So What do you Lefties Claim Happened in Benghazi?

April Glaspie should be forced to testify under oath about Bush 41 giving Saddam the green light to invade Kuwait.
When Conservatives agree that all foreign embassies and consulates on U.S. soil should house a battalion of marines from the guest country, and that those soldiers will be immune from prosecution for violence committed against protesting Americans, then you can question the security at Benghazi.

Otherwise, STFU!

First I couldn;t wait to see how somebody shot down a post this stupid. Then, I laughed my butt off that nobody even took the time to respond...

When your shout "STFU" --- and EVERYONE ignores you you know that you are truely insignificant...
When Conservatives agree that all foreign embassies and consulates on U.S. soil should house a battalion of marines from the guest country, and that those soldiers will be immune from prosecution for violence committed against protesting Americans, then you can question the security at Benghazi.

Otherwise, STFU!


No embassy in this country would ever be undefended. US forces wouldn't stand around with their fingers up there ass and watch someone attack an embassy.

Our embassies in the ME ? You bet. They can be attacked at any time. The least they can do is give our Marine guards real ammo and orders to shoot to kill. It is after all our soil.

They can also make sure our embassies have enough security. Stevens asked for additional security several times and was denied. He and three other very brave men are dead because Barry's State Department is obviously run by idiots.

Barry isn't any better. If he'd given a save order at least three of those men would be alive. He didnt' and they aren't. Thats all I need to see.

Now, whose fault is that? Just like everything else about our Transparancy in Chief --- If he would just let America know the truth, perhaps nobody would be wondering exactly what the truth is. When you hide behind closed doors your entire life people wonder what's going on back there.

Right, because you whackjobs are really ever satisfied...

Hey, remember when you whacks all insisted we just had to see Obama's long form birth certificate. Despite the fact there was a short form, confirmaiton from Hawaii and birth announcements in the newspaper archives, you guys insisted we had to see the long form birth cert...

Ummm... Yeah. He provided it. Didn't shut the Birthers up.

Nothing is going to ever make you guys less unhinged than you already are. Meanwhile, the grown ups will deal with the problem while you throw your tantrum on Fox.
So What do you Lefties Claim Happened in Benghazi?

Maybe,, it was Bush's fault

These are the only cards they tend to play today
This should be interesting. Start back in June when the consolate was attacked and requests to keep special units in place fell on deaf ears....

You know when the rest of the world started moving their operations out of the region because of safety concerns.

I really want to know how you guys think this went down.

In the absence of firsthand, reliable information, it is the height of foolishness to speculate and make shit up to fill your empty head. It is incredibly disrespectful of the dead to invent how their last moments of life were spent.

A metric shit ton of ignorance in the drooling, parroting mob has been demonstrated during this sad, sad episode.

Don't expect others to join you in the Making Shit Up game.


You are an embarrassment to us conservatives.

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Actually when it comes to disrespect of the dead

We only need to look at Islamic Terrorists
CIA Takes Heat for Role in Libya -

CIA Takes Heat for Role in Libya

When the bodies of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans killed in Benghazi, Libya, arrived at Andrews Air Force Base after the Sept. 11 attack, they were greeted by the president, the vice president and the secretaries of state and defense. Conspicuously absent was CIA Director David Petraeus.

Officials close to Mr. Petraeus say he stayed away in an effort to conceal the agency's role in collecting intelligence and providing security in Benghazi. Two of the four men who died that day, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, were former Navy SEAL commandos who were publicly identified as State Department contract security officers, but who actually worked as Central Intelligence Agency contractors, U.S. officials say.

The U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation
, according to officials briefed on the intelligence. Of the more than 30 American officials evacuated from Benghazi following the deadly assault, only seven worked for the State Department. Nearly all the rest worked for the CIA, under diplomatic cover, which was a principal purpose of the consulate, these officials said.

The CIA's secret role helps explain why security appeared inadequate at the U.S. diplomatic facility. State Department officials believed that responsibility was set to be shouldered in part by CIA personnel in the city through a series of secret agreements that even some officials in Washington didn't know about.

Mr. Petraeus didn't attend funerals held later for the two CIA contractors, irking some administration officials and CIA veterans.

After an attack in 2009 on a CIA base in Khost, Afghanistan, one of the deadliest suffered by the agency, then-Director Leon Panetta immediately lifted the cover of the seven CIA officers and contractors killed, publicly acknowledged the agency's loss, and attended several of the funerals.

Conspicuously absent was CIA Director David Petraeus .

What has been lacking in the understanding of Benghazi and the responsibility for the security lapse now seems more than apparent it was the lack of preparedness by the CIA and General Petraeus.

although a part of the Administration the CIA clearly was the cog that failed their responsibilities in Libya at a most crucial moment.
To those who support the President or those who are left leaning, in your opinion did this Administration make any known mistakes here?

Were any lies told?

Has Obama done us and those who were killed right by his actions and words?
No one is going to forget you all invented and parroted a story about Obama watching the four Americans being killed.

You didn't question the "Obama watched while they died" bullshit. Don't pretend to be interested in the facts now. No one is buying it.

You have outed yourselves.


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No one is going to forget you all invented and parroted a story about Obama watching the four Americans being killed.

All your bluster and question asking is way too late now. You didn't question the "Obama watched while they died" bullshit. Don't pretend to be interested in the facts now. No one is buying it.

You have outed yourselves.



Who are you addressing with this post? I have barely addressed this topic on any thread. I am actually not even aware of all the details/facts.
No one is going to forget you all invented and parroted a story about Obama watching the four Americans being killed.

All your bluster and question asking is way too late now. You didn't question the "Obama watched while they died" bullshit. Don't pretend to be interested in the facts now. No one is buying it.

You have outed yourselves.



Who are you addressing with this post? I have barely addressed this topic. I am actually not even aware of all the details/facts.

I am addressing the fact that a lot of people drank a lot of piss about Obama watching the four Americans dying and that he sent a "stand down" order.

A lot of assholes pulled a lot of shit out of their asses to try to throw in the last week before the election.

This was not search for the truth. And your questions are not, either. They are just another "what other kind of shit can we throw at Obama right now?"

None of you are interested in the facts. And you are forgetting that you are setting a standard which any Republican President will have to held to as well. All this second-guessing, armchair quarterbacking bullshit by people who have no clue how the military operates nor any firsthand information from those actually involved is sickening to behold.

You all have set a new low in assholery.

There is not enough information available right now to make ANY judgments about ANYTHING.

Christ, how long did it take for a report on 9/11 to come out? Years. I would bet a million dollars not one of you assholes was second-guessing Bush and making shit up before the facts were known.

I bet many of you were criticizing those who were making shit up and second-guessing Bush.

I cannot stand hypocrisy.


This should be interesting. Start back in June when the consolate was attacked and requests to keep special units in place fell on deaf ears....

You know when the rest of the world started moving their operations out of the region because of safety concerns.

I really want to know how you guys think this went down.

The ones that care, will probably stay silent. The rest will find a way to deny it all.
This should be interesting. Start back in June when the consolate was attacked and requests to keep special units in place fell on deaf ears....

You know when the rest of the world started moving their operations out of the region because of safety concerns.

I really want to know how you guys think this went down.

Here is what happened. This was another act of violence against America by radical Muslims. The radical Muslims have many names does it matter which group it was? I don't think so, because we are fighting an idea. This was an act of violence that killed Americans. Does it matter whether it was called terrorism or not, or how soon it was called terrorism? I don't think so, what it is called is irrelevant to what it was.

When the military is involved and, only the military is involved, it is very easy and quick to find blame and the source of the break down. When private contractors our introduced into the mix things start getting hazy because private bussiness is about profits. Some things the government just does better.

There are so many things wrong with the concept of "Embassies" today that I think we should really rethink our need for them. Having embassies in places like the middle east are asking for trouble, and we try to look suprise when things like this happen.

Could it have been planned or spontaneous? Does it matter. Over there everyone has those types of weapons in their closet. To muster that kind of fire power would not be hard. The attack was probably planned years ago and was just waiting for the opportunity, as is with most terrorist attacks. They are already planned. They are just needing opportunity and resources.

This issue is nonsense. I consider myself an liberal moderate.
No one is going to forget you all invented and parroted a story about Obama watching the four Americans being killed.

All your bluster and question asking is way too late now. You didn't question the "Obama watched while they died" bullshit. Don't pretend to be interested in the facts now. No one is buying it.

You have outed yourselves.



Who are you addressing with this post? I have barely addressed this topic. I am actually not even aware of all the details/facts.

I am addressing the fact that a lot of people drank a lot of piss about Obama watching the four Americans dying and that he sent a "stand down" order.

A lot of assholes pulled a lot of shit out of their asses to try to throw in the last week before the election.

This was not search for the truth. And your questions are not, either. They are just another "what other kind of shit can we throw at Obama right now?"

None of you are interested in the facts. And you are forgetting that you are setting a standard which any Republican President will have to held to as well. All this second-guessing, armchair quarterbacking bullshit by people who have no clue how the military operates nor any firsthand information from those actually involved is sickening to behold.

You all have set a new low in assholery.

There is not enough information available right now to make ANY judgments about ANYTHING.

Christ, how long did it take for a report on 9/11 to come out? Years. I would bet a million dollars not one of you assholes was second-guessing Bush and making shit up before the facts were known.

I bet many of you were criticizing those who were making shit up and second-guessing Bush.

I cannot stand hypocrisy.



Who likes hypocrisy? Geesh I haven't read every post on this topic nor even every thread so please cut me some slack if I have not posted in some manner you think I should. Address people directly will ya?

BS by the way, I am interested in the facts however this is not a damn court of law or an official inquiry sir. This is a silly ass message board. We ALL shoot the shit about lots of speculative topics many filled with varying degrees of bloviating and spin from BOTH sides. Chill. Just have fun. K? Ok it is safe to return to your rant. I am done with mine. :D
This should be interesting. Start back in June when the consolate was attacked and requests to keep special units in place fell on deaf ears....

You know when the rest of the world started moving their operations out of the region because of safety concerns.

I really want to know how you guys think this went down.

CBS (11/01/12): If the MSM reports on this,,,, The dam’s starting to break.

“The [Counterterrorism Security Group] is the one group that’s supposed to know what resources every agency has. They know of multiple options and have the ability to coordinate counterterrorism assets across all the agencies,” a high-ranking government official told CBS News. “They were not allowed to do their job. They were not called upon.”…

Counterterrorism sources and internal emails reviewed by CBS News express frustration that key responders were ready to deploy, but were not called upon to help in the attack…

Another senior counter terrorism official says a hostage rescue team was alternately asked to get ready and then stand down throughout the night, as officials seemed unable to make up their minds.

A third potential responder from a counter-terror force stationed in Europe says components of AFICOM — the military’s Africa Command based in Stuttgart, Germany — were working on course of action during the assault. But no plan was put to use…

“The response process was isolated at the most senior level,” says an official referring to top officials in the executive branch. “My fellow counterterrorism professionals and I (were) not consulted.”​
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So What do you Lefties Claim Happened in Benghazi?
Whatever Obama says today.

When he changes his story, THAT'S what they will claim happened.
What happened?

Bush sold out the American people by cozying up to the terrorist Ghadaffi, and we're now suffering the consequences.

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