So when will Jack Dorsey be indicted for lying to Congress?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

So when will Jack Dorsey be indicted for lying to Congress?

11 Dec 2022 ~~ By Jazz Shaw

This is a question I’ve been mulling ever since the Twitter Files started dropping, though I’m not quite as sure about it now as was previously. (More on that in a moment.) The New York Post picked up on something that many of us noticed during Bari Weiss’ tweetstorm that delivered the second episode of the ongoing series. As you may recall, former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was called in to provide testimony before Congress in 2018 and he was asked at least three times whether or not Twitter was shadow-banning or censoring Republicans and conservatives on his platform. Each time he responded by saying that wasn’t being done and that if their algorithm was doing it, they hadn’t intentionally programmed it to be that way. We now know from the company’s internal documents that those claims were false. So should Dorsey be facing some sort of penalty or legal action for lying under oath?

Committing perjury before Congress can come with significant penalties. But the Twitter Files have shown us that a lot of the decisions about shadow banning were made below Dorsey’s level, often without him even being informed. I’m assuming he knew that something was going on, but the internal documents suggest that he was actually pushing to ensure that the company’s content moderation guidelines were being enforced in a fair and equal manner.
As Jonathan Turley told The Post, any prosecution of Dorsey would require Merrick Garland to go along with the plan. And given how much Garland has politicized the Justice Department in favor of liberals since taking office, what are the odds of that happening? Likely slim to none.
Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell has to be a big part of the investigation, right? Could Jack Dorsey wind up being swept up in the investigation and end up taking some collateral damage? It still doesn’t sound very likely, but these days it seems like anything is possible.

Is Jack Dorsey correct? If it was the FBI and other agencies (we’ve grown to trust so much) who were the ones doing it and he was powerless to stop it?
Certain we have identified individuals like James Baker, Elvis Chan, and other's
What happens to leftist supporting social media CEO’s?
Nothing! The Quisling Media will bury the story and we’ll never hear of it again.
Turley's words , taken from Zero Hedge this morning, provide the full summary/ conclusions and echo OP's outline .
I speculate Dorsey effectively fronted himself via the plausible deniability route and is banking on zero prosecution given the known bias in his favour from King Rat Garland the present AG .

" The question is then whether this was a case of willful blindness or an attempt by other executives like Gadde or Roth to give him plausible deniability by keeping him in the dark. He then became the public face in unequivocally and confidently denying practices like shadow-banning.

The greatest defense for Dorsey may be found in the Justice Department itself. Any prosecution of Twitter executives could prove a hard sell for Attorney General Merrick Garland, whose department has been repeatedly accused of pronounced political bias.

While Garland has aggressively pursued contempt sanctions against Trump associates, it is not clear if he would prove as aggressive with Democratic allies like Dorsey or other Twitter executives. He could face that question if the House under the GOP pursues perjury or contempt sanction"

So when will Jack Dorsey be indicted for lying to Congress?

11 Dec 2022 ~~ By Jazz Shaw

This is a question I’ve been mulling ever since the Twitter Files started dropping, though I’m not quite as sure about it now as was previously. (More on that in a moment.) The New York Post picked up on something that many of us noticed during Bari Weiss’ tweetstorm that delivered the second episode of the ongoing series. As you may recall, former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was called in to provide testimony before Congress in 2018 and he was asked at least three times whether or not Twitter was shadow-banning or censoring Republicans and conservatives on his platform. Each time he responded by saying that wasn’t being done and that if their algorithm was doing it, they hadn’t intentionally programmed it to be that way. We now know from the company’s internal documents that those claims were false. So should Dorsey be facing some sort of penalty or legal action for lying under oath?

Committing perjury before Congress can come with significant penalties. But the Twitter Files have shown us that a lot of the decisions about shadow banning were made below Dorsey’s level, often without him even being informed. I’m assuming he knew that something was going on, but the internal documents suggest that he was actually pushing to ensure that the company’s content moderation guidelines were being enforced in a fair and equal manner.
As Jonathan Turley told The Post, any prosecution of Dorsey would require Merrick Garland to go along with the plan. And given how much Garland has politicized the Justice Department in favor of liberals since taking office, what are the odds of that happening? Likely slim to none.
Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell has to be a big part of the investigation, right? Could Jack Dorsey wind up being swept up in the investigation and end up taking some collateral damage? It still doesn’t sound very likely, but these days it seems like anything is possible.

Is Jack Dorsey correct? If it was the FBI and other agencies (we’ve grown to trust so much) who were the ones doing it and he was powerless to stop it?
Certain we have identified individuals like James Baker, Elvis Chan, and other's
What happens to leftist supporting social media CEO’s?
Nothing! The Quisling Media will bury the story and we’ll never hear of it again.

The Dumbocrats will do nothing but a new GOP House of Representatives will take up the issue and
the asshole Zuckerberg should be prosecuted, too.
Turley's words , taken from Zero Hedge this morning, provide the full summary/ conclusions and echo OP's outline .
I speculate Dorsey effectively fronted himself via the plausible deniability route and is banking on zero prosecution given the known bias in his favour from King Rat Garland the present AG .

" The question is then whether this was a case of willful blindness or an attempt by other executives like Gadde or Roth to give him plausible deniability by keeping him in the dark. He then became the public face in unequivocally and confidently denying practices like shadow-banning.

The greatest defense for Dorsey may be found in the Justice Department itself. Any prosecution of Twitter executives could prove a hard sell for Attorney General Merrick Garland, whose department has been repeatedly accused of pronounced political bias.

While Garland has aggressively pursued contempt sanctions against Trump associates, it is not clear if he would prove as aggressive with Democratic allies like Dorsey or other Twitter executives. He could face that question if the House under the GOP pursues perjury or contempt sanction"
A number of Republicans want to impeach dirtbag Garland but they won't have enough votes in the Senate to remove him.

So when will Jack Dorsey be indicted for lying to Congress?

11 Dec 2022 ~~ By Jazz Shaw

This is a question I’ve been mulling ever since the Twitter Files started dropping, though I’m not quite as sure about it now as was previously. (More on that in a moment.) The New York Post picked up on something that many of us noticed during Bari Weiss’ tweetstorm that delivered the second episode of the ongoing series. As you may recall, former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was called in to provide testimony before Congress in 2018 and he was asked at least three times whether or not Twitter was shadow-banning or censoring Republicans and conservatives on his platform. Each time he responded by saying that wasn’t being done and that if their algorithm was doing it, they hadn’t intentionally programmed it to be that way. We now know from the company’s internal documents that those claims were false. So should Dorsey be facing some sort of penalty or legal action for lying under oath?

Committing perjury before Congress can come with significant penalties. But the Twitter Files have shown us that a lot of the decisions about shadow banning were made below Dorsey’s level, often without him even being informed. I’m assuming he knew that something was going on, but the internal documents suggest that he was actually pushing to ensure that the company’s content moderation guidelines were being enforced in a fair and equal manner.
As Jonathan Turley told The Post, any prosecution of Dorsey would require Merrick Garland to go along with the plan. And given how much Garland has politicized the Justice Department in favor of liberals since taking office, what are the odds of that happening? Likely slim to none.
Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell has to be a big part of the investigation, right? Could Jack Dorsey wind up being swept up in the investigation and end up taking some collateral damage? It still doesn’t sound very likely, but these days it seems like anything is possible.

Is Jack Dorsey correct? If it was the FBI and other agencies (we’ve grown to trust so much) who were the ones doing it and he was powerless to stop it?
Certain we have identified individuals like James Baker, Elvis Chan, and other's
What happens to leftist supporting social media CEO’s?
Nothing! The Quisling Media will bury the story and we’ll never hear of it again.

No, of course not! Even your article says the Twitter files shows Dorsey was telling the truth about it, from what he knew.

Your cut n paste, answered your thread title....

Committing perjury before Congress can come with significant penalties. But the Twitter Files have shown us that a lot of the decisions about shadow banning were made below Dorsey’s level, often without him even being informed.
Why is an alleged business deal with Hunter Biden and a Chinese company in 2017,
after Joe Biden had left office, important at all for Congress or the Senate to spend our money to investigate???
No, of course not! Even your article says the Twitter files shows Dorsey was telling the truth about it, from what he knew.

Your cut n paste, answered your thread title....
We are all well aware of that Care4all .

But that is hardly the point at issue which is --- that through pre-planning you set up the route of plausible denial in order to provide a cover story in case of future problems .

Now if you choose to believe that Jack was such a ninny and inept business person that his left hand did not know what his right hand with clutched knife was doing , this tells us more about your gullibility than anything else .. imho .
Funny how Trump Humpers look the other way while Trump is lying and spitting on the Constitution. Why don't you want Uncle Thomas removed from the Supreme Court?
We are all well aware of that Care4all .

But that is hardly the point at issue which is --- that through pre-planning you set up the route of plausible denial in order to provide a cover story in case of future problems .

Now if you choose to believe that Jack was such a ninny and inept business person that his left hand did not know what his right hand with clutched knife was doing , this tells us more about your gullibility than anything else .. imho .
in a damaged mind, a conspiracy, instead of facts, is always the first choice...! :beer:
Funny how Trump Humpers look the other way while Trump is lying and spitting on the Constitution. Why don't you want Uncle Thomas removed from the Supreme Court?
Show us how Trump spit on the Constitution.

He built a border wall to keep criminals and drugs out. He rebuilt the military and made the economy one of the best ever. He started pulling our troops out of useless wars. He promoted the Abraham accords for peace in the Middle East.
Show us how Trump spit on the Constitution.

He built a border wall to keep criminals and drugs out. He rebuilt the military and made the economy one of the best ever. He started pulling our troops out of useless wars. He promoted the Abraham accords for peace in the Middle East.

I'm sure I've asked twenty or thirty leftist vermin on this board to do the same thing.

They can't.

It sure is fun to watch them sidestep and backpedal.

The new strain of TDS apparently.

I heard that they have discovered that ALL STRAINS OF TDS ARE FATAL eventually, and the only antidote to the toxin is to spend twelve hours a day in a factory sewing the little "Made In USA" tags in the MAGA hats, and that all of the proceeds of the sale of those hats go to supporting the children of women who have chosen not to abort their babies!.



I'm sure I've asked twenty or thirty leftist vermin on this board to do the same thing.

They can't.

It sure is fun to watch them sidestep and backpedal.

I have discovered that lefty Dumbocrats operate on emotion and not facts. They simply repeat slogans fed them by the media and Dumbocrats.
Funny how Trump Humpers look the other way while Trump is lying and spitting on the Constitution. Why don't you want Uncle Thomas removed from the Supreme Court?
look at plantation boy come running to defend. and deflect from his demklan party and start throwing out racist attacks on the only african american man in the court. those free black men are such a threat to plantation boys like you…
I have discovered that lefty Dumbocrats operate on emotion and not facts. They simply repeat slogans fed them by the media and Dumbocrats.

Spot on.

I think this phenomenon comes about as the result of the spoiling that happens while their "parents" are too lazy or too stoned to actually raise them.

Take care clause refers to a clause in the U.S. Constitution that imposes a duty on the President to take due care while executing laws. The purpose of this clause is to ensure that a law is faithfully executed by the President. This clause of the constitution is referred under USCS Const. Art. II, § 3.

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