So What's The Plan?

I love it that all the libturds and their media are starting to whine and bitch and moan about investigations, hearings and impeachment. The did it to President Bush and his administration for eight years and even wanted to put President Bush in prision. Still want to..

ya reaps what ya sows libturds ya reaps what ya sows

Crap like this is not what we need. I pray that the adults in your party do the right thing and put spittlers like you in a corner with a coloring book where you rightfully belong.
I love it that all the libturds and their media are starting to whine and bitch and moan about investigations, hearings and impeachment. The did it to President Bush and his administration for eight years and even wanted to put President Bush in prision. Still want to..

ya reaps what ya sows libturds ya reaps what ya sows

Crap like this is not what we need. I pray that the adults in your party do the right thing and put spittlers like you in a corner with a coloring book where you rightfully belong.

Now that's a post I can agree with.

If you could just reconsider you're stance on wanting to redistribute my family's wealth, we could get on fine. :eusa_angel:
I love it that all the libturds and their media are starting to whine and bitch and moan about investigations, hearings and impeachment. The did it to President Bush and his administration for eight years and even wanted to put President Bush in prision. Still want to..

ya reaps what ya sows libturds ya reaps what ya sows

Crap like this is not what we need. I pray that the adults in your party do the right thing and put spittlers like you in a corner with a coloring book where you rightfully belong.

There you go showing your true liberal colors again. What do you have against free speech?
Let's wait and see if A) enough Republicans win and B) we have enough votes to actually effect things.

I know one thing, if the Republicans win a majority and they approve another budget that is half borrowed money we are truly fucked.

I seriously doubt the numbers will be high enough to make huge changes but they can STOP the huge deficits by refusing to go along with budgets that 50 cents on every dollar is borrowed.

Things like defund the health care plan and refuse to approve more crap on a plan most Americans despise and 14 States are SUING the Government over. Stop the payments on whats left of the idiotic Obama fund for his friends. Stop making more and more reasons for Business to flee this Country.

They can, but going by recent history do you think they will? I just don't see enough difference between the two parties on spending and corporatism to get all excited about anything changing, they both have the same hands out to the same people and owe the same favors.
I love it that all the libturds and their media are starting to whine and bitch and moan about investigations, hearings and impeachment. The did it to President Bush and his administration for eight years and even wanted to put President Bush in prision. Still want to..

ya reaps what ya sows libturds ya reaps what ya sows

Crap like this is not what we need. I pray that the adults in your party do the right thing and put spittlers like you in a corner with a coloring book where you rightfully belong.

There you go showing your true liberal colors again. What do you have against free speech?

It's a figure of speech, dude. She can bark all day if she wants to but it doesn't mean that it should be taken seriously. If you are truly interested in helping pull this nation back out of the rut we are in you would agree.
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I love it that all the libturds and their media are starting to whine and bitch and moan about investigations, hearings and impeachment. The did it to President Bush and his administration for eight years and even wanted to put President Bush in prision. Still want to..

ya reaps what ya sows libturds ya reaps what ya sows

Crap like this is not what we need. I pray that the adults in your party do the right thing and put spittlers like you in a corner with a coloring book where you rightfully belong.

Now that's a post I can agree with.

If you could just reconsider you're stance on wanting to redistribute my family's wealth, we could get on fine. :eusa_angel:

We are a long ways away from that happening. Too many problems.
Bachmann Says Republicans Will Do Nothing But Issue Subpoenas If They Become Majority - Republicans Gossip

she thinks the GOP’s political philosophy should be when they win a Congressional majority in the Midterm Elections: “I think that all we should do is issue Subpoenas and have one Hearing after another.

Assuming that quote is accurate, she "thinks" that's what should be done, but that doesn't mean that it will be their course of action.

Besides since when did Bachman speak for the majority of the Republican party?

Nice try but you failed.
Willow is a perfect example of the voting block the right courted to win over the last couple of decades that have now backfired on them.

They cant please them and win new voters.

They cant win with willow and they cant win without willow.

They fucked themselves.

They moved WAY right to win instead of taking the lumps at the time and building back their party by coming up with smart ideas that the American voter could get behind. They instead pandered to people with no political interests who had these knuckle dragging ideas about the people arround them and then backed their idiot social issues. They awoke the idiot America faction and now they cant shake them.

Some people (like willow) dont want to learn anything about anything , they just want to control the lives of others.
Crap like this is not what we need. I pray that the adults in your party do the right thing and put spittlers like you in a corner with a coloring book where you rightfully belong.

Now that's a post I can agree with.

If you could just reconsider you're stance on wanting to redistribute my family's wealth, we could get on fine. :eusa_angel:

We are a long ways away from that happening. Too many problems.

That's always kind of my issue with liberals (not the left, but the liberals), you tend to view other people's money like kids in a candy store. When I was a kid and I wanted something, my parents told me 'earn it'. Good lesson. You earn it and leave mine alone. I share - willingly - I don't need no one telling me I have to.
Crap like this is not what we need. I pray that the adults in your party do the right thing and put spittlers like you in a corner with a coloring book where you rightfully belong.

There you go showing your true liberal colors again. What do you have against free speech?

It's a figure of speech, dude. She can bark all day if she wants to but it doesn't mean that it should be taken seriously. If you are truly interested in helping pull this nation back out of the rut we are in you would agree.

Letting people speak their mind has nothing to do with the state of this nation. Now is the time for people to speak up. The silent majority will not be silent any longer and come November the Democrats will hear them loud and clear.
Willow is a perfect example of the voting block the right courted to win over the last couple of decades that have now backfired on them.

They cant please them and win new voters.

They cant win with willow and they cant win without willow.

They fucked themselves.

They moved WAY right to win instead of taking the lumps at the time and building back their party by coming up with smart ideas that the American voter could get behind. They instead pandered to people with no political interests who had these knuckle dragging ideas about the people arround them and then backed their idiot social issues. They awoke the idiot America faction and now they cant shake them.

Some people (like willow) dont want to learn anything about anything , they just want to control the lives of others.

"I hate Republicans". Who's gonna take you seriously, you're nothing more than a hate-monger and liar.
After November, after you Take Back Our Country and Reclaim Your Honor...what's the plan for:

* the economy

* the Middle East

* public education

* health care

In a perfect world where Glenn Beck can dictate, what are the solutions you are so eager to see take hold? Or is defeating Obama and the Dems the whole enchilada for you?

Lay it on me...what else ya got?

Restoring honor won't happen after one event. It will happen as individuals live by faith, restoring honesty in their lives, and have charity one to another.

If we do the necessary changes in our own lives, the issues will take care of themselves.

The elections wont matter one bit if we don't change ourselves.
After November, after you Take Back Our Country and Reclaim Your Honor...what's the plan for:

* the economy

* the Middle East

* public education

* health care

In a perfect world where Glenn Beck can dictate, what are the solutions you are so eager to see take hold? Or is defeating Obama and the Dems the whole enchilada for you?

Lay it on me...what else ya got?

What Mad is pointing our here, and what you people who imagine yourselves to be conservatives are nailing home with your ignorant responses, is proof is the following.

YOu people don't even know what the party you claim to support even stands for.

What most of you are isn't conservative.

What most of you apparently are are, based on what you write here, are anti-liberals. (of course given that few of you know that liberals want, that basically makes you entirely clueless contrarians, doesn't it)

You guys don't stand for anything.

If you did, you'd be able to tell us what the TEA PARTY movement was going to accomplish when it took reins of power.

Come on, now, folks. YOu're embarrassing the GOP.

There's GOT TO BE at least some authentic thinking conservatives here who can tell MADALINE what the tea party's positions are on the issues she brought to our attention.
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Yeah, because this DIDN'T happen under Bush....please.

Then maybe you should stop pretending that both being bad somehow justifies both being bad.

This isn't about politics. It's about saving our Republic. It doesn't matter whether the R or D has control. All that might change is the rate of decay. We need to change ourselves.
Let's wait and see if A) enough Republicans win and B) we have enough votes to actually effect things.

I know one thing, if the Republicans win a majority and they approve another budget that is half borrowed money we are truly fucked.

I seriously doubt the numbers will be high enough to make huge changes but they can STOP the huge deficits by refusing to go along with budgets that 50 cents on every dollar is borrowed.

Things like defund the health care plan and refuse to approve more crap on a plan most Americans despise and 14 States are SUING the Government over. Stop the payments on whats left of the idiotic Obama fund for his friends. Stop making more and more reasons for Business to flee this Country.

Yea, but where is the "plan"? Those are talking points. And not even true.
Yeah, because this DIDN'T happen under Bush....please.

Then maybe you should stop pretending that both being bad somehow justifies both being bad.

This isn't about politics. It's about saving our Republic. It doesn't matter whether the R or D has control. All that might change is the rate of decay. We need to change ourselves.

But what's the plan?
After November, after you Take Back Our Country and Reclaim Your Honor...what's the plan for:

* the economy

* the Middle East

* public education

* health care

In a perfect world where Glenn Beck can dictate, what are the solutions you are so eager to see take hold? Or is defeating Obama and the Dems the whole enchilada for you?

Lay it on me...what else ya got?

Restoring honor won't happen after one event. It will happen as individuals live by faith, restoring honesty in their lives, and have charity one to another.

If we do the necessary changes in our own lives, the issues will take care of themselves.

The elections wont matter one bit if we don't change ourselves.

Honesty? That it? That's the answer? Why didn't I think of that?

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