So What, Powell?

Wait...Bush, Powell and Mattis opposing Trump is supposed to make me like Trump LESS? LOL! Swamp creatures like Colin Powell are EXACTLY why America chose Donald Trump. Colin Powell gave us the Iraq War and supported Barack Obama. He has been professionally wrong for decades while China abused America and we got into foolish wars. Biden and Powell are similar in their disdain for an American revival! Powell created more Gold Star families than almost anyone else in history. He should sit down and shut his mouth.
MY FRIENDS: like all of us, Powell is an imperfect patriot. like few of us, he is an American hero

he actually told Bush not to invade Iraq: "when you destroy the government, you become the government. you break it you bought it", Powell bellowed
MY FRIENDS: like all of us, Powell is an imperfect patriot. like few of us, he is an American hero

he actually told Bush not to invade Iraq: "when you destroy the government, you become the government. you break it you bought it", Powell bellowed

It would have been better to break it, and warned them about asking us back.

We no longer fight to finish, and that's why we're still over there.

" Colin Powell was a pathetic interview today on Fake News CNN. In his time, he was weak & gave away everything to everybody - so bad for the USA. Also got the “weapons of mass destruction” totally wrong, and you know what that mistake cost us? Sad! Only negative questions asked. "
Notice everytime there is a smokescreen attack to avoid the investigations and damaging testimonies of the left there magically pops up a
Council of Foreign relations member scratching and clawing his way through progressive media on the side of the coup to protect CFR and CFA swamp critters deep in abuses of power and money schemes?
The CFR members protected Powell's emails during the Hillary email search (why?)
They used Code of Federal Regulations (36 CFR Chapter XII, Subchapter B) as their argument.
The Council knew what problems were in those emails so he not only owes them a favor, but he thereafter was compromised by what they had on him. Thus a new useful puppet is born. They can use this CFR puppet to dance anytime, any specific time they want. This is how they operate.
There is no way Powell is dumb enough to confuse the words "consider" military protection if you don't protect the people and the peaceful protesters from the violent anarchists. With the Medias spin of ordering the military to wack the avg citizen.
Trump's context is motivation and scare people into doing their job and scare off the terrorist groups involved (which did work).
The news context was to misslead even if it caused division and made things worse.
Powell is too smart to confuse the 2, and he understand media spin, so he has to compromised by either the CFR, another group who has stuff on him, or his wife.*L*
Powell is not gonna support Biden who sold out his country unless Powell himself has money schemes he's part of as well, and there is no indication he is involved like the Bidens and others.
Biden was compromised by his China money deals and Powell knows this affected our trade talks and could have been a catalyst for China utilizing it's infected citizens as biological weapons into the many countries of this world. There is no way Powell sells out his country and humanity unless he himself is under attack and in self preservation mode.
For He is but a pawn, a mere puppet used to dance on cue.
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John McCain once called Powell "the greatest general in the history of the world"

thought you should know, my friends

I enjoy the hatred our establishment directs at Trump. Tells me they're threatened by his POTUS, and that's pretty cool.

Until Trump every POTUS since following Hoover got us into war. Some justified, many not. Meanwhile Trump's the evil orange man who promptly cleans up their mess. You can add envy to threat, makes them hate him even more.
Previous leaders arent under any threat from current administration.
Previous leaders need nothing from them.

Starting war? Trump is nearly starting a civil war by gaslighting the far right.
The rest of the world has resigned the USA to third-world status; they used to come to us for leadership, but thats long gone.
Powell was a failed student and failed athlete in school, and the worst secretary of state ever. the exact opposite of Trump

i think, by the grace of God, Donnie's gonna be ok

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