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So, Who Are Those Top 1% We're To Hate?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Every think how lucky folks are to have the President and his party ready to point out the evil-doer, you know, the Wall Street baddies!

Maybe we should double check before we get the pitch-forks, and light the torches...

Who are the ‘Top 1%,” so reviled by the class warriors?

1. If the Occupy Wall Street protests are aiming to take down the "1 percent" of Americans who control the increasingly largest chunk of our nation's wealth, perhaps they need to redirect their efforts to somewhere other than Wall Street.

2. According to Nicole Lapin of CNN, financial services professionals make up just 14 percent of that top 1 percent of wage earners. Their average salary of $311,000 per year, while quite gaudy, falls just below the threshold needed to break into the highest-earning subset.

3. The biggest single group of professionals in the top one percent is actually doctors, who make up 16 percent of that subset.

4. Executives and managers outside of finance make up 31% of the total, but Lapin didn't break them down by industry.

5. David Carr of The New York Times would also like to offer up his bosses as targets for the mass uprising, pointing out in his column today that media executives are some of the worst offenders when it comes to CEOs who reap multi-million dollar bonuses and golden parachutes by slashing budgets and laying off rank-and-file workers. Go ahead and add them to the list.

6. So those who want to direct their anger at the winners in the income inequality sweepstakes might want to look beyond the lower of half of Manhattan. There's plenty of other folks closer to home that you might want to have a word with. Where Does the Top 1% Really Work? - National - The Atlantic Wire

7. Lawyers make up 9 percent. The 1 Percent Are Not All Wall Streeters?But Lots of Them Are Bosses - Business - GOOD

8. To get into the “top 1%” of Americans you don’t need to be a billionaire or millionaire or half-millionaire. The minimum wage earners in that group make about $343k/year….The “top 1%” of wage earners earn 17% of the nation’s income. Nicole Lapin, Who the Heck Are the "Top 1%"?!!

I'll bet the Leftist elites knew who they were...but also knew that the Lefties and the ones they control were too dumb to remember all those groups....so: "Occupy Wall Street!"

From "Demonic," by the brilliant Ann Coulter:
1. Gustave Le Bon, in his groundbreaking 1896 book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” was the first to identify the phenomenon of mass psychology. Both Hitler and Mussolini used his book to understand how to incite a mob.

2. "Many of liberals' peculiarities are understandable only when one realizes that they are a mob. For example, a crowd's ability to grasp only the simplest ideas is reflected in the interminable slogans.

3. As is usual in the evolution of a mob, vagrants, professional protesters, and thugs swelled the ranks. Firebombing and rock throwing assaults punctuated the speeches.(The Sixties. Here we go again.)
An inconvenient truth is that the left supports the idea of one world government. Unfortunatley for them in that the entire US population is the 1%.
Just as with your other thread, a single word -- this time in the title -- invalidates your entire argument. There, it was "average." Here, it's "hate."

The assertion is not and never has been that the 1% were bad people, let alone that we ought to "hate" them. It's that our government policies have been skewed so as to benefit them economically, at the expense of the rest of us.

All attempts to show that the 1% are not so bad are, therefore, completely irrelevant.
Just as with your other thread, a single word -- this time in the title -- invalidates your entire argument. There, it was "average." Here, it's "hate."

The assertion is not and never has been that the 1% were bad people, let alone that we ought to "hate" them. It's that our government policies have been skewed so as to benefit them economically, at the expense of the rest of us.

All attempts to show that the 1% are not so bad are, therefore, completely irrelevant.

Welcome back, In Drag.

Of course, you're completely wrong.

Carry on.
...The assertion is not and never has been that the 1% were bad people, let alone that we ought to "hate" them. It's that our government policies have been skewed so as to benefit them economically, at the expense of the rest of us....
If that were true then instead of 'OCCUPY WALL STREET" we'd be hearing from "OCCUPY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT".

We're not, so it isn't.
This is why I found it so interesting that the nurses union put together the march today on the financial district in San Francisco. These are people who do a undergrad degree and work for a public hospital earning up to 300k/year.

Hmm... And now they're marching to have the rich taxed? Yeah I bet their intentions are really to help the poor, what a bunch of BS. Sometimes I wish there was a sweeping healthcare change so the entire industry can collapse around these pigs.
OWS has done a rather piss poor job of making its complaints specific enough, on that I quite agree.

The BASTARDS have names.

The corporations responsible for this mess are not ALL of WALL STREET.
Just as with your other thread, a single word -- this time in the title -- invalidates your entire argument. There, it was "average." Here, it's "hate."

The assertion is not and never has been that the 1% were bad people, let alone that we ought to "hate" them. It's that our government policies have been skewed so as to benefit them economically, at the expense of the rest of us.

All attempts to show that the 1% are not so bad are, therefore, completely irrelevant.

Should be a thread stopper. Because no "hates" the "1%". What they "hate" are the de-regulation and the tax cuts that have so poorly skewed the economy that we are in a state of decline. Add in the money that comes into political campaign from this sector to keep us on this course.

People are greedy. It's probably hardwired into our DNA as a survival mechanism so it is pretty hard to overcome. Which is why systems like Communism doesn't work. And neither will Corporatism.
...no "hates" the "1%". What they "hate" are the de-regulation and the tax cuts that have so poorly skewed the economy...
That doesn't match with the names chosen by the gatherings. The OCCUPY WALL STREET movement hates the rich Wall-Streeter money-makers and that's who the target is. If they hated government policy then they'd be OCCUPY GOVERNMENT.

Name choice matters with the Taxed Enough Already (TEA) party too. They hate taxes. Tax lovers accuse them of hating leftists, the poor, minorities, but they're focused and self-explanatory. They hate taxes.
...The assertion is not and never has been that the 1% were bad people, let alone that we ought to "hate" them. It's that our government policies have been skewed so as to benefit them economically, at the expense of the rest of us....
If that were true then instead of 'OCCUPY WALL STREET" we'd be hearing from "OCCUPY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT".

We're not, so it isn't.

Of course, what you say is true.....

.1. ..what some of our colleagues miss is that this is [B]far more political than economic.[/B]The Big Government folks have used the method made famous, recently, by Saul Alinsky: 'Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It.'

Once the targets were the kulaks.

"Comrades! ... You need to hang (hang without fail, so that the public sees) at least 100 notorious kulaks, the rich, and the bloodsuckers. ... "

2. A straight line can be drawn from AdBusters, the Tides Foundation, Fenton Communications, Soros, and SIEU.

3. Here is Katrina vanden Heuvel doing her “Internationale” hectoring:
“People are waking up. And they’re in the streets. There are going to be fifty rallies around this country. Maybe a million people in the streets of this country. And what are they saying? Enough! You’re giving our people’s money away. Invest in our country, invest in jobs, invest in education. Keep cops on the street, keep teachers in the classrooms. Enough with these perks for corporations. There’s a movement called U.S. uncut, which is inspired by an article in The Nation. If we can recoup from the very richest who brought us this financial crisis and from corporate tax dodgers, we can balance budgets in a fair way. Justice, fairness, concepts that may be coming back to America in this moment.” “Live With Cenk Uygur,” MSNBC, February 23, 2011.

Nine months ago.

4. No matter the exposure of the connections, the polls showing that the rabble are hardly who they say they are, and this thread which shows that it is not Wall Streeters making up the top 1%, our friends like Sally will do their unmost to pretend that they see only idealists with the best interests of the nation at heart- rather than a naked motivation to reelect this failed President

a. Telling was how roiled the Left became when Mayor Bloomberg, himself of the Left, admitted that it was Congress- not Wall Street that caused the collapse.

It will end when this adminstration is tossed out by the American people....as though a switch had been thrown.
...we can recoup from the very richest who brought us this financial crisis and from corporate tax dodgers...
That rhetoric points to the true target of the left's venom: hatred for other class.

They may 'say' they hate tax evasion, but if that were true they'd have never wanted the tax-cheat that Obama put in charge of tax collection or if the left really opposed owners using corporations to evade taxes they'd never have approved of corporate tax-cheat Buffet being Obama's tax adviser.
If that were true then instead of 'OCCUPY WALL STREET" we'd be hearing from "OCCUPY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT".

We're not, so it isn't.

Wall Street and the federal government are not independent institutions. Wall Street pulls the strings, and the federal government passes laws and enacts policies at its behest. To protest the one is, therefore, to protest the other.

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