So whats your response to bidens speech?

He did a good job if you know nothing about the problems in our country.
Anyone who pays attention saw the lies he spouted for what they were.
It was OK, nothing to write home about. Good on Ukraine (except for the part he mumbled saying Putin would not win the hearts and minds of the Uranium people). No surprises, except maybe saying we had to fix the problem at the border. He ought to know. He made a fkd up situation worse from day one. His laundry lists on jobs, growth in GDP, etc was accurate, but does not impress the people out there less prepared to deal with inflation, even if he didn't create the inflation. Lots of we need to, we need to, we need to, yada, yada, yada, and this and that, and the other, Ow I've heard it before during every administration since Nixon. Tired of the spring butt ovations (surprised the Reps participated that often so maybe it really was an OK speech), tired of the "I wanna introduce little joey and little Suzy Rottencrotch, they're amazing and you need to hear their story". No. I rarely need to hear their story. Maybe I'm just 67-years-old and jaded.
You see, there's where her common sense takes a nose dive right out of the box. Drill where? On government land? Fuck that. Why should I pay taxes for government land I use, so oil companies can make a profit, where I have to pay them too. Drill on nongovernment land. And by the way, what is wrong with wind, solar, and electric, that is less damaging to the environment. Did her common sense think about high speed rail, electric buses, and subways in all cities? Fuck no. Oil companies have her in their back pocket. It's the same old song and dance with Republicans. I got mine, and fuck you.
Are you talking about the shining example of high speed rail like in California where it went so far over budget and behind schedule that it was scraped? That kind of high speed rail?
Or maybe it is a special imaginary one?
electric buses. Our electric grid is struggling to keep up as it is. California drops peoples power when the wind blows. How are they going to charge cars and buses. Gasonline generators? Wind and solar are just a small portion of our electric needs and heavily subsidized by the government or they would not even be affordable.
Most useable sources of water have already been dammed up and are already part of the grid. To use off shore ocean power will affect marine life in bad ways and change ocean currents which will affect weather patterns.
See how mute your counter argument is? You run to a Joe Manchin distraction. Face it, you have no intelligent rebuttals, and neither does any of your ilk. I mean seriously, just look at how stupid your comeback is. Joe Manchin? :laughing0301:

Sleepy joe is bad for your party they have 2 rebuttals LMAO
I know that the three days worth of oil he’s going insert into the market will surely refuse gasoline prices.
Are you talking about the shining example of high speed rail like in California where it went so far over budget and behind schedule that it was scraped? That kind of high speed rail?
Or maybe it is a special imaginary one?
electric buses. Our electric grid is struggling to keep up as it is. California drops peoples power when the wind blows. How are they going to charge cars and buses. Gasonline generators? Wind and solar are just a small portion of our electric needs and heavily subsidized by the government or they would not even be affordable.
Most useable sources of water have already been dammed up and are already part of the grid. To use off shore ocean power will affect marine life in bad ways and change ocean currents which will affect weather patterns.
If China can do it, we can do it. We can also go city wide with subways. I've seen it all done in South America, and the climate is the same as California. Stop making excuses.
He did a good job if you know nothing about the problems in our country.
Anyone who pays attention saw the lies he spouted for what they were.
I had to agree with Biden on how veterans are treated

1. Veterans are taken care of medically by the government 100%. It truly is government run health care. Check

2. Veterans are continually given subpar health care dating back as far as I can remember, back even after the government refused to own up to their Agent Orange in Vietnam causing all kinds of cancers and treating them accordingly. Check.

3. The democrat party is in control of Congress and the Executive Branch while veterans are being neglected and abused by government run health care the democrats control. Check

4. Government run health care is what they want for us all.. Check.

As for the masks, they mysteriously all disappeared at the speech,

It looks as though Biden alone with his fabulous leadership and sheer will power has defeated the Pandemic single handedly, even though more have died with Covid under them than Trump as they continue to die.

And lastly, Biden kept talking about sanctions against Russia but failed to mention that under him the US is importing more oil from Russia than ever before despite the sanctions

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