So What do you Lefties Claim Happened in Benghazi?

My sane friends, please...

You're talking to people who insist Obama never called the killings acts of terror even after being shown Obama calling them acts of terror.

These people are mental.

Stop torturing yourselves imagining that you can have an intelligent conversation with these people.
[ame=]CNN's Candy Crowley: Romney Was Actually Right On Libya - YouTube[/ame]
Oh please.

Your the only one talking about Foster.

Eight weeks later and your still believing that there was no force that could have been deployed?

Hell. Europe was a couple of hours away. General Hamm was willing to repond. Do you think he would send the cook??

That fight lasted seven hours. Thats seven hours to deploy assistance. It never came because stand down were the only given. It was to "risky."

What I think is that hindsight is 20/20, and you guys have been spending 8 weeks trying to come up with scenarios that somehow, some way, Obama was guilty of something.

Europe is a couple of hours away... Oh, yeah, that makes sense.

So lets say the administration did take the necessary, obvious action at the time, but hind sight they could have done more (this is a BS statement because apparently we were the only ones who didn't take necessary action at the time). So why did the administration talk about an obscure youtube video and a protest for at least 2 weeks when they had overwhelming evidence to the contrary, i.e. two real time feeds of the attack taking place for 6 hrs and 20 mins? How is that them (the administration) not trying to cover it up? How do you explain the reasoning for talking about a video and a spontaneous protest, when it was obviously a planned terrorist attack that left 4 dead. Did the administration not believe what its eyes were seeing?

And yea we have many military bases in Europe and dont forget Tripoli, along with plenty of our NATO allies that could have been called in for quick air support (not that we ever needed to call on NATO). Mind you the air support would have been supersonic jets or an AC-130 nearby that could have easily made it there within two hours...not commercial jets idiot. And Tyrone Woods was laser designating the mortar team that wound up killing him because he figured there had to be some sort of air support by then... but there never was.
Don't forget
if you don't agree with Papa Obama's fabrication of events
then no doubt, you are a racist
Don't forget
if you don't agree with Papa Obama's fabrication of events
then no doubt, you are a racist

Haha right, I dont like Biden, Pelosi, I guess that means I am racist towards whitie too right?
This should be interesting. Start back in June when the consolate was attacked and requests to keep special units in place fell on deaf ears....

You know when the rest of the world started moving their operations out of the region because of safety concerns.

I really want to know how you guys think this went down.

Nothing until we find out the facts after an investigation. I think that's a much better course to take instead of making up lies and inferences in order to use that tragedy as a political football.
This version sounds more plausible to me.
David Ignatius: In Benghazi timeline, CIA errors but no evidence of conspiracy - Redlands Daily Facts
This should be interesting. Start back in June when the consolate was attacked and requests to keep special units in place fell on deaf ears....

You know when the rest of the world started moving their operations out of the region because of safety concerns.

I really want to know how you guys think this went down.

It's easy. It started last year when Hillary Clinton warned Republicans that if they keep cutting hundreds of millions of dollars from embassy security, someone could get hurt.

Republicans refused to listen. The second time they ignored a warning by a Clinton. Obama had to take out Bin Laden because Republicans let him go. So much for the first warning.

No matter what you guys say, Hillary warned the Republicans. They rejected her warning.
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So What do you Lefties Claim Happened in Benghazi?
Whatever Obama says today.

When he changes his story, THAT'S what they will claim happened.

Just like the MSM cover-up for him
Is there really any difference...?

Study: Media Framed Benghazi In Obama’s Terms

From CMPA (George Mason) non-profit, non-partisan research organization
Of course. The media got their marching orders, and dutifully served The One.
This should be interesting. Start back in June when the consolate was attacked and requests to keep special units in place fell on deaf ears....

You know when the rest of the world started moving their operations out of the region because of safety concerns.

I really want to know how you guys think this went down.

It's easy. It started last year when Hillary Clinton warned Republicans that if they keep cutting hundreds of millions of dollars from embassy security, someone could get hurt.

Republicans refused to listen. The second time they ignored a warning by a Clinton. Obama had to take out Bin Laden because Republicans let him go. So much for the first warning.

No matter what you guys say, Hillary warned the Republicans. They rejected her warning.
If you stopped lying, your post count would remain static.

Dems accuse GOP of cutting security funding in Libya despite majority Dem support for vote | The Daily Caller

House Democrats opened Wednesday’s House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing by attacking Republicans for cuts to embassy security funding — cuts that only happened thanks to overwhelming support from House Democrats, including House Oversight Committee Ranking Democratic member Rep. Elijah Cummings. In fact, more House Democrats – 149 of them — voted for the cuts than did House Republicans, of which 147 voted for them.


Cummings and the Democratic staff memo don’t mention that Democrats made those cuts into embassy security funding possible.​
Dumbfuck...what happened in Iraq is Bush after 9-11 actually executed the order by Bill Clinton back in 1998 that Saddam should be removed from power. :eusa_whistle:

I guess living in a hole has you all confused.

heck, im still trying to see if we can get answers on Iraq. Since the right has no answers for their failed cowboy attempt in Iraq. I think Libya takes a back seat.
This should be interesting. Start back in June when the consolate was attacked and requests to keep special units in place fell on deaf ears....

You know when the rest of the world started moving their operations out of the region because of safety concerns.

I really want to know how you guys think this went down.

It's easy. It started last year when Hillary Clinton warned Republicans that if they keep cutting hundreds of millions of dollars from embassy security, someone could get hurt.

Republicans refused to listen. The second time they ignored a warning by a Clinton. Obama had to take out Bin Laden because Republicans let him go. So much for the first warning.

No matter what you guys say, Hillary warned the Republicans. They rejected her warning.
If you stopped lying, your post count would remain static.

Dems accuse GOP of cutting security funding in Libya despite majority Dem support for vote | The Daily Caller

House Democrats opened Wednesday’s House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing by attacking Republicans for cuts to embassy security funding — cuts that only happened thanks to overwhelming support from House Democrats, including House Oversight Committee Ranking Democratic member Rep. Elijah Cummings. In fact, more House Democrats – 149 of them — voted for the cuts than did House Republicans, of which 147 voted for them.


Cummings and the Democratic staff memo don’t mention that Democrats made those cuts into embassy security funding possible.​

Republicans are in charge of congress. No matter who they trick into voting for what. They are in charge. end of story.
Our Govt should have pulled our diplomats out when the Brits and everyone else left.

Failing that they should have beefed up security big time.

They did neither and the consulate was attacked. They got most of the consulate staff out and to safety but the three men left inside fought a 7 hour battle waiting for help that Barry and his boys decided was to risky to send. "Risky?' More like they didn't want any Libyans killed so decided to sacrifice those three very brave Americans. Political expediency.

Then Barry and the boys tried to say it was a demonstration and not a terrorist attack. The blamed it on a video no one ever knew about or saw. Hell. They went so far as the have the video make arrested. They tried to cover their asses.

Since then its been cover your ass time and never mind that those three Americans are dead.

None of the lefties on this board seem to care about those three Americans either. Its all about lets re-elect that dumb fuck at all costs. Who cares about that pesky "collateral damage?"

I continue to wonder how this administration would have handled the situation if all thirty of these survivors had been murdered, after torture and mutilation in the typical Muslim fashion. Would they have reacted in the same way? Would Obama have gone to bed and to Vegas the next day with not a care in the world other than the election? Would Obama have sent the QRF to gather the remains of these victims? Who would the Left be blaming for all this, Boosh? Oh, Oh, I know Mitt Romney for telling the truth on Sep 12, 2012.
It's easy. It started last year when Hillary Clinton warned Republicans that if they keep cutting hundreds of millions of dollars from embassy security, someone could get hurt.

Republicans refused to listen. The second time they ignored a warning by a Clinton. Obama had to take out Bin Laden because Republicans let him go. So much for the first warning.

No matter what you guys say, Hillary warned the Republicans. They rejected her warning.
If you stopped lying, your post count would remain static.

Dems accuse GOP of cutting security funding in Libya despite majority Dem support for vote | The Daily Caller

House Democrats opened Wednesday’s House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing by attacking Republicans for cuts to embassy security funding — cuts that only happened thanks to overwhelming support from House Democrats, including House Oversight Committee Ranking Democratic member Rep. Elijah Cummings. In fact, more House Democrats – 149 of them — voted for the cuts than did House Republicans, of which 147 voted for them.


Cummings and the Democratic staff memo don’t mention that Democrats made those cuts into embassy security funding possible.​

Republicans are in charge of congress. No matter who they trick into voting for what. They are in charge. end of story. House Dems are so stupid they can easily be tricked.

Thanks for confirming.
Why don't you ask all those big name Dems who voted for the war in Iraq.

Would you like a list to help you get started?

I dont need your list, I am fully aware. However, what I do want to know is why the Republicans, primarily the Bush clan had a hard on for Iraq that cost the US dearly in both human lives and materials. Talk about fraud waste and abuse.

Libya is a side show.

Successful deflection. A thread that started about Benghazi is now fully about the repeatedly debunked myth that Iraq was Bush's lie. Well played. You sir must be in the party.
This should be interesting. Start back in June when the consolate was attacked and requests to keep special units in place fell on deaf ears....

You know when the rest of the world started moving their operations out of the region because of safety concerns.

I really want to know how you guys think this went down.

Should we wait until all the facts are made available or should we just make it up like the right would do?
It's easy. It started last year when Hillary Clinton warned Republicans that if they keep cutting hundreds of millions of dollars from embassy security, someone could get hurt.

Republicans refused to listen. The second time they ignored a warning by a Clinton. Obama had to take out Bin Laden because Republicans let him go. So much for the first warning.

No matter what you guys say, Hillary warned the Republicans. They rejected her warning.
If you stopped lying, your post count would remain static.

Dems accuse GOP of cutting security funding in Libya despite majority Dem support for vote | The Daily Caller

House Democrats opened Wednesday’s House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing by attacking Republicans for cuts to embassy security funding — cuts that only happened thanks to overwhelming support from House Democrats, including House Oversight Committee Ranking Democratic member Rep. Elijah Cummings. In fact, more House Democrats – 149 of them — voted for the cuts than did House Republicans, of which 147 voted for them.


Cummings and the Democratic staff memo don’t mention that Democrats made those cuts into embassy security funding possible.​

Republicans are in charge of congress. No matter who they trick into voting for what. They are in charge. end of story.

Wow... you really are this stupid.

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