So, what are the left double talking gasbags upset about today?

Lets just see what exactly they are pissed about today.

  • Are they pissed that Trump enforced obama's red line policy?

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Are they pissed that they are going to have a tougher time claiming Putin and Trump are close buddie

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • That Trump is showing the world that he means what he says?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That they are wrong about ALL of their claims?

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters
A piece of low life trailer trash like you has no opinion
Oh you poor pathetic snowflake, reduced to personal insults after being asked to do some research. I did not mean to embarrass you in front of everyone. You should have told me you can't read. :p

Here's a thought - stop trying to engage me, and I won't have to school you like Trump just schooled Obama. :p
A piece of low life trailer trash like you has no opinion
Oh you poor pathetic snowflake, reduced to personal insults after being asked to do some research. I did not mean to embarrass you in front of everyone. You should have told me you can't read. :p

Here's a thought - stop trying to engage me, and I won't have to school you like Trump just schooled Obama. :p
Just a couple of years ago the Donald was adamantly against attacking Syria, what happened sweetie? You don't get to have it both ways
Just a couple of years ago the Donald was adamantly against attacking Syria, what happened sweetie? You don't get to have it both ways

I guess Trump got tired of the rest of the world thinking the US is a coward after Obama backed down from his own Red Line.

Trump was against dragging the US into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war in which Obama would send a US invasion force into Syria, putting US combat troops in Syria.

Trump just showed Barry there was a better way - by conducting a one-time, precision strike proportional military response that just destroyed the airbase from which Assad's chemical weapons attacks came.

You actually CAN have it both ways, 'sweetie' - you can actually send a message that using chemical weapons will not be tolerated without dragging your country into the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a Russian-protected dictator without Congressional approval to do so.

Maybe you and Trump should take notes.

Hell, as reported, EVEN HILLARY was smart enough to know you conduct strikes on Syrian airbases, not drag the country into an Un-Authorized war.
Just a couple of years ago the Donald was adamantly against attacking Syria, what happened sweetie? You don't get to have it both ways

I guess Trump got tired of the rest of the world thinking the US is a coward after Obama backed down from his own Red Line.

Trump was against dragging the US into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war in which Obama would send a US invasion force into Syria, putting US combat troops in Syria.

Trump just showed Barry there was a better way - by conducting a one-time, precision strike proportional military response that just destroyed the airbase from which Assad's chemical weapons attacks came.

You actually CAN have it both ways, 'sweetie' - you can actually send a message that using chemical weapons will not be tolerated without dragging your country into the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a Russian-protected dictator without Congressional approval to do so.
Its always best to waste a few hundred million American dollars by telling the enemy what you plan to do, ahead of time. Does your kind ever run out of excuses?
Well as the day as gone on it looks like moderates from both sides agree with Trump's decision. The alt right and far out left do not and the alt right jumping off the Trump train. So the neocons win again.

In other news probably already posted, Russian warship rushes to ours. I think they're just going to shoot the shit.
Does anyone have any articles from or footage from the morons on the left protesting obama making the red line in the first place?

Wait a minute. The half black denied he set a red line.

Uhhhh, what?

He says red line there. Uhhhhhh, he then said he did not set a red line? His followers of course....


When confronted with the truth.

Why did Congress refuse to give Obama permission to bomb Syria?

Why would he even ask?

Thats not the point, Einstein

What is your point, since the President does not need to ask Congress. Or didn't a dumbass like you know that.
Does anyone have any articles from or footage from the morons on the left protesting obama making the red line in the first place?

Wait a minute. The half black denied he set a red line.

Uhhhh, what?

He says red line there. Uhhhhhh, he then said he did not set a red line? His followers of course....


When confronted with the truth.

Why did Congress refuse to give Obama permission to bomb Syria?

Why would he even ask?

Thats not the point, Einstein

What is your point, since the President does not need to ask Congress. Or didn't a dumbass like you know that.

Why doesn't he?
Why did Congress refuse to give Obama permission to bomb Syria?
WHEN? WHEN has Obama come before Congress to request authority to go to war with Syria?

Either August or September of 2013
Obama NEVER went before Congress and asked for the authority to go to war with Syria.

You are saying that he did ask and was denied.....which means Obama then VIOLATED the Constitution / Broke the law by going to war in Syria anyway - thus the combat troops on the ground in Syria now and the Un-Authorized war we have been waging?!

So which is it? He did NOT go to Congress or he went to Congress, was denied that Authority, and did it anyway?!

What was the Congressional voting record for going to war with Vietnam?

Who voted Aye and who voted Nay?

For that matter, when was the last time the USA declared WAR?

Hint: It was 1941.
Does anyone have any articles from or footage from the morons on the left protesting obama making the red line in the first place?

Wait a minute. The half black denied he set a red line.

Uhhhh, what?

He says red line there. Uhhhhhh, he then said he did not set a red line? His followers of course....


When confronted with the truth.

Why did Congress refuse to give Obama permission to bomb Syria?

Why would he even ask?

Thats not the point, Einstein

What is your point, since the President does not need to ask Congress. Or didn't a dumbass like you know that.

Why doesn't he?

The War Powers Resolution (also known as the War Powers Resolution of 1973 or the War Powers Act) (50 U.S.C. 1541–1548)[1] is a federal law intended to check the president's power to commit the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of the U.S. Congress. The Resolution was adopted in the form of a United States Congress joint resolution. It provides that the U.S. President can send U.S. Armed Forces into action abroad only by declaration of war by Congress, "statutory authorization," or in case of "a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces."

The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30-day withdrawal period, without a Congressional authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or a declaration of war by the United States. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto.

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