So, what are the left double talking gasbags upset about today?

Lets just see what exactly they are pissed about today.

  • Are they pissed that Trump enforced obama's red line policy?

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Are they pissed that they are going to have a tougher time claiming Putin and Trump are close buddie

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • That Trump is showing the world that he means what he says?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That they are wrong about ALL of their claims?

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters
I think the most triggered people on the forum today is all the right-wingers who feel "betrayed" that Trump went back on his word and got involved in the Syrian war that just a few years ago, he said Obama should keep his head out of.
:wtf:are you talking about?

Trump just demonstrated for Obama and the snowflakes how you handle foreign policy and events like what Assad did.

You don't issue 'Red Lines' when you have no intention and / or don't have the balls to follow through.

You don't blame others for 'your' f* up.

You WALK THE WALK if you Talk the Talk.

You don't have to drag the country into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized War because another nation used chemical weapons on its own people...or because you got embarrassed on the world stage for backing down from your own ultimatum.

Trump just did what Obama would not do - ENFORCE OBAMA'S RED LINE. He proved there was never any reason to go to war with / in Syria. He conducted a proportional response against Syria for its use of chemical weapons, putting Assad on notice that such actions will not be tolerated.

Obama chose to start his own war, put combat troops on the ground in Syria, and failed to prevent another chemical attack. The Russians played him ... again ... convincing him they would make sure Assad never used chemical weapons again. Yeah, how did that work out for you, Barry?

Tell that to all the people who are quite angry this morning with Trump jumping in so quickly. I'm not saying I'm angry at Trump for jumping in, but a lot of his voters on here are.
Does anyone have any articles from or footage from the morons on the left protesting obama making the red line in the first place?

Wait a minute. The half black denied he set a red line.

Uhhhh, what?

He says red line there. Uhhhhhh, he then said he did not set a red line? His followers of course....


When confronted with the truth.

Why did Congress refuse to give Obama permission to bomb Syria?

Why would he even ask?

Umm, because the war we find ourselves in now is Un-Constitutional and never got approval from Congress.

Trump launched a tactical
Tell that to all the people who are quite angry this morning with Trump jumping in so quickly. I'm not saying I'm angry at Trump for jumping in, but a lot of his voters on here are.
Who would that be? Schumer and many Democrats have declared their support behind the strike already. Britain, France, Saudi, Australia, Japan, Turkey, and other countries have voiced their support. in fact ,the ONLY ones who seem to have a problem with it so far is Syria, Russia, Iran....and USMB Snowflakes.
Does anyone have any articles from or footage from the morons on the left protesting obama making the red line in the first place?

Wait a minute. The half black denied he set a red line.

Uhhhh, what?

He says red line there. Uhhhhhh, he then said he did not set a red line? His followers of course....


When confronted with the truth.

Why did Congress refuse to give Obama permission to bomb Syria?

Why would he even ask?

Umm, because the war we find ourselves in now is Un-Constitutional and never got approval from Congress.

Trump launched a tactical

All Congress has to do is refuse to fund the war if they don't like it. You might want to check the President's power under the War Powers Act.
Does anyone have any articles from or footage from the morons on the left protesting obama making the red line in the first place?

Wait a minute. The half black denied he set a red line.

Uhhhh, what?

He says red line there. Uhhhhhh, he then said he did not set a red line? His followers of course....


When confronted with the truth.

Why did Congress refuse to give Obama permission to bomb Syria?

Why would he even ask?

Thats not the point, Einstein
Sorry, but Syria knew about this well in advance. Early enough to move most of their equipment and personnel out of the way
As reported by numerous media source this morning, Syria was notified inside of 30 minutes that the strike was coming. Russia was notified 30 minutes out, and they notified Syria. The base was able to quickly move SOME of their planes out before the strike and to get most of their people out of major harm's way. 'Most of their equipment' is BS.
That makes a whole lot of sense, you notify your adversary that we are going to attack you in 30 minutes. Are you nuts?
These Cum Buckets are looking for a new angle, and new talking points on how to Criticize President Trump while still remembering the lies they told last week, last month, and last year so as not to catch their lying effeminate nuts in a vice with 'The Wrong Lie'.
Sorry, but Syria knew about this well in advance. Early enough to move most of their equipment and personnel out of the way
What are you not comprehending about the multiple reports stating the call to Russia, the only warning given, came 30 minutes before the strike and Russia called Assad after that?! I guess you consider 30 minutes 'well in advance'...
That makes a whole lot of sense, you notify your adversary that we are going to attack you in 30 minutes. Are you nuts?
RUSSIA is not our adversary in this situation, dumbass. This was not a strike on Russia. This was a strike against the air base from which the chemical attack came.

This is not like how Barry had leaflets dropped warning ISIS Russia and France were about to strike their Black market oil facilities.
All Congress has to do is refuse to fund the war if they don't like it. You might want to check the President's power under the War Powers Act.
Ummm, so it's ok for the Nobel Peace Prize Winner to violate the Constitution by dragging the US into an Un-Authorized war, and if congress doesn't like it they can defund it?!

Now that they are proven wrong, Snowflakes will probably say that attacking SYRIA is actually WORSE than being a Putin puppet.
Why did Congress refuse to give Obama permission to bomb Syria?
WHEN? WHEN has Obama come before Congress to request authority to go to war with Syria?

Either August or September of 2013
Obama NEVER went before Congress and asked for the authority to go to war with Syria.

You are saying that he did ask and was denied.....which means Obama then VIOLATED the Constitution / Broke the law by going to war in Syria anyway - thus the combat troops on the ground in Syria now and the Un-Authorized war we have been waging?!

So which is it? He did NOT go to Congress or he went to Congress, was denied that Authority, and did it anyway?!
Hopefully this is part of a larger plan to keep the Muslims in Syria, so they stop invading the West.
Why did Congress refuse to give Obama permission to bomb Syria?
WHEN? WHEN has Obama come before Congress to request authority to go to war with Syria?

Either August or September of 2013
Obama NEVER went before Congress and asked for the authority to go to war with Syria.

You are saying that he did ask and was denied.....which means Obama then VIOLATED the Constitution / Broke the law by going to war in Syria anyway - thus the combat troops on the ground in Syria now and the Un-Authorized war we have been waging?!

So which is it? He did NOT go to Congress or he went to Congress, was denied that Authority, and did it anyway?!

Clinton broke the law back in the 90's and Trump broke the law last night:

The War Powers Resolution (also known as the War Powers Resolution of 1973 or the War Powers Act) (50 U.S.C. 1541–1548)[1] is a federal law intended to check the president's power to commit the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of the U.S. Congress. The Resolution was adopted in the form of a United States Congress joint resolution. It provides that the U.S. President can send U.S. Armed Forces into action abroad only by declaration of war by Congress, "statutory authorization," or in case of "a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces."

The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30-day withdrawal period, without a Congressional authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or a declaration of war by the United States. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto.

It has been alleged that the War Powers Resolution has been violated in the past – for example, by President Bill Clinton in 1999, during the bombing campaign in Kosovo. Congress has disapproved all such incidents, but none has resulted in any successful legal actions being taken against the president for alleged violations.[2]
So, now the US has credibility once again in the world now that the red line policy has been enforced. No better time than having the China prime minister here. Now that the big discussion is NK and how to deal with them. Now that they know they are not dealing with skinny lying pussy with no credibility, they may need to rethink their policy that they came here with.

Also, the world now knows there is resolve here. It shows credibility and of course the left are now calling for an impeachment. Not when their skinny black droned American citizens. No no no. Not then.

He was a great and is a great hero then. Of course now all of a sudden the left who hated assad yesterday and made fun of Trump for not dealing with it, are now calling for an impeachment.

Yeap, just like I said. It is not that I am all that smart mind you. They are that easy to predict.

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