So whats your response to bidens speech?

Of course.
But I dont really care,her actions reflected more on her dumbass than anything else.
all I am saying is if that type of reaction was wrong from her, what would you want from the Rs that wouldn't be close to the same.
He did a good job if you know nothing about the problems in our country.
Anyone who pays attention saw the lies he spouted for what they were.

The American empire is downward spiraling at breathtaking speed into the dust of other once glorious and long fallen civilizations. Biden is simply the latest, dullest tip of the spear of that inevitability. A constant and reliable sign of falling empire is the tendency and hunger of its leaders to spin vast, easily disproven lies about the state of imperial affairs and quality of life for all the empire's subjects. The wheels of American empire have fallen off and yet our self-aggrandizing leaders swear to us the vehicle is still driving at highway speeds. The people of America have, over the span of two short years, suffered three forms of apocalypse: the COVID false flag, months of race riots, and now searing inflation. Will all you can watch Netflix, porn and Ukraine war be enough to distract the American people back into the happy servitude of permanent screensaver mode? Tune in to find out . . .
I have a perfect record, I have never watched or listened to a state of the union (otherwise know as the big rhetoric event) yet and I didn't this time. :thup:
No intelligent arguing points to back up your claims. No surprises there.
Biden's rambling about what he was going to do about corporate tax rates? PURE FANTASY.

Corporations? You can't tax them. They will move their corporate headquarters to the place of lowest taxation, and after that, pass all costs to the consumer. It is impossible to squeeze taxes out of corporate profits, it always comes out of the little people in the form of higher prices. . . ALWAYS.

The American empire is downward spiraling at breathtaking speed into the dust of other once glorious and long fallen civilizations. Biden is simply the latest, dullest tip of the spear of that inevitability. A constant and reliable sign of falling empire is the tendency and hunger of its leaders to spin vast, easily disproven lies about the state of imperial affairs and quality of life for all the empire's subjects. The wheels of American empire have fallen off and yet our self-aggrandizing leaders swear to us the vehicle is still driving at highway speeds. The people of America have, over the span of two short years, suffered three forms of apocalypse: the COVID false flag, months of race riots, and now searing inflation. Will all you can watch Netflix, porn and Ukraine war be enough to distract the American people back into the happy servitude of permanent screensaver mode? Tune in to find out . . .

It takes a strong populace that pays attention to our government's actions to keep a strong nation.
These days the vast majority of our populace know nothing about whats happening in their own country.
All you need to do is start a conversation with someone about politics and you usually get a blank stare.
It's truly disturbing that so many people have no clue where their government is taking them. They tend to just go along with the flow thinking their government has their best interest at heart if they even think about our government at all.
It will be our downfall.
Not a bad conclusion but I disagree on his job claims.
Well, they are in the record, right or wrong. Not sure I ever trust those numbers during any administration, so I don't particularly mind him quoting ones that make him look better. Every one of them, that ever gave that yearly speech, put their best numbers or spin on the numbers out there. Not sure I trust the inflation numbers either. Seems higher, looking at gasoline and food, though not having much of an effect on me, though lumber pissed me off when I built my new shed to my standard last year, and of course ammunition costs as I go through a lot of it.

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