So where do USMB members stand on this SCJOTUS nomination...

Who's it gonna be?

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Probably the main reason why Trump got elected was the potential for multiple Supreme Court replacements.

Actually that comes with every Administration. Go learn how our country works.
I was wondering why Barrett took a upward trajectory in the polls overt he last 24 hr's (yes I have money on it, lol) Perhaps Orrin hatch's speech yesterday had something to do with it, using the pronouns "her" and "she". here's hoping, lol !!!

A top Republican senator offered a potentially massive clue about the identity of Trump's Supreme Court pick

"Just as he did with Neil Gorsuch, the president has promised to nominate an impartial judge, a wise and seasoned jurist committed to upholding the Constitution at all costs," Hatch wrote. "But no matter the nominee's background or credentials, progressives will do everything they can to paint her as a closet partisan, if not an outright extremist."

I think Orrin Hatch is old enough to remember when "Progressives" actually existed.
Probably the main reason why Trump got elected was the potential for multiple Supreme Court replacements.

Actually that comes with every Administration. Go learn how our country works.
Not all president's walk into an administration with such an ancient group of long timers... There was the expectation out there for more than a couple to be replaced which is somewhat unique...
Probably the main reason why Trump got elected was the potential for multiple Supreme Court replacements.

Actually that comes with every Administration. Go learn how our country works.
Not all president's walk into an administration with such an ancient group of 9... There was the expectation out there for more than a couple to be replaced which is somewhat unique...

No I doubt that. Aging is a constant.
I like the chick. Seems to be the most Conservative.

If that asshole Obama got to appoint those two extreme far Left shithead dingbats then Trump need to counter with a good solid Conservatives.


Have my favorite but that matters nothing as it ain’t my call. I simply trust my president to pick a solid conservative who while help keep America the bastion of freedom and liberty our founders intended. And if that jerks the lefties around a bit in coming decades that’s life. Elections have consequences as a not very bright former president once said.

Watching the Leftists maul a Christian woman who has just recently been confirmed 55-43 right before the election would rile up the conservative voting base BIGLY. Watching Leftists demonize 70 million U.S. Catholics right before the election would be YUGE.

The U.S. Senate confirmed Barrett to the Seventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on October 31, by a 55-43 vote. Three Democrats voted for her and two did not vote. It would not be easy to justify changing their votes now, as she has served unexceptionably. At her confirmation hearings, Senator Dianne Feinstein, the Judiciary Committee’s aged ranking Democrat, asked Barrett about her religious views, and the nominee responded that no judge should allow personal views, whether based on faith or anything else, to influence the imposition of the law. “The dogma lives loudly within you, and that is a concern,” Feinstein said infamously. This was an outrageous comment; Feinstein doesn’t know anything about the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church, and she has no idea what privately motivates Judge Barrett.

Nominating Amy Barrett Would Be Political Genius - American Greatness

A conservative woman on SCOTUS would solve many of our political issues. I believe many more women will vote for conservative issues because of her appointment. However, the two men are equally qualified;

Hate to be the one to break astounding news y'all but a SCOTUS judge ain't supposed to look after "conservative" interests, "left" interests, "right" interests or any kind of "religious" interests. They're supposed to enforce the Constitution.

Y'all demonstrated the shortcomings of civics classes, or lack thereof. And/or the pitfalls of partisan hackery.

Those shithead dingbat asshole Moon Bat bitches that Obama appointed sure as hell looks after Libtard interest.

Where were those bitches when they were basing immigration "law: on what Trump said as a candidate rather than what the law really said? The law was nowhere to be found. Just partisan bias.

Quit your bitching. If Obama gets to appoint extreme far Left Moon Bats then Trump can counter that stupidity by appointing Conservatives. Elections have consequences. Probably the main reason why Trump got elected was the potential for multiple Supreme Court replacements.

You didn't address the point at all. If anything you just confirmed it.

I addressed it real well Moon Bats. You just didn't want to accept the truth.

You don't get to apply the standard of appointing judges that will uphold the law when there are Republicans and then get to appoint Left Wing partisan assholes when the Democrats are in power.

Where were you when that asshole Obama appointed those two partisan Moon Bats shitheads who wouldn't know the law if it was engraved on their foreheads.

Why don't you go look up my multitudinous posts on the topic and quote 'em for us all... instead of just pulling it out of your ass as you've done up to this point because you can't be bothered with facts.

Happy huntin'.

Once AGAIN a SCOTUS judge isn't there to be a 'partisan' anything. They're there to be a judge on Constitutional matters, period. And once they're in there they're beholden to nobody but that Constitution.

That's the same thing I've said three times while you continue to :lalala:

Partisan HACK.
Since Pogo knows everything, why are liberal judges partisan and conservatives can't be? Kennedy was neutral as are most of the cons.
In the case of a corporation vs a worker hopefully the new pick wouldn't immediately rule in favor of the corporation but if course money talks and workers are horrible compared to the wonderful corporation.
Politicians Are White-Collar Snobs and Should Automatically Be Rejected by Blue- Collar Workers

The workers have far more potential power through organizing and strikes than they can ever have through legislation, which is for weaklings who rely on others to get them their rights.
Democrat Liberals continue to show America that they are the party of obstruction, hatefulness and intolerance. They are literally destroying their own party from within and do not seem to even recognize the fact that they are doing it. Come November it will become a GOP super majority. The price Democrats will continue to pay for their bad conduct.
Grow up, Intolerant. The GOP has acted the same way with the shoe on the other foot.

Amy Barrett is no David Duke, for heaven's sake. She won't go within a 100 miles of Roe v Wade. She will double down on behalf of corporations.
Grow up, Intolerant. The GOP has acted the same way with the shoe on the other foot.

Amy Barrett is no David Duke, for heaven's sake. She won't go within a 100 miles of Roe v Wade. She will double down on behalf of corporations.
You don’t me son. So shut you’re pie-hole.
Grow up, Intolerant. The GOP has acted the same way with the shoe on the other foot.

Amy Barrett is no David Duke, for heaven's sake. She won't go within a 100 miles of Roe v Wade. She will double down on behalf of corporations.
You don’t me son. So shut you’re pie-hole.
You are nothing, Intolerant, except the characteristics of your moniker. Step off, bud.
I love the way the president is playing the Media and the Dims on this. They're going nuts while he sits back and laughs at all of them. They are vetting them for him. If there was any dirt to be found, we would've heard it by now.
I don't know much about Kavinauch... could you expound on why he is the least objectionable?

A bit more moderate, unlikely to overturn established law. More judicial, less political.
Slavery and abortion were once considered established law. Only strict Constitutionalists should be allowed on the SC.
We disagree on that. Strict constitutionalist would never have given women equal rights.
Which was also once considered established law. Strict Constitutionalists overturned slavery and women's suffrage. It's a pretty good guide.

Actually those were established by Amendments. Both of them.
And ruled legal. Like ObamaSnare.
Who top conservatives want Trump to pick for Supreme Court ( just in )

I go with Mark Levin's endorsement but I did even before reading this:

Go, Mike Lee.

Who top conservatives want Trump to pick for Supreme Court
I'll second that, Ted Cruz's endorsement is Lee as well. I didn't know about Kavanaugh clerking for Kennedy. I hear claims that he isn't strong on the border in past rulings, it would be hard to believe that Trump would pick him if that is the case. Still, conventional wisdom has him well above the others on the liederboard.
I vote for her ...I like her

Amy Coney Barrett !!!! :2up:

she ticks all the boxes


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