So, what's the problem with Sarah Palin?

Sarah Palin may not be presidential material, but she is one of the most compelling personalities to come along in a long time. Every single one of you knows who she is. Every single one of you would recognize her on sight. How much of a failure can a person be who has not been in public office other than as a rather successful governor of Alaska, has never been embroiled in a major scandal, and is nevertheless a household word?

If she was running for president, I would choose Romney, Gingrich, or Santorum over her--I would choose her over Ron Paul. However unprepared for the highest office she may be, there is no way in hell she would be as unprepared as the current occupant of the White House was or that she would do anywhere near the damage to the country that the current occupant of the White House has done and is still trying to do,.

That's crazy talk.
Maybe you should denounce her on ATTACK WATCH!!
I notice daveman is now ignoring this thread. :lol:

I have a job. But you and your tiny, flaccid ego just keep pretending you ran me off the internet. :lol:
Sarah Palin may not be presidential material, but she is one of the most compelling personalities to come along in a long time. Every single one of you knows who she is. Every single one of you would recognize her on sight. How much of a failure can a person be who has not been in public office other than as a rather successful governor of Alaska, has never been embroiled in a major scandal, and is nevertheless a household word?

If she was running for president, I would choose Romney, Gingrich, or Santorum over her--I would choose her over Ron Paul. However unprepared for the highest office she may be, there is no way in hell she would be as unprepared as the current occupant of the White House was or that she would do anywhere near the damage to the country that the current occupant of the White House has done and is still trying to do,.

That's crazy talk.
Maybe you should denounce her on ATTACK WATCH!!


I will continue to point out how the most hateful left continues to manufacture sins for her to have committed in order to keep the "Let's all hate Sarah Palin": agenda alive. For surely nobody promoting a family values, Christian, fiscal responsiblity, and/or traditional values message, most especially an attractive conservative woman with little or no political credentials, shall ever be allowed any place in the national debate. She must be despised. She must be destroyed. Her every utterance must be quoted out of context in the most unattractive way possible to create out of thin air. She must be diminished, demeaned, put in her place, yes personally destroyed lest such a concept catch on.

Palin has only herself to blame for exhibiting her ignorance of law and public policy. That conservatives whine and try to shift the blame from Palin to ‘liberals’ or ‘the media’ is typical of rightist hypocrisy with regard to ‘personal responsibility.’

And conservatives/republicans have no monopoly on family values, fiscal responsibility, and/or traditional values; indeed, the vast majority of liberals are Christian, married, with kids and a dog.

Palin is justifiability criticized because she’s simply wrong on most of the issues, as is any other conservative politician – having nothing to do with religion, values, or gender.
On another note..........the HBO special movie March 4th is going to be "Gamechanger", which is about the McCain/Palin campaign in 2008.

Yup.........definitely gonna watch that one.

Heh – clearly the ‘liberal biased media’ at its worst.
I see great free advertisement, Sarah, Todd and any moderately good publicist would/should use these links you posted to sell her idiotic dumbass and make money! Great, good for all three or so of them. I maybe over stepping my collective reason here but, I feel I have a generally good understand of the political game. You pay attention to the background activity and it will show you how to interpret what carp comes drooling over from most of our hackers lips. Ok, 100% of them are HackMasters all right! , and for you assholes reading that well, you know and Fuck Off!. But for Sarah sadly no, she is a gift on how to make the first belly cut, missed by cutting the tail off first. And it’s truly is her come on face it CaveBoy! I can hardly stop laughing most of the times to start, on the verbal techniques on ways to play with the sheep (and you) and not just using the fucking dogs for this wonderful activity in the first place. I blame PETA for this, we be hurting the dogs, and sheep be bleeding all over the place, so it’s kind of hard to choose what to do here, Go Get’Em Boys…. Oops! And as this would just expedite the process with the base. So we can move on to bigger and vastly more import things like the real issue’s maybe. Ok, Stop! For all you jacking assholes again, Fuck Off! Yes I’m am completely delusional, as I do at least admit my short comings. Shit! Where are these god dam fucking bottle again. MOM!!......shit..

Now….,Back to Dear Poor, Poor little Sarah suffering, She got 12 million estimated in bank and makes 1 million or so picking flea’s off sheep and any Alaska subsidies per year. Don’t care to know facts completely, maybe I will take a hit on this statement? Let’s just use it for this talking point. Point here she doing just fine. You need to write her personal letter and point this out to her below.

Tell her and the others if they are unaware of these horrible sites. They should file an extortion law suit ASAP!, and you demand a cut of 15% for the idea. She may get back to you, I think she will be off on the hunt, and you will be sitting looking like a real dumb Caveman(see face below). Shit!...... she may even come over I think and cry her little face out in your lap for all the support you have given? And last Caveman, As this little activity of crying is in progress, slap her on that ass for all of us ( maybe be reaching here?)and me ok! And brand the battle cry, CausingPAIN on it. I don’t think she would feel or will know the difference anyhow?
Sorry girls, Cavemen are out there and should be avoiding this one to start, Just an FYI! Good Luck!
You really SUCK at Photoshop. :lol:
And that is usually how accurate comments are portrayed by those who worship at the feet of the current occupant of the White House. Unfortunately, that is also the reason that the current occupant of the White House has been able to do the damage that he has done and is still trying to do.

Like I said.

And of course, you cannot list the damage he has supposedly done.

Oh but I CAN list the damage he has done. As can ANYBODY who is really paying attention and is not totally brainwashed into worshipping at the altar of Marxist liberalism.
Synthia will insist the damage is either nonexistent, or a good thing.

Obama said it, he believes it, that settles it.
Like I said.

And of course, you cannot list the damage he has supposedly done.

Oh but I CAN list the damage he has done. As can ANYBODY who is really paying attention and is not totally brainwashed into worshipping at the altar of Marxist liberalism.
Synthia will insist the damage is either nonexistent, or a good thing.

Obama said it, he believes it, that settles it.

Oh I know. But just in case some misguided, irrational, brainwashed, or programmed leftist could possibly be on the verge of getting a clue, I feel compelled to point out the obvious now and then. :)

Since the Left is still so focused and dedicated to demonizing Sarah Palin in any way they can think of to do that, I gotta figure she has still got it and is still a force to be reckoned with. I looked and she is the keynote speaker at CPAC this coming weekend. I hope all who want a really good speech will be tuned in on C-Span.
Oh but I CAN list the damage he has done. As can ANYBODY who is really paying attention and is not totally brainwashed into worshipping at the altar of Marxist liberalism.
Synthia will insist the damage is either nonexistent, or a good thing.

Obama said it, he believes it, that settles it.

Oh I know. But just in case some misguided, irrational, brainwashed, or programmed leftist could possibly be on the verge of getting a clue, I feel compelled to point out the obvious now and then. :)

Since the Left is still so focused and dedicated to demonizing Sarah Palin in any way they can think of to do that, I gotta figure she has still got it and is still a force to be reckoned with. I looked and she is the keynote speaker at CPAC this coming weekend. I hope all who want a really good speech will be tuned in on C-Span.

Sarah's on the right track and has been. I see her as the 'Female Reagan' for our time. That's why she's hated, and remains in the crosshairs of the leftists.
Synthia will insist the damage is either nonexistent, or a good thing.

Obama said it, he believes it, that settles it.

Oh I know. But just in case some misguided, irrational, brainwashed, or programmed leftist could possibly be on the verge of getting a clue, I feel compelled to point out the obvious now and then. :)

Since the Left is still so focused and dedicated to demonizing Sarah Palin in any way they can think of to do that, I gotta figure she has still got it and is still a force to be reckoned with. I looked and she is the keynote speaker at CPAC this coming weekend. I hope all who want a really good speech will be tuned in on C-Span.

Sarah's on the right track and has been. I see her as the 'Female Reagan' for our time. That's why she's hated, and remains in the crosshairs of the leftists.

You are comparing Palin with Reagan?
I have voted Republican for 40+ years and you are out of your mind.
Sarah Palin is the modern day Reagan?
Sarah Palin is no match politically for any of the Republican candidates today.
Because of that she sits on her ass and is not running.
No problem as I respect that but to claim that she has potential is laughable at best.
You folks have no clue. Sarah Palin has about ZERO credibility as a candidate.
Sorry folks, news flash to many here but the facts sure are a bitch.
Thank God I am stating this as those that believe Palin has any credibility are our liability and the sole reason why Obama sits his ignorant fanny in the White House today.
You obviously haven't seen some of the visceral hatred for her displayed by some on the left.

It's far more common than you'd like to believe.

"some on the Left".

This is just another of your weak, pathetic attempts to argue with the grownups.

For every example of visceral hatred for her displayed by some on the left, I can show you 5 examples of visceral hatred for Obama displayed by some on the Right.

For every example of visceral hatred for her displayed by some on the left, I can show you 5 examples of visceral hatred for Michael Moore displayed by some on the Right.

For every example of visceral hatred for her displayed by some on the left, I can show you 5 examples of visceral hatred for Hillary Clinton displayed by some on the Right.

FAIL, as usual.
You can't do any of that.

You know that I can.
Face it Luissa? YOU aren't an American by definition. The only reason you are is that you were born here, and that's all.

That's your campaign motto, I understand.

I'm sure it will kickstart your run.....with the right people.

With the extremely far-Right people.
You problem is that YOU could never land a woman as Palin...she's way too intellectual for the likes of you...YOU are a simpleton, and always will be.
I notice daveman is now ignoring this thread. :lol:

I have a job. But you and your tiny, flaccid ego just keep pretending you ran me off the internet. :lol:
Oh, do you post on USMB at this job, too? :lol:

Has nothing to do with anything. You were on this morning, yet you punked out on this thread. That's because it takes you a while to concoct your lies.
I hope the left continues to demonize Palin all they can all the time.
Anyone that does that is surely a fool as Sarah Palin is not a candidate, never will be a candidate and has little credibility as a political figure in the Republican party.
Demonizing someone that is not a candidate makes the folks doing the hating look awful foolish.
Same as those that claim Palin is a viable candidate for dog cathcer.
Like I said.

And of course, you cannot list the damage he has supposedly done.

Oh but I CAN list the damage he has done. As can ANYBODY who is really paying attention and is not totally brainwashed into worshipping at the altar of Marxist liberalism.
Synthia will insist the damage is either nonexistent, or a good thing.

Obama said it, he believes it, that settles it.
No I won't, because she won't post any! :lol:
Oh but I CAN list the damage he has done. As can ANYBODY who is really paying attention and is not totally brainwashed into worshipping at the altar of Marxist liberalism.
Synthia will insist the damage is either nonexistent, or a good thing.

Obama said it, he believes it, that settles it.

Oh I know. But just in case some misguided, irrational, brainwashed, or programmed leftist could possibly be on the verge of getting a clue, I feel compelled to point out the obvious now and then. :)

Since the Left is still so focused and dedicated to demonizing Sarah Palin in any way they can think of to do that, I gotta figure she has still got it and is still a force to be reckoned with. I looked and she is the keynote speaker at CPAC this coming weekend. I hope all who want a really good speech will be tuned in on C-Span.
Still waiting. :)
That's your campaign motto, I understand.

I'm sure it will kickstart your run.....with the right people.

With the extremely far-Right people.
You problem is that YOU could never land a woman as Palin...she's way too intellectual for the likes of you...YOU are a simpleton, and always will be.

Sarah Palin an intellectual?:lol:
This is getting good.
Goldwater was an intellectual. Sarah Palin has a degree in what? Journalism!
Dude, please quit as this line of insane jockeying by you is why we have the current no brain Barry Hussein in the chair.
Stop now. We do not want 4 more years of his dumb ass.

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