So, What Happened?

He's just wasting your time trolling so you will waste your time explaining it and then it will simply say the same crap again. Standard procedure for all commie shills. I finally put them all on ignore.
I generally use the ignore feature as a temporary jail for the criminally annoying ones, then always let them out....currently empty .
While (R) watchdogs were routinely locked out of ballot counting areas, thousands of blank and mail ins went to Biden overnight, Dominion counting algorithms were manipiulated - testified

Interesting theory
You would think that when all those extra ballots showed up that the final vote tally wouldn’t match the totals reported by local precincts

But they did
Good thing cause all he's done is lie to himself since the election. You know the one where Bidung never campaigned yet got "80 million votes."

I'm sure he know he made a huge mistake voting for that walking, talking disaster but he won't admit it to himself. Lies is what he loves.
It'll get moved for sure....The maudes are specifically catering to people without functioning brain stems.
When it comes to government accountability, news boards and other alternate media are just a microcosm of the mainstream media.

The revolution won't be televised, nor will you hear about it on Facebook or Twitter or here at USMB.

Oswald assassinated JFK, 9/11 wasn't an inside job, and
the 2020 election was legitimate. That's all we need to know.
In 2016, he won by a slight margin because people didn’t like Hillary Clinton.

In 2018, we saw YUGE increases in the midterm election numbers on both sides but mostly for Democrats. Trump energized both sides of the country to vote, both for and against him, but mostly against him.

In 2020, we saw a continuation of the 2018 midterm election. Both sides energized to vote. Very polarizing election. Most people despised Trump so they wanted to vote his ass out.
I watched election night all night long live with Greg Hunter's podcast and others.....after Trump won Florida is when the 'steal' went into full operation. Starting in Virginia, and then Pa, Ga, Mich and the others we've all heard about.

While (R) watchdogs were routinely locked out of ballot counting areas, thousands of blank and mail ins went to Biden overnight, Dominion counting algorithms were manipiulated - testified to by military cyber-experts. ….the media, consistently a part of the whole operation.
So now we decide elections by who you think should have won. Talk about anti-democracy. You are nothing but a stooge for the propagandists trying to destroy America. You have no shame, traitor.
Interesting theory
You would think that when all those extra ballots showed up that the final vote tally wouldn’t match the totals reported by local precincts

But they did
Not one federal judge would look at the stacks of evidence.
Now that's some deep state power,, some of which is being WITHHELD at the SCOTUS.
YOu still are gonna be rehashing this on your death bed when you're 80. Pathetic and sad.
Actually, I voted for Jill Stein in 2016 and became a Trump supporter in 2017 ( thanks to Comey and Brennan and the Spy gang) -- I'm quite indifferent to your way of 'thinking'.
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I generally use the ignore feature as a temporary jail for the criminally annoying ones, then always let them out....currently empty .
That's why we have so many repeat shills! It's ALL your fault! Folks, we need to rally around this and vote Mikey G out of office! No more revolving door! :)
Not one federal judge would look at the stacks of evidence.
Now that's some deep state power,, some of which is being WITHHELD at the SCOTUS.

If blank votes were added to the totals
Why weren’t there more votes than local precincts reported?
Conservatives any idea how Trump managed to win the 2016 election but yet supposedly (which I don't think anybody with half a brainstem believes btw) Biden won the election of eighty-one million votes? (In other words I'm trying to ask how you believe the democrats stole this election the second time, but I have to watch what I say or the lib mods will move this topic into the conspiracy forum again probably. :rolleyes:)
Still con-fused, I see.
More MAGA tears. The whining snowflakes are still sad that they lost.

In this country, we have a process in place. If you suspect fraud then it’s up to you to prove that claim. We don’t make judgments based on your feelings.

You lost, crybabies. Deal with it. Fuck your feelings.

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