So What, Powell?

The media is so clueless. They think these articles about Powell, Bush and so on hurt Trump. In reality, they are basically campaign adds for Trump. Trump couldn't make a better argument to vote for him, than pointing out that Bush and Romney are not. In fact, if Bush or Romney came out in support of Trump, I would be worried.

Not shocked.

Powell is a good man.

But he does not get what is at stake here.

Oh, I'm sure a retired four-star general in the United States Army, National Security Advisor, Commander of the U.S. Army Forces Command and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is totally clueless.
God, I've never seen stupid like I see it here on this board.

I didn't say totally clueless.

But his skills lie in specific areas.

His total understanding of entire policial situations may not be the best (he is a military man).

So yes, you bring a lot of stupid to the board.
Some of you TrumpTards should recall, and I know you won't because you have the brains of a common gerbil, Powell resigned the day after George W. won his second term in 2004.

Why you ask? (Oh, I know you won't ask because your incuriosity supersedes your stupidity.)
Because he resented being set up by Dubya, Rumsfeld and George Tenet, director of the CIA.

That was how long ago ?

What was Donald doing in 2004?
Oh, that's right.
He had just wrapped his first season of "The Apprentice".
Now that's great experience for learning how to run a country.

He is a funny guy, he complains about Trump, voted for a woman who lies a lot.

Can you list 20,000 lies from Clinton?

'Cause I can post that list for tRump.
Honey, if someone took the time to keep up with the Clinton’s lies, it would be too long to ever list. Plus your list of lies from Trump are not lies, but sound bites taken to try to make him look like he was lying.

I guess some of you think we don't own televisions and haven't watched him LIVE on-air in rallies and press conferences?
He talks sometimes for up to two hours and guess what, DePooo, it's SAVED on video!
Whole speeches full of lies can be dialed up faster on YouTube than you can find your ass.
Sorry I had to break this to you, reality is a bitch.

No, the reality is that we really don't care what he says at rally's.

He could moon you morons for all I care.

1. He does good spite of his mouth.
2. There is no lefty in the Oval Office.

So what a POTUS says that is broadcast to an entire nation, our foreign allies and enemies doesn't matter?
WTF is wrong with you?

I said I could care less.

If it matters to someone else.

And that is what makes you a lefty.

Your questions (WTF.....)

Why don't you write you complaints on hard parchment and then shove them up your ass.

You don't rule the show. You got that.

That is what is TF wrong with you.

And the day you think you do, you'll find a power rifle telling you otherwise.

"""I said I could care less.

If it matters to someone else.

And that is what makes you a lefty."""

Did you feel the same way about Obama?
Some of you TrumpTards should recall, and I know you won't because you have the brains of a common gerbil, Powell resigned the day after George W. won his second term in 2004.

Why you ask? (Oh, I know you won't ask because your incuriosity supersedes your stupidity.)
Because he resented being set up by Dubya, Rumsfeld and George Tenet, director of the CIA.

That was how long ago ?

What was Donald doing in 2004?
Oh, that's right.
He had just wrapped his first season of "The Apprentice".
Now that's great experience for learning how to run a country.
much better than a community agitator
You idiots have been bought, wrapped, sealed and soon....sold.
And at a very low price.
Putin is known to be a cheap-skate.
There are people of honor and dignity and decency and integrity, and there is Trump. So this kind of thing is going to happen.
He has been a democrat for a long time, which means he has no integrity.
mainstream media reporters are leftists retards they should be mocked

Not shocked.

Powell is a good man.

But he does not get what is at stake here.

Oh, I'm sure a retired four-star general in the United States Army, National Security Advisor, Commander of the U.S. Army Forces Command and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is totally clueless.
God, I've never seen stupid like I see it here on this board.
It’s hilarious seeing you guys hold up the words of Generals that would call for keeping troops everywhere, when you continually before were calling for the removal of all troops. Lol
Suddenly they are gods to you.

Not shocked.

Powell is a good man.

But he does not get what is at stake here.

Oh, I'm sure a retired four-star general in the United States Army, National Security Advisor, Commander of the U.S. Army Forces Command and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is totally clueless.
God, I've never seen stupid like I see it here on this board.
It’s hilarious seeing you guys hold up the words of Generals that would call for keeping troops everywhere, when you continually before were calling for the removal of all troops. Lol
Suddenly they are gods to you.
WMD's anyone?
Knowing the guy who showed us pictures of Iraq's WMD's is on the Democrats side makes me more confident I'm on the right side.

:auiqs.jpg: Powell... isn't he a war criminal?

Digging up Powell to push neo-communist propaganda is a sign of desperation. It definitely isn't a sign of strength.
There are people of honor and dignity and decency and integrity, and there is Trump.

So this kind of thing is going to happen.
Would you consider Biden one of those people?
To a lesser degree, definitely. He's half a mess. And yet far more honorable, dignified, decent and honest than Trump.

What a lousy choice to give me. Two bowls of shit. I admire the generals.
He's absolutely correct, tRump lies all the time.

Good job trying to get out in front of this though.

He said considerably more than "tRump lies all the time", accurate though that is.

There was also mention of unconstitutional actions, insults to our allies,.damage to our standing in the world, deliberately dividing the nation, the list goes on and on and Powell is far from the first republican to realize it.

Notably Powell has also called out Congress and the supreme court:
"And so, while we're watching him, we need to watch our Congress.

I watched the senators heading into the chamber the other day after all this broke, with the reporters saying, what do you have to say, what do you to say?

They had nothing to say. They would not react.

And so we're not a country of just the President. We have a Congress. We have a Supreme Court. But, most of all, we have the people of the United States, the ones who vote, the ones who vote him in and the ones who vote him out."

So, you need to make up some excuses for them too.

Why are you ignoring the indisputable fact that Hillary he voted for lied a lot?

Your apology tour ran out of gas after 10 feet.
English, kid. We speak English here.

As far as lies, you haven't got a leg to stand on.

From your list:

“Our Country has just suffered through the greatest political crime in its history. The massive abuse of FISA was a big part of it!”

Turns out to be true.

Most of the other "lies" I looked at proved to be true as well. Your source is shit.

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