So, what makes an election "rigged"?

The do-nothing Republican Congress? lol. When was abortion outlawed? When was gay marriage outlawed?
the abortion issue is an excellent example of the ignorance of the democrat.
the issue was not to fund abortions, as in, if you want one, pay for it.
The dems turned that into taking away a womans right to an abortion.
False, nobody was taking away the right to an abortion, get one every couple of months if you want, hell throw abortion parties in the hood. But, dont expect others to pay for it.
Whats wrong with that? What the hell is wrong with paying for what you want in this world. The democrats seem to have a problem with it.

You know government funded abortions were outlawed in the 90s, right?
You know planned parenthood was still using government money for abortions dont you.

common sense? do you also not have a clue how accounting works?

Being that the PP financials are publicly available, why don't you pull them up and show us there professor.
Conspiring against one of the candidates running would make the election rigged. For example, the race against Bernie was rigged.

Why is this thread still going on?

How was the Dem primary "rigged"?
How did the DNC force the different demographic groups to vote as they did?

Your opinion. I gave the only answer. It's a unnecessary hurdle. As I said before, come up with a good reason as to why it's necessary at all.

Voter ID laws are discriminatory efforts to disenfranchise voters, courts rule

Two federal rulings issued this week strike at the core of states' voter identification laws, judging at least two states' efforts to allegedly combat voter fraud were thinly veiled attempts to disenfranchise the poor and minorities.

The rulings finding North Carolina and Wisconsin's voter ID programs largely unconstitutional employed often blistering language that endorses the criticisms often levied against such legislative efforts—they're a Republican attempt to suppress voters inclined to vote Democratic. In a stinging rebuke, the North Carolina ruling went beyond finding that its provisions merely disenfranchised voters, opining that the effort was the legislature's deliberate intent in a state that had been largely subject to federal oversight under Voting Rights Act provisions that have since been struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court.
there you go again. The negro is too stupid to get an ID.
if I were black that would piss me off. Talk about racist.
the reason for the Voter ID is the integrity of the election process.
Now, give a serious answer that does not involve the stupidy of the negro to not have voter id.

Those are your words, dope.

I gave you the answer. I also showed you that federal judges agree. Now, what do you have to show me?
Just because federal judges agree does not make it a wrong statement.
The reason for not having voter ID is because it disproportionately disenfranchises the minorities because they CANT GET ID

Show us why it's necessary at all.
Part of the reason the federal judges ruled against these states is because they couldn't show why these laws were necessary.
It seems that you have the same problem.
because it has been proven that people vote under other peoples (dead ones) names.
It also is a major problem now with the illegals voting, not something that can ever be proven without ID requried. But that liberal federal judge knows that. Until there is voter ID, anything goes,
And I think you know that too, but like the others that hate this country, you depend on those 14 million flea infested vermin from south of the border (no offense meant) to ensure your party wins,.

Show that to be true. No one else can seem to find that to be the case.
Is ID and birth certificate required to register?
You know government funded abortions were outlawed in the 90s, right?
You know planned parenthood was still using government money for abortions dont you.

common sense? do you also not have a clue how accounting works?

Yes, somewhat. Does that have anything to do with the proof you haven't been able to produce?
keep thinking, get someone to help. Sooner or later you will understand how the government money made the free abortions available

^ Poster has no clue but will continue saying it anyway.
The conservative agenda can't win because most Americans don't want it. It's that simple.

Recent election victories say otherwise. The House and Senate were taken back from Democrats after running over 60,000 ads advocating conservative and Tea Party positions on the issues. You fools lost, you got your ass kicked, bitch slapped, punked, slapped silly. :Boom2:

The do-nothing Republican Congress? lol. When was abortion outlawed? When was gay marriage outlawed?
the abortion issue is an excellent example of the ignorance of the democrat.
the issue was not to fund abortions, as in, if you want one, pay for it.
The dems turned that into taking away a womans right to an abortion.
False, nobody was taking away the right to an abortion, get one every couple of months if you want, hell throw abortion parties in the hood. But, dont expect others to pay for it.
Whats wrong with that? What the hell is wrong with paying for what you want in this world. The democrats seem to have a problem with it.

You know government funded abortions were outlawed in the 90s, right?
You know planned parenthood was still using government money for abortions dont you.[/QUO
The clown, Trump, has been spewing that he may probably lose becuase the election is rigged....So, what makes an election rigged according to the Trumpster?

Is it a corrupt media? (which then excludes from the definition of media such outfits as Breitbart, et al.)

Is it the corruption in polling outfits? (bear in mind that Trump has often stated that he has won many polls...albeit, on-line fake polls)

Is it corrupt donors? (especially those who are asking Trump for their money back)

Is it rigged because of computer hacking events (perhaps, but never from Russian hackers....those guys are protected by Trump.)

Is it the rigged election sites' system with a bunch of older folks throwing in the garbage cans all those Trump voters' ballots?

The excuses are being prepared as we type our posts somewhere within Trump Towers.
Rigged election is when you let progressives in California and New York vote…

See? Someone agrees with me. To the Trumptards, rigged elections are the ones where your opponent's supporters have the right to vote.

The caucuses in the Dem primary were all rigged for Hillary.

In Iowa, we were told that Hillary won.

Then Bernie's supporters asked for the vote total, and DWS told them to #### off, NO, we won't release the vote total - Hillary won, deal with it and shut up!!!
Recent election victories say otherwise. The House and Senate were taken back from Democrats after running over 60,000 ads advocating conservative and Tea Party positions on the issues. You fools lost, you got your ass kicked, bitch slapped, punked, slapped silly. :Boom2:

The do-nothing Republican Congress? lol. When was abortion outlawed? When was gay marriage outlawed?
the abortion issue is an excellent example of the ignorance of the democrat.
the issue was not to fund abortions, as in, if you want one, pay for it.
The dems turned that into taking away a womans right to an abortion.
False, nobody was taking away the right to an abortion, get one every couple of months if you want, hell throw abortion parties in the hood. But, dont expect others to pay for it.
Whats wrong with that? What the hell is wrong with paying for what you want in this world. The democrats seem to have a problem with it.

You know government funded abortions were outlawed in the 90s, right?
You know planned parenthood was still using government money for abortions dont you.[/QUO
The clown, Trump, has been spewing that he may probably lose becuase the election is rigged....So, what makes an election rigged according to the Trumpster?

Is it a corrupt media? (which then excludes from the definition of media such outfits as Breitbart, et al.)

Is it the corruption in polling outfits? (bear in mind that Trump has often stated that he has won many polls...albeit, on-line fake polls)

Is it corrupt donors? (especially those who are asking Trump for their money back)

Is it rigged because of computer hacking events (perhaps, but never from Russian hackers....those guys are protected by Trump.)

Is it the rigged election sites' system with a bunch of older folks throwing in the garbage cans all those Trump voters' ballots?

The excuses are being prepared as we type our posts somewhere within Trump Towers.
Rigged election is when you let progressives in California and New York vote…

See? Someone agrees with me. To the Trumptards, rigged elections are the ones where your opponent's supporters have the right to vote.

I guess if you count on the illegals and the dead people voting you could be right.
Voter ID does not suppress one single legal vote,.
The do-nothing Republican Congress? lol. When was abortion outlawed? When was gay marriage outlawed?
the abortion issue is an excellent example of the ignorance of the democrat.
the issue was not to fund abortions, as in, if you want one, pay for it.
The dems turned that into taking away a womans right to an abortion.
False, nobody was taking away the right to an abortion, get one every couple of months if you want, hell throw abortion parties in the hood. But, dont expect others to pay for it.
Whats wrong with that? What the hell is wrong with paying for what you want in this world. The democrats seem to have a problem with it.

You know government funded abortions were outlawed in the 90s, right?
You know planned parenthood was still using government money for abortions dont you.[/QUO
The clown, Trump, has been spewing that he may probably lose becuase the election is rigged....So, what makes an election rigged according to the Trumpster?

Is it a corrupt media? (which then excludes from the definition of media such outfits as Breitbart, et al.)

Is it the corruption in polling outfits? (bear in mind that Trump has often stated that he has won many polls...albeit, on-line fake polls)

Is it corrupt donors? (especially those who are asking Trump for their money back)

Is it rigged because of computer hacking events (perhaps, but never from Russian hackers....those guys are protected by Trump.)

Is it the rigged election sites' system with a bunch of older folks throwing in the garbage cans all those Trump voters' ballots?

The excuses are being prepared as we type our posts somewhere within Trump Towers.
Rigged election is when you let progressives in California and New York vote…

See? Someone agrees with me. To the Trumptards, rigged elections are the ones where your opponent's supporters have the right to vote.

I guess if you count on the illegals and the dead people voting you could be right.
Voter ID does not suppress one single legal vote,.

Which states allow you to register without ID?
The media is rigging the election by airing Trump's never ending videotapes of insults to blacks, Latinos, Muslims, POW's, the military, women, disabled people, the media, all other candidates, the republican party, Mexicans, Republican senators, Saturday Night Live, beauty contestants, the air conditioning in hotels that don't belong to him, the people who arranged the debates, the guy who set up his microphone, "losers" in general, and anyone who does not support him. How in the hell is a multi-billionaire going to get a fair shake under those circumstances?
I guess if Trump loses he was cheated and the election was rigged.
If Trump wins he will praise the system as the best in the world.

The man is an ass clown.

trump as a clown.jpg
I'm one that knows you haven't shown any proof. Your tap dance is entertaining, but it doesn't prove anything.

What???? You don't or do like his tap dancing??? LOL :dance:
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Hell yes it is...without the alphabet networks reporting it, voter fraud continues to be rampant.

Stick to that "belief" will assuage your disappointment in 3 weeks

Experts Agree That Voter Impersonation is "Virtually Non-Existent." The New Yorker reported that experts agree that actual incidents of in-person voter fraud -- the type of voter fraud that strict voter ID laws can prevent -- are "virtually non-existent," and fears of voter fraud have been largely invented as a way to "excite the base."

Brennan Center For Justice: Allegations Of Widespread Voter Fraud "Simply Do Not Pan Out." The New York University School of Law's Brennan Center has repeatedly explained that in-person voter fraud is not a justification for strict voter ID laws, because voter impersonation is "more rare than getting struck by lightning," and allegations of widespread fraud typically "amount to a great deal of smoke without much fire" and "simply do not pan out."

Loyola University Professor: Only 31 Out Of 1 Billion Ballots Subject To In-Person Voter Fraud. Loyola University Law School professor Justin Levitt, who investigated "any specific, credible allegation" of voter impersonation fraud, found a total of "about 31 different incidents" since 2000 of in-person voter fraud out of over 1 billion ballots cast.
I guess if you count on the illegals and the dead people voting you could be right.
Voter ID does not suppress one single legal vote,.

Requiring voters to obtain an ID in order to vote is tantamount to a poll tax. Although some states issue IDs for free, the birth certificates, passports, or other documents required to obtain a government-issued ID cost money, and many Americans simply cannot afford to pay for them.
From the responses within thsi thread, I learned one important thing:

According to right wingers, the ONLY time the voting system is rigged, its when they lose.....However, when right wingers win (like in 2010 and 2014) the voting system in the US is exemplary because, apparently, left wingers were too lazy to bring corpses into the voting booths.
I guess if you count on the illegals and the dead people voting you could be right.
Voter ID does not suppress one single legal vote,.

Requiring voters to obtain an ID in order to vote is tantamount to a poll tax. Although some states issue IDs for free, the birth certificates, passports, or other documents required to obtain a government-issued ID cost money, and many Americans simply cannot afford to pay for them.
bull shit.
I guess I should complain about the library, or the bank or liquor store or even Disney, maybe driving? how about gun ownership? how about damn near anything we do.

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