So What Do You Think The Average American In The Northeast Is Saying Tonight/Rest Of The Week?

:bang3: :dev3: :popcorn: The Northeast has been hit with one of the worst blizzards ever. To the extreme of losing power, and if they dont have a fireplace, can you imagine?
My guess is that maybe? Ten to Fifteen percent of those in the tri-state area and parts of lower Massachusetts are saying. {using CAPS only}..."F. T. S. !! I'm/We're Moving To Florida !!!
Hey! That's fine with me! You wanna buy my condo? I'll Make You A Deal !!! :party:

I don't know if it is one of the worst blizzards ever. We got a lot of snow, though this is nothing new. Blizzards and snow happen here in New England in the wintertime. I will say that it is terribly cold which is much more bothersome than the snow, TBH.
damn global warming! i hope the bunnies and squirrells are keeping safe and warm!
Praise Allah for Global Warming. Without it, it would be 10 to 15 degrees colder.

We have consensus, right?
Im gonna guess that the five most common things New Yorkers/Lower New Englanders said last night and today are:
1} M. F. Al Gore !!!
2} This Sucks! Im Moving To Florida !!
3} "What Do Mean We Don't Have A {fill in the blank} Generator!
4} Hey Junior! Go out in the back yard and bring in a load of logs!
5} {from manhattan}, Hey! Im Walkin' Here! Im Walkin' Here!, you goddamm {fill in the blank}
i wonder what the beavers are saying
:bang3: :dev3: :popcorn: The Northeast has been hit with one of the worst blizzards ever. To the extreme of losing power, and if they dont have a fireplace, can you imagine?
My guess is that maybe? Ten to Fifteen percent of those in the tri-state area and parts of lower Massachusetts are saying. {using CAPS only}..."F. T. S. !! I'm/We're Moving To Florida !!!
Hey! That's fine with me! You wanna buy my condo? I'll Make You A Deal !!! :party:

I don't know if it is one of the worst blizzards ever. We got a lot of snow, though this is nothing new. Blizzards and snow happen here in New England in the wintertime. I will say that it is terribly cold which is much more bothersome than the snow, TBH.
damn global warming! i hope the bunnies and squirrells are keeping safe and warm!

My bunny is warm and safe. I don't know about any of the wild animals though. It must be really sucky to be a wild animal in weather like this. I heard that lizards were dying from the cold in Florida. :(
:bang3: :dev3: :popcorn: The Northeast has been hit with one of the worst blizzards ever. To the extreme of losing power, and if they dont have a fireplace, can you imagine?
My guess is that maybe? Ten to Fifteen percent of those in the tri-state area and parts of lower Massachusetts are saying. {using CAPS only}..."F. T. S. !! I'm/We're Moving To Florida !!!
Hey! That's fine with me! You wanna buy my condo? I'll Make You A Deal !!! :party:

I don't know if it is one of the worst blizzards ever. We got a lot of snow, though this is nothing new. Blizzards and snow happen here in New England in the wintertime. I will say that it is terribly cold which is much more bothersome than the snow, TBH.
damn global warming! i hope the bunnies and squirrells are keeping safe and warm!

My bunny is warm and safe. I don't know about any of the wild animals though. It must be really sucky to be a wild animal in weather like this. I heard that lizards were dying from the cold in Florida. :(
it was all over the news. so sad. I hope the racoons survived these last two nights. over here, the only place i know of where u can get close to racoons and feed them is on lido key. i have fed them by hand time to time....cant wait to move back to sarasota and feed them again
:bang3: :dev3: :popcorn: The Northeast has been hit with one of the worst blizzards ever. To the extreme of losing power, and if they dont have a fireplace, can you imagine?
My guess is that maybe? Ten to Fifteen percent of those in the tri-state area and parts of lower Massachusetts are saying. {using CAPS only}..."F. T. S. !! I'm/We're Moving To Florida !!!
Hey! That's fine with me! You wanna buy my condo? I'll Make You A Deal !!! :party:

I don't know if it is one of the worst blizzards ever. We got a lot of snow, though this is nothing new. Blizzards and snow happen here in New England in the wintertime. I will say that it is terribly cold which is much more bothersome than the snow, TBH.
damn global warming! i hope the bunnies and squirrells are keeping safe and warm!

My bunny is warm and safe. I don't know about any of the wild animals though. It must be really sucky to be a wild animal in weather like this. I heard that lizards were dying from the cold in Florida. :(
it was all over the news. so sad. I hope the racoons survived these last two nights. over here, the only place i know of where u can get close to racoons and feed them is on lido key. i have fed them by hand time to time....cant wait to move back to sarasota and feed them again

Rabies is fun!
:bang3: :dev3: :popcorn: The Northeast has been hit with one of the worst blizzards ever. To the extreme of losing power, and if they dont have a fireplace, can you imagine?
My guess is that maybe? Ten to Fifteen percent of those in the tri-state area and parts of lower Massachusetts are saying. {using CAPS only}..."F. T. S. !! I'm/We're Moving To Florida !!!
Hey! That's fine with me! You wanna buy my condo? I'll Make You A Deal !!! :party:

I don't know if it is one of the worst blizzards ever. We got a lot of snow, though this is nothing new. Blizzards and snow happen here in New England in the wintertime. I will say that it is terribly cold which is much more bothersome than the snow, TBH.
damn global warming! i hope the bunnies and squirrells are keeping safe and warm!

My bunny is warm and safe. I don't know about any of the wild animals though. It must be really sucky to be a wild animal in weather like this. I heard that lizards were dying from the cold in Florida. :(
it was all over the news. so sad. I hope the racoons survived these last two nights. over here, the only place i know of where u can get close to racoons and feed them is on lido key. i have fed them by hand time to time....cant wait to move back to sarasota and feed them again

The wild animals around here will be fine. They might find it a bit uncomfortable, but they will survive. They live through every winter. They are made to live outdoors. Still, though, can't help but feel sorry for some of the animals out there though, and the ones in places where they aren't used to the cold temperatures.
:bang3: :dev3: :popcorn: The Northeast has been hit with one of the worst blizzards ever. To the extreme of losing power, and if they dont have a fireplace, can you imagine?
My guess is that maybe? Ten to Fifteen percent of those in the tri-state area and parts of lower Massachusetts are saying. {using CAPS only}..."F. T. S. !! I'm/We're Moving To Florida !!!
Hey! That's fine with me! You wanna buy my condo? I'll Make You A Deal !!! :party:

I don't know if it is one of the worst blizzards ever. We got a lot of snow, though this is nothing new. Blizzards and snow happen here in New England in the wintertime. I will say that it is terribly cold which is much more bothersome than the snow, TBH.
damn global warming! i hope the bunnies and squirrells are keeping safe and warm!

My bunny is warm and safe. I don't know about any of the wild animals though. It must be really sucky to be a wild animal in weather like this. I heard that lizards were dying from the cold in Florida. :(
it was all over the news. so sad. I hope the racoons survived these last two nights. over here, the only place i know of where u can get close to racoons and feed them is on lido key. i have fed them by hand time to time....cant wait to move back to sarasota and feed them again

I knew a woman who had adopted two baby raccoons when she found them hanging around their mother's dead body in the road. She took them home and raised them, and when she wanted to get them neutered, the state told her she had better get rid of them or they would take them, euthanize them and fine her, so she had to let them go.
:bang3: :dev3: :popcorn: The Northeast has been hit with one of the worst blizzards ever. To the extreme of losing power, and if they dont have a fireplace, can you imagine?
My guess is that maybe? Ten to Fifteen percent of those in the tri-state area and parts of lower Massachusetts are saying. {using CAPS only}..."F. T. S. !! I'm/We're Moving To Florida !!!
Hey! That's fine with me! You wanna buy my condo? I'll Make You A Deal !!! :party:
For one it was NOT "one of the worst blizzards ever"

We got less than a foot of snow in my area, big fucking deal.

And while I do not want to retire in New England I would never move to that stinking swamp of a state, Florida.
:bang3: :dev3: :popcorn: The Northeast has been hit with one of the worst blizzards ever. To the extreme of losing power, and if they dont have a fireplace, can you imagine?
My guess is that maybe? Ten to Fifteen percent of those in the tri-state area and parts of lower Massachusetts are saying. {using CAPS only}..."F. T. S. !! I'm/We're Moving To Florida !!!
Hey! That's fine with me! You wanna buy my condo? I'll Make You A Deal !!! :party:
For one it was NOT "one of the worst blizzards ever"

We got less than a foot of snow in my area, big fucking deal.

And while I do not want to retire in New England I would never move to that stinking swamp of a state, Florida.

We got 15 inches here. Not one of the worst blizzards ever, just a typical blizzard.
:bang3: :dev3: :popcorn: The Northeast has been hit with one of the worst blizzards ever. To the extreme of losing power, and if they dont have a fireplace, can you imagine?
My guess is that maybe? Ten to Fifteen percent of those in the tri-state area and parts of lower Massachusetts are saying. {using CAPS only}..."F. T. S. !! I'm/We're Moving To Florida !!!
Hey! That's fine with me! You wanna buy my condo? I'll Make You A Deal !!! :party:
For one it was NOT "one of the worst blizzards ever"

We got less than a foot of snow in my area, big fucking deal.

And while I do not want to retire in New England I would never move to that stinking swamp of a state, Florida.

We got 15 inches here. Not one of the worst blizzards ever, just a typical blizzard.
I wouldn't even call it a blizzard.

It was a run of the mill winter storm
:bang3: :dev3: :popcorn: The Northeast has been hit with one of the worst blizzards ever. To the extreme of losing power, and if they dont have a fireplace, can you imagine?
My guess is that maybe? Ten to Fifteen percent of those in the tri-state area and parts of lower Massachusetts are saying. {using CAPS only}..."F. T. S. !! I'm/We're Moving To Florida !!!
Hey! That's fine with me! You wanna buy my condo? I'll Make You A Deal !!! :party:
For one it was NOT "one of the worst blizzards ever"

We got less than a foot of snow in my area, big fucking deal.

And while I do not want to retire in New England I would never move to that stinking swamp of a state, Florida.

We got 15 inches here. Not one of the worst blizzards ever, just a typical blizzard.
I wouldn't even call it a blizzard.

It was a run of the mill winter storm

Not here. We had blizzard/white out conditions for most of the day yesterday. It was really windy and really cold too. Just miserable. Definitely a blizzard.

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