to kiss trumps ass
What part of this pos would dems want to work with?
Well you just undermined your own argument there. What part of that POS Pelosi would the President want to work with? Thanks for making it easy, idiot.
MORON It's the Presidents job to work with Pelosi to find a way of agreement It's not pelosi's job to kiss trumps ass
Oh, I get it. When Pelosi is expected to work with the President, it's considered "kissing his ass". When the President is expected to kiss Pelosi's ass, it's considered "working with her". Fuck you people, you're going down. Your hands are tied. You can't impeach, you can't indict, and Barr is exposing your coup attempt. 4 more years, pal.
What part of this pos would dems want to work with?
Well you just undermined your own argument there. What part of that POS Pelosi would the President want to work with? Thanks for making it easy, idiot.
MORON It's the Presidents job to work with Pelosi to find a way of agreement It's not pelosi's job to kiss trumps ass
Oh, I get it. When Pelosi is expected to work with the President, it's considered "kissing his ass". When the President is expected to kiss Pelosi's ass, it's considered "working with her". Fuck you people, you're going down. Your hands are tied. You can't impeach, you can't indict, and Barr is exposing your coup attempt. 4 more years, pal.
When McConnell was expected to work with Obama he said his most important job was to remove him Now you get a hissy fit because Pelosi doesn't want to work with Trump a shithead McConnell?? You can't get why? And Barr is nothing but Trumps ass kisser
Muller read them and he said they do not matter
Can you quote him saying that?

It was known that Trump was walking out of infrastructure meeting. His signs were already prepared . He was caught with his pants down had no plan so he walked out
If I wanted you removed and arrested would you work with me

Sure you would

Pelosi has to apologize to trump, or impeach him

She cant do either so she is screwed
Frannie hate to break it to you but when a president refuses to do his job for our citizens it's WE who are screwed
He didn't say he wouldn't work with them, he said he would work with them after they finished with their witch hunt.

Witch hunt?
Cemented made up mind maybe?
Can you quote him saying that?

It was known that Trump was walking out of infrastructure meeting. His signs were already prepared . He was caught with his pants down had no plan so he walked out
If I wanted you removed and arrested would you work with me

Sure you would

Pelosi has to apologize to trump, or impeach him

She cant do either so she is screwed
Frannie hate to break it to you but when a president refuses to do his job for our citizens it's WE who are screwed
He didn't say he wouldn't work with them, he said he would work with them after they finished with their witch hunt.

Witch hunt?
Cemented made up mind maybe?
30 mill wasted on a witch hunt
What part of this pos would dems want to work with?
Well you just undermined your own argument there. What part of that POS Pelosi would the President want to work with? Thanks for making it easy, idiot.
MORON It's the Presidents job to work with Pelosi to find a way of agreement It's not pelosi's job to kiss trumps ass
Oh, I get it. When Pelosi is expected to work with the President, it's considered "kissing his ass". When the President is expected to kiss Pelosi's ass, it's considered "working with her". Fuck you people, you're going down. Your hands are tied. You can't impeach, you can't indict, and Barr is exposing your coup attempt. 4 more years, pal.
Nice car, nice living in lynching days?
Coup, witch hunt?
Nothing like quoting both sides.
Can you even see the other?
I presume you have read the 440 pages?
It was known that Trump was walking out of infrastructure meeting. His signs were already prepared . He was caught with his pants down had no plan so he walked out
If I wanted you removed and arrested would you work with me

Sure you would

Pelosi has to apologize to trump, or impeach him

She cant do either so she is screwed
Frannie hate to break it to you but when a president refuses to do his job for our citizens it's WE who are screwed
He didn't say he wouldn't work with them, he said he would work with them after they finished with their witch hunt.

Witch hunt?
Cemented made up mind maybe?
30 mill wasted on a witch hunt

Didn't knees news and rush tell you the investigation made money?
They are selling manoforts confiscated trump tower apt this week ?
Fines and property confiscated about $40 mil I think.
Witch hunt?, coup?
Ever study the other side?
I guess you believe O is a Kenyan? And the solyndra solar program didn't make $ for the gov?
Where do you go with that if the worlds greatest investigators report basically reads as follows....
“We found that he may have, but we also found that he may not have.”
“We found that he kinda did, but we also found that he kinda didn’t.”

Hahaha...This shit is so fun to watch. Please don’t let up...haha
I’d suggest that you Lefties stop making complete asses of yourselves and just own your TDS...Admit that he’s quilty simply because you want him to be.
Which page of the report are you on?
Enjoying your leftie VA SS Medicare benefits?

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