So What, Powell?

Some of you TrumpTards should recall, and I know you won't because you have the brains of a common gerbil, Powell resigned the day after George W. won his second term in 2004.

Why you ask? (Oh, I know you won't ask because your incuriosity supersedes your stupidity.)
Because he resented being set up by Dubya, Rumsfeld and George Tenet, director of the CIA.
Link to him saying that?

He is a funny guy, he complains about Trump, voted for a woman who lies a lot.

Can you list 20,000 lies from Clinton?

'Cause I can post that list for tRump.
Honey, if someone took the time to keep up with the Clinton’s lies, it would be too long to ever list. Plus your list of lies from Trump are not lies, but sound bites taken to try to make him look like he was lying.

I guess some of you think we don't own televisions and haven't watched him LIVE on-air in rallies and press conferences?
He talks sometimes for up to two hours and guess what, DePooo, it's SAVED on video!
Whole speeches full of lies can be dialed up faster on YouTube than you can find your ass.
Sorry I had to break this to you, reality is a bitch.

No, the reality is that we really don't care what he says at rally's.

He could moon you morons for all I care.

1. He does good spite of his mouth.
2. There is no lefty in the Oval Office.

So what a POTUS says that is broadcast to an entire nation, our foreign allies and enemies doesn't matter?
WTF is wrong with you?
Didn't seem to bother you when Barry Hussein was lying to America.
Some of you TrumpTards should recall, and I know you won't because you have the brains of a common gerbil, Powell resigned the day after George W. won his second term in 2004.

Why you ask? (Oh, I know you won't ask because your incuriosity supersedes your stupidity.)
Because he resented being set up by Dubya, Rumsfeld and George Tenet, director of the CIA.

That was how long ago ?

What was Donald doing in 2004?
Oh, that's right.
He had just wrapped his first season of "The Apprentice".
Now that's great experience for learning how to run a country.

The apprentice had something to do with Powell being set up ?

Who knew ?

Or did you mean to throw out a red herring because you just know (as a left winger) you are somehow smarter ?


Bush is re-elected......he is one of two awful choices.

He has already started his wars. They suck and we never should have gone there.

Powell leaves. Good for him. Powell said back then he was not interested in public office because he wouldn't put his family through the gristmill we put our politicians......

And Donald is off in the busines sworld stroking his ego.

So what ?

He is a funny guy, he complains about Trump, voted for a woman who lies a lot.

Can you list 20,000 lies from Clinton?

'Cause I can post that list for tRump.
Honey, if someone took the time to keep up with the Clinton’s lies, it would be too long to ever list. Plus your list of lies from Trump are not lies, but sound bites taken to try to make him look like he was lying.

I guess some of you think we don't own televisions and haven't watched him LIVE on-air in rallies and press conferences?
He talks sometimes for up to two hours and guess what, DePooo, it's SAVED on video!
Whole speeches full of lies can be dialed up faster on YouTube than you can find your ass.
Sorry I had to break this to you, reality is a bitch.

No, the reality is that we really don't care what he says at rally's.

He could moon you morons for all I care.

1. He does good spite of his mouth.
2. There is no lefty in the Oval Office.

So what a POTUS says that is broadcast to an entire nation, our foreign allies and enemies doesn't matter?
WTF is wrong with you?

I said I could care less.

If it matters to someone else.

And that is what makes you a lefty.

Your questions (WTF.....)

Why don't you write you complaints on hard parchment and then shove them up your ass.

You don't rule the show. You got that.

That is what is TF wrong with you.

And the day you think you do, you'll find a power rifle telling you otherwise.

"""I said I could care less.

If it matters to someone else.

And that is what makes you a lefty."""

Did you feel the same way about Obama?

Did you see what I said I got.... ?

Yes...well, I didn't get what I wanted from Obummer.

But, I will say that I never said or thought "He's not my president". He was elected...he was my president.

The tards on your side who say that should 1. Leave.....2. Face a firing squad.
Would "has an ambiguous relationship with veracity" sound better?
Another suggestion; "He changes his mind (often)".
Dimwingers call that "evolving" when Barry Hussein trashed his lifelong religious convictions that gay marriage was bad..........until it was politically advantages to support it.

They claimed he "evolved" on the issue.

He is a funny guy, he complains about Trump, voted for a woman who lies a lot.

Can you list 20,000 lies from Clinton?

'Cause I can post that list for tRump.
Honey, if someone took the time to keep up with the Clinton’s lies, it would be too long to ever list. Plus your list of lies from Trump are not lies, but sound bites taken to try to make him look like he was lying.

I guess some of you think we don't own televisions and haven't watched him LIVE on-air in rallies and press conferences?
He talks sometimes for up to two hours and guess what, DePooo, it's SAVED on video!
Whole speeches full of lies can be dialed up faster on YouTube than you can find your ass.
Sorry I had to break this to you, reality is a bitch.

No, the reality is that we really don't care what he says at rally's.

He could moon you morons for all I care.

1. He does good spite of his mouth.
2. There is no lefty in the Oval Office.
No, he doesn't. He's destroying this country in the name of profit and notoriety.

He is a funny guy, he complains about Trump, voted for a woman who lies a lot.

Can you list 20,000 lies from Clinton?

'Cause I can post that list for tRump.
Honey, if someone took the time to keep up with the Clinton’s lies, it would be too long to ever list. Plus your list of lies from Trump are not lies, but sound bites taken to try to make him look like he was lying.

I guess some of you think we don't own televisions and haven't watched him LIVE on-air in rallies and press conferences?
He talks sometimes for up to two hours and guess what, DePooo, it's SAVED on video!
Whole speeches full of lies can be dialed up faster on YouTube than you can find your ass.
Sorry I had to break this to you, reality is a bitch.

No, the reality is that we really don't care what he says at rally's.

He could moon you morons for all I care.

1. He does good spite of his mouth.
2. There is no lefty in the Oval Office.

So what a POTUS says that is broadcast to an entire nation, our foreign allies and enemies doesn't matter?
WTF is wrong with you?
He's a tRumpling. He has to say stupid shit like that to make it OK in his own mind.

He is a funny guy, he complains about Trump, voted for a woman who lies a lot.

Can you list 20,000 lies from Clinton?

'Cause I can post that list for tRump.
Honey, if someone took the time to keep up with the Clinton’s lies, it would be too long to ever list. Plus your list of lies from Trump are not lies, but sound bites taken to try to make him look like he was lying.

I guess some of you think we don't own televisions and haven't watched him LIVE on-air in rallies and press conferences?
He talks sometimes for up to two hours and guess what, DePooo, it's SAVED on video!
Whole speeches full of lies can be dialed up faster on YouTube than you can find your ass.
Sorry I had to break this to you, reality is a bitch.

No, the reality is that we really don't care what he says at rally's.

He could moon you morons for all I care.

1. He does good spite of his mouth.
2. There is no lefty in the Oval Office.

So what a POTUS says that is broadcast to an entire nation, our foreign allies and enemies doesn't matter?
WTF is wrong with you?

I said I could care less.

If it matters to someone else.

And that is what makes you a lefty.

Your questions (WTF.....)

Why don't you write you complaints on hard parchment and then shove them up your ass.

You don't rule the show. You got that.

That is what is TF wrong with you.

And the day you think you do, you'll find a power rifle telling you otherwise.

He is a funny guy, he complains about Trump, voted for a woman who lies a lot.

Can you list 20,000 lies from Clinton?

'Cause I can post that list for tRump.
Honey, if someone took the time to keep up with the Clinton’s lies, it would be too long to ever list. Plus your list of lies from Trump are not lies, but sound bites taken to try to make him look like he was lying.

I guess some of you think we don't own televisions and haven't watched him LIVE on-air in rallies and press conferences?
He talks sometimes for up to two hours and guess what, DePooo, it's SAVED on video!
Whole speeches full of lies can be dialed up faster on YouTube than you can find your ass.
Sorry I had to break this to you, reality is a bitch.

No, the reality is that we really don't care what he says at rally's.

He could moon you morons for all I care.

1. He does good spite of his mouth.
2. There is no lefty in the Oval Office.
No, he doesn't. He's destroying this country in the name of profit and notoriety.

Only in your little fearful world.

He is a funny guy, he complains about Trump, voted for a woman who lies a lot.

Can you list 20,000 lies from Clinton?

'Cause I can post that list for tRump.
Honey, if someone took the time to keep up with the Clinton’s lies, it would be too long to ever list. Plus your list of lies from Trump are not lies, but sound bites taken to try to make him look like he was lying.

I guess some of you think we don't own televisions and haven't watched him LIVE on-air in rallies and press conferences?
He talks sometimes for up to two hours and guess what, DePooo, it's SAVED on video!
Whole speeches full of lies can be dialed up faster on YouTube than you can find your ass.
Sorry I had to break this to you, reality is a bitch.

No, the reality is that we really don't care what he says at rally's.

He could moon you morons for all I care.

1. He does good spite of his mouth.
2. There is no lefty in the Oval Office.

So what a POTUS says that is broadcast to an entire nation, our foreign allies and enemies doesn't matter?
WTF is wrong with you?
He's a tRumpling. He has to say stupid shit like that to make it OK in his own mind.

You miss the point you simple minded left wing shit-for-brains.

I don't need it to be O.K.

It wasn't going to be O.K. either way.

Deal with it.

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