So, what is so controversial/discomforting about interracial romance anyway?

Who? When? Where? Under what circumstances? In what context?

Sorry Sir/Ma'am but I don't like how you are approaching me. Sorry to advise you but you are on my ignore list as of now.

Best wishes at the site.
If it's upsetting to some people tough shit. If two people of different races choose to be together that's good enough for me.

Any ideas on (or knowledge of) what about it upsets some?
When I see an interracial couple I am not offended as long as the male half is NOT with an attracttime female from my race. Leave us the sexy, pretty ones, but all the fat and ugly ones are fair game to whoever wants to tolerate them.
When I see an interracial couple I am not offended as long as the male half is NOT with an attract time female from my race. Leave us the sexy, pretty ones, but all the fat and ugly ones are fair game to whoever wants to tolerate them.

Thanks so much for being a problem for some is even in todays music with the song I referred to earlier describing it as doing the "unthinkable."

Would it be OK to ask why is it offensive for you?...again thank you for answering.
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unks a dood

and I dated a really hot chick, that was black. She liked me, even though I was much younger b/c I had gentlemanly manners (got the door, took he coat, etc)

we got stared at in public, made her nervous, not me though, it was exciting for 2 reasons, she was hot and I was young enough to think I could whip anyone.

this was in the mid 80's, so most people that cared are very old by now

I you're saying that nowadays race is not the issue that it use to be?

Presuming that that's what you're saying, a Black female musician named Alicia Keys made a very wonderful song (circa 2010) about interracial relationships in which she described potentially being with a White romantic partner as "doing the unthinkable." I wonder what makes engaging in interracial relationships doing "the unthinkable" to some...
there was - is a black female DJ that's on a morning show in Philly, who stated about 15 years ago, that she would never date a white man as it would be an insult to her family.

maybe blacks are more racist than we think? No idea
there was - is a black female DJ that's on a morning show in Philly, who stated about 15 years ago, that she would never date a white man as it would be an insult to her family.

maybe blacks are more racist than we think? No idea

For myself I don't think that racial preferences in dating/romance is racist...I have racial preferences but I don't hate anyone because they are whatever their race is.

What I'm wondering is why does seeing members of one's own race in an interracial relationship upset some people.
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there was - is a black female DJ that's on a morning show in Philly, who stated about 15 years ago, that she would never date a white man as it would be an insult to her family.

maybe blacks are more racist than we think? No idea

For myself I don't think that racial preferences in dating/romance is racist...I have racial preferences but I don't hate anyone because they are whatever their race is.

What I'm wondering is why does seeing members of one's own race in an interracial relationship upset some people or what about it makes it upsetting. far no one has claimed to be upset by it...
Do yourself a favor this image.

When I see an interracial couple I am not offended as long as the male half is NOT with an attract time female from my race. Leave us the sexy, pretty ones, but all the fat and ugly ones are fair game to whoever wants to tolerate them.

Thanks so much for answering...

Would it be OK to ask why is it offensive for you?...again thank you for answering.

As I stated, I only find it offensive if a member of another race is dating, marrying or having children with the very prettiest and sexiest women from MY own race. Why? Because we NEED the most beautiful women of my race to have the most beautiful children possible. Interracial dating that takes the best looking women from one race to mesh with another's leaves us with one less beautiful women to bless us with flawless looking children.
As I stated, I only find it offensive if a member of another race is dating, marrying or having children with the very prettiest and sexiest women from MY own race. Why? Because we NEED the most beautiful women of my race to have the most beautiful children possible. Interracial dating that takes the best looking women from one race to mesh with another's leaves us with one less beautiful women to bless us with flawless looking children.

I see :-D
As I stated, I only find it offensive if a member of another race is dating, marrying or having children with the very prettiest and sexiest women from MY own race. Why? Because we NEED the most beautiful women of my race to have the most beautiful children possible. Interracial dating that takes the best looking women from one race to mesh with another's leaves us with one less beautiful women to bless us with flawless looking children.

Kinda hoping this is sarcasm?
Everyone stick to the topic and stop flinging insults around, please
It's hard on the eyes?


really, this is news?

I know that it's discomforting for some but what I'm trying to understand is why is it discomforting? It's just a man and a woman being romantic with each other. What exactly about it would be so upsetting to some? (no scratching head emoticon available)

We're conditioned subconsciousnessly to react that way. By and large, despite the media depiction of other ethnicities on tv, it's always monoethnic depictions (black/black, Asian/Asian, etc.) interracial depictions are few and far between. So when we see it in real life it seems to us as unusual because in our tv world it is unusual.
We're conditioned subconsciousnessly to react that way. By and large, despite the media depiction of other ethnicities on tv, it's always monoethnic depictions (black/black, Asian/Asian, etc.) interracial depictions are few and far between. So when we see it in real life it seems to us as unusual because in our tv world it is unusual.

More than unusual it was described on this thread as "offensive" and the "unthinkable." It's actually a problem for some people I wonder why.
We're conditioned subconsciousnessly to react that way. By and large, despite the media depiction of other ethnicities on tv, it's always monoethnic depictions (black/black, Asian/Asian, etc.) interracial depictions are few and far between. So when we see it in real life it seems to us as unusual because in our tv world it is unusual.

More than unusual it was described on this thread as "offensive" and the "unthinkable." It's actually a problem for some people I wonder why.

Stop beating your imaginary straw horse, kid.
It's hard on the eyes?


really, this is news?

I know that it's discomforting for some but what I'm trying to understand is why is it discomforting? It's just a man and a woman being romantic with each other. What exactly about it would be so upsetting to some? (no scratching head emoticon available)

We're conditioned subconsciousnessly to react that way. By and large, despite the media depiction of other ethnicities on tv, it's always monoethnic depictions (black/black, Asian/Asian, etc.) interracial depictions are few and far between. So when we see it in real life it seems to us as unusual because in our tv world it is unusual.
it's unusual b/c it's unusual naturally

but good for noting that tv can force change
RE: "it's unusual naturally"

I'd disagree with this claim...nature is to not see race (my nature anyway) I believe. Different people could have different natures though.

(My racial preferences in romance are manmade and not natural I believe.)
RE: "it's unusual naturally"

I'd disagree with this claim...nature is to not see race (my nature anyway) I believe. Different people could have different natures though.

(My racial preferences in romance are manmade and not natural I believe.)
birds of a feather

it's not normal to go outside ones race for intimate relations.
birds of a feather

it's not normal to go outside ones race for intimate relations.

"Normal" could be relative I think...but don't birds of the same species come in different colors, like white pigeons and brown pigeons? Are you saying that white and brown pigeons only mate with their respective colors?

We're all humans like they're all pigeons. BUT obviously, different humans can have different natures
RE: "it's unusual naturally"

I'd disagree with this claim...nature is to not see race (my nature anyway) I believe. Different people could have different natures though.

(My racial preferences in romance are manmade and not natural I believe.)
birds of a feather

it's not normal to go outside ones race for intimate relations.

Humans are all 'within' the same 'race,' of course.

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