So What Do You Think The Average American In The Northeast Is Saying Tonight/Rest Of The Week?

The problem with going for a long time with no power failures is we lose the sense of precaution that prompts the purchase of such things as generators and propane heaters.

The retirement community where I live had a power failure eight years ago during a cold spell. That motivated me to buy a generator and a propane heater. I haven't needed to use them yet, and I hope I never do, but without that power outage eight years ago I would not have spent the money on them. After the freeze we are experiencing here in New Jersey I'm sure there will be a run on generators and propane heaters and those suppliers' stock will be an excellent short-term investment.
I would guess they are saying go west young man go west.
... The Northeast has been hit with one of the worst blizzards ever. ...

Not even close. This is no big deal for a New Englander.
My friend Burr Morris of Morse Maple in Montpelier, VT is saying "It's mapling weather!"
i have a feeling "are u talkin to me" isnt being said much in New York tonight

NYC is the Deep South. They don’t know winter.
They're saying, "FFFF......FF.......FF...........FFFFFFFFU.......F.FFFFFFFFFF...............F..............FFUU............................F.......FFUUC........

I would guess they are saying go west young man go west.
... The Northeast has been hit with one of the worst blizzards ever. ...

Not even close. This is no big deal for a New Englander.
My friend Burr Morris of Morse Maple in Montpelier, VT is saying "It's mapling weather!"
i have a feeling "are u talkin to me" isnt being said much in New York tonight

NYC is the Deep South. They don’t know winter.
Gonna be freezing in NYC 2morrow morning.I wish I could have 5 cents for every time a new Yorker says the F word
So did global warming freeze the 7 great lakes?
Great Bear and Great Slave lakes are frozen but the HOMES lakes didn't have 100% last I heard.
100% what?
ice coverage.
Gonna be a lot of icy roads 2 morrow. Just like in Russia

In Soviet Russia, you no slip on road, road slip on you!
I hear the safest drivers are in Russia
I would guess they are saying go west young man go west.
... The Northeast has been hit with one of the worst blizzards ever. ...

Not even close. This is no big deal for a New Englander.
My friend Burr Morris of Morse Maple in Montpelier, VT is saying "It's mapling weather!"
i have a feeling "are u talkin to me" isnt being said much in New York tonight

NYC is the Deep South. They don’t know winter.
Gonna be freezing in NYC 2morrow morning.I wish I could have 5 cents for every time a new Yorker says the F word
If we could tax them for that we could have the national debt paid off in a few years.
As I explained elsewhere, the only reason that I am not on board with your conspiracy theories about Al Gore, et., al., is because my tinfoil hat is malfunctioning and my messages from planet Zork are garbled. I blame Al for this, of course.

Fortunately, for your side of the debate, you have Trump and about 6 scientists who work for Shell and Exxon, plus maybe 3 scientists from the 195 countries who signed the Paris accord, Trump alone is convincing enough, because he has the 'best words":

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:bang3: :dev3: :popcorn: The Northeast has been hit with one of the worst blizzards ever. To the extreme of losing power, and if they dont have a fireplace, can you imagine?
My guess is that maybe? Ten to Fifteen percent of those in the tri-state area and parts of lower Massachusetts are saying. {using CAPS only}..."F. T. S. !! I'm/We're Moving To Florida !!!
Hey! That's fine with me! You wanna buy my condo? I'll Make You A Deal !!! :party:

I don't know if it is one of the worst blizzards ever. We got a lot of snow, though this is nothing new. Blizzards and snow happen here in New England in the wintertime. I will say that it is terribly cold which is much more bothersome than the snow, TBH.

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