So What Exactly Is the Crime Trump is Guilty Of?

Beating Hillaryous in an election is a crime against humanity.
I expect that will be the conclusion of this thread.

This latest conspiracy to frame Trump has Brennan's fingerprints all over it. The claim is the whistleblower is a CIA agent sent to the White House on rotation. Most likely a Brennan buttbuddy.

The claim the whistleblower's claims were credible was before the IG had the transcript. Didn't claim the claims were credible.

The whistleblower statement was written by lawyers, not the whistleblower. That will have to be exposed to understand who conspired to frame Trump.

The whistleblower complaint process was changed just prior to the complaint. Who managed to get that changed?

And how will the treaty with Ukraine to weed out corruption play out?

Still no crime.
The whistleblower complaint process was changed just prior to the complaint. Who managed to get that changed?
You bought that? lol

I thought you knew better than to fuck with me.

"Federal records show that the intelligence community secretly revised the formal whistleblower complaint form in August 2019 to eliminate the requirement of direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing."

The internal properties of the newly revised “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form, which the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) requires to be submitted under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA), show that the document was uploaded on September 24, 2019, at 4:25 p.m., just days before the anti-Trump complaint was declassified and released to the public. The markings on the document state that it was revised in August 2019, but no specific date of revision is disclosed.

Intel Community Secretly Nixed Whistleblower Demand Of First-Hand Info

what a maroon.
Beating Hillaryous in an election is a crime against humanity.
I expect that will be the conclusion of this thread.

This latest conspiracy to frame Trump has Brennan's fingerprints all over it. The claim is the whistleblower is a CIA agent sent to the White House on rotation. Most likely a Brennan buttbuddy.

The claim the whistleblower's claims were credible was before the IG had the transcript. Didn't claim the claims were credible.

The whistleblower statement was written by lawyers, not the whistleblower. That will have to be exposed to understand who conspired to frame Trump.

The whistleblower complaint process was changed just prior to the complaint. Who managed to get that changed?

And how will the treaty with Ukraine to weed out corruption play out?

Still no crime.
The whistleblower complaint process was changed just prior to the complaint. Who managed to get that changed?
You bought that? lol

I thought you knew better than to fuck with me.

"Federal records show that the intelligence community secretly revised the formal whistleblower complaint form in August 2019 to eliminate the requirement of direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing."

The internal properties of the newly revised “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form, which the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) requires to be submitted under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA), show that the document was uploaded on September 24, 2019, at 4:25 p.m., just days before the anti-Trump complaint was declassified and released to the public. The markings on the document state that it was revised in August 2019, but no specific date of revision is disclosed.

Intel Community Secretly Nixed Whistleblower Demand Of First-Hand Info

fake news
Time to cut thru the hyperbole.

Please provide the exact quotes from the transcripts that show law(s) have been violated.
Not some quote from a talking head, MSM, or Kos, the direct quotes from the transcript.

I’ve asked a number of times and the only response has been ‘we know he did it’

So give us the evidence.
It's right in front of your stupid fucking nose. Keep those eyes shut tight, won't you?
Here are the criminal charges that Trump and his hired thugs Giuliani and Barr could be facing.
The possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, explained

But please note that the House can impeach for "violation of the public trust." So either way, the House is acting within its Constitutional powers.

It’s worth noting that the House, which has the sole power to impeach a president, can do so without a finding of criminal wrongdoing by the president. In other words, a president who hasn’t violated the law can still be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a term that includes many actual federal crimes but that also includes what Alexander Hamilton described as “abuse or violation of some public trust.”


Impeach because we thought Schiff was reading an actual transcript.

Please run with that!
You didn't even take time to read any of that before throwing a funny at me and using it as an opportunity for the deflection du jour.

It appears your boy is toast.
I am sure I already know the answer but did you even bother to actually read the transcript or did you just let a reporter read it then run with that?
The article you noted does not actually follow what was said in the transcript. A large number of words were left out. The favor asked for was not in relation to Biden.
Time to cut thru the hyperbole.

Please provide the exact quotes from the transcripts that show law(s) have been violated.
Not some quote from a talking head, MSM, or Kos, the direct quotes from the transcript.

I’ve asked a number of times and the only response has been ‘we know he did it’

So give us the evidence.
Guilty of the high crime of being "a poopyhead." Such is the mentality of our bitter loony-leftards who - after 3 years of relentless butt-hurt - can't sleep, eat, or pinch a loaf.

Beating Hillaryous in an election is a crime against humanity.
I expect that will be the conclusion of this thread.

This latest conspiracy to frame Trump has Brennan's fingerprints all over it. The claim is the whistleblower is a CIA agent sent to the White House on rotation. Most likely a Brennan buttbuddy.

The claim the whistleblower's claims were credible was before the IG had the transcript. Didn't claim the claims were credible.

The whistleblower statement was written by lawyers, not the whistleblower. That will have to be exposed to understand who conspired to frame Trump.

The whistleblower complaint process was changed just prior to the complaint. Who managed to get that changed?

And how will the treaty with Ukraine to weed out corruption play out?

Still no crime.
The whistleblower complaint process was changed just prior to the complaint. Who managed to get that changed?
You bought that? lol

I thought you knew better than to fuck with me.

"Federal records show that the intelligence community secretly revised the formal whistleblower complaint form in August 2019 to eliminate the requirement of direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing."

The internal properties of the newly revised “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form, which the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) requires to be submitted under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA), show that the document was uploaded on September 24, 2019, at 4:25 p.m., just days before the anti-Trump complaint was declassified and released to the public. The markings on the document state that it was revised in August 2019, but no specific date of revision is disclosed.

Intel Community Secretly Nixed Whistleblower Demand Of First-Hand Info

fake news
maybe. but the links do show a before and after where the "first hand knowledge" is omitted and a box to check saying "well i heard about it" is now there.

what i have never seen yet is say one from 6 months ago and the one that is said to have been changed in complete form.
Time to cut thru the hyperbole.

Please provide the exact quotes from the transcripts that show law(s) have been violated.
Not some quote from a talking head, MSM, or Kos, the direct quotes from the transcript.

I’ve asked a number of times and the only response has been ‘we know he did it’

So give us the evidence.
It's right in front of your stupid fucking nose. Keep those eyes shut tight, won't you?
Here are the criminal charges that Trump and his hired thugs Giuliani and Barr could be facing.
The possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, explained

But please note that the House can impeach for "violation of the public trust." So either way, the House is acting within its Constitutional powers.

It’s worth noting that the House, which has the sole power to impeach a president, can do so without a finding of criminal wrongdoing by the president. In other words, a president who hasn’t violated the law can still be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a term that includes many actual federal crimes but that also includes what Alexander Hamilton described as “abuse or violation of some public trust.”


Impeach because we thought Schiff was reading an actual transcript.

Please run with that!
You didn't even take time to read any of that before throwing a funny at me and using it as an opportunity for the deflection du jour.

It appears your boy is toast.

Time to cut thru the hyperbole.

Please provide the exact quotes from the transcripts that show law(s) have been violated.
Not some quote from a talking head, MSM, or Kos, the direct quotes from the transcript.

I’ve asked a number of times and the only response has been ‘we know he did it’

So give us the evidence.
It's right in front of your stupid fucking nose. Keep those eyes shut tight, won't you?
Here are the criminal charges that Trump and his hired thugs Giuliani and Barr could be facing.
The possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, explained

But please note that the House can impeach for "violation of the public trust." So either way, the House is acting within its Constitutional powers.

It’s worth noting that the House, which has the sole power to impeach a president, can do so without a finding of criminal wrongdoing by the president. In other words, a president who hasn’t violated the law can still be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a term that includes many actual federal crimes but that also includes what Alexander Hamilton described as “abuse or violation of some public trust.”
I read the article. Trumps being accused of hiding the phone call transcript.
Which is now all over the internet.
Thank you.
Get out your dictionary and look up EXTORTION.

“We got him right where we want him this time.”
“I believe survivors.”
“Kavanaugh is guilty.”
“He’s definitely guilty of Russian collusion.”
“Oh wait, I meant obstruction of justice.”
“Oh wait, something about Ukraine.”
“Oh wait, all I know is he’s guilty of something...I know this because I really, really, really want him to be.” batshit crazy mothafuckers are fascinating as all hell and shameless as fuck.
Beating Hillaryous in an election is a crime against humanity.
I expect that will be the conclusion of this thread.
Well, that's because it's a pretty stupid thread. Just read or watch the news and you'll know exactly what the allegations are.
Honestly he asked what Trump was guilty of, not what the allegations were, there is a yuge difference. Only in politics and the court of public opinion is someone presumed guilty until proven otherwise.......... Of course that knife cuts both ways.
The question, in none partisan terms is; "did Trump actually break any laws", I personally don't know. That said to the best of my knowledge it is not unlawful to solicit opposition research from a foreign power which tells me this whole thing is purely a political smear job, like that's unheard of in Washington DC........ :eusa_whistle:
So it all boils down to "I don't like him SO IMPEACH IMPEACH IMPEACH"
You do realize that if a large portion of the country thinks this is a coup attempt, that a violent response is entirely possible?

How "violent" can more whining on Facebook and here be Marty ???
We BOTH know that's the extent of the Rights willingness to do a damn thing.

I guess that's what the north thought right before the South voted to secede, or what the Ancien Regime in France thought right before the peasants revolted.
If you want to leave, here's your hat. What's your hurry?
Beating Hillaryous in an election is a crime against humanity.
I expect that will be the conclusion of this thread.

This latest conspiracy to frame Trump has Brennan's fingerprints all over it.

...Tardo, you seriously think it was Brennan that made Trump hold up millitary aid to Ukraine so he can squeeze them for personal political favors?

Hey, petunia, the Ukraine President didn't know the aid was held up so how could that be used to "squeeze" him.

It was never mentioned by Trump.

Another libtardo conspiracy theory down the drain.

Dumbass, OF COURSE Ukrainian president knew that.

Help up aid was the context for the call.

In the conversation (which dupes like you should read for yourself instead of relying on Trump's propaganda) Trump specifically talks about how Ukraine is not reciprocating the generous aid United States is providing and then proceeds to tell Ukranian President who Trump wants investigated.

Direct text from transcript:

Trump: United States has been very very good to Ukraine. I wouldn't say that it's reciprocal necessarily because things are happening that are not good but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine.

Zelenskyy: I would also like to thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost. ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor...I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it.

Zelenskyy: Yes it is very important for me and everything that you just mentioned earlier. For me as a President, it is very important and we are open for any future cooperation.

Trump: Good because I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair....Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man...and I would like him to call you. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that.

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics
If there does not need to be a crime, there does not need to be a charge. Do try and keep up with what your own people have said.
Its true.Democrats can impech a POTUS for no reason other than being butthurt over losing.

But it's a really stupid, self-destructive move.

So far, Democrats are all mouth, no balls.
I expect that will be the conclusion of this thread.

This latest conspiracy to frame Trump has Brennan's fingerprints all over it. The claim is the whistleblower is a CIA agent sent to the White House on rotation. Most likely a Brennan buttbuddy.

The claim the whistleblower's claims were credible was before the IG had the transcript. Didn't claim the claims were credible.

The whistleblower statement was written by lawyers, not the whistleblower. That will have to be exposed to understand who conspired to frame Trump.

The whistleblower complaint process was changed just prior to the complaint. Who managed to get that changed?

And how will the treaty with Ukraine to weed out corruption play out?

Still no crime.
The whistleblower complaint process was changed just prior to the complaint. Who managed to get that changed?
You bought that? lol

I thought you knew better than to fuck with me.

"Federal records show that the intelligence community secretly revised the formal whistleblower complaint form in August 2019 to eliminate the requirement of direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing."

The internal properties of the newly revised “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form, which the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) requires to be submitted under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA), show that the document was uploaded on September 24, 2019, at 4:25 p.m., just days before the anti-Trump complaint was declassified and released to the public. The markings on the document state that it was revised in August 2019, but no specific date of revision is disclosed.

Intel Community Secretly Nixed Whistleblower Demand Of First-Hand Info

fake news
maybe. but the links do show a before and after where the "first hand knowledge" is omitted and a box to check saying "well i heard about it" is now there.

what i have never seen yet is say one from 6 months ago and the one that is said to have been changed in complete form.

The requirements for what constitutes a whistle-blower are set forth in 50 USC 3033 (k)(5) and can only be changed by Congress.
Time to cut thru the hyperbole.

Please provide the exact quotes from the transcripts that show law(s) have been violated.
Not some quote from a talking head, MSM, or Kos, the direct quotes from the transcript.

I’ve asked a number of times and the only response has been ‘we know he did it’

So give us the evidence.
It's right in front of your stupid fucking nose. Keep those eyes shut tight, won't you?
Here are the criminal charges that Trump and his hired thugs Giuliani and Barr could be facing.
The possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, explained

But please note that the House can impeach for "violation of the public trust." So either way, the House is acting within its Constitutional powers.

It’s worth noting that the House, which has the sole power to impeach a president, can do so without a finding of criminal wrongdoing by the president. In other words, a president who hasn’t violated the law can still be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a term that includes many actual federal crimes but that also includes what Alexander Hamilton described as “abuse or violation of some public trust.”
And if you think you want to impeach Trump for violating public trust, most Americans will ask why you can’t beat him next year then.

Impeachment of Trump will be for high crimes and misdameanors.

High crimes of Obstruction Justice on multiple counts and High misdameanors of corruptly abusing office to pressure foreign government for personal political favors.

Maybe Trump can win next election, maybe he can't, but that has little to do with Constitutional DUTY of the Congress to hold Presidents accountable for such gross abuses of office.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.

Is that the entirety of your non-argument?
If there does not need to be a crime, there does not need to be a charge. Do try and keep up with what your own people have said.
Its true.Democrats can impech a POTUS for no reason other than being butthurt over losing.

But it's a really stupid, self-destructive move.

So far, Democrats are all mouth, no balls.

I agree with all of that
So it all boils down to "I don't like him SO IMPEACH IMPEACH IMPEACH"
You do realize that if a large portion of the country thinks this is a coup attempt, that a violent response is entirely possible?

How "violent" can more whining on Facebook and here be Marty ???
We BOTH know that's the extent of the Rights willingness to do a damn thing.

I guess that's what the north thought right before the South voted to secede, or what the Ancien Regime in France thought right before the peasants revolted.
If you want to leave, here's your hat. What's your hurry?

The ancien regime wasn't allowed to leave, they got the national razor instead.

Ironically many of the revolutionaries met the same fate.

In the end, the Montingards always go after the Girondists.
Time to cut thru the hyperbole.

Please provide the exact quotes from the transcripts that show law(s) have been violated.
Not some quote from a talking head, MSM, or Kos, the direct quotes from the transcript.

I’ve asked a number of times and the only response has been ‘we know he did it’

So give us the evidence.
It's right in front of your stupid fucking nose. Keep those eyes shut tight, won't you?
Here are the criminal charges that Trump and his hired thugs Giuliani and Barr could be facing.
The possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, explained

But please note that the House can impeach for "violation of the public trust." So either way, the House is acting within its Constitutional powers.

It’s worth noting that the House, which has the sole power to impeach a president, can do so without a finding of criminal wrongdoing by the president. In other words, a president who hasn’t violated the law can still be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a term that includes many actual federal crimes but that also includes what Alexander Hamilton described as “abuse or violation of some public trust.”
And if you think you want to impeach Trump for violating public trust, most Americans will ask why you can’t beat him next year then.

Impeachment of Trump will be for high crimes and misdameanors.

High crimes of Obstruction Justice on multiple counts and High misdameanors of corruptly abusing office to pressure foreign government for personal political favors.

Maybe Trump can win next election, maybe he can't, but that has little to do with Constitutional DUTY of the Congress to hold Presidents accountable for such gross abuses of office.

3 years later and beating Hillary is still not a crime

You need to go get your head checked out, absolutely nothing in my post is about Hillary.
Time to cut thru the hyperbole.

Please provide the exact quotes from the transcripts that show law(s) have been violated.
Not some quote from a talking head, MSM, or Kos, the direct quotes from the transcript.

I’ve asked a number of times and the only response has been ‘we know he did it’

So give us the evidence.
It's right in front of your stupid fucking nose. Keep those eyes shut tight, won't you?
Here are the criminal charges that Trump and his hired thugs Giuliani and Barr could be facing.
The possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, explained

But please note that the House can impeach for "violation of the public trust." So either way, the House is acting within its Constitutional powers.

It’s worth noting that the House, which has the sole power to impeach a president, can do so without a finding of criminal wrongdoing by the president. In other words, a president who hasn’t violated the law can still be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a term that includes many actual federal crimes but that also includes what Alexander Hamilton described as “abuse or violation of some public trust.”
And if you think you want to impeach Trump for violating public trust, most Americans will ask why you can’t beat him next year then.

Impeachment of Trump will be for high crimes and misdameanors.

High crimes of Obstruction Justice on multiple counts and High misdameanors of corruptly abusing office to pressure foreign government for personal political favors.

Maybe Trump can win next election, maybe he can't, but that has little to do with Constitutional DUTY of the Congress to hold Presidents accountable for such gross abuses of office.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.

Is that the entirety of your non-argument?

What is your argument? Vague references to perceived violations with no actual backing.
Time to cut thru the hyperbole.

Please provide the exact quotes from the transcripts that show law(s) have been violated.
Not some quote from a talking head, MSM, or Kos, the direct quotes from the transcript.

I’ve asked a number of times and the only response has been ‘we know he did it’

So give us the evidence.

He's guilty of... ORANGE MAN BAD!!!
This latest conspiracy to frame Trump has Brennan's fingerprints all over it. The claim is the whistleblower is a CIA agent sent to the White House on rotation. Most likely a Brennan buttbuddy.

The claim the whistleblower's claims were credible was before the IG had the transcript. Didn't claim the claims were credible.

The whistleblower statement was written by lawyers, not the whistleblower. That will have to be exposed to understand who conspired to frame Trump.

The whistleblower complaint process was changed just prior to the complaint. Who managed to get that changed?

And how will the treaty with Ukraine to weed out corruption play out?

Still no crime.
The whistleblower complaint process was changed just prior to the complaint. Who managed to get that changed?
You bought that? lol

I thought you knew better than to fuck with me.

"Federal records show that the intelligence community secretly revised the formal whistleblower complaint form in August 2019 to eliminate the requirement of direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing."

The internal properties of the newly revised “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form, which the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) requires to be submitted under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA), show that the document was uploaded on September 24, 2019, at 4:25 p.m., just days before the anti-Trump complaint was declassified and released to the public. The markings on the document state that it was revised in August 2019, but no specific date of revision is disclosed.

Intel Community Secretly Nixed Whistleblower Demand Of First-Hand Info

fake news
maybe. but the links do show a before and after where the "first hand knowledge" is omitted and a box to check saying "well i heard about it" is now there.

what i have never seen yet is say one from 6 months ago and the one that is said to have been changed in complete form.

The requirements for what constitutes a whistle-blower are set forth in 50 USC 3033 (k)(5) and can only be changed by Congress.
i'll dig and look. i would like to see a form from 6 months ago compared to what they are showing today. in my own searching that has been pretty difficult to find.
It's right in front of your stupid fucking nose. Keep those eyes shut tight, won't you?
Here are the criminal charges that Trump and his hired thugs Giuliani and Barr could be facing.
The possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, explained

But please note that the House can impeach for "violation of the public trust." So either way, the House is acting within its Constitutional powers.

It’s worth noting that the House, which has the sole power to impeach a president, can do so without a finding of criminal wrongdoing by the president. In other words, a president who hasn’t violated the law can still be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a term that includes many actual federal crimes but that also includes what Alexander Hamilton described as “abuse or violation of some public trust.”
And if you think you want to impeach Trump for violating public trust, most Americans will ask why you can’t beat him next year then.

Impeachment of Trump will be for high crimes and misdameanors.

High crimes of Obstruction Justice on multiple counts and High misdameanors of corruptly abusing office to pressure foreign government for personal political favors.

Maybe Trump can win next election, maybe he can't, but that has little to do with Constitutional DUTY of the Congress to hold Presidents accountable for such gross abuses of office.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.

Is that the entirety of your non-argument?

What is your argument? Vague references to perceived violations with no actual backing.

My argument is that Trump commited the high crimes of Obstruction.
You want to read details? Sure go ahead: Did President Trump obstruct justice?

My argument is also that Trump corruptly abused his office in the latest episode of holding up millitary aid to get political favors from Ukraine, see above.

Do us both a favor and reply with something resembling substance in your next post. I know you righties just want to stick the fingers in your ears and no-no-no-no all day long when faced with Trump's obscene behaviour but given the facts it's just laughable.

Last edited:
Beating Hillaryous in an election is a crime against humanity.
I expect that will be the conclusion of this thread.

This latest conspiracy to frame Trump has Brennan's fingerprints all over it.

...Tardo, you seriously think it was Brennan that made Trump hold up millitary aid to Ukraine so he can squeeze them for personal political favors?

Hey, petunia, the Ukraine President didn't know the aid was held up so how could that be used to "squeeze" him.

It was never mentioned by Trump.

Another libtardo conspiracy theory down the drain.

Dumbass, OF COURSE Ukrainian president knew that.

Help up aid was the context for the call.

In the conversation (which dupes like you should read for yourself instead of relying on Trump's propaganda) Trump specifically talks about how Ukraine is not reciprocating the generous aid United States is providing and then proceeds to tell Ukranian President who Trump wants investigated.

Direct text from transcript:

Trump: United States has been very very good to Ukraine. I wouldn't say that it's reciprocal necessarily because things are happening that are not good but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine.

Zelenskyy: I would also like to thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost. ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor...I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it.

Zelenskyy: Yes it is very important for me and everything that you just mentioned earlier. For me as a President, it is very important and we are open for any future cooperation.

Trump: Good because I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair....Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man...and I would like him to call you. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that.

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

Wrong again, no where in there does Trump mention holding up money. Ukraine didn't know the money was under review.

Just give it a rest. Trump asked about the server. That falls under the corruption cooperation agreement we have with Ukraine.

And Biden already bragged about threatening Ukraine with holding up money.

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