So, what's the problem with Sarah Palin?

And that is usually how accurate comments are portrayed by those who worship at the feet of the current occupant of the White House. Unfortunately, that is also the reason that the current occupant of the White House has been able to do the damage that he has done and is still trying to do.

Like I said.

And of course, you cannot list the damage he has supposedly done.

Oh but I CAN list the damage he has done. As can ANYBODY who is really paying attention and is not totally brainwashed into worshipping at the altar of Marxist liberalism.

Yet, you do not. :lol:
Like I said.

And of course, you cannot list the damage he has supposedly done.

Oh but I CAN list the damage he has done. As can ANYBODY who is really paying attention and is not totally brainwashed into worshipping at the altar of Marxist liberalism.

Yet, you do not. :lol:

Oh but I have on numerous threads, more than once in response to your demands to do so. I see no reason to do so again here as this thread is not about Obama but is about Palin. All I have expressed is my opinion that she would not make as good a President as several others would make, but she would be a far superior President to the current occupant of the White House.

If you have a different opinion it is a free country and you can certainly express it. You can even list all the many virtues you see in Barack Obama and all the really hateful things you can think of about Sarah Palin.

And I will still maintain that I am 100% correct in my opinion.
Shaman is really Larry Sinclair. Now we get it. He's been outed. Hot chicks like Sarah Palin disgust him. :)
Congratulations. You may not be suffering from PDS after all.

But surely even you can admit that some of the left's hatred for her is simply irrational.

There’s nothing ‘irrational’ because liberals don’t ‘hate’ Palin. In fact, they’re fascinated by her, she a political missing link.
Actually, she's (more) a warning of the worst-case-scenario, if Teabaggers are allowed to reproduce, without interruption:

[ame=]Idiocracy Intro (HR titlovi) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Idiocracy - Trailer - YouTube[/ame]​
Congratulations. You may not be suffering from PDS after all.

But surely even you can admit that some of the left's hatred for her is simply irrational.

There’s nothing ‘irrational’ because liberals don’t ‘hate’ Palin. In fact, they’re fascinated by her, she a political missing link.
I Hate Sarah Palin T-Shirts, I Hate Sarah Palin Gifts, Art, Posters, and more
I Hate Sarah Palin | Group with Personal Stories, Forums and Chat
Americans hate Sarah Palin - Sarah Palin -
Milwaukee Social Worker BLOG: 17 Reasons why I hate Sarah Palin

As usual, reality says you're full of shit.

[ame=]Can't Fix Stupid - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Couric Wraps Palin Interview - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Jack Cafferty From CNN Gives Palin A Pounding - YouTube[/ame]​
Oh but I CAN list the damage he has done. As can ANYBODY who is really paying attention and is not totally brainwashed into worshipping at the altar of Marxist liberalism.

Yet, you do not. :lol:

Oh but I have on numerous threads, more than once in response to your demands to do so. I see no reason to do so again here as this thread is not about Obama but is about Palin. All I have expressed is my opinion that she would not make as good a President as several others would make, but she would be a far superior President to the current occupant of the White House.

If you have a different opinion it is a free country and you can certainly express it. You can even list all the many virtues you see in Barack Obama and all the really hateful things you can think of about Sarah Palin.

And I will still maintain that I am 100% correct in my opinion.

Obama and also certainly Palin are both not suitable as President.
As bad as Obama is he did not quit as Palin did.
Palin quit for the big $$$. Governors get sued by the minute so that lame excuse does not wash.
Yet, you do not. :lol:

Oh but I have on numerous threads, more than once in response to your demands to do so. I see no reason to do so again here as this thread is not about Obama but is about Palin. All I have expressed is my opinion that she would not make as good a President as several others would make, but she would be a far superior President to the current occupant of the White House.

If you have a different opinion it is a free country and you can certainly express it. You can even list all the many virtues you see in Barack Obama and all the really hateful things you can think of about Sarah Palin.

And I will still maintain that I am 100% correct in my opinion.

Obama and also certainly Palin are both not suitable as President.
As bad as Obama is he did not quit as Palin did.
Palin quit for the big $$$. Governors get sued by the minute so that lame excuse does not wash.

Ah, so you think she quit something over a year early was to get the big bucks? And that makes Obama much better? Gads. Add another plank in the left wingnut let's all hate Sarah Palin agenda. Never mind that the evidence doesn't back any of that up.

I don't believe I have ever praised Sarah Palin for anythoing unworthy of praise. But neither do I condemn or criticize anybody for doing or saying something that they didn't say or do. Not even Barack Obama.

I will continue to point out how the most hateful left continues to manufacture sins for her to have committed in order to keep the "Let's all hate Sarah Palin": agenda alive. For surely nobody promoting a family values, Christian, fiscal responsiblity, and/or traditional values message, most especially an attractive conservative woman with little or no political credentials, shall ever be allowed any place in the national debate. She must be despised. She must be destroyed. Her every utterance must be quoted out of context in the most unattractive way possible to create out of thin air. She must be diminished, demeaned, put in her place, yes personally destroyed lest such a concept catch on.

What a sad commentary on American values.
Oh but I have on numerous threads, more than once in response to your demands to do so. I see no reason to do so again here as this thread is not about Obama but is about Palin. All I have expressed is my opinion that she would not make as good a President as several others would make, but she would be a far superior President to the current occupant of the White House.

If you have a different opinion it is a free country and you can certainly express it. You can even list all the many virtues you see in Barack Obama and all the really hateful things you can think of about Sarah Palin.

And I will still maintain that I am 100% correct in my opinion.

Obama and also certainly Palin are both not suitable as President.
As bad as Obama is he did not quit as Palin did.
Palin quit for the big $$$. Governors get sued by the minute so that lame excuse does not wash.

Ah, so you think she quit something over a year early was to get the big bucks? And that makes Obama much better? Gads. Add another plank in the left wingnut let's all hate Sarah Palin agenda. Never mind that the evidence doesn't back any of that up.

I don't believe I have ever praised Sarah Palin for anythoing unworthy of praise. But neither do I condemn or criticize anybody for doing or saying something that they didn't say or do. Not even Barack Obama.

I will continue to point out how the most hateful left continues to manufacture sins for her to have committed in order to keep the "Let's all hate Sarah Palin": agenda alive. For surely nobody promoting a family values, Christian, fiscal responsiblity, and/or traditional values message, most especially an attractive conservative woman with little or no political credentials, shall ever be allowed any place in the national debate. She must be despised. She must be destroyed. Her every utterance must be quoted out of context in the most unattractive way possible to create out of thin air. She must be diminished, demeaned, put in her place, yes personally destroyed lest such a concept catch on.

What a sad commentary on American values.

Anyone that disagree with you in everything Fox automatically a "leftwing nut"?
That is very shallow and without fact or foundation. Great add on for Rush, Sean and also all the other talking head know nothing entertainers on the left.
Next, you state that I hate Sarah Palin. Another weak attempt to cover for the fact you really have nothing other than any of that in your support of Sarah Palin.
Then you state that I want to "put her in her place" and a bunch of other BS.
Victim mentality Fox. You having a bad day, week, month or year?
Black voters like and vote for Obama because they look like him and have many of the same beliefs.
You like and would vote for Sarah Palin because she is a woman like you and you have many of the same beliefs.
Same thing.
Oh but I have on numerous threads, more than once in response to your demands to do so. I see no reason to do so again here as this thread is not about Obama but is about Palin. All I have expressed is my opinion that she would not make as good a President as several others would make, but she would be a far superior President to the current occupant of the White House.

If you have a different opinion it is a free country and you can certainly express it. You can even list all the many virtues you see in Barack Obama and all the really hateful things you can think of about Sarah Palin.

And I will still maintain that I am 100% correct in my opinion.

Obama and also certainly Palin are both not suitable as President.
As bad as Obama is he did not quit as Palin did.
Palin quit for the big $$$. Governors get sued by the minute so that lame excuse does not wash.

Ah, so you think she quit something over a year early was to get the big bucks? And that makes Obama much better? Gads. Add another plank in the left wingnut let's all hate Sarah Palin agenda. Never mind that the evidence doesn't back any of that up.

I don't believe I have ever praised Sarah Palin for anythoing unworthy of praise. But neither do I condemn or criticize anybody for doing or saying something that they didn't say or do. Not even Barack Obama.

I will continue to point out how the most hateful left continues to manufacture sins for her to have committed in order to keep the "Let's all hate Sarah Palin": agenda alive. For surely nobody promoting a family values, Christian, fiscal responsiblity, and/or traditional values message, most especially an attractive conservative woman with little or no political credentials, shall ever be allowed any place in the national debate. She must be despised. She must be destroyed. Her every utterance must be quoted out of context in the most unattractive way possible to create out of thin air. She must be diminished, demeaned, put in her place, yes personally destroyed lest such a concept catch on.

What a sad commentary on American values.

I find it hard to believe that you want Saran Palin to be the poster child for "family values" or "traditional values".
The woman drug her family into the national spotlight to be crucified by the print and tube media. She ripped off the state of Alaska by charging per diem fees 24/7 over every Holiday when she was at her home. Some traditional values there. We call that theft in Georgia. If you believe that is fiscal responsibility take a better look Fox. I have full faith you will change your mind very quick.
More and more your post is the "I am a woman victim" all over it.
Weak. I always expect better from you. Sarah Palin is NO victim so quit the BS.
Obama and also certainly Palin are both not suitable as President.
As bad as Obama is he did not quit as Palin did.
Palin quit for the big $$$. Governors get sued by the minute so that lame excuse does not wash.

Ah, so you think she quit something over a year early was to get the big bucks? And that makes Obama much better? Gads. Add another plank in the left wingnut let's all hate Sarah Palin agenda. Never mind that the evidence doesn't back any of that up.

I don't believe I have ever praised Sarah Palin for anythoing unworthy of praise. But neither do I condemn or criticize anybody for doing or saying something that they didn't say or do. Not even Barack Obama.

I will continue to point out how the most hateful left continues to manufacture sins for her to have committed in order to keep the "Let's all hate Sarah Palin": agenda alive. For surely nobody promoting a family values, Christian, fiscal responsiblity, and/or traditional values message, most especially an attractive conservative woman with little or no political credentials, shall ever be allowed any place in the national debate. She must be despised. She must be destroyed. Her every utterance must be quoted out of context in the most unattractive way possible to create out of thin air. She must be diminished, demeaned, put in her place, yes personally destroyed lest such a concept catch on.

What a sad commentary on American values.

Anyone that disagree with you in everything Fox automatically a "leftwing nut"?

Of course not. There is not a soul who has ever posted on USMB for the time I have been here who has not disagreed with me about something. Some of my very best USMB friends are 180 degree opposites on some issues and have made terrific debate partners who really kept me on my toes and forced me to keep my debate skills sharp.

But I do believe it is those who have bought into the left wingnut hate speech re Sarah Palin who keep repeating the half truths and flat out lies they have created in their effort to destroy her. Again I have no problem with those who criticize her justly. I am always disappointed in and/or frustrated by those claiming to be conservative who buy into the leftist propaganda, however.

That is very shallow and without fact or foundation. Great add on for Rush, Sean and also all the other talking head know nothing entertainers on the left.

Unsupported ad hominem opinion about your opponent with an implied straw man to boot. Those two lines would have lost you this debate in a heartbeat if we were formally scoring it. :)

Next, you state that I hate Sarah Palin. Another weak attempt to cover for the fact you really have nothing other than any of that in your support of Sarah Palin.
Then you state that I want to "put her in her place" and a bunch of other BS.
Victim mentality Fox. You having a bad day, week, month or year?
Black voters like and vote for Obama because they look like him and have many of the same beliefs.
You like and would vote for Sarah Palin because she is a woman like you and you have many of the same beliefs.
Same thing.

And I defy you to point out a single thing I accused you of other than the paraphrase of a statement you posted and I quoted. So your comment there is an unintentional lie followed by still more unsupportable ad hominem that is really a no no and looks really bad in a good debate.

It is interesting that you inserted yoiurself into my commentary, however. Does that mean that I SHOULD have included you in it?
Last edited:
Obama and also certainly Palin are both not suitable as President.
As bad as Obama is he did not quit as Palin did.
Palin quit for the big $$$. Governors get sued by the minute so that lame excuse does not wash.

Ah, so you think she quit something over a year early was to get the big bucks? And that makes Obama much better? Gads. Add another plank in the left wingnut let's all hate Sarah Palin agenda. Never mind that the evidence doesn't back any of that up.

I don't believe I have ever praised Sarah Palin for anythoing unworthy of praise. But neither do I condemn or criticize anybody for doing or saying something that they didn't say or do. Not even Barack Obama.

I will continue to point out how the most hateful left continues to manufacture sins for her to have committed in order to keep the "Let's all hate Sarah Palin": agenda alive. For surely nobody promoting a family values, Christian, fiscal responsiblity, and/or traditional values message, most especially an attractive conservative woman with little or no political credentials, shall ever be allowed any place in the national debate. She must be despised. She must be destroyed. Her every utterance must be quoted out of context in the most unattractive way possible to create out of thin air. She must be diminished, demeaned, put in her place, yes personally destroyed lest such a concept catch on.

What a sad commentary on American values.

I find it hard to believe that you want Saran Palin to be the poster child for "family values" or "traditional values".
The woman drug her family into the national spotlight to be crucified by the print and tube media. She ripped off the state of Alaska by charging per diem fees 24/7 over every Holiday when she was at her home. Some traditional values there. We call that theft in Georgia. If you believe that is fiscal responsibility take a better look Fox. I have full faith you will change your mind very quick.
More and more your post is the "I am a woman victim" all over it.
Weak. I always expect better from you. Sarah Palin is NO victim so quit the BS.

I'll just refer you to my previous response. You can figure out how to divide this up and insert the appropriate lines to respond.
Never said Sarah Palin is a terrible person. In fact, read my posts and I have always stated that I like her and was outraged by the media attention on her kids. But she drug them into it.
Oh please Fox, take a look at the current crop of female Republican candidates and all them would be so much better than Sarah Palin. Problem is there are many in Republican circles that have a NO criticism allowed on Palin and if you do you are a leftwing nut, Pro Obama and other nonsense like I see you post.
Christine Todd Whitman was a great leader, and now we have Nikki Haley, just to name a few.
Both much more qualified than Sarah Palin.
Just because someone is more qualified does not make Palin a bad person.
Never said Sarah Palin is a terrible person. In fact, read my posts and I have always stated that I like her and was outraged by the media attention on her kids. But she drug them into it.
Oh please Fox, take a look at the current crop of female Republican candidates and all them would be so much better than Sarah Palin. Problem is there are many in Republican circles that have a NO criticism allowed on Palin and if you do you are a leftwing nut, Pro Obama and other nonsense like I see you post.
Christine Todd Whitman was a great leader, and now we have Nikki Haley, just to name a few.
Both much more qualified than Sarah Palin.
Just because someone is more qualified does not make Palin a bad person.

But you did say:
Obama and also certainly Palin are both not suitable as President.
As bad as Obama is he did not quit as Palin did.
Palin quit for the big $$$. Governors get sued by the minute so that lame excuse does not wash.

And you did say:
I find it hard to believe that you want Saran Palin to be the poster child for "family values" or "traditional values".
The woman drug her family into the national spotlight to be crucified by the print and tube media. She ripped off the state of Alaska by charging per diem fees 24/7 over every Holiday when she was at her home. Some traditional values there. We call that theft in Georgia. If you believe that is fiscal responsibility take a better look Fox. I have full faith you will change your mind very quick.
More and more your post is the "I am a woman victim" all over it.
Weak. I always expect better from you. Sarah Palin is NO victim so quit the BS.

And I won't even repost all the things you implied or said about me and/or accused me of.

Not seeing much complimentary in all that or any suggestiion that you like or appreciate anything about her. I AM seeing a lot of repeat of the hateful and dishonest garbage the Left continues to spew about her and insist that we focus on. And some pretty ugly stuff directed at me because I objected to that.

Take that for what it's worth.
It's been a long time since I've seen any new posts bitching and moaning about Sarah Palin. What happened? Did all the liberal fuckwads get tired of throwing stones at her?

Did you ever stop to consider the possibility that she hasn't poked her pointy head up on the television to say something stupid?

The only reason I even say anything about her is because of the idiocy that keeps spewing from her mouth.

On another note..........the HBO special movie March 4th is going to be "Gamechanger", which is about the McCain/Palin campaign in 2008.

Yup.........definitely gonna watch that one.
Some yes, most no. The left wouldn't like her even if she was a male.
You obviously haven't seen some of the visceral hatred for her displayed by some on the left.

It's far more common than you'd like to believe.

"some on the Left".

This is just another of your weak, pathetic attempts to argue with the grownups.

For every example of visceral hatred for her displayed by some on the left, I can show you 5 examples of visceral hatred for Obama displayed by some on the Right.

For every example of visceral hatred for her displayed by some on the left, I can show you 5 examples of visceral hatred for Michael Moore displayed by some on the Right.

For every example of visceral hatred for her displayed by some on the left, I can show you 5 examples of visceral hatred for Hillary Clinton displayed by some on the Right.

FAIL, as usual.
You can't do any of that.

You're really not very good at this. But then, you're not very good at anything.
Gee... You are doing such a great job.. Working on the inside killing this beast!
A very compensable and complete way of doing this job right Caveman!

Speaking of irrational, PainfulHemorrhoids shows up.

You can only hope that, she is not worth this, its one battle and she lost it long ago, and you can't live with that yourself. Move on,adjust and bring new things to the battle ground that well, can win...Caveman....:mm::fu:
"Caveman". Yeah, never heard THAT one before. :lol:

Here, I think you might benefit from this YouTube channel:

My Damn Channel » Season 1 » You Suck At Photoshop #1: Distort, Warp and Layer Effects
It's been a long time since I've seen any new posts bitching and moaning about Sarah Palin. What happened? Did all the liberal fuckwads get tired of throwing stones at her?

No, Sarah Palin is completely and utterly irrelevant, and for the sake of our country, that is GOOD news, since she is among the dumbest political figures of the past 100 years.

What a disgraceful excuse for a "leader". What a rotten old hag. A dunce if I've ever heard of one. I'll take 20 years of Obama over 20 days of Palin, in a HEARTBEAT (barring the 22nd amendment).

Hey, Synthia, here's some of that visceral hatred I was talking about. If you want to see more, check out posts by this moron.

And you admit you're performing as ordered.

Mindless sheep.

You're cracking me up Dave. As if the entire Republican establishment coming down on Gingrich in the last two weeks were just a bunch of independent voices not orchestrated at all?

You're about the only one I've ever seen accuse the Democrats of being organized.
Oh, yeah, that's right. You're all independent thinkers who just coincidentally arrive at the same conclusion at the same time. :lol:

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