So What Happens If One Chooses Not To Wear One?

They can work elsewhere.
Fag lover.
I'm sure Jake would thank you for the compliment but say no to your hitting on him.
How is calling someone a fag lover hitting on someone? That makes no sense.

It's the old cow's standard operating procedure, calling everyone what she is in order to insult them. Dumber than a sack of wet hammers
The authorities have been infiltrated by the Politically Correct Fascists who of course fully agree with the LGTB Militants....which is why these degenerates are allowed to exhibit themselves in the first place.
You on the far right are the PC fascists who want to yank us back fifty years.

Not going to happen.
You believe not wanting to see giant penises and virtually naked men simulating anal sex in public parades is fascist?
They can work elsewhere.
Fag lover.
I'm sure Jake would thank you for the compliment but say no to your hitting on him.
How is calling someone a fag lover hitting on someone? That makes no sense.

It's the old cow's standard operating procedure, calling everyone what she is in order to insult them. Dumber than a sack of wet hammers
SassyRouteIrish continues to cry and insult. Dear do you have a point?

Tilly don't go to a parade like that. We do not.
Hell, not only can you not pray, you cannot say the word God.
Of course you can. No one can stop you as long as you don't disrupt the educational process or infringe on your neighbors.

What you can't do is force your religious devotion as part of the organized school behavior.

Willie, Stalin never said anything of the sort. Look it up.

"What you can't do is force your religious devotion as part of the organized school behavior."

But you can teach children about the LGTB Agenda, even if it's against their parents' beliefs and any parent who protests is called a "bigot" and a "homophobe"

But Muslims can issue demands that are designed to change communities.

Again, it's just Christians who have to sit down and shut up.
And bake cakes they do not want to bake. Those gays would never have sued a Muslim baker.

The ultimate dilemma for the Liberals would be:

One guess.

The blog said that 30,000 rainbow badges were provided to Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) teachers, administrators and staff “to wear voluntarily that proudly identify themselves as allies and protectors of students who are LGBT.”

Feds Promote Rainbow Badges for Teachers, Staff at Public Schools to Identify as LGBT ‘Allies’
Cool, you can't say a prayer or fly your flag but you can wear a rainbow badge! Obama is an asswipe!
I'm sorry, but you can't make your point if you have to lie to make it. People most certainly can pray and can fly their flags.

Really? If I openly our loud said a Christian prayer what would happen? Can my children wear an American flag on their tee shirts without the risk of offending some asshole? No.
Say a Christian prayer out loud....go right ahead. But don't disrupt a class doing it....just like don't say anything else out loud to disrupt a class.....and sure, wear an American flag (tho that used to be considered disrespectful to the flag, you know)
Hell, not only can you not pray, you cannot say the word God.
Of course you can. No one can stop you as long as you don't disrupt the educational process or infringe on your neighbors.

What you can't do is force your religious devotion as part of the organized school behavior.

Willie, Stalin never said anything of the sort. Look it up.

"What you can't do is force your religious devotion as part of the organized school behavior."

But you can teach children about the LGTB Agenda, even if it's against their parents' beliefs and any parent who protests is called a "bigot" and a "homophobe"

But Muslims can issue demands that are designed to change communities.

Again, it's just Christians who have to sit down and shut up.
And bake cakes they do not want to bake. Those gays would never have sued a Muslim baker.

The ultimate dilemma for the Liberals would be:

Or a Muslim baker refused to bake a cake for a Christian.

Good point.
The authorities have been infiltrated by the Politically Correct Fascists who of course fully agree with the LGTB Militants....which is why these degenerates are allowed to exhibit themselves in the first place.
You on the far right are the PC fascists who want to yank us back fifty years.

Not going to happen.
You believe not wanting to see giant penises and virtually naked men simulating anal sex in public parades is fascist?

Yes Jake does, along with that other famous Fascist trait....defending the Nuclear Family :eek-52:
Okay, I get it. The teachers and staff can voluntarily choose to wear a rainbow badge to show they're allies of the LGBT folks.

I'm no attorney and didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I assume wearing one in support would also be an expression of one's right to free speech, no? If that's the case, would it not follow that other folks also have the right to similarly express they are not allies of the LGBT folks/movement?

So I wonder how the diversity loving left would react if anti-LGBT folks started wearing a rainbow in a red circle with accompanying red slash across it? Would they accept it as Americans expressing their rights of free speech, or have comple shit fit meltdowns over it?

I know, I know. Some things you don't even have to ask.
The authorities have been infiltrated by the Politically Correct Fascists who of course fully agree with the LGTB Militants....which is why these degenerates are allowed to exhibit themselves in the first place.
You on the far right are the PC fascists who want to yank us back fifty years.

Not going to happen.
You believe not wanting to see giant penises and virtually naked men simulating anal sex in public parades is fascist?

Yes Jake does, along with that other famous Fascist trait....defending the Nuclear Family :eek-52:
Lying my little fascist, does not help you. :lol:
Okay, I get it. The teachers and staff can voluntarily choose to wear a rainbow badge to show they're allies of the LGBT folks.

I'm no attorney and didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I assume wearing one in support would also be an expression of one's right to free speech, no? If that's the case, would it not follow that other folks also have the right to similarly express they are not allies of the LGBT folks/movement?

So I wonder how the diversity loving left would react if anti-LGBT folks started wearing a rainbow in a red circle with accompanying red slash across it? Would they accept it as Americans expressing their rights of free speech, or have comple shit fit meltdowns over it?

I know, I know. Some things you don't even have to ask.
That's a hate crime.
Okay, I get it. The teachers and staff can voluntarily choose to wear a rainbow badge to show they're allies of the LGBT folks.

I'm no attorney and didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I assume wearing one in support would also be an expression of one's right to free speech, no? If that's the case, would it not follow that other folks also have the right to similarly express they are not allies of the LGBT folks/movement?

So I wonder how the diversity loving left would react if anti-LGBT folks started wearing a rainbow in a red circle with accompanying red slash across it? Would they accept it as Americans expressing their rights of free speech, or have comple shit fit meltdowns over it?

I know, I know. Some things you don't even have to ask.
I can tell you they'd have a conniption and call you a racist, a bigot, a hater, and probably a dreaded Christian. Christians are their worst enemy!
Okay, I get it. The teachers and staff can voluntarily choose to wear a rainbow badge to show they're allies of the LGBT folks.

I'm no attorney and didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I assume wearing one in support would also be an expression of one's right to free speech, no? If that's the case, would it not follow that other folks also have the right to similarly express they are not allies of the LGBT folks/movement?

So I wonder how the diversity loving left would react if anti-LGBT folks started wearing a rainbow in a red circle with accompanying red slash across it? Would they accept it as Americans expressing their rights of free speech, or have comple shit fit meltdowns over it?

I know, I know. Some things you don't even have to ask.
Interesting. go to the website and find the person to ask.

Los Angeles Unified School District
Gay parades have been around for thirty years, Lucy, so get over it.

If you want to see a "respectable" gay parade, see the one in Salt Lake City in June this year.
They're in public so they should all be respectable.
They are in SLC. One of the best parades of the year and SLC has lots of them.

You seem to know a lot about Gay Pride parades and who has the best one's :eusa_whistle:
My main home is in Salt Lake and I go to the parades. The gay parade there is awesome.
They can work elsewhere.
Fag lover.
I'm sure Jake would thank you for the compliment but say no to your hitting on him.
How is calling someone a fag lover hitting on someone? That makes no sense.

It's the old cow's standard operating procedure, calling everyone what she is in order to insult them. Dumber than a sack of wet hammers
SassyRouteIrish continues to cry and insult. Dear do you have a point?

Tilly don't go to a parade like that. We do not.
Why should people have to stay out of an area because they don't want their children to see these virtually pornographic PUBLIC displays?
Fag lover.
I'm sure Jake would thank you for the compliment but say no to your hitting on him.
How is calling someone a fag lover hitting on someone? That makes no sense.

It's the old cow's standard operating procedure, calling everyone what she is in order to insult them. Dumber than a sack of wet hammers
SassyRouteIrish continues to cry and insult. Dear do you have a point?

Tilly don't go to a parade like that. We do not.
Why should people have to stay out of an area because they don't want their children to see these virtually pornographic PUBLIC displays?
Because that is how America operates.

Everyone has their rights.

You don't want to be offended, don't go there.
You on the far right want to offend but think you have the right to not be offended or confronted.

That is your stupid thinking.

Chill and stay calm, guys.

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