So what's really going on...


Platinum Member
Nov 8, 2013
Kansas City, Missouri
Millions to Iran.
Letting drug dealers out of prison.
Enticing Russia with rhetoric.
Siding with Arabs over Israel.
Pardoning terrorists from gitmo.
Mass illegal immigration.

Why is Obama putting our national security at risk?
To weaken our country?
To weaken Trump?
Whatever the motives, the Trump administration should charge him with treason and throw him in jail with Hillary.
Millions to Iran.
Letting drug dealers out of prison.
Enticing Russia with rhetoric.
Siding with Arabs over Israel.
Pardoning terrorists from gitmo.
Mass illegal immigration.

Why is Obama putting our national security at risk?
To weaken our country?
To weaken Trump?
Whatever the motives, the Trump administration should charge him with treason and throw him in jail with Hillary.

Up until 8 years ago, if you would have written down that list and showed it to the American people, they would have demanded impeachment, or at least congress keep him/her tied up till the voters could remove them.

So much has changed due to left wing propaganda, along with their control of education. People above 40 understand how un-American this administration has been, along with counterproductive. And yet, the young people haven't got a clue, none, because they have never lived a different way.

Trump is our last chance unless the lefties really screw up down the road and put up another Hillary. You may not like Trump, but if you are conservative, you better hope he delivers and it works quickly, because without re-education of the young adults through an experience Trump creates for them that works to their advantage, they are going to put the next Obama in Quickly, along with a congress that is going to nail you to the cross, if you have more than a buck, three, eighty!
Millions to Iran.
Letting drug dealers out of prison.
Enticing Russia with rhetoric.
Siding with Arabs over Israel.
Pardoning terrorists from gitmo.
Mass illegal immigration.

Why is Obama putting our national security at risk?
To weaken our country?
To weaken Trump?
Whatever the motives, the Trump administration should charge him with treason and throw him in jail with Hillary.

At this point, I think he is acting out of malicious spite. He's pissed off that America, as a whole, has rejected his extreme left wrong-wing agenda, and is now spending his last few days in office seeking ways to express a parting “F••• you!” to this country.
Just another statist that is SURE he knows what's best for everyone else.

He just happens to be a statist throwing a hissy fit while occupying the world's most powerful job.
Millions to Iran.
Letting drug dealers out of prison.
Enticing Russia with rhetoric.
Siding with Arabs over Israel.
Pardoning terrorists from gitmo.
Mass illegal immigration.

Why is Obama putting our national security at risk?
To weaken our country?
To weaken Trump?
Whatever the motives, the Trump administration should charge him with treason and throw him in jail with Hillary.
The only positive thing Obama did for America is to destroy the democrat
My guess is he's attempting to make things as difficult as he can for President Trump.

Not so much difficult, but a set up for MSM.

Unless Trump can see empirical evidence that Russia did have anything to do with the election, he's going to reverse everything DumBama is doing now. Then of course we'll be treated to weeks and weeks of stories how Trump is in bed with Putin. That's all this is about.

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