So... where the subpoena?

of course i read them. the first one said a subpeana is ready if needed & the 2nd says it will be sent out if needed. it really is that simple to understand, even a poorly educated trumpanzee can understand. but not you? that makes you extra special.
Still waiting for you to answer the question.
We both know you cannot.
lol.... you voted for trump- you are into alternative facts.... & we both know that.
Thank you for proving you cannot address my question.
Run along now.
i'll run along while you take that yellow short bus back to trump town.
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.

alternative facts are your best friend...
Is there a better example of a nutbag refusing to acknowledge that his question has been answered than this fucking thread?

playtime immediately answers the OP's question. The OP has pretended not to see the answer for a dozen posts.
Still waiting for you to answer the question.
We both know you cannot.
lol.... you voted for trump- you are into alternative facts.... & we both know that.
Thank you for proving you cannot address my question.
Run along now.
i'll run along while you take that yellow short bus back to trump town.
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
alternative facts are your best friend...
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
lol.... you voted for trump- you are into alternative facts.... & we both know that.
Thank you for proving you cannot address my question.
Run along now.
i'll run along while you take that yellow short bus back to trump town.
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
alternative facts are your best friend...
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.

you are repeating yourself with no real retort because you have none...

you have learn from your master quite well, grasshoppa.
Thank you for proving you cannot address my question.
Run along now.
i'll run along while you take that yellow short bus back to trump town.
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
alternative facts are your best friend...
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
you are repeating yourself with no real retor because you have none...
you have learn from your master quite well, grasshoppa.
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
i'll run along while you take that yellow short bus back to trump town.
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
alternative facts are your best friend...
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
you are repeating yourself with no real retor because you have none...
you have learn from your master quite well, grasshoppa.
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.

that's ok....i understand.

Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
alternative facts are your best friend...
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
you are repeating yourself with no real retor because you have none...
you have learn from your master quite well, grasshoppa.
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.

that's ok....i understand.

Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
alternative facts are your best friend...
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
you are repeating yourself with no real retor because you have none...
you have learn from your master quite well, grasshoppa.
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.

that's ok....i understand.

Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
The question has been answered repeatedly since yesterday, Post #13 for example.
The subpoena can’t be served because it’s illegal.
The House Judiciary Committee authorized a subpoena almost 2 weeks ago - why hasn't it been issued?
House Judiciary authorizes subpoena for full Mueller report

Nadler threatens the possibility of an impeachment inquiry to get the information released -- if he has the power to subpoena, why hasn't he used it? Why threaten an even bigger move if he already has what he needs?
Nadler holds fire on Mueller report subpoena

My take? The Dems are just posturing for the useful idiots - they know they cannot win here, but if they can keep the narrative going, the low-information droolers will continue to spam social media with their spoon-fed drivel.

alternative facts are your best friend...
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
you are repeating yourself with no real retor because you have none...
you have learn from your master quite well, grasshoppa.
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.

that's ok....i understand.

Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.

Original Tree answered----------> it is illegal! He is correct, it is! Nadler knows this also, it is just a talking point. Doesn't mean he won't try, but his OWN PARTY created the circumstance and law, that Barr has to follow.

Basically------------->the Left is attempting to create a no win situation. If he releases, he has broken the law; if he doesn't, they can cry and put in their useless piece of paper.

Never fear though, this JOKE will be wiped off the front pages of media within a few weeks, as they will have to defend themselves on their own actions, lol!
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
you are repeating yourself with no real retor because you have none...
you have learn from your master quite well, grasshoppa.
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.

that's ok....i understand.

Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot answer my question.
The question has been answered repeatedly since yesterday, Post #13 for example.
Post 13 does not provide an explanation as to why they want to wait, only that they will - it is completely devoid of rationale.
They are following protocol and waiting for Barr to submit voluntarily on the schedule he has selected.
They are following protocol and waiting for Barr to submit voluntarily on the schedule he has selected.
Protocol? Found where?
They (think they) the power to demand the entire unredacted report - why have they chosen to wait?
Your lack of knowledge or understanding of how Congress and government works is your problem, not everyone else's.
They are following protocol and waiting for Barr to submit voluntarily on the schedule he has selected.
Protocol? Found where?
They (think they) the power to demand the entire unredacted report - why have they chosen to wait?
Your lack of knowledge or understanding of how Congress and government works is your problem, not everyone else's.
Says he who knows he cannot explain why the Democrats have had a subpoena in hand for 2 weeks and chosen to not use it.
They are following protocol and waiting for Barr to submit voluntarily on the schedule he has selected.

What protocol? They gave Barr a date to receive the unredacted version, or they would subpoena for it. Barr ignored their demand.
They didn't issue the subpoena.

It certainly has all the requirements of a "Bluff issued...Bluff Called."
They are following protocol and waiting for Barr to submit voluntarily on the schedule he has selected.
Protocol? Found where?
They (think they) the power to demand the entire unredacted report - why have they chosen to wait?
Your lack of knowledge or understanding of how Congress and government works is your problem, not everyone else's.

he has much in common with president dotard.

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