So What Do You Think Is A Fair And Decent Wage?...

Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.

Any wage has to be based on what job you are performing. There is no real way to answer your question. People should not be limited in what they can earn in any way, so long as they are not circumventing the system to do it.

What I believe is more important is the idea that any person who works full-time should be able to at least put a roof over his/her head, have enough money to eat properly, and have access to full health care services. As for wages, you can't put a set number on those either even as a minimum because minimum wages should reflect the cost of living in a given area. While a person may well be able to get by on $8.00 per hour in rural Mississippi, that doesn't fly in New York City or San Francisco, just as an example.
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It doesn't matter what your starting pay is.

What matters is you continually try to improve your marketable skills so YOU move up the ladder.

No one should still be making minimum wage after 1 year in the work force. If you are it's because you want to be.
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.

I already gave a rather lame answer, but the bottom line is the Federal government has no business setting a minimum wage for the entire country. As many have pointed out, the cost of living varies from state to state and city to city. If a minimum wage must be legislated, it should be left up to each individual state.

Several states have already passed a law setting the minimum wage higher than the feds in DC have.
Of the very few numbers thrown out there, $12 an hr. seems to be the most frequent number. Is $12 an hr. an adequate starting point for an average American?
Of the very few numbers thrown out there, $12 an hr. seems to be the most frequent number. Is $12 an hr. an adequate starting point for an average American?

It wouldn't be enough for me in my primary fields of most expertise and I consider myself an 'average American'. And it would be way too much for the kid I hire to blow the leaves out of the xerisscaping at our house. It would be way too much for the lady I hired to come in to do some extensive shredding of old business records that I needed to get rid of. They were average Americans too.

But I'm sure there is some work that $12/hour would be absoluely right for.
Of the very few numbers thrown out there, $12 an hr. seems to be the most frequent number. Is $12 an hr. an adequate starting point for an average American?

It wouldn't be enough for me in my primary fields of most expertise and I consider myself an 'average American'. And it would be way too much for the kid I hire to blow the leaves out of the xerisscaping at our house. It would be way too much for the lady I hired to come in to do some extensive shredding of old business records that I needed to get rid of. They were average Americans too.

But I'm sure there is some work that $12/hour would be absoluely right for.

Yeah i know what you're saying. I'm more interested in terms of people who are working to take care of themselves and their families. What does it take to get by in today's America. I know it's all estimation. Just looking for a general round-about number.
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.

Numbers can vary greatly between regions, urban vs. rural, that kind of difference. I would say a fair wage is what one man agrees to accept as compensation for his/her labor, skills, or experience. If McDonalds refuses to pay what someone considers "fair and decent wages", they should not accept employment there. If enough people refuse to work for an employer offering what they consider sub-standard wages, then eventually, better wages would be offered.
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.

Numbers can vary greatly between regions, urban vs. rural, that kind of difference. I would say a fair wage is what one man agrees to accept as compensation for his/her labor, skills, or experience. If McDonalds refuses to pay what someone considers "fair and decent wages", they should not accept employment there. If enough people refuse to work for an employer offering what they consider sub-standard wages, then eventually, better wages would be offered.

Or they'll turn to Government assistance. Which is what we're seeing now, more than ever. In fact, McDonalds now even instructs new-hires on going to Government Websites to sign up for Entitlements.
At least $35.00 per hour.

After all, if it is a fair and decent wage for a teacher, it should be fair and decent for a kid who flips hamburgers.

I detect a hint of sarcasm. But seriously, give some numbers. How much do you think an average American can survive on?

Depends on where you live. If you make $10/hour and live in the Texas panhandle, you will have a modest but sustainable life style. But if your job is in Manhattan, that won't cover the monthly Metro subway fare to get to and from work.

People in New Jersey who train-in to their jobs in Manhattan pay around $400 a month in public transit fares.

I agree that the typical one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work. Maybe let the various states set minimum wage, perhaps even break it down regionally.
Of the very few numbers thrown out there, $12 an hr. seems to be the most frequent number. Is $12 an hr. an adequate starting point for an average American?

It wouldn't be enough for me in my primary fields of most expertise and I consider myself an 'average American'. And it would be way too much for the kid I hire to blow the leaves out of the xerisscaping at our house. It would be way too much for the lady I hired to come in to do some extensive shredding of old business records that I needed to get rid of. They were average Americans too.

But I'm sure there is some work that $12/hour would be absoluely right for.

Yeah i know what you're saying. I'm more interested in terms of people who are working to take care of themselves and their families. What does it take to get by in today's America. I know it's all estimation. Just looking for a general round-about number.

But again are we speaking of one person supporting a family? Or multiple wage earners in the same family?

The bottom line is that $12/hour would be just a wee bit over the mean redline for the poverty level for a family of four in 2013. But of course those at or near the poverty level qualify for all kinds of government subsidies.

For Most of those who will be able to claim the subsidies are in working families with annual earnings between $47,100 and $94,200, according to a recent analysis by Families USA, a consumer advocacy group. More than a third of those eligible will be young adults between ages 18 and 34.instance according to CNN:
Millions eligible for Obamacare subsidies, but most don't know it - Apr. 23, 2013

If you do the math at the low end of that spread, it requires roughly $23/hour to produce that $47k income and $45/hour to produce that $94k income, but such people are eligible for healthcare subsidies under Obamacare.

Persons at such income levels also qualify for childcare subsidies and a number of other programs that, when added to their earned wage, can boost their overall family income considerably.
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I hear ya, but put some numbers out there. How much is appropriate for an average American to survive on?

A single person can survive on $6.25 an hour depending on where they live.
efficiency apt

The quality of life issue implied in your post is relative. What makes you "happy" is not necessarily related to one's needs. If someone wants to earn more there are always options to do so. The problem that I see is that many people have more ambition than they have ability or drive.

$6.25 an hr? Really? Is that with children?

"Single" being the operative word in his statement.
A single person can survive on $6.25 an hour depending on where they live.
efficiency apt

The quality of life issue implied in your post is relative. What makes you "happy" is not necessarily related to one's needs. If someone wants to earn more there are always options to do so. The problem that I see is that many people have more ambition than they have ability or drive.

$6.25 an hr? Really? Is that with children?

"Single" being the operative word in his statement.

$6.25 an hr for a single person with no children. Ok.
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes.

In one month at the very least a full-time employee should make 3 times whatever the average 2 bedroom apartment in that area rents for.
Of the very few numbers thrown out there, $12 an hr. seems to be the most frequent number. Is $12 an hr. an adequate starting point for an average American?

why do you say "starting point"......?

maybe it's today's "finishing point" for many....or at least the 'middle point'......?

today the median household income is approx. $50,000/yr.....

if you have 2 income earners each $25,000 (40 hrs/wk-52wks) this equates to $12/hr each person....
It depends where you live, $10 an hour would be good in Mississipi but wouldn't even be enough for bus fare in New York.

Good point. Is your number factoring in having a Family, or for a single person?

Both, but obviously you would need more income overall if you have a family. In that case both the husband and wife has to work, unless you are rich the days of the wife staying at home are pretty much extinct.

Not necessarily true. My daughter manages to budget using only what her E6 husband brings home. It isn't always easy for them, they make do, though. One modest car they share (paid for), no credit cards, and a sharp eye when grocery shopping. It is not easy but daughter decided long ago that whatever she could earn would most likely be spent on child are expenses so she opted to invest her time and effort in raising their children herself.
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.

Numbers can vary greatly between regions, urban vs. rural, that kind of difference. I would say a fair wage is what one man agrees to accept as compensation for his/her labor, skills, or experience. If McDonalds refuses to pay what someone considers "fair and decent wages", they should not accept employment there. If enough people refuse to work for an employer offering what they consider sub-standard wages, then eventually, better wages would be offered.

Or they'll turn to Government assistance. Which is what we're seeing now, more than ever. In fact, McDonalds now even instructs new-hires on going to Government Websites to sign up for Entitlements.

Government should never have gotten involved in the assistance business to begin with.
Good point. Is your number factoring in having a Family, or for a single person?

Both, but obviously you would need more income overall if you have a family. In that case both the husband and wife has to work, unless you are rich the days of the wife staying at home are pretty much extinct.

Not necessarily true. My daughter manages to budget using only what her E6 husband brings home. It isn't always easy for them, they make do, though. One modest car they share (paid for), no credit cards, and a sharp eye when grocery shopping. It is not easy but daughter decided long ago that whatever she could earn would most likely be spent on child are expenses so she opted to invest her time and effort in raising their children herself.

Our daughter-in-law also was a stay at home mom until our granddaughter was in college and even obtained a college degree during those years. She now runs her own videographing service and has obtained her real estate license, but they made it just fine all those years on one salary.
Both, but obviously you would need more income overall if you have a family. In that case both the husband and wife has to work, unless you are rich the days of the wife staying at home are pretty much extinct.

Not necessarily true. My daughter manages to budget using only what her E6 husband brings home. It isn't always easy for them, they make do, though. One modest car they share (paid for), no credit cards, and a sharp eye when grocery shopping. It is not easy but daughter decided long ago that whatever she could earn would most likely be spent on child are expenses so she opted to invest her time and effort in raising their children herself.

Our daughter-in-law also was a stay at home mom until our granddaughter was in college and even obtained a college degree during those years. She now runs her own videographing service and has obtained her real estate license, but they made it just fine all those years on one salary.

My daughter was studying to become a vet tech until funding for her program was cut, leaving her studies in limbo. She's looking for other sources, but money is tight for them. So much for those great programs to help people help themselves. But they do qualify for food stamps (which she refuses to take).

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