So whats your response to bidens speech?

Quite a bit of it, to be sure, but a lot of it around here is actually new jobs being created in this and surrounding counties. At the same time, I will say that many of these new jobs being created here are probably job losses in other areas of the country as investment moves south, and this due to the lower wage scale, under utilized by capable labor availability, the business friendly environment and tax structure of TN as a whole, availability of farmland near towns and farmers getting older, not wanting to farm and their kids wanting to do other things after college than take over large family farms. Lot of reasons, but whatever president in office, (any president) is not the reason. Still, if in office, presidents always claim new jobs as "their" new jobs, since long before I was born.

So you admit it's largely due to people leaving dem states in favor of red states?
I've watched dems leave blue states for the last 30 years for work in red states. When I first started working in machine shops back in the early 80's fully half of the people working were from blue states.
And that trend continues but with large companies moving to Texas.
After the influx of northern yankees moving here for work the mexican immigrants were next.
I watched mexicans go from maybe 5% percent in machine shops in Texas to what we have today which is 75%..
I saw this happen in real time. Thank God I had the foresight to start investing before it became terminal.
Wages went nowhere during this time. A good machinist back before these changes could support a family of four easily.
Not anymore,wages have been stagnant for the last 20 years in machine shops.
I worked with a mexican guy who was born in california and moved to Texas for our job opportunities. He called me a racist because I was against illegals entering the US. I explained to him that the illegals eventually gain citizenship and they'll work for less than he does.
He finally caught on and ended up agreeing with me.
what should they have done?
They should have attended the state of the union speech, all wearing face masks that had, "let's go Brandon," on them. . . because, as we ALL KNOW, it was a purely political move by the CDC to tell D.C. that they no longer had to, just several dozen hours before the speech.

. . . and? When Biden crowed about how well he did fighting the pandemic, and how folks no longer needed to wear masks? They should have taken the masks off in unison, and thrown them into the air, and cheered, like graduates do, upon graduation day. . .


Shit. . . these folks want to play games? Then let's have 'em all play games!

Hey holy shit.
Like you or any (R) actually care about people on a fixed income or people in poverty.
All the RW cares about is the Ultra Rich.
But sure, let's pretend some more.
Trump did NOTHING to help ^^^^^^^ these people.
Quit Lying.

um. . . I am on a fixed, my parents are on a fixed income, and my grandmother is on a fixed income silly. :heehee:

And I don't give a shit about Trump.

I thought the thread was about Biden. You wanted to talk about Biden. . . and the critiques about Biden. . . so, your deflection is noted.

. . IOW? You got nothing, and you know you got nothing.

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You see, there's where her common sense takes a nose dive right out of the box. Drill where? On government land? Fuck that. Why should I pay taxes for government land I use, so oil companies can make a profit, where I have to pay them too. Drill on nongovernment land. And by the way, what is wrong with wind, solar, and electric, that is less damaging to the environment. Did her common sense think about high speed rail, electric buses, and subways in all cities? Fuck no. Oil companies have her in their back pocket. It's the same old song and dance with Republicans. I got mine, and fuck you.

So you enjoy paying 5 bucks for a gallon of gas?
So you admit it's largely due to people leaving dem states in favor of red states?
I've watched dems leave blue states for the last 30 years for work in red states. When I first started working in machine shops back in the early 80's fully half of the people working were from blue states.
And that trend continues but with large companies moving to Texas.
After the influx of northern yankees moving here for work the mexican immigrants were next.
I watched mexicans go from maybe 5% percent in machine shops in Texas to what we have today which is 75%..
I saw this happen in real time. Thank God I had the foresight to start investing before it became terminal.
Wages went nowhere during this time. A good machinist back before these changes could support a family of four easily.
Not anymore,wages have been stagnant for the last 20 years in machine shops.
I worked with a mexican guy who was born in california and moved to Texas for our job opportunities. He called me a racist because I was against illegals entering the US. I explained to him that the illegals eventually gain citizenship and they'll work for less than he does.
He finally caught on and ended up agreeing with me.
I have looked at the change in demographics of your state and found it amazing. I am not sure there is another that has changed so much in such short time.

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