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So when do we start to call Biden an unpatriotic, sniveling little draft dodger?

Uhm, uhhhh, ooo, prove something liar.
You don't even have to go that far.

Just take Clinton's impeachment for instance.

The Republicans told us that he had to be impeached for a BJ, because of the Office of the President, yada, yada, yada...then they turn around and vote for the most sexually lewd President in American history.

If that's not enough, same case, the Republicans told us that the President needs to be a moral leader, and not engage in such sexual dalliances, meanwhile many of the strongest criticizers in Congress, were in the MIDST of their own sexual dalliances, namely Newt Gingrich.

Now those same Republicans are telling us that the President isn't our Pastor, after spending years telling us that the President should basically be a pastor.

I mean, how stupid are you dude?

You liars never stop lying proving what a say about the lot of you. You are nothing but liars. Clinton was impeached for perjury and no matter how many times your lying hide spews your lie it will not make it true.
Biden is a pedophile?

THanks for pointing that out!

Technically, it should be referred to as hebefilia.

Here's my problem though...and it should be obvious to a child. Where is the lefty outrage on Candidate Biden? When will lefty understand that we took Trump despite all of his shortcomings? Is he a Cad? Sure....so what? A draft dodger? Yep...knew that already. Obnoxious? Yep...part of what sells him. But since we already know these things it doesn't really pay for the left to dwell on them 24/7.

I detest this Orange smear you call a *pResident, and I'm not a 'lefty'. When you frame the debate in this way, you are indicating you aren't interested in an objective discussion. Binary responses seem to be the only ones permitted. What's the point of opening a new thread about it?

Binary means double....

I'm searching for the roots of double standards.


Binary means something having two parts: A binary-response model is a mean-regression model in which the dependent variable takes only the values zero and one. The example being if I don't support the Orange Virus, then I'm automatically dismissed as 'lefty' or 'Biden supporter'. Only 1 of 2 responses seem to be up for debate in this thread when in reality there are many, many other possibilities. If you're not smart enough to understand that basic concept, please don't respond.

Nope....you have failed miserably in your analysis. Not sure if you're sincere or purposely obtuse.

Once again I'll pose the same enigma.

Is it time to start referring to Biden as a sniveling, draft dodging coward?

Don't be afraid....just answer.

if you're not smart enough to understand the simplicity of the question please don't respond.

The problem Offal as I see it is Biden is given a sort of pass because comparing him to Trump is a terrible miscalculation Trump is slime from way back Biden had hardships in his life to overcome wasn't married 3 times cheating on all , wasn't a world class p***k and served our nation for many years Trump served himself
Uhm, uhhhh, ooo, prove something liar.
You don't even have to go that far.

Just take Clinton's impeachment for instance.

The Republicans told us that he had to be impeached for a BJ, because of the Office of the President, yada, yada, yada...then they turn around and vote for the most sexually lewd President in American history.

If that's not enough, same case, the Republicans told us that the President needs to be a moral leader, and not engage in such sexual dalliances, meanwhile many of the strongest criticizers in Congress, were in the MIDST of their own sexual dalliances, namely Newt Gingrich.

Now those same Republicans are telling us that the President isn't our Pastor, after spending years telling us that the President should basically be a pastor.

I mean, how stupid are you dude?

You liars never stop lying proving what a say about the lot of you. You are nothing but liars. Clinton was impeached for perjury and no matter how many times your lying hide spews your lie it will not make it true.
LOL and with you Trump cannot tell a lie??? lol
Uhm, uhhhh, ooo, prove something liar.
You don't even have to go that far.

Just take Clinton's impeachment for instance.

The Republicans told us that he had to be impeached for a BJ, because of the Office of the President, yada, yada, yada...then they turn around and vote for the most sexually lewd President in American history.

If that's not enough, same case, the Republicans told us that the President needs to be a moral leader, and not engage in such sexual dalliances, meanwhile many of the strongest criticizers in Congress, were in the MIDST of their own sexual dalliances, namely Newt Gingrich.

Now those same Republicans are telling us that the President isn't our Pastor, after spending years telling us that the President should basically be a pastor.

I mean, how stupid are you dude?

You liars never stop lying proving what a say about the lot of you. You are nothing but liars. Clinton was impeached for perjury and no matter how many times your lying hide spews your lie it will not make it true.
LOL and with you Trump cannot tell a lie??? lol
Great deflection traitor.
Uhm, uhhhh, ooo, prove something liar.
You don't even have to go that far.

Just take Clinton's impeachment for instance.

The Republicans told us that he had to be impeached for a BJ, because of the Office of the President, yada, yada, yada...then they turn around and vote for the most sexually lewd President in American history.

If that's not enough, same case, the Republicans told us that the President needs to be a moral leader, and not engage in such sexual dalliances, meanwhile many of the strongest criticizers in Congress, were in the MIDST of their own sexual dalliances, namely Newt Gingrich.

Now those same Republicans are telling us that the President isn't our Pastor, after spending years telling us that the President should basically be a pastor.

I mean, how stupid are you dude?

You liars never stop lying proving what a say about the lot of you. You are nothing but liars. Clinton was impeached for perjury and no matter how many times your lying hide spews your lie it will not make it true.
LOL and with you Trump cannot tell a lie??? lol
Great deflection traitor.
Is it a deflection to call trump a lowlife scumbag for just bashing Pelosi and a war hero Mueller in front of the 1000's of American graves on foreign soil??
I never argued with anyone who called out Trump for his deferments from the Military. Guys who do that and then go on to accuse those who didn't defer are hypocrites and yes that includes Trump.

Here's my problem though...and it should be obvious to a child. Where is the lefty outrage on Candidate Biden? When will lefty understand that we took Trump despite all of his shortcomings? Is he a Cad? Sure....so what? A draft dodger? Yep...knew that already. Obnoxious? Yep...part of what sells him. But since we already know these things it doesn't really pay for the left to dwell on them 24/7.

The man promised and the man is keeping his promises having to fight both parties to do it. So....not only is he going to get the same votes he got before ( minus a handful of disgruntled farmers I guess ) he will most likely get a very large number of votes from people who really want to see the border secured..... ( hint and lot of them are lefties who are too frightened to admit what they want ).

So lefty....you want us to reject Trump for what we already knew and to call his supporters scum because they support him anyway.

So here's the thing....now that you know Biden is a pedophile, a deferment milquetoast and a Plagiarizer.....with absolutely no room to deny any of these things...is he also a sniveling, cowardly little draft dodger like Trump? Do you want to vote for him anyway? That's fine.....go ahead....but look in the Mirror lefty next time you want to generalize with your insults.


Well look at you with your righteous indignation and high minded language about the political discourse, except you're not discussing the candidates' records, their qualifications or their plans for the future. You're discussing which insults are appropriate for the candidates, while lying about Joe Biden.

How about you cut the crap with the lies and the insults altogether and focus on policies and the future, instead of further demeaning the political discourse with lies and insults? Or is that asking to much of Trump and his supporters?
Nope....you have failed miserably in your analysis. Not sure if you're sincere or purposely obtuse.

My analysis is clear and I pretty much knocked it out of the park.

Once again I'll pose the same enigma.

Is it time to start referring to Biden as a sniveling, draft dodging coward?

Stupid question, and I don't give a squirt what you do. I'm also fairly sure you don't need any permission to be hateful and snarky.

You did no such thing you managed to respond a complete non sequitur avoiding the question because you're a coward.

Here let me answer for you:

Military deferments only matter if it's a Republican.

There's the honest answer that should be coming from your dishonest lips.

Uhm, uhhhh, ooo, prove something liar.
You don't even have to go that far.

Just take Clinton's impeachment for instance.

The Republicans told us that he had to be impeached for a BJ, because of the Office of the President, yada, yada, yada...then they turn around and vote for the most sexually lewd President in American history.

If that's not enough, same case, the Republicans told us that the President needs to be a moral leader, and not engage in such sexual dalliances, meanwhile many of the strongest criticizers in Congress, were in the MIDST of their own sexual dalliances, namely Newt Gingrich.

Now those same Republicans are telling us that the President isn't our Pastor, after spending years telling us that the President should basically be a pastor.

I mean, how stupid are you dude?

You liars never stop lying proving what a say about the lot of you. You are nothing but liars. Clinton was impeached for perjury and no matter how many times your lying hide spews your lie it will not make it true.
LOL and with you Trump cannot tell a lie??? lol
Great deflection traitor.

It's you who are deflecting. Republicans are great at tearing one another down and flinging insults because it provides cover for their total lack of policy or ideas. All you have is insults and abuse. That's how Republicans campaign. No policy, just name calling and whining.
Nope....you have failed miserably in your analysis. Not sure if you're sincere or purposely obtuse.

My analysis is clear and I pretty much knocked it out of the park.

Once again I'll pose the same enigma.

Is it time to start referring to Biden as a sniveling, draft dodging coward?

Stupid question, and I don't give a squirt what you do. I'm also fairly sure you don't need any permission to be hateful and snarky.

You did no such thing you managed to respond a complete non sequitur avoiding the question because you're a coward.

Here let me answer for you:

Military deferments only matter if it's a Republican.

There's the honest answer that should be coming from your dishonest lips.


Yes, that's probably the best way for you to debate. Answer the stupid questions yourself. I detest Democrat and Republican chicken hawks alike.
Uhm, uhhhh, ooo, prove something liar.
You don't even have to go that far.

Just take Clinton's impeachment for instance.

The Republicans told us that he had to be impeached for a BJ, because of the Office of the President, yada, yada, yada...then they turn around and vote for the most sexually lewd President in American history.

If that's not enough, same case, the Republicans told us that the President needs to be a moral leader, and not engage in such sexual dalliances, meanwhile many of the strongest criticizers in Congress, were in the MIDST of their own sexual dalliances, namely Newt Gingrich.

Now those same Republicans are telling us that the President isn't our Pastor, after spending years telling us that the President should basically be a pastor.

I mean, how stupid are you dude?

You liars never stop lying proving what a say about the lot of you. You are nothing but liars. Clinton was impeached for perjury and no matter how many times your lying hide spews your lie it will not make it true.
LOL and with you Trump cannot tell a lie??? lol
Great deflection traitor.

It's you who are deflecting. Republicans are great at tearing one another down and flinging insults because it provides cover for their total lack of policy or ideas. All you have is insults and abuse. That's how Republicans campaign. No policy, just name calling and whining.
And if you say something they don't like they'll walk out of infrastructure meetings Bunch of whimps
You don't even have to go that far.

Just take Clinton's impeachment for instance.

The Republicans told us that he had to be impeached for a BJ, because of the Office of the President, yada, yada, yada...then they turn around and vote for the most sexually lewd President in American history.

If that's not enough, same case, the Republicans told us that the President needs to be a moral leader, and not engage in such sexual dalliances, meanwhile many of the strongest criticizers in Congress, were in the MIDST of their own sexual dalliances, namely Newt Gingrich.

Now those same Republicans are telling us that the President isn't our Pastor, after spending years telling us that the President should basically be a pastor.

I mean, how stupid are you dude?

You liars never stop lying proving what a say about the lot of you. You are nothing but liars. Clinton was impeached for perjury and no matter how many times your lying hide spews your lie it will not make it true.
LOL and with you Trump cannot tell a lie??? lol
Great deflection traitor.

It's you who are deflecting. Republicans are great at tearing one another down and flinging insults because it provides cover for their total lack of policy or ideas. All you have is insults and abuse. That's how Republicans campaign. No policy, just name calling and whining.
And if you say something they don't like they'll walk out of infrastructure meetings Bunch of whimps
I'd walk out of the room every time those lying obstructing do nothing dimoscum pos came around me.
You liars never stop lying proving what a say about the lot of you. You are nothing but liars. Clinton was impeached for perjury and no matter how many times your lying hide spews your lie it will not make it true.
LOL and with you Trump cannot tell a lie??? lol
Great deflection traitor.

It's you who are deflecting. Republicans are great at tearing one another down and flinging insults because it provides cover for their total lack of policy or ideas. All you have is insults and abuse. That's how Republicans campaign. No policy, just name calling and whining.
And if you say something they don't like they'll walk out of infrastructure meetings Bunch of whimps
I'd walk out of the room every time those lying obstructing do nothing dimoscum pos came around me.
Yeah mike ,,,the hell with doing your job
Uhm, uhhhh, ooo, prove something liar.
You don't even have to go that far.

Just take Clinton's impeachment for instance.

The Republicans told us that he had to be impeached for a BJ, because of the Office of the President, yada, yada, yada...then they turn around and vote for the most sexually lewd President in American history.

If that's not enough, same case, the Republicans told us that the President needs to be a moral leader, and not engage in such sexual dalliances, meanwhile many of the strongest criticizers in Congress, were in the MIDST of their own sexual dalliances, namely Newt Gingrich.

Now those same Republicans are telling us that the President isn't our Pastor, after spending years telling us that the President should basically be a pastor.

I mean, how stupid are you dude?

You liars never stop lying proving what a say about the lot of you. You are nothing but liars. Clinton was impeached for perjury and no matter how many times your lying hide spews your lie it will not make it true.
LOL and with you Trump cannot tell a lie??? lol
Great deflection traitor.

It's you who are deflecting. Republicans are great at tearing one another down and flinging insults because it provides cover for their total lack of policy or ideas. All you have is insults and abuse. That's how Republicans campaign. No policy, just name calling and whining.
How can I be deflecting when I haven't deflectes from anything Ms. Skank?
LOL and with you Trump cannot tell a lie??? lol
Great deflection traitor.

It's you who are deflecting. Republicans are great at tearing one another down and flinging insults because it provides cover for their total lack of policy or ideas. All you have is insults and abuse. That's how Republicans campaign. No policy, just name calling and whining.
And if you say something they don't like they'll walk out of infrastructure meetings Bunch of whimps
I'd walk out of the room every time those lying obstructing do nothing dimoscum pos came around me.
Yeah mike ,,,the hell with doing your job
When are the demoscum gonna start doing their jobs? For the last 3 years they been doing nothing but playing a losing game of get Trump. Not one of them has done anything but obstruct.
Pelosi is trying ,,,She says no impeachment for Trump Want's the swine in jail

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