So What Happens If One Chooses Not To Wear One?

All who have questions of the school district can contact them here: Los Angeles Unified School District
You got waxed, bro
You are projecting again. Ever since you last disaster, the one over RouteIrish, you have been wandering around the Board fumbling and mumbling.

Speaking of deflecting, every time it's pointed out to you that you're a fake and you can't win an argument for some reason you keep squawking about some Route Irish BS. Just stop fool, nobody believes you're a republican and you can't hold your own in a debate. You were challenged by Alex and deflected...hence waxed
Lucy, how does LGBT recognition hurt the nuclear family? Nuclear families exist; they will always exist. Fascists like yourself are against others' civil liberties.

You simply don't think LGBT marriages are equal to yours.


That's because they're not.
Only in your mind, dear.

But . . . if anyone tries to make you marry someone of your own sex, flash the Jake Signal in the sky, I will don my SuperJake costume, and fly to your rescue.

Huh? I was referring to civil liberties....that they're NOT entitled to civil liberties to bring this degeneracy onto the streets and into classrooms.
The authorities beg to differ.

Sue them if you disagree.
All who have questions of the school district can contact them here: Los Angeles Unified School District
You got waxed, bro
You are projecting again. Ever since you last disaster, the one over RouteIrish, you have been wandering around the Board fumbling and mumbling.

Speaking of deflecting, every time it's pointed out to you that you're a fake and you can't win an argument for some reason you keep squawking about some Route Irish BS. Just stop fool, nobody believes you're a republican and you can't hold your own in a debate. You were challenged by Alex and deflected...hence waxed
You never argue a point, dear. You just make silly remarks. And you will never get away from the RouteIrish fiasco.
Explain yourself, fake republican. That was a really stupid response
It's as obvious as the other statements about those who should not around children.

Yes the biggest threat to children are Christians.

Whereas these weirdo degenerates the Leftists think should push the LGTB Agenda at every available opportunity onto children.





Homos like the above are filthy parasites who obviously suffer from some mental condition. No parent wants their child exposed to that filth

They need to keep this perverted crap INDOORS, it shouldn't be allowed to be on the streets in public. I'm not bothered with what they do inside their own homes, that's their business and not mine....but when they bring this exhibition of degeneracy into public then it's our business.

We have a right to call it what it is, perverted filth.
You have a right to your beliefs, yes.

You don't have a right to persecute or break the law.

Being degenerate in public, parading inflatable penises, simulating anal sex etc none of this WAS legal until the LGTB Militant crowd managed to get it "accepted" as legal, because OMG to refuse them means you're a "bigoted homophobe"
Lucy, how does LGBT recognition hurt the nuclear family? Nuclear families exist; they will always exist. Fascists like yourself are against others' civil liberties.

You simply don't think LGBT marriages are equal to yours.


That's because they're not.
Only in your mind, dear.

But . . . if anyone tries to make you marry someone of your own sex, flash the Jake Signal in the sky, I will don my SuperJake costume, and fly to your rescue.

Huh? I was referring to civil liberties....that they're NOT entitled to civil liberties to bring this degeneracy onto the streets and into classrooms.
The authorities beg to differ.

Sue them if you disagree.

The authorities have been infiltrated by the Politically Correct Fascists who of course fully agree with the LGTB Militants....which is why these degenerates are allowed to exhibit themselves in the first place.
I accept your flag of surrender yet again.
No you are too afraid to answer the question with your own thoughts and your own mind. LOL damn man this is just a message board.
I answered the question with my "own thoughts and" my "own mind."

You, little friend need to do your due diligence and stop being afraid of learning.
You deflected and ran away.
I corrected you and you are whining. Why are you so afraid of due diligence?

Los Angeles Unified School District
I am asking you for your thoughts.:slap:
Gay parades have been around for thirty years, Lucy, so get over it.

If you want to see a "respectable" gay parade, see the one in Salt Lake City in June this year.
The authorities have been infiltrated by the Politically Correct Fascists who of course fully agree with the LGTB Militants....which is why these degenerates are allowed to exhibit themselves in the first place.
You on the far right are the PC fascists who want to yank us back fifty years.

Not going to happen.
I accept your flag of surrender yet again.
No you are too afraid to answer the question with your own thoughts and your own mind. LOL damn man this is just a message board.
I answered the question with my "own thoughts and" my "own mind."

You, little friend need to do your due diligence and stop being afraid of learning.
You deflected and ran away.
I corrected you and you are whining. Why are you so afraid of due diligence?

Los Angeles Unified School District
I am asking you for your thoughts.:slap:
I won't argue with you until you understand the process in the LA district. if you are afraid of learning, then that is your problem. Your pitiful problem.
Gay parades have been around for thirty years, Lucy, so get over it.

If you want to see a "respectable" gay parade, see the one in Salt Lake City in June this year.

No, I and others don't have to "get over it"

When the political pendulum swings, as it's going to, these degenerate "laws" can easily be revoked.
The authorities have been infiltrated by the Politically Correct Fascists who of course fully agree with the LGTB Militants....which is why these degenerates are allowed to exhibit themselves in the first place.
You on the far right are the PC fascists who want to yank us back fifty years.

Not going to happen.

Marxist's like you Jake want a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah....makes me think, are you wearing hot pants and a feather boa today Jake? :tongue:
The authorities have been infiltrated by the Politically Correct Fascists who of course fully agree with the LGTB Militants....which is why these degenerates are allowed to exhibit themselves in the first place.
You on the far right are the PC fascists who want to yank us back fifty years.

Not going to happen.

Jake, I think you've taken up Comedy as a profession:

"You on the far right are the PC fascists"

On Planet Jake....the Right who are 100% anti-Political Correctness are "PC fascists" :uhoh3:
No you are too afraid to answer the question with your own thoughts and your own mind. LOL damn man this is just a message board.
I answered the question with my "own thoughts and" my "own mind."

You, little friend need to do your due diligence and stop being afraid of learning.
You deflected and ran away.
I corrected you and you are whining. Why are you so afraid of due diligence?

Los Angeles Unified School District
I am asking you for your thoughts.:slap:
I won't argue with you until you understand the process in the LA district. if you are afraid of learning, then that is your problem. Your pitiful problem.
Another jake fail:itsok:
LA Unified. The same Leftards who spent $1.3 Billion to buy an iPad for every student only to to remove them the next day after the kids figured out how to hack them to play games and watch porn.
All while many of the school buildings are not to earthquake code.
Well I read up on that fiasco. What a joke. Broke schools and govts wasting millions.
Read more: Los Angeles Admits iPad Plan Was $1.3 Billion ‘Gimmick’

The superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District has announced that the district is abandoning its much-ridiculed plan to supply a computer to every student, saying it is too expensive and describing the original vision as a “gimmick.” Cortines also said that the plan was half-baked from the start, as the district never developed a fully-realized plan for how to use the devices in class, or pay for replacements over the long haul.

The plan was criticized from the start, especially for its $1.3 billion price tag, and a trial roll-out in 47 schools quickly devolved into a humiliating failure. Security filters designed to keep students on-task were easily disabled, while dozens were quickly stolen. Teachers admitted that they weren’t entirely sure how to incorporate the expensive devices into lesson plans… Later, questions emerged over the procurement process, as Deasy and a top staffer were found to have a close relationship with Apple and Pearson, raising the possibility that the two were illegally favored when contracts were awarded. The scandal contributed to Deasy’s resignation last October. In December, the FBI raided LAUSD to seize documents as part of a criminal investigation.

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Reminds me of this beauty when the Obama “stimulus” package handed out $111 million to the city of Los Angeles for job creation and they got 55 jobs created out of that total. Govt at its finest.
L.A.: $111M in Stimulus Saved Just 55 Jobs | Fox News
The authorities have been infiltrated by the Politically Correct Fascists who of course fully agree with the LGTB Militants....which is why these degenerates are allowed to exhibit themselves in the first place.
You on the far right are the PC fascists who want to yank us back fifty years.

Not going to happen.

Jake, I think you've taken up Comedy as a profession:

"You on the far right are the PC fascists"

On Planet Jake....the Right who are 100% anti-Political Correctness are "PC fascists" :uhoh3:
You are denying that you want America to fashion itself in your political and social correctness. Yes, as you will know, you are a fascist.
LA Unified. The same Leftards who spent $1.3 Billion to buy an iPad for every student only to to remove them the next day after the kids figured out how to hack them to play games and watch porn.
All while many of the school buildings are not to earthquake code.
Well I read up on that fiasco. What a joke. Broke schools and govts wasting millions.
Read more: Los Angeles Admits iPad Plan Was $1.3 Billion ‘Gimmick’

The superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District has announced that the district is abandoning its much-ridiculed plan to supply a computer to every student, saying it is too expensive and describing the original vision as a “gimmick.” Cortines also said that the plan was half-baked from the start, as the district never developed a fully-realized plan for how to use the devices in class, or pay for replacements over the long haul.

The plan was criticized from the start, especially for its $1.3 billion price tag, and a trial roll-out in 47 schools quickly devolved into a humiliating failure. Security filters designed to keep students on-task were easily disabled, while dozens were quickly stolen. Teachers admitted that they weren’t entirely sure how to incorporate the expensive devices into lesson plans… Later, questions emerged over the procurement process, as Deasy and a top staffer were found to have a close relationship with Apple and Pearson, raising the possibility that the two were illegally favored when contracts were awarded. The scandal contributed to Deasy’s resignation last October. In December, the FBI raided LAUSD to seize documents as part of a criminal investigation.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Reminds me of this beauty when the Obama “stimulus” package handed out $111 million to the city of Los Angeles for job creation and they got 55 jobs created out of that total. Govt at its finest.
L.A.: $111M in Stimulus Saved Just 55 Jobs | Fox News
Thank you for reading up and posting intelligently about the subject unlike others who want to be spoon fed.
I would just tell them it's against my religion to wear gay pride buttons because pride of any kind is a sin in my religion. If they fired me because of this, I would sue them for religious discrimination. And I would win.
I would just tell them it's against my religion to wear gay pride buttons because pride of any kind is a sin in my religion. If they fired me because of this, I would sue them for religious discrimination. And I would win.
IYO. The program is voluntary, spuds.

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