So When Do the Statues Come Down and Renaming Begin?

I forgive him. I mean after all, as a Virginian, I sure as hell do not want to give up my 4 day weekend that begins with Lee-Jackson Day on Friday, so forgiveness is all I got going for me. I just want blacks to forgive Lee-Jackson in the spirit of compromise because it sure would suck for all of us if we climb up on our high horses. :bigbed:
MLK said let my people go. Women who King preyed on said let my titties go.

Actually I believe that was Peter Paul and Mary.

But what's instructive here is, here's the Echobubble that last week was falling all over itself to go "b- but but MLK was a Republican! Please?", and this week it does a whole 180 and hopes nobody will notice.

Y'all are nothing if not entertaining.
MLK said let my people go. Women who King preyed on said let my titties go.

Actually I believe that was Peter Paul and Mary.

But what's instructive here is, here's the Echobubble that last week was falling all over itself to go "b- but but MLK was a Republican! Please?", and this week it does a whole 180 and hopes nobody will notice.

Y'all are nothing if not entertaining.
And the left claimed him as one of their own
Because Trump is a disgrace right wingers have to attack Martin Luther King Jr.?

A man who was murdered by a right winger and a racist a half century ago?
"If" this is true, does it offend you? Does it obliterate all the good the man did? It would be interesting to know if your contempt expanded to include p**sy-grabbers.
I think we all know that during Trump's "locker room talk," the term "pussy grabbing" was just a euphemism used by Trump, to accurately describe the types of women who are nothing but gold diggers, willing to do anything just to get close to men of power and money.
This is a thread about consistency of the Left.

At what point will the Left demand his name and image be eradicated from history and public view?

Sealed FBI audio tapes allege Martin Luther King Jr. had affairs with 40 women and watched while a friend raped a woman, a report claims

Where did the UDC put up statues of MLK to keep whites in their place?

Where did a Jefferson statue go up to keep blacks in their place?

Where did a Jefferson statue come down?

Maybe you can bring in Special Ed to essplain to the class when it was that Jefferson rose from the dead to lead CSA armies.
"If" this is true, does it offend you? Does it obliterate all the good the man did? It would be interesting to know if your contempt expanded to include p**sy-grabbers.
I think we all know that during Trump's "locker room talk," the term "pussy grabbing" was just a euphemism used by Trump, to accurately describe the types of women who are nothing but gold diggers, willing to do anything just to get close to men of power and money.

I think we all kniow, or should, the difference between "grabber" and "grabee".

Not the topic anyway.
MLK said let my people go. Women who King preyed on said let my titties go.

Actually I believe that was Peter Paul and Mary.

But what's instructive here is, here's the Echobubble that last week was falling all over itself to go "b- but but MLK was a Republican! Please?", and this week it does a whole 180 and hopes nobody will notice.

Y'all are nothing if not entertaining.
And the left claimed him as one of their own


Do I get $1 for every leftist whining about Washington, Jefferson etc being honored?
Because Trump is a disgrace right wingers have to attack Martin Luther King Jr.?

A man who was murdered by a right winger and a racist a half century ago?
You will need to revise and extend the context of your remarks, because the Democratic Party left have so bastardized the term "right winger" that it's now nothing but a meaningless curse word.
Do I get $1 for every leftist whining about Washington, Jefferson etc being honored?

Sure. We can take it out of this mountain of nickels earned by Pogo's Law. You know, the one where every inconvenient story about Rump gets derailed with "b..but but Hillary!". There's so much money in there I won't even miss it.

You're still running away from the original question.

Sure. We can take it out of this mountain of nickels earned by Pogo's Law. You know, the one where every inconvenient story about Rump gets derailed with "b..but but Hillary!". There's so much money in there I won't even miss it.
Lousy attempt at deflection.

You’ve been owned.

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