So What, Powell?

Previous leaders arent under any threat from current administration.
Previous leaders need nothing from them.

Starting war? Trump is nearly starting a civil war by gaslighting the far right.
The rest of the world has resigned the USA to third-world status; they used to come to us for leadership, but thats long gone.

Yeah, if that damned Trump hadn't up and won, you democrats wouldn't need to be open about your treason. It's TRUMP'S FAULT....
John McCain once called Powell "the greatest general in the history of the world"

thought you should know, my friends

I think Schwarzkopf called him something else. :auiqs.jpg:
I have only 2 degrees seperation from Schwarzkopf so I know first hand how smart and loyal he was, and I know how disloyal and poor judgement McCain was. So guess who's opinion I will place higher. :wink:
Anyone else find it funny that people announce who they will or won't support with seemingly the belief that anyone actually cares? I can speak only for myself but who another chose to support or endorse has never swayed my vote one way or the other.
There are people of honor and dignity and decency and integrity, and there is Trump.

So this kind of thing is going to happen.

I remember when Powell gave his speech to the UN and how you Stalinists treated him.

But he's back to the plantation now....


Do you prefer "Maoist?" "Khmer Rouge?"

All perfectly accurate.
In your bizarre, talk radio, mega-hyperbolic world, I'm sure that's true.

If you ain't an obedient Trumpster sheep, you're a Maoist Khmer Rouge Hitler Benghazi Fake News Fascist Deep State Nazi communist socialist.

You guys are weird little robots.
In your bizarre, talk radio, mega-hyperbolic world, I'm sure that's true.

If you ain't an obedient Trumpster sheep, you're a Maoist Khmer Rouge Hitler Benghazi Fake News Fascist Deep State Nazi communist socialist.

You guys are weird little robots.


I'm flattered that you clumsily attempted to imitate my words.

The problem being though, you don't grasp the meaning of the words you use. Anything beyond "democrat good, American bad, bahhhh" is far beyond your intellectual grasp.

As for fascism;

Tell me Comrade; If we take a system where the state has absolute control of the means of production using central planning to determine what products are produced and what price they are sold for, where an authoritarian state rules under dictatorship of either a single man or a group of rulers, where the rights of individuals are subverted to the privilege of groups, where individualism in general is oppressed in favor of the collective, where any competing political or economic ideas are suppressed by the state, where the press is controlled by the state or the party and operates to further the agenda of the rulers, where speech against the state or collectivism in general is a criminal offense; how does this substantially differ from the Marxism you promote?
Powell served heroically in Vietnam.

What, My Lai?

how does this substantially differ from the Marxism you promote?
Hey Comrade, post a quote of me promoting Marxism.

I'm a freaking 20-year financial advisor, and you're just another ignorant Trumpster.

Go ahead. Post the quote. Make sure it's a good one, nice and clear. Back up your words, just this once.

Hit a nerve?

A post promoting Marxism? Are you kidding? Each and every post of your supporting or promoting the Marxist democrat party while slandering and libeling the president.

You spent years pretending to be "middle of the road." But TDS has driven you to jump in with the most radical of your shameful party.

IF you are NOT a Marxist, what are you doing with the democrats?
how does this substantially differ from the Marxism you promote?
Hey Comrade, post a quote of me promoting Marxism.

I'm a freaking 20-year financial advisor, and you're just another ignorant Trumpster.

Go ahead. Post the quote. Make sure it's a good one, nice and clear. Back up your words, just this once.

Hit a nerve?

A post promoting Marxism? Are you kidding? Each and every post of your supporting or promoting the Marxist democrat party while slandering and libeling the president.

You spent years pretending to be "middle of the road." But TDS has driven you to jump in with the most radical of your shameful party.

IF you are NOT a Marxist, what are you doing with the democrats?
Yeah, I didn't think so.

Trumpism has calcified your mind.

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