So What Do You Think Is A Fair And Decent Wage?...

Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.

If depends on where the person lives. In NYC or LA $10 an hour would barely make it if you could get anyone to work for that. In south Texas or middle Tennessee, one could get by on a little less. The problem, as I see it, is a few million single moms with several kids. Of course, very few of them are interested in a job, since welfare, food stamps, rent assistance, free cell phone, Medicaid and other freebies that come to a lot more than $20 an hour.

Good points, and thanks for taking a stab at a number. Lets exclude Government Entitlements. How much would be a viable Wage for an average American not receiving Government Entitlements?
Well, that doesn't really answer the question. Too vague. How much do you personally feel is a survivable Wage in America today? Just some numbers.

Actually survivable wage wasn't the question, you changed it. And your question is vague, so why are you expecting an answer that isn't?

I addressed your point pretty clearly just a couple ago. #62

So what kind of Wage in terms of numbers, do you personally feel an average American can survive on? I'm being specific. Just looking for your numbers. It's just a question. You're not on trial. All answers are acceptable in this thread.

I understand it's not a trap, and we agree on most things, I'm not against your intent. I'm just telling you that your question is too vague to answer. I've asked you a bunch of questions about what you mean and you haven't answered them either.

How people value their time and what their needs are is up to them, not me. My daughter graduated Duke and worked for me at the family business for only ballet lessons and some clothes over the summer until she started her job, which is in France for the winter. You could look at it as paying me back for an expensive education which I paid entirely, but she also had no expenses as she lived at home. She was also my personal assistant and gained incredible experience while really helping me with some of the hard to do tasks on my long term to do list.

Exactly how do you measure that? Everyone's situation is different, everyone's expectations are different. Even if there is no wrong answer, how can I create a right answer for anyone else? I could personally work at a gas station and live in a trailer and be perfectly happy. I won't work for free and obviously I earn a lot of money, but I don't do it because I need a lot of money to be happy. I don't even know how to measure it for myself other than to say it's my expectation is that I'm paid fairly for how much of my life I put into it.
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Lets not let the thread become mired in Political debate and diatribes. Try to think about it for a bit and then attempt to put some numbers out there. How much do you personally feel an average American should be able to survive on? This question will require some thought. There are many life factors to contemplate. So don't feel a need to rush in to type the usual Political rants. Just some numbers.

the answer to your question is very subjective....

an individual who lives at home with his parents might only need a part-time $5/hr job to support his hobbies....while another might need a full-time $500k/yr job to support a big family and expensive tastes....

unlike lefties who want to put everyone into a straight-jacket......Americans are a diverse group of individuals who have many different opinons....

Yes, but what are your personal feelings? How much do you think an average American can survive on? Just think about it a bit and then try to throw a number out there. You're not on trial. Any answer is acceptable. I'm just interested in your personal feelings on what kind of Wage = Survivability to you.

that all depends on what you mean by "survivability" in a cardboard box eating beans....or 'surviving' in your pricey McMansion with all the trimmings....big difference...

looking at the cost of living in your location is one way to determine an average income needed to is one example of someone making $35,000 (about $18/hr)....of course this example doesn't include Obamacare demands...and utilities and other costs keep going up....

Your income
Let’s start with your paycheck. While you know that Uncle Sam gets first dibs on your hard-earned money, you may not be prepared for how much the government will take. For example, if you earn a salary of $35,000, you’ll likely only see about $28,356 after federal taxes, Social Security and Medicare are subtracted. That doesn’t include state taxes or any deductions from your paycheck for workplace benefits, such as medical and dental insurance or a retirement savings plan. When all is said and done, you’re likely looking at a take-home pay of—brace yourself—$25,350 or so per year. That’s a net income of about $2,100 per month.

Your expenses
Now that you know how much you can expect to bring home, you can divvy up your paycheck. Here’s a general guide to help you budget your money to make sure your expenses are covered. You may have to make some adjustments for your situation. If you spend less on housing, for example, you can put the extra money from that category toward paying down debt. The dollar figures in parentheses are based on our above example of a $35,000 gross salary with a monthly take-home pay of $2,110 per month after taxes and other deductions.

•30% ($634) Housing
•10% ($211) Utilities and other housing expenditures (including renters insurance)
•15% ($317) Food (at home and away)
•10% ($211) Transportation (including car loan)
•10% ($211) Debt repayment (student loans and credit cards)
•10% ($211) Saving
• 5% ($106) Clothing
• 5% ($106) Entertainment
• 5% ($106) Car insurance and miscellaneous personal expenses

Home Budget: Cost-Of-Living Reality Check - Quicken Support
Ame®icano;8107836 said:
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.

Fair wage should be whatever your labor or service is worth.

Therefore, minimum wage should be zero.

I fired two people at my business earlier this year who when they left, the work for everyone around them got easier. Maybe 0 is too high...
Ame®icano;8107836 said:
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.

Fair wage should be whatever your labor or service is worth.

Therefore, minimum wage should be zero.

Ok, so what Wage do you personally feel most average Americans should be able to survive on? Just throw some numbers out there.

That's a trick question where wage is irrelevant if you don't count number of hours worked, taxes paid, city or state of residence etc.
Should people who don't need to work to survive be paid enough to support a family of four? This includes teenagers working in the summer for fall spending money; seniors looking for a small supplement and can't earn much, and bored housewives looking to get out of the house for a few hours each day.

Those are fair questions, but i'm not so much interested in debate. I'm more interested in what you personally feel is an adequate Wage for an average American to survive on. Throw some numbers out there. Thanks.

What ever the amount is that is negotiated between the employer and employee whatever it is.

In some countries the minimum wage is set by categories. Some categories are very low paid some are highly paid. That's more fair than an across the board minimum wage for everyone. Some tasks just aren't worth the minimum wage they get now. That's as far as I will go.

But what do you personally consider in terms of numbers, a fair & decent/survivable Wage? Just a round-about figure.
Ame®icano;8107945 said:
Ame®icano;8107836 said:
Fair wage should be whatever your labor or service is worth.

Therefore, minimum wage should be zero.

Ok, so what Wage do you personally feel most average Americans should be able to survive on? Just throw some numbers out there.

That's a trick question where wage is irrelevant if you don't count number of hours worked, taxes paid, city or state of residence etc.

Come on, is it $4 an hr? Is it $7 an hr? What do you personally feel is a fair & decent/survivable Wage for an average American? You're not on trial here. Any number you choose is acceptable. Some will agree, and some will disagree. But that's not the point of my post. I'm just interested in what Americans think personally about a fair & decent/survivable Wage.
Ame®icano;8107836 said:
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.

Fair wage should be whatever your labor or service is worth.

Therefore, minimum wage should be zero.

I fired two people at my business earlier this year who when they left, the work for everyone around them got easier. Maybe 0 is too high...

Different discussion entirely.
Ame®icano;8107836 said:
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.

Fair wage should be whatever your labor or service is worth.

Therefore, minimum wage should be zero.

I fired two people at my business earlier this year who when they left, the work for everyone around them got easier. Maybe 0 is too high...

Now you can say to your workers: "If you think you work too hard, I'll bring them back." :eusa_whistle:
You make a valid point. And i'm more interested in a number that excludes Government Entitlements. Because obviously you can survive on a very low Wage if you're receiving Government assistance. But i'll let you calculate a number any way you see fit. Thanks.

Come on, is it $4 an hr? Is it $7 an hr? What do you personally feel is a fair & decent/survivable Wage for an average American? You're not on trial here. Any number you choose is acceptable. Some will agree, and some will disagree. But that's not the point of my post. I'm just interested in what Americans think personally about a fair & decent/survivable Wage.

I think the problem here is you're trying to conflate the ideas behind a "fair wage" and a "livable wage", while still not adequately defining "livable wage", when they shouldn't be taken together in the first place.

The purpose of many jobs is essentially to provide supplemental income for menial tasks. They provide a "fair wage", proportionate with the value of labor being done, while still not being a "livable wage". $50 is a fair wage if you're doing $50 worth of work but it's an unfair wage if you're only doing $5 worth of work.

I think a better way of looking at this is asking what a person is willing to do for a livable wage and if the answer is "not much" then you probably have your "fair wage" answer.
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Actually survivable wage wasn't the question, you changed it. And your question is vague, so why are you expecting an answer that isn't?

I addressed your point pretty clearly just a couple ago. #62

So what kind of Wage in terms of numbers, do you personally feel an average American can survive on? I'm being specific. Just looking for your numbers. It's just a question. You're not on trial. All answers are acceptable in this thread.

I understand it's not a trap, and we agree on most things, I'm not against your intent. I'm just telling you that your question is too vague to answer. I've asked you a bunch of questions about what you mean and you haven't answered them either.

How people value their time and what their needs are is up to them, not me. My daughter graduated Duke and worked for me at the family business for only ballet lessons and some clothes over the summer until she started her job, which is in France for the winter. You could look at it as paying me back for an expensive education which I paid entirely, but she also had no expenses as she lived at home. She was also my personal assistant and gained incredible experience while really helping me with some of the hard to do tasks on my long term to do list.

Exactly how do you measure that? Everyone's situation is different, everyone's expectations are different. Even if there is no wrong answer, how can I create a right answer for anyone else? I could personally work at a gas station and live in a trailer and be perfectly happy. I won't work for free and obviously I earn a lot of money, but I don't do it because I need a lot of money to be happy. I don't even know how to measure it for myself other than to say it's my expectation is that I'm paid fairly for how much of my life I put into it.

It's a very difficult question. I understand that. I'm just looking for personal feelings on what kind of Wage would be deemed fair and survivable. For instance, will $5 an hr get an average American by without turning to Government assistance? Will $6? Will $12?
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage.

Whatever a person is willing to work for that an employer is willing to pay. A meeting of the minds on a voluntary basis...go figure.
You make a valid point. And i'm more interested in a number that excludes Government Entitlements. Because obviously you can survive on a very low Wage if you're receiving Government assistance. But i'll let you calculate a number any way you see fit. Thanks.

Come on, is it $4 an hr? Is it $7 an hr? What do you personally feel is a fair & decent/survivable Wage for an average American? You're not on trial here. Any number you choose is acceptable. Some will agree, and some will disagree. But that's not the point of my post. I'm just interested in what Americans think personally about a fair & decent/survivable Wage.

I think the problem here is you're trying to conflate the ideas behind a "fair wage" and a "livable wage", while still not adequately defining "livable wage", when they shouldn't be taken together in the first place.

The purpose of many jobs is essentially to provide supplemental income for menial tasks. They provide a "fair wage", proportionate with the value of labor being done, while still not being a "livable wage".

I think a better way of looking at this is asking what a person is willing to do for a livable wage and if the answer is "not much" then you probably have your "fair wage" answer.

It's cool, you don't want to put your own personal number out there. I was just curious about how many Americans feel about fair & decent/survivable Wages. I'm trying to get some sort of round-about figure out of em.
I hear ya, but i'm more interested in your personal feelings. How much do you think is a survivable Wage for most average Americans? You can calculate your numbers based on a single person or a Family. Either one is fine. Thanks.

Currently, thanks to the shitty economy, my husband and I qualify for food stamps or other assistance. But because we have no debts other than a small mortgage, and because we have learned to live frugally, we do not take any public assistance and live quite comfortably on a very modest income. We do not expect anybody else to provide us with more than we have.

Our kids each pay more in taxes than what we live on and they would not be happy managing on our income because they like to do much more expensive things than we ever do.

Which is why I say it is all relative. And you can't put a number on it and that is why I say there is no such thing as a 'living wage'.

A living income is not what it costs to pay a mortgage, pay utility bills, buy groceries, etc. A living income is what we have to have to live. The person who bands together with others to share rent, food costs, transportation, etc. can get by on far less money than can the person who chooses the luxury of living alone or in a single family home with his/her family, etc.

I do hear ya and thanks. But it's still possible to estimate a round-about figure. Many life factors have to be contemplated though. Such as Gas Prices, Food Prices, Rents/Mortgages etc etc... It's not an easy question. I just think it's fascinating observing what many Americans think is a survivable Wage. But sadly, so many won't even dare contemplate it. Because numbers tell the story. It's not about Politics. You can either pay a Rent/Mortgage, Electricity Bill, Food & Gas, or you can't. It's only about the numbers. That's why i'm asking people to put a number on it.

No, it isn't possible to estimate a round-about figure. If I go to live with my kids, I need O wages.

If I choose to live by myself with the same expenses we currently have, I can get by on that $10/hour or so. If I take in a roommate who pays half the expenses, I would need $5/hour. If I took in two boarders, I could cut back significantly on my hours. And I live in a pretty nice house in a pleasant neighborhood. If I took an efficiency apartment someplace, I could probably live by myself on less money than it requires me to live in our present home.

But the thing is, I have skills and expertise that can command a very nice wage when I am working. So I could work 10 hours a week or less and earn at least as much as my retirement income. So that has to be factored into the number you are seeking too.
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why shouldn't a "fair wage" be whatever you deem it to be....?

...afterall isn't that what government does...? it prints money out of thin air whenever and whatever it wants.....

:lol: (thinking like a liberal)
Ame®icano;8107945 said:
Ok, so what Wage do you personally feel most average Americans should be able to survive on? Just throw some numbers out there.

That's a trick question where wage is irrelevant if you don't count number of hours worked, taxes paid, city or state of residence etc.

Come on, is it $4 an hr? Is it $7 an hr? What do you personally feel is a fair & decent/survivable Wage for an average American? You're not on trial here. Any number you choose is acceptable. Some will agree, and some will disagree. But that's not the point of my post. I'm just interested in what Americans think personally about a fair & decent/survivable Wage.
Come on, you need to be more specific.
What do you consider "decent"? Rent the apartment or own the house, have a bare minimum or fly on vacation twice a year, wearing the same shoes for two years or changing a car every year... some may find it challenging to survive with $100K a year, while some would be happy with $50K.

But lets try this way. High school dropout, with no knowledge or skills, working as a general laborer in local department store in no-name town in Alabama should be happy if he gets $7.25/hour and consider himself being overpaid. Happy?
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage.

Whatever a person is willing to work for that an employer is willing to pay. A meeting of the minds on a voluntary basis...go figure.

Yes, but what is the Wage most average Americans can survive on. How much? What are your own personal feelings on the numbers. What does it take for an average American to survive in today's America? Is $4 an hr gonna cut it? Is $7? Is $10? What's your estimated numbers? Exclude Government Entitlements from the equation. What in your opinion, is an acceptable/survivable Wage for average Americans?
It's cool, you don't want to put your own personal number out there. I was just curious about how many Americans feel about fair & decent/survivable Wages. I'm trying to get some sort of round-about figure out of em.

It's not that I don't want to put my own personal number out there. You're just asking a question that doesn't have one answer and, I've only just joined this forum but, I assume you're doing that deliberately. "Fair" varies on the job being done.
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.

I think it's a nearly impossible question to answer.

While $10 per hour may be reasonable in some areas, it's not in others. $10 per hour in Topeka probably gets you 4 times the living as it would in San Fran or Boston. It becomes a can of worms
It's cool, you don't want to put your own personal number out there. I was just curious about how many Americans feel about fair & decent/survivable Wages. I'm trying to get some sort of round-about figure out of em.

It's not that I don't want to put my own personal number out there. You're just asking a question that doesn't have one answer and, I've only just joined this forum but, I assume you're doing that deliberately. "Fair" varies on the job being done.

Yes, I'm pretty sure you can be sure Paulition is doing it deliberately and in a very shrewd calculating manner. You notice the liberals have pretty much dropped out of the discussion at this point because they can't defend a number any more than the rest of us can; but to continue with the discussion they will be challenged on the AMOUNT that the mythical 'living wage' has to be.

And welcome to USMB. We hope your experience is reasonably productive if not always pleasant. I think you're going to fit in here just fine. :)

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