So whats your response to bidens speech?

I never did, and I am a Democrat. The comments in the beginning were reactionary. It's better to have a well funded, well trained force than not. Everyone knows this. Republicans just grabbed whatever they could out of it, to imply Democrats are against the police. Wrong!

Oh STFU....
I dont care what your opinion is. The fact is dems supported defunding the police.
I watched it with my wife for the first time as she usually isn't into politics. I didn't think it was horrible, though Biden has a long path to get above water in approvals with so many problems at hand.

My wife did make a funny comment I thought when she asked if it was a "geriatric ward" after the speech and the meet and greet with your government officials occurred.
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The common sense of things of what had America great. Time to drill at home, fool.
You see, there's where her common sense takes a nose dive right out of the box. Drill where? On government land? Fuck that. Why should I pay taxes for government land I use, so oil companies can make a profit, where I have to pay them too. Drill on nongovernment land. And by the way, what is wrong with wind, solar, and electric, that is less damaging to the environment. Did her common sense think about high speed rail, electric buses, and subways in all cities? Fuck no. Oil companies have her in their back pocket. It's the same old song and dance with Republicans. I got mine, and fuck you.
You need to turn in that 100 round magazine right now and turn in your war guns!!! Deer are wearing kevlar! He said so! But he gonna fix it all! He said so! He gonna cap this, and fix immigration and fix schools and get insulin! He gonna fix the roads! He gonna cure cancer!

He's so full of shit it ain't funny!
I didn't bother to watch it.

I spent most of that time sniffing my girlfriend's long brown hair.

Biden's speech rivaled the Gettysburg Address and The Sermon on the Mount!

Greatest speech by the greatest president in the history of the world!
You see, there's where her common sense takes a nose dive right out of the box. Drill where? On government land? Fuck that. Why should I pay taxes for government land I use, so oil companies can make a profit, where I have to pay them too. Drill on nongovernment land. And by the way, what is wrong with wind, solar, and electric, that is less damaging to the environment. Did her common sense think about high speed rail, electric buses, and subways in all cities? Fuck no. Oil companies have her in their back pocket. It's the same old song and dance with Republicans. I got mine, and fuck you.
Face it, man. It's President Joe Manchin right now while we try to stay strong during the Biden Depression.
You see, there's where her common sense takes a nose dive right out of the box. Drill where? On government land? Fuck that. Why should I pay taxes for government land I use, so oil companies can make a profit, where I have to pay them too. Drill on nongovernment land. And by the way, what is wrong with wind, solar, and electric, that is less damaging to the environment. Did her common sense think about high speed rail, electric buses, and subways in all cities? Fuck no. Oil companies have her in their back pocket. It's the same old song and dance with Republicans. I got mine, and fuck you.
You don't pay taxes. You're a Democrat. You take taxes.
If the right wing is upset...Joe must be doing something right for America. Since the right wing is always upset, I'm guessing the speech was a peach.
It was a kick ass speech. And here's the best part; this time tomorrow, while I'm calling out all toad stool Trump cultists on this forum, not one of them will have an intelligent argument of substance, either documented or sensible that can argue down what Biden said, and prove him wrong.
Face it, man. It's President Joe Manchin right now while we try to stay strong during the Biden Depression.
See how mute your counter argument is? You run to a Joe Manchin distraction. Face it, you have no intelligent rebuttals, and neither does any of your ilk. I mean seriously, just look at how stupid your comeback is. Joe Manchin? :laughing0301:

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