So What, Powell?

There are people of honor and dignity and decency and integrity, and there is Trump. So this kind of thing is going to happen.
He has been a democrat for a long time, which means he has no integrity.
There are people of honor and dignity and decency and integrity, and there is Trump. So this kind of thing is going to happen.
He has been a democrat for a long time, which means he has no integrity.

Awww, macboy has no answer to my factual statement, after all Colin voted for Hillary, who lied a lot. That's a fact, thus his whine about Trump was dead on arrival

You forget that already macboy?

There are people of honor and dignity and decency and integrity, and there is Trump. So this kind of thing is going to happen.
He has been a democrat for a long time, which means he has no integrity.

Awww, macboy has no answer to my factual statement, after all Colin voted for Hillary, who lied a lot. That's a fact, thus his whine about Trump was dead on arrival

You forget that already macboy?

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Aww, I didn't mean to upset you.

You'll have to get over it.
He's absolutely correct, tRump lies all the time.

Good job trying to get out in front of this though.

He said considerably more than "tRump lies all the time", accurate though that is.

There was also mention of unconstitutional actions, insults to our allies,.damage to our standing in the world, deliberately dividing the nation, the list goes on and on and Powell is far from the first republican to realize it.

Notably Powell has also called out Congress and the supreme court:
"And so, while we're watching him, we need to watch our Congress.

I watched the senators heading into the chamber the other day after all this broke, with the reporters saying, what do you have to say, what do you to say?

They had nothing to say. They would not react.

And so we're not a country of just the President. We have a Congress. We have a Supreme Court. But, most of all, we have the people of the United States, the ones who vote, the ones who vote him in and the ones who vote him out."

So, you need to make up some excuses for them too.

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