So what's the Dem stragegy??


Gold Member
Aug 9, 2011
How are they going to get us out of this mess?? Tax everyone more?? Increase the debt 10X more?? What's Obama got to make this go away?? What's different now than it was 4 years ago??
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How are they going to get us out of this mess?? Tax everyone more?? Increase the debt 10X more?? What's Obama got to make this go away?? What's different now than it was 4 years ago??

You misspelled 'strategery'! :lol:
We are waiting for a strategy. Waioting...waiting...waiting. Maybe next week. When the budget comes.
How are they going to get us out of this mess?? Tax everyone more?? Increase the debt 10X more?? What's Obama got to make this go away?? What's different now than it was 4 years ago??

You misspelled 'strategery'! :lol:

Bush style spelling it appears. Obama needs to REALLY get working on the economy or its President Romney in January 2013.
Yep you got me, strategy was misspelled, so what else ya got???
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I think he's counting on Romney to screw up, like worrying if it's tax or penalty, who gives a shit, call it what it is, a tax that is a penalty, and that's what alot of taxes are.
How are they going to get us out of this mess?? Tax everyone more?? Increase the debt 10X more?? What's Obama got to make this go away?? What's different now than it was 4 years ago??
"What would Joe do at a time like this? He'd kill everybody and smoke some cigarettes." Jimmy Dix - The Last Boy Scout
I see the Dems have no answer. They don't know where to go from here. :lol:
I see the Dems have no answer. They don't know where to go from here. :lol:

they're too busy teabagging each other after the court ruling. And who really wants to hear lakhota put his nose up Obama's ass any further, how can he stand the smell?
I see the Dems have no answer. They don't know where to go from here. :lol:

Is that what you see? Too bad that Obama has been digging us out of the abyss that Bush put us in, and Romney wants to do more of the same shit that got us here.
How are they going to get us out of this mess?? Tax everyone more?? Increase the debt 10X more?? What's Obama got to make this go away?? What's different now than it was 4 years ago??

You misspelled 'strategery'! :lol:

Bush style spelling it appears. Obama needs to REALLY get working on the economy or its President Romney in January 2013.

He cannot fix the economy in 4 short months. he couldn't do it in four years he sure as hell can't do it in 4 months.
What is the Dem strategy?
1) Institute cap n tax
2) Increase welfare benefits since these grow the economy
3) Increase aid to states to hire more workers, since that grows the economy
4) Increase taxes on "millionaires and billionaires", i.e. people earning more than $50,000 a year.
5) Increase regulation and mandate a 35 hour work week since that will increase employment
6) Blame the GOP when it all fails.
Here's Romney's strategy. Now, what did you say was the Dem's strategy?

1. Every member of the Obama administration’s initial economics team has already left the White House and moved on after failing the American people.

2. All of them were academics and theorists who had never worked in the private sector economy each of them claimed to be experts on.

3. Had the hand picked team of Obama economists studied history they would have learned volumes from the Kennedy and Reagan administrations that relied on tax cuts instead of stimulus spending. Tax cuts are a proven solution because they let people keep more of their earnings. When people have more money they can spend more, invest more, and save more; the level of economic participation increases and the economy grows.

4. Once Mitt Romney's tax cuts have been put into place the results will be predictable and manageable. Just like the tax cuts of John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, government revenue from taxes will be decreased for the short term and the deficit will increase for a brief period. The increase in economic activity will cause the economy to heat up, more workers will be needed, and more people will return to work.

5. More workers will increase the number of tax payers, which will significantly increase government revenue. Millions of new workers, each paying taxes, will create trillions in revenue to reduce the deficit and make balancing the Federal budget easier to do. Mitt Romney understands that nothing is better for reducing the deficit than a robust economy.

The Mitt Romney Plan Can Boost the U.S. Economy | POLITIAC

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