So, What Happened?

You can't name one way anything is better now.
It’s YOUR perspective that nothing is better. Not mine.

We have a president who isn’t a complete attention whore.

Biden is lowering the temperature while both Trump and Obama were throwing gasoline on the fire.

Stock market is up. Covid messaging has been much more consistent from our political leaders.
I watched election night all night long live with Greg Hunter's podcast and others.....after Trump won Florida is when the 'steal' went into full operation. Starting in Virginia, and then Pa, Ga, Mich and the others we've all heard about.

While (R) watchdogs were routinely locked out of ballot counting areas, thousands of blank and mail ins went to Biden overnight, Dominion counting algorithms were manipiulated - testified to by military cyber-experts. ….the media, consistently a part of the whole operation.

Absolutely untrue. At least in Georgia, and I'm sure in other states too, the absentee ballot are not allowed to be counted until the votes from the election day are counted. That is the law. So the fact that the absentee ballots were counted later is not part of some bullshit conspiracy, but standard operating procedure per the laws in the state.
Carter, Johnson, Bush I, I'm excepting the ones who were killed in their first term ---- others?
I don't see that I'm doing anything wrong. Unless you can point it out specifically then you're just full of it. :rolleyes:

Docs Wife, I am not going to tell you they did, or did not cheat. Certainly, they bent state rules in a few states, then add to that the GOP are a bunch of weaklings, and you get this. Nobody wanted to rock the boat when it was happening in the GOP, because they seen the returns and thought it was a slam dunk he would win. When he didn't, it is awful hard to overturn an election when nothing is ever said while it is going on. The American people did not have the stomach for it, they just didn't.

With that being said, please listen to me! If Trump can NOT prove that they were crooked by next November, we have to move on to another candidate. It is not fair what they did to him; I agree. But, without proof we can't put him up again.


Because everyone wants to imagine Biden V Trump without mail in ballots in 2024 on the conservative side. They imagine that Trump would demolish Biden with no problem, especially after how Biden has governed; and they are probably correct! Problem is, that is the incorrect scenario.

You see, it is almost a given that Biden is not going to run, or at the very least, a few other Democrats are going to challenge him for the nomination, and one of them WILL win that nomination. Look at the polls! Even the Democrats don't like his governance, and every far Leftist wants him outta there; as long as he is not losing to Trump.

So what we will end up with if we pursue trying to put Trump back up without proof that he was robbed is-----> A smiling Democrat without all of Bidens baggage, running against Trump that still has all of his baggage hanging on him, and then some with their Jan 6th narrative. That will give independents a reason to vote Democratic, because the only despised person running would be Trump.

Like I said before, is it fair? No! But reality has a way of waking you up. 2022 and 2024 is about America, not about how they rail roaded Trump, over, and over, and over, again.

In closing, let me say it is up to Trump and the GOP to conclusively prove that the Left stole the election, because if they do not, unless Biden is running against him, Trump is not going to win. While I am confident that the electorate would choose Trump over Biden, I am also confident that Leftists are not that dumb. Their policies suck, their politics are crooked, and they are a bunch of totalitarians, but they are highly intelligent, for if they were not, they would not hold congress and the Presidency today. We must all realize this!

Now, I am not telling anyone to turn their backs on Trump, but he MUST make good on a timeline, and he has about year. If can not deliver, then for the good of the country, he has to back someone who can win, no matter who/whom the Democrats put up.
imawhosure Trump has been able to prove election fraud many times it's just that so far nobody important has been willing to listen.

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