So, what are the left double talking gasbags upset about today?

Lets just see what exactly they are pissed about today.

  • Are they pissed that Trump enforced obama's red line policy?

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Are they pissed that they are going to have a tougher time claiming Putin and Trump are close buddie

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • That Trump is showing the world that he means what he says?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That they are wrong about ALL of their claims?

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters
I think the most triggered people on the forum today is all the right-wingers who feel "betrayed" that Trump went back on his word and got involved in the Syrian war that just a few years ago, he said Obama should keep his head out of.

I think everyone's a little triggered on this one
Yeap, that is what I thought. Pissed that you are wrong about everything. Especially that he enforced obama's red line.

So, as an obvious bloated hypocrite, what exactly are you pissed about. I sense you are going to say something about icky war, but we know it is more about the fact that Trump and Putin are not buddy bud buds like losers like you have been cockledoodledooing about for 3 months.

So, are Trump and Putin buddy bud buds? Please, explain how that is again.

Honestly, I think the biggest issue with the bombings is that we're stepping on Russia's toes again. I don't really like all the hostility between two major superpowers. I'm not upset that this RussiaGate thing is kinda dead now (Didn't much care about it in the first place), but I wouldn't mind Trump and Putin being buddies. Because, and I think you'll agree with me on this, World Superpowers living in peace is a pretty good thing.

Also, relax on the insults man. People don't take you seriously when you get all hostile like that.
And of course Putin wanted an American president who vowed to strengthen the American military and stand up to him. Maybe he was tired of not having real opposition?
Trump showed us that these sort of situations can be handled with swift force, without going to war over them.

If Hillary was the president, we would be in war against Syria and Russia at this very moment.
I'm pissed at the hypocrisy of Trump and his blind followers. Perhaps you all should have had more sympathy for the Syrian people before your messiah told you to care. You wanted the people who suffered at the hands of Assad to stay in their country and stick it out. You didn't want to take in refugees. You villianized these people suffering. Trump banned them goodness sakes.

You all praised Assad and Putin phony operation in Aleppo that claimed it killed ISIS memebers but actually killed innocent Syrian citizens.
Trump showed us that these sort of situations can be handled with swift force, without going to war over them.

If Hillary was the president, we would be in war against Syria and Russia at this very moment.

You really this Trump attacking some dusty military base is going to be the end of this? We may be entering ww3 .
Trump showed us that these sort of situations can be handled with swift force, without going to war over them.

If Hillary was the president, we would be in war against Syria and Russia at this very moment.

You really this Trump attacking some dusty military base is going to be the end of this? We may be entering ww3 .

And how so? Trump could have declared a war, but instead he chose to make a tactical strike.

You are living in the unfortunate alternative reality where the other candidate won...
Trump showed us that these sort of situations can be handled with swift force, without going to war over them.

If Hillary was the president, we would be in war against Syria and Russia at this very moment.

You really this Trump attacking some dusty military base is going to be the end of this? We may be entering ww3 .
There is not enough tinfoil to cover this post.
I'm pissed at the hypocrisy of Trump and his blind followers. Perhaps you all should have had more sympathy for the Syrian people before your messiah told you to care. You wanted the people who suffered at the hands of Assad to stay in their country and stick it out. You didn't want to take in refugees. You villianized these people suffering. Trump banned them goodness sakes.

You all praised Assad and Putin phony operation in Aleppo that claimed it killed ISIS memebers but actually killed innocent Syrian citizens.
Nobody has any clue what you are saying.

Have a lot of Syrian refugees staying in your house?

Will they allow anyone inside your private community guarded by armed guards?


That is what we thought.

Oh, I am retired and rich. How is it that you are not working at 11 am on a weekday?
Trump showed us that these sort of situations can be handled with swift force, without going to war over them.

If Hillary was the president, we would be in war against Syria and Russia at this very moment.

You really this Trump attacking some dusty military base is going to be the end of this? We may be entering ww3 .

And how so? Trump could have declared a war, but instead he chose to make a tactical strike.

You are living in the unfortunate alternative reality where the other candidate won...

You honestly believe this attack has no consequences? If Russia doesn't retaliate then it will be clear to the world Trump is on bed with Putin. No way Putin would let this slide if they weren't homeboys.
I'm pissed at the hypocrisy of Trump and his blind followers. Perhaps you all should have had more sympathy for the Syrian people before your messiah told you to care. You wanted the people who suffered at the hands of Assad to stay in their country and stick it out. You didn't want to take in refugees. You villianized these people suffering. Trump banned them goodness sakes.

You all praised Assad and Putin phony operation in Aleppo that claimed it killed ISIS memebers but actually killed innocent Syrian citizens.
Nobody has any clue what you are saying.

Have a lot of Syrian refugees staying in your house?

Will they allow anyone inside your private community guarded by armed guards?


That is what we thought.

Oh, I am retired and rich. How is it that you are not working at 11 am on a weekday?

I'm currently living overseas . It's evening here. So nice try with trying to insinuate I'm unemployed.
I'm pissed at the hypocrisy of Trump and his blind followers. Perhaps you all should have had more sympathy for the Syrian people before your messiah told you to care. You wanted the people who suffered at the hands of Assad to stay in their country and stick it out. You didn't want to take in refugees. You villianized these people suffering. Trump banned them goodness sakes.

You all praised Assad and Putin phony operation in Aleppo that claimed it killed ISIS memebers but actually killed innocent Syrian citizens.
Nobody has any clue what you are saying.

Have a lot of Syrian refugees staying in your house?

Will they allow anyone inside your private community guarded by armed guards?


That is what we thought.

Oh, I am retired and rich. How is it that you are not working at 11 am on a weekday?

I'm currently living overseas . It's evening here. So nice try with trying to insinuate I'm unemployed.
Overseas? Oh geee. So does that mean you do have syrian refugees living with you? How many?

That is what we thought.

Must be an important job you have, being overseas and all.

You are a fucking fat hypocrite. Piece of shit.
Honestly, I think the biggest issue with the bombings is that we're stepping on Russia's toes again. I don't really like all the hostility between two major superpowers.

While I respect your opinion - and I DO - I completely disagree.

in one aspect, this has NOTHING to do with Russia...unless Russia was complicit in the use of chemical weapons. This was a direct, proportional response / message delivered to al-Assad that this is NOT acceptable.

In another aspect, however, it WAS a message sent to Russia as well. THEY promised to eliminate all of Assad's chemical weapons. Assad's use of them kinda makes Russia either look incompetent or complicit. A Russian spokesman said yesterday that their loyalty to Assad is not 'Un-Conditional' ... which shows even Russia had to step back and dis-associate themselves from what Assad did. The attack, however, was in a way partly their fault. They failed to deliver on their promise to prevent Assad from doing this again. Part of the message Trump sent to Russia was, 'We're not intimidated by you and will not fail to do what is right because you are buds with Assad'. THAT MESSAGE, IMO, NEEDED TO BE SENT.
I think rushing into anything is silly. We don't know what the truth is anymore. We know that the media lies to us, we know that Obama’s rebel friends lie to us, and we know that John McCain and Lindsey Graham lie to us. I like letting the world know that days of idle threats from the US is over. The last thing I want is an armed conflict but this civil war has gone on long enough. It's time for it to end and I don't see anyone willing to end it.....except Trump.
I'm pissed at the hypocrisy of Trump and his blind followers. Perhaps you all should have had more sympathy for the Syrian people before your messiah told you to care. You wanted the people who suffered at the hands of Assad to stay in their country and stick it out. You didn't want to take in refugees. You villianized these people suffering. Trump banned them goodness sakes.

You all praised Assad and Putin phony operation in Aleppo that claimed it killed ISIS memebers but actually killed innocent Syrian citizens.
Nobody has any clue what you are saying.

Have a lot of Syrian refugees staying in your house?

Will they allow anyone inside your private community guarded by armed guards?


That is what we thought.

Oh, I am retired and rich. How is it that you are not working at 11 am on a weekday?

I'm currently living overseas . It's evening here. So nice try with trying to insinuate I'm unemployed.
Overseas? Oh geee. So does that mean you do have syrian refugees living with you? How many?

That is what we thought.

Must be an important job you have, being overseas and all.

You are a fucking fat hypocrite. Piece of shit.

I am an elementary school teacher. So yes, it's an important job. No I don't have any Syrian refugees living with me. Unfortunately the country I live doesn't allow Syrian refugees in as well. Im not even saying anyone has to have refugees living with them. But empty housing and building of housing units could be built for them.
Last edited:
I'm pissed at the hypocrisy of Trump and his blind followers. Perhaps you all should have had more sympathy for the Syrian people before your messiah told you to care. You wanted the people who suffered at the hands of Assad to stay in their country and stick it out. You didn't want to take in refugees. You villianized these people suffering. Trump banned them goodness sakes.

You all praised Assad and Putin phony operation in Aleppo that claimed it killed ISIS memebers but actually killed innocent Syrian citizens.
Nobody has any clue what you are saying.

Have a lot of Syrian refugees staying in your house?

Will they allow anyone inside your private community guarded by armed guards?


That is what we thought.

Oh, I am retired and rich. How is it that you are not working at 11 am on a weekday?

I'm currently living overseas . It's evening here. So nice try with trying to insinuate I'm unemployed.
Overseas? Oh geee. So does that mean you do have syrian refugees living with you? How many?

That is what we thought.

Must be an important job you have, being overseas and all.

You are a fucking fat hypocrite. Piece of shit.

I am an elementary school teacher. So yes, it's an important job. No I don't have any Syrian refugees living with me. Unfortunately the country I live doesn't allow Syrian refugees in as well. Im not even saying anyone has to have refugees living with them. But empty housing and building of housing units could be built for them.
That country "unfortunately?" On ignore you waste of hypocritical shit. Elementary school teacher explains a whole hell of a lot and it also gives me indigestion. Ignorant, hypocrite.

The UN and the world could also build a highly secured land area in Syria itself. However, they won't do that for some odd reason.

Saudi Arabia right now has over 100,000 air conditioned tents that can house up to 3 million people. Unused. Yet the world and people like you blame America and the rest of the western world that has a problem with the flow on unvetted refugees.
Saudi Arabia has 100,000 air-conditioned tents sitting empty, still won’t take Syrian refugees


Go ahead and tell us why the beloved UN or the rest of the pathetic socialists like you don't demand Saudi Arabia utilize that? Why just blame AMERICA and REPUBLICANS?

You even see how isis has said they will inflitrate ALL of these countries through this refugee movement. You even see how they have done this and yet you have your same pathetic disposition.

What the fuck can you possibly teach when you can't even learn a fucking thing yourself. Fucking pathetic ignorant morons.

I swear to God I hate all of them. Pieces of shit.
I'm pissed at the hypocrisy of Trump and his blind followers. Perhaps you all should have had more sympathy for the Syrian people before your messiah told you to care. You wanted the people who suffered at the hands of Assad to stay in their country and stick it out. You didn't want to take in refugees. You villianized these people suffering. Trump banned them goodness sakes.

You all praised Assad and Putin phony operation in Aleppo that claimed it killed ISIS memebers but actually killed innocent Syrian citizens.
Nobody has any clue what you are saying.

Have a lot of Syrian refugees staying in your house?

Will they allow anyone inside your private community guarded by armed guards?


That is what we thought.

Oh, I am retired and rich. How is it that you are not working at 11 am on a weekday?

I'm currently living overseas . It's evening here. So nice try with trying to insinuate I'm unemployed.
Overseas? Oh geee. So does that mean you do have syrian refugees living with you? How many?

That is what we thought.

Must be an important job you have, being overseas and all.

You are a fucking fat hypocrite. Piece of shit.

I am an elementary school teacher. So yes, it's an important job. No I don't have any Syrian refugees living with me. Unfortunately the country I live doesn't allow Syrian refugees in as well. Im not even saying anyone has to have refugees living with them. But empty housing and building of housing units could be built for them.
That country "unfortunately?" On ignore you waste of hypocritical shit. Elementary school teacher explains a whole hell of a lot and it also gives me indigestion. Ignorant, hypocrite.

The UN and the world could also build a highly secured land area in Syria itself. However, they won't do that for some odd reason.

Saudi Arabia right now has over 100,000 air conditioned tents that can house up to 3 million people. Unused. Yet the world and people like you blame America and the rest of the western world that has a problem with the flow on unvetted refugees.
Saudi Arabia has 100,000 air-conditioned tents sitting empty, still won’t take Syrian refugees


Go ahead and tell us why the beloved UN or the rest of the pathetic socialists like you don't demand Saudi Arabia utilize that? Why just blame AMERICA and REPUBLICANS?

You even see how isis has said they will inflitrate ALL of these countries through this refugee movement. You even see how they have done this and yet you have your same pathetic disposition.

What the fuck can you possibly teach when you can't even learn a fucking thing yourself. Fucking pathetic ignorant morons.

I swear to God I hate all of them. Pieces of shit.

Have you notice I didn't use any profanity in my post and yet you used loads of it? Seems like you've been triggered.

I have been very critical of Muslim countries like rich arab gulf countries for not doing their part. They have the money and resources but won't take them in. Now the reason why Mina ( where those air conditioned tents are) cant be used to house refugees , is because it is a holy sight for praying. It is not for living on. But Saudi has whole lot of vacant desert that they could use it to build housing. Same goes for UAE and Qatar.

But just because they refuse to take refugees in, doesn't me we reject them as well. We are suppose to be bettee than that. We are suppose to show others how to treat people right.
I'm pissed at the hypocrisy of Trump and his blind followers. Perhaps you all should have had more sympathy for the Syrian people before your messiah told you to care. You wanted the people who suffered at the hands of Assad to stay in their country and stick it out. You didn't want to take in refugees. You villianized these people suffering. Trump banned them goodness sakes.

You all praised Assad and Putin phony operation in Aleppo that claimed it killed ISIS memebers but actually killed innocent Syrian citizens.
Nobody has any clue what you are saying.

Have a lot of Syrian refugees staying in your house?

Will they allow anyone inside your private community guarded by armed guards?


That is what we thought.

Oh, I am retired and rich. How is it that you are not working at 11 am on a weekday?

I'm currently living overseas . It's evening here. So nice try with trying to insinuate I'm unemployed.
Overseas? Oh geee. So does that mean you do have syrian refugees living with you? How many?

That is what we thought.

Must be an important job you have, being overseas and all.

You are a fucking fat hypocrite. Piece of shit.

I am an elementary school teacher. So yes, it's an important job. No I don't have any Syrian refugees living with me. Unfortunately the country I live doesn't allow Syrian refugees in as well. Im not even saying anyone has to have refugees living with them. But empty housing and building of housing units could be built for them.

You write as though you are an elementary school student... no offense to elementary school students.

Nobody has any clue what you are saying.

Have a lot of Syrian refugees staying in your house?

Will they allow anyone inside your private community guarded by armed guards?


That is what we thought.

Oh, I am retired and rich. How is it that you are not working at 11 am on a weekday?

I'm currently living overseas . It's evening here. So nice try with trying to insinuate I'm unemployed.
Overseas? Oh geee. So does that mean you do have syrian refugees living with you? How many?

That is what we thought.

Must be an important job you have, being overseas and all.

You are a fucking fat hypocrite. Piece of shit.

I am an elementary school teacher. So yes, it's an important job. No I don't have any Syrian refugees living with me. Unfortunately the country I live doesn't allow Syrian refugees in as well. Im not even saying anyone has to have refugees living with them. But empty housing and building of housing units could be built for them.
That country "unfortunately?" On ignore you waste of hypocritical shit. Elementary school teacher explains a whole hell of a lot and it also gives me indigestion. Ignorant, hypocrite.

The UN and the world could also build a highly secured land area in Syria itself. However, they won't do that for some odd reason.

Saudi Arabia right now has over 100,000 air conditioned tents that can house up to 3 million people. Unused. Yet the world and people like you blame America and the rest of the western world that has a problem with the flow on unvetted refugees.
Saudi Arabia has 100,000 air-conditioned tents sitting empty, still won’t take Syrian refugees


Go ahead and tell us why the beloved UN or the rest of the pathetic socialists like you don't demand Saudi Arabia utilize that? Why just blame AMERICA and REPUBLICANS?

You even see how isis has said they will inflitrate ALL of these countries through this refugee movement. You even see how they have done this and yet you have your same pathetic disposition.

What the fuck can you possibly teach when you can't even learn a fucking thing yourself. Fucking pathetic ignorant morons.

I swear to God I hate all of them. Pieces of shit.

Have you notice I didn't use any profanity in my post and yet you used loads of it? Seems like you've been triggered.

I have been very critical of Muslim countries like rich arab gulf countries for not doing their part. They have the money and resources but won't take them in. Now the reason why Mina ( where those air conditioned tents are) cant be used to house refugees , is because it is a holy sight for praying. It is not for living on. But Saudi has whole lot of vacant desert that they could use it to build housing. Same goes for UAE and Qatar.

But just because they refuse to take refugees in, doesn't me we reject them as well. We are suppose to be bettee than that. We are suppose to show others how to treat people right.
I use profanity? Who gives a shit? Want to go to that other site that does not allow it, then go there. Damn right I am triggered.

Why don't you ask yourself why the beloved UN directs this ORGANIZED invasion of the west with these refugees? What is that all about? Why not square off land within Syria itself? Highly secured and built within Syria?

Why did ALL of the refugees have the same plan to go to Europe and America? What, did they text each other and all decide at the same time to invade those western countries? What is that?

Treat people right? How about using our compassion against us like some fraudulent charity? You cannot see the manipulation? You are not offended by that? Go ahead and explain it. You seem to think the UN is just out for the good and well being of the suffering? Not one word or action from them with those girls kidnapped in Africa. Nothing. Why? Cause there is no MONEY in it.

How the hell do people like you get so damn naive?
Last edited:
I'm pissed at the hypocrisy of Trump and his blind followers. Perhaps you all should have had more sympathy for the Syrian people before your messiah told you to care. You wanted the people who suffered at the hands of Assad to stay in their country and stick it out. You didn't want to take in refugees. You villianized these people suffering. Trump banned them goodness sakes.

You all praised Assad and Putin phony operation in Aleppo that claimed it killed ISIS memebers but actually killed innocent Syrian citizens.
Nobody has any clue what you are saying.

Have a lot of Syrian refugees staying in your house?

Will they allow anyone inside your private community guarded by armed guards?


That is what we thought.

Oh, I am retired and rich. How is it that you are not working at 11 am on a weekday?

I'm currently living overseas . It's evening here. So nice try with trying to insinuate I'm unemployed.
Overseas? Oh geee. So does that mean you do have syrian refugees living with you? How many?

That is what we thought.

Must be an important job you have, being overseas and all.

You are a fucking fat hypocrite. Piece of shit.

I am an elementary school teacher. So yes, it's an important job. No I don't have any Syrian refugees living with me. Unfortunately the country I live doesn't allow Syrian refugees in as well. Im not even saying anyone has to have refugees living with them. But empty housing and building of housing units could be built for them.

You write as though you are an elementary school student... no offense to elementary school students.


Because a post on an Internet forum is a good indicator of English proficiency skills. :rolleyes-41:

Keep the insults flowing. What else you got?
Nobody has any clue what you are saying.

Have a lot of Syrian refugees staying in your house?

Will they allow anyone inside your private community guarded by armed guards?


That is what we thought.

Oh, I am retired and rich. How is it that you are not working at 11 am on a weekday?

I'm currently living overseas . It's evening here. So nice try with trying to insinuate I'm unemployed.
Overseas? Oh geee. So does that mean you do have syrian refugees living with you? How many?

That is what we thought.

Must be an important job you have, being overseas and all.

You are a fucking fat hypocrite. Piece of shit.

I am an elementary school teacher. So yes, it's an important job. No I don't have any Syrian refugees living with me. Unfortunately the country I live doesn't allow Syrian refugees in as well. Im not even saying anyone has to have refugees living with them. But empty housing and building of housing units could be built for them.

You write as though you are an elementary school student... no offense to elementary school students.


Because a post on an Internet forum is a good indicator of English proficiency skills. :rolleyes-41:

Keep the insults flowing. What else you got?

What a world of unicorns and rainbows you live in.

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