So, what are the left double talking gasbags upset about today?

Lets just see what exactly they are pissed about today.

  • Are they pissed that Trump enforced obama's red line policy?

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Are they pissed that they are going to have a tougher time claiming Putin and Trump are close buddie

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • That Trump is showing the world that he means what he says?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That they are wrong about ALL of their claims?

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters
I'm currently living overseas . It's evening here. So nice try with trying to insinuate I'm unemployed.
Overseas? Oh geee. So does that mean you do have syrian refugees living with you? How many?

That is what we thought.

Must be an important job you have, being overseas and all.

You are a fucking fat hypocrite. Piece of shit.

I am an elementary school teacher. So yes, it's an important job. No I don't have any Syrian refugees living with me. Unfortunately the country I live doesn't allow Syrian refugees in as well. Im not even saying anyone has to have refugees living with them. But empty housing and building of housing units could be built for them.

You write as though you are an elementary school student... no offense to elementary school students.


Because a post on an Internet forum is a good indicator of English proficiency skills. :rolleyes-41:

Keep the insults flowing. What else you got?

What a world of unicorns and rainbows you live in.

Well at least unicorns and rainbows never denied Assad was a mass murderer.They always knew he was one.
How are they spinning it this morning? How is MSNBC or CNN reporting it? Let me guess. Trump is a war wonger. Yesterday they were attacking him for being weak.

Oh are upset about?
Honestly, I think the biggest issue with the bombings is that we're stepping on Russia's toes again. I don't really like all the hostility between two major superpowers.

While I respect your opinion - and I DO - I completely disagree.

in one aspect, this has NOTHING to do with Russia...unless Russia was complicit in the use of chemical weapons. This was a direct, proportional response / message delivered to al-Assad that this is NOT acceptable.

In another aspect, however, it WAS a message sent to Russia as well. THEY promised to eliminate all of Assad's chemical weapons. Assad's use of them kinda makes Russia either look incompetent or complicit. A Russian spokesman said yesterday that their loyalty to Assad is not 'Un-Conditional' ... which shows even Russia had to step back and dis-associate themselves from what Assad did. The attack, however, was in a way partly their fault. They failed to deliver on their promise to prevent Assad from doing this again. Part of the message Trump sent to Russia was, 'We're not intimidated by you and will not fail to do what is right because you are buds with Assad'. THAT MESSAGE, IMO, NEEDED TO BE SENT.
So much for the fucking LIB MSM screaming everyday, since Hillary blew through 1.2 BILLION donor-dollars and got her fat corrupt ass handed to her by an "Orange Clown"........that Trump was a "Putin's-Puppet".
President Trump owes ZERO to anyone!
He's just told Putin to fucking smarten up or the next cruise missiles could have Putin's name on them.
I can't WAIT to see how the fucking LIBs attempt to spin this one!
Why did Congress refuse to give Obama permission to bomb Syria?
WHEN? WHEN has Obama come before Congress to request authority to go to war with Syria?

Either August or September of 2013
Obama NEVER went before Congress and asked for the authority to go to war with Syria.

You are saying that he did ask and was denied.....which means Obama then VIOLATED the Constitution / Broke the law by going to war in Syria anyway - thus the combat troops on the ground in Syria now and the Un-Authorized war we have been waging?!

So which is it? He did NOT go to Congress or he went to Congress, was denied that Authority, and did it anyway?!
He went to Congress twice, asshole
That makes a whole lot of sense, you notify your adversary that we are going to attack you in 30 minutes. Are you nuts?
RUSSIA is not our adversary in this situation, dumbass. This was not a strike on Russia. This was a strike against the air base from which the chemical attack came.

This is not like how Barry had leaflets dropped warning ISIS Russia and France were about to strike their Black market oil facilities.
What a great strike, when Syria is notified in advance and withdraws their troops and equipment from the base. Your kind should be embarrassed
Honestly, I think the biggest issue with the bombings is that we're stepping on Russia's toes again. I don't really like all the hostility between two major superpowers.

While I respect your opinion - and I DO - I completely disagree.

in one aspect, this has NOTHING to do with Russia...unless Russia was complicit in the use of chemical weapons. This was a direct, proportional response / message delivered to al-Assad that this is NOT acceptable.

In another aspect, however, it WAS a message sent to Russia as well. THEY promised to eliminate all of Assad's chemical weapons. Assad's use of them kinda makes Russia either look incompetent or complicit. A Russian spokesman said yesterday that their loyalty to Assad is not 'Un-Conditional' ... which shows even Russia had to step back and dis-associate themselves from what Assad did. The attack, however, was in a way partly their fault. They failed to deliver on their promise to prevent Assad from doing this again. Part of the message Trump sent to Russia was, 'We're not intimidated by you and will not fail to do what is right because you are buds with Assad'. THAT MESSAGE, IMO, NEEDED TO BE SENT.
So much for the fucking LIB MSM screaming everyday, since Hillary blew through 1.2 BILLION donor-dollars and got her fat corrupt ass handed to her by an "Orange Clown"........that Trump was a "Putin's-Puppet".
President Trump owes ZERO to anyone!
He's just told Putin to fucking smarten up or the next cruise missiles could have Putin's name on them.
I can't WAIT to see how the fucking LIBs attempt to spin this one!
Why did Trump tell the Syrians in advance that an attack was coming?
Why did Congress refuse to give Obama permission to bomb Syria?
WHEN? WHEN has Obama come before Congress to request authority to go to war with Syria?

Either August or September of 2013
Obama NEVER went before Congress and asked for the authority to go to war with Syria.

You are saying that he did ask and was denied.....which means Obama then VIOLATED the Constitution / Broke the law by going to war in Syria anyway - thus the combat troops on the ground in Syria now and the Un-Authorized war we have been waging?!

So which is it? He did NOT go to Congress or he went to Congress, was denied that Authority, and did it anyway?!
He went to Congress twice, asshole

Obama NEVER went before Congress and made the argument for why the United States had to go to war against Syria, sending an invasion force into Syria where US combat troops would be on the ground where they are today. He never asked for the authority to do any such thing. FAIL!
Why did Congress refuse to give Obama permission to bomb Syria?
WHEN? WHEN has Obama come before Congress to request authority to go to war with Syria?

Either August or September of 2013
Obama NEVER went before Congress and asked for the authority to go to war with Syria.

You are saying that he did ask and was denied.....which means Obama then VIOLATED the Constitution / Broke the law by going to war in Syria anyway - thus the combat troops on the ground in Syria now and the Un-Authorized war we have been waging?!

So which is it? He did NOT go to Congress or he went to Congress, was denied that Authority, and did it anyway?!
He went to Congress twice, asshole

Obama NEVER went before Congress and made the argument for why the United States had to go to war against Syria, sending an invasion force into Syria where US combat troops would be on the ground where they are today. He never asked for the authority to do any such thing. FAIL!
2013 shytstain
How are they spinning it this morning? How is MSNBC or CNN reporting it? Let me guess. Trump is a war wonger. Yesterday they were attacking him for being weak.

I think they're wondering whether Trump will return to blowing Putin or stick with the Neocon mantle.
They are pissed that a man like the Donald can make their president look like a cowardly community organizer.
Nobody has any clue what you are saying.

Have a lot of Syrian refugees staying in your house?

Will they allow anyone inside your private community guarded by armed guards?


That is what we thought.

Oh, I am retired and rich. How is it that you are not working at 11 am on a weekday?

I'm currently living overseas . It's evening here. So nice try with trying to insinuate I'm unemployed.
Overseas? Oh geee. So does that mean you do have syrian refugees living with you? How many?

That is what we thought.

Must be an important job you have, being overseas and all.

You are a fucking fat hypocrite. Piece of shit.

I am an elementary school teacher. So yes, it's an important job. No I don't have any Syrian refugees living with me. Unfortunately the country I live doesn't allow Syrian refugees in as well. Im not even saying anyone has to have refugees living with them. But empty housing and building of housing units could be built for them.

You write as though you are an elementary school student... no offense to elementary school students.


Because a post on an Internet forum is a good indicator of English proficiency skills. :rolleyes-41:

Keep the insults flowing. What else you got?

Wood. I got wood.
How are they spinning it this morning? How is MSNBC or CNN reporting it? Let me guess. Trump is a war wonger. Yesterday they were attacking him for being weak.

I think they're wondering whether Trump will return to blowing Putin or stick with the Neocon mantle.

Speaking of blowing, I think the whole Trump/Putin narrative got blown out of the water last night.

But hey, keep running with it!
I think they're wondering whether Trump will return to blowing Putin or stick with the Neocon mantle.
If I were a USMB Snowflake ... after falsely claiming Trump was in Putin's pocket, after falsely claiming Trump supports Assad, after bashing Trump for not being willing to do anything after Assad's latest chemical weapons attack .... I wouldn't show my face on this board at least until Monday, giving everyone time to forget how Trump just proved you guys to be a bunch of ignorant, partisan, sore-loser, butt-hurt 'triggered' snowflakes.

How are they spinning it this morning? How is MSNBC or CNN reporting it? Let me guess. Trump is a war wonger. Yesterday they were attacking him for being weak.

I think they're wondering whether Trump will return to blowing Putin or stick with the Neocon mantle.

Speaking of blowing, I think the whole Trump/Putin narrative got blown out of the water last night.

But hey, keep running with it!
How did it get blown out of the water?
I think they're wondering whether Trump will return to blowing Putin or stick with the Neocon mantle.
If I were a USMB Snowflake ... after falsely claiming Trump was in Putin's pocket, after falsely claiming Trump supports Assad, after bashing Trump for not being willing to do anything after Assad's latest chemical weapons attack .... I wouldn't show my face on this board at least until Monday, giving everyone time to forget how Trump just proved you guys to be a bunch of ignorant, partisan, sore-loser, butt-hurt 'triggered' snowflakes.

View attachment 120782
There is nothing false about any of those claims, and the FBI investigation continues
How are they spinning it this morning? How is MSNBC or CNN reporting it? Let me guess. Trump is a war wonger. Yesterday they were attacking him for being weak.

I think they're wondering whether Trump will return to blowing Putin or stick with the Neocon mantle.

Speaking of blowing, I think the whole Trump/Putin narrative got blown out of the water last night.

But hey, keep running with it!
How did it get blown out of the water?

Why would Trump attack his best friend's ally?

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