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So, Who Are Those Top 1% We're To Hate?

...When you want to end the PUPPET SHOW, you take out the PUPPETMASTERS, not the puppets, EX.
--or as

said with--

"We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party….President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these SOBs out and give America back to an America where we belong."

Hey guys, we can do better than this.
It's supposed to be that way.

The constitution was written by the people who set things up where "the federal government passes laws and enacts policies at its behest". The problem is not the people buying and selling being able to pull strings. The problem is the idea that the government cut the strings to people who don't buy and sell.

The one implies the other, and no, it's NOT supposed to be that way. If you think so, that tells me where your values lie (in the sewer, approximately) but America is supposed to be a democratic republic in which the people are in charge, not a plutocracy. And it will be.
@Politicalchic..(who is more likey some guy who like it up the ***) and works for Fox News. If you read the constitution you'll find threw the Sct case law that the framers had much to say about nothing which was later said to much by the imagination of the right wing fiscist radicals who would like the poor to go out into the middle of the ocean and drown themselves.

The masses and the poor are going nowhere but to overcome the eliteist way of life. The rid the world of facism and elitist way of life to make room for the masses who have shown the way, the truth, and the light..unlike u selfish materialistic person who thinks the elite rule while the working class is take all the they spoonfeed the rest of us.

This is the most poorly written post of the day!
On the bright side, it is exactly matched with your thinking skills!

Base on both writing and thinking, you will never be addressed as anything but 'sonny.'

Now, be sure to come back once you can cross the street by yourself.

I think you meant to say "based on".
The problem is not the people buying and selling being able to pull strings. The problem is the idea that the government cut the strings to people who don't buy and sell.
The one implies the other, and no, it's NOT supposed to be that way...
That's where the conversation stops because basic values are by choice and not a matter of reasoned debate, and we have not chosen the same values. I say governments must rule at the wish of the people and you don't.
That's where the conversation stops because basic values are by choice and not a matter of reasoned debate, and we have not chosen the same values. I say governments must rule at the wish of the people and you don't.

You do not say that governments must rule at the wish of the people. You say that governments must rule at the wish of the richest people and no others. I am the one who says that governments must rule at the wish of the people.

You know this perfectly well. Stop lying.
From "Demonic," by the brilliant Ann Coulter:
"Many of liberals' peculiarities are understandable only when one realizes that they are a mob. For example, a crowd's ability to grasp only the simplest ideas is reflected in the interminable slogans.
Coulter is probably the only person more stupid than you!

June 9, 2011
RUSH: Ann, do you mean...? In "mob," do you mean physical, literal mob-like behavior, or do you mean intellectual mob-like? What kind of mob behavior do you mean here?

COULTER: That's a great question, because it's both, actually. The first quarter of the book is on how liberals are a psychological mob. It has to do with their slogans, how they formulate arguments. They get a lot of slogans, whereas conservatives just don't speak in slogans and we don't understand slogans

As gas prices soar, Republicans and oil company executives have revived a rallying cry that echoed around the country the last time gas prices spiked: "Drill, baby, drill!"
Ann Coulter - Apr 23, 2011

DRILL, BABY, DRILL! :rofl::lmao:
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...The assertion is not and never has been that the 1% were bad people, let alone that we ought to "hate" them. It's that our government policies have been skewed so as to benefit them economically, at the expense of the rest of us....
If that were true then instead of 'OCCUPY WALL STREET" we'd be hearing from "OCCUPY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT".

We're not, so it isn't.

Of course, what you say is true.....

.1. ..what some of our colleagues miss is that this is [B]far more political than economic.[/B]The Big Government folks have used the method made famous, recently, bySaul Alinsky: 'Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It.'

Once the targets were the kulaks.

"Comrades! ... You need to hang (hang without fail, so that the public sees) at least 100 notorious kulaks, the rich, and the bloodsuckers. ... "

2. A straight line can be drawn from AdBusters, the Tides Foundation, Fenton Communications, Soros, and SIEU.

3. Here is Katrina vanden Heuvel doing her “Internationale” hectoring:
“People are waking up. And they’re in the streets. There are going to be fifty rallies around this country. Maybe a million people in the streets of this country. And what are they saying? Enough! You’re giving our people’s money away. Invest in our country, invest in jobs, invest in education. Keep cops on the street, keep teachers in the classrooms. Enough with these perks for corporations. There’s a movement called U.S. uncut, which is inspired by an article in The Nation. If we can recoup from the very richest who brought us this financial crisis and from corporate tax dodgers, we can balance budgets in a fair way. Justice, fairness, concepts that may be coming back to America in this moment.” “Live With Cenk Uygur,” MSNBC, February 23, 2011.

Nine months ago.

4. No matter the exposure of the connections, the polls showing that the rabble are hardly who they say they are, and this thread which shows that it is not Wall Streeters making up the top 1%, our friends like Sally will do their unmost to pretend that they see only idealists with the best interests of the nation at heart- rather than a naked motivation to reelect this failed President

a. Telling was how roiled the Left became when Mayor Bloomberg, himself of the Left, admitted that it was Congress- not Wall Street that caused the collapse.

It will end when this adminstration is tossed out by the American people....as though a switch had been thrown.
Your hypocrisy is priceless! :lol:
Hmm, Translation problem.

Dragon said:
Wall Street pulls the strings, and the federal government passes laws and enacts policies at its behest...

expat_panama said:
It's supposed to be that way.

If you think Wall Street pulling the strings and the federal government passing laws and enacting policies at its (Wall Street's) behest is "the way it's supposed to be," then you do NOT believe that the government should enact the will of the people, only of the richest people.

No translation needed. The meaning is obvious.
...The problem is the idea that the government cut the strings to people who don't buy and sell.
...you do NOT believe that the government should enact the will of the people, only of the richest people...
As before, I say one thing and you respond as if you heard me saying the opposite of what I said. That's where we leave the Planet Earth to a forum in Bizarro World.

Back to Earth. Your comments lead me to believe that you don't "believe that the government should enact the will of the people, only of the" poorest people. If we believe the government should enact the will of all the people, then we should not oppose the rich also having control.
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34% of this country votes Republican - one percentage point more than Dems. I'd love to see college Republicans put up a tent at one of these protests. :eek:

They'd have to change their mantra to "We are the 33%".

Liberal math confuses me.
As before, I say one thing and you respond as if you heard me saying the opposite of what I said. That's where we leave the Planet Earth to a forum in Bizarro World.

Enough. You're too intelligent to actually believe what you're saying here. I have no time for liars. On the ignore list you go.
Why do conservatives, republicans and libertarians find it necessary to come to the aid of the well to do? You know money has power when it can change a nation that considers itself Christian into a nation that worships money and defends money. It would be like the Sermon on the mount in which only the rich were invited, and instead of fish, given caviar. It sure as hell is the oddest phenomena of modern America. Mount Rushmore needs Walton, Buffett, and Gates. Let me tell you folks they don't need your sympathy and good wishes. And the uber-wealthy, of whom I personally know a few, don't need your love either. They're OK without you coming to their aid. The ones who need help were in that original sermon and that old time religion which was really what religion was about. Where'd religion go in America? Oh sorry I forgot it was reversed and now gawd is my friends, jeez, they ain't very gawd like.

Below is a breakdown on how to help the country and the world. Take note and please stop defending the wealthy you'll make them feel guilty. Oh and please note they don't think of you in spite of your well wishes. Life is too nice. LOL

What Should a Billionaire Give – and What Should You?, by Peter Singer

"What is a human life worth? You may not want to put a price tag on a it. But if we really had to, most of us would agree that the value of a human life would be in the millions. Consistent with the foundations of our democracy and our frequently professed belief in the inherent dignity of human beings, we would also agree that all humans are created equal, at least to the extent of denying that differences of sex, ethnicity, nationality and place of residence change the value of a human life."

"Piketty and Saez’s top bracket comprises 0.01 percent of U.S. taxpayers. There are 14,400 of them, earning an average of $12,775,000, with total earnings of $184 billion. The minimum annual income in this group is more than $5 million, so it seems reasonable to suppose that they could, without much hardship, give away a third of their annual income, an average of $4.3 million each, for a total of around $61 billion. That would still leave each of them with an annual income of at least $3.3 million.

Next comes the rest of the top 0.1 percent (excluding the category just described, as I shall do henceforth). There are 129,600 in this group, with an average income of just over $2 million and a minimum income of $1.1 million. If they were each to give a quarter of their income, that would yield about $65 billion, and leave each of them with at least $846,000 annually.

The top 0.5 percent consists of 575,900 taxpayers, with an average income of $623,000 and a minimum of $407,000. If they were to give one-fifth of their income, they would still have at least $325,000 each, and they would be giving a total of $72 billion.

Coming down to the level of those in the top 1 percent, we find 719,900 taxpayers with an average income of $327,000 and a minimum of $276,000. They could comfortably afford to give 15 percent of their income. That would yield $35 billion and leave them with at least $234,000.

Finally, the remainder of the nation’s top 10 percent earn at least $92,000 annually, with an average of $132,000. There are nearly 13 million in this group. If they gave the traditional tithe — 10 percent of their income, or an average of $13,200 each — this would yield about $171 billion and leave them a minimum of $83,000."

and more

The Empathy Ceiling: The Rich Are Different — And Not In a Good Way, Studies Suggest
The 'Haves' show less empathy than 'Have-nots' by Brian Alexander The Empathy Ceiling: The Rich Are Different

As far as the super rich, they only make those enormous sums because of the state, so they are only morally entitled to an enormous sum, but not an absurd sum. The Conservative Nanny State

"On moral grounds, then, we could argue for a flat income tax of 90 percent to return that wealth to its real owners. In the United States, even a flat tax of 70 percent would support all governmental programs (about half the total tax) and allow payment, with the remainder, of a patrimony of about $8,000 per annum per inhabitant, or $25,000 for a family of three. This would generously leave with the original recipients of the income about three times what, according to my rough guess, they had earned."UBI and the Flat Tax

"Many conservatives and libertarians defend the current levels of income inequality on the basis of merit. They claim the rich got rich because they worked harder, longer or smarter than the rest. However, researchers have conducted a vast number of empirical studies on what factors contribute to success, and in what proportion. A classic example of one of these studies is the 1972 book Inequality, by Christopher Jencks. (1) And these studies show that the meritocrat's position is not just arguably wrong, but clearly wrong." The rich get rich because of their merit.

"Responsible Wealth, a project of United for a Fair Economy, is a network of over 700 business leaders and wealthy individuals in the top 5% of income and/or wealth in the US who use their surprising voice to advocate for fair taxes and corporate accountability. If you're in the top 5% (over $200,000 household income and/or over $1 million net assets) and you care about economic justice, please join Responsible Wealth today!" Responsible Wealth | United for a Fair Economy

"If The $5.15 Hourly minimum wage had risen at the same rate as CEO compensation since 1990, it would now stand at $23.03.
A Minimum Wage employee who works 40 hours a week for 51 weeks a year goes home with $10,506 before taxes.
Such A Worker would take 7,000 years to earn Oracle CEO Larry Ellison’s yearly compensation.
In 2005, there were 9 million American millionaires, a 62% increase since 2002.
In 2005, 25.7 million Americans received food stamps, a 49% increase since 2000." A Look at the Numbers: How the Rich Get Richer | Mother Jones
If that were true then instead of 'OCCUPY WALL STREET" we'd be hearing from "OCCUPY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT".

We're not, so it isn't.

Of course, what you say is true.....

.1. ..what some of our colleagues miss is that this is [B]far more political than economic.[/B]The Big Government folks have used the method made famous, recently, bySaul Alinsky: 'Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It.'

Once the targets were the kulaks.

"Comrades! ... You need to hang (hang without fail, so that the public sees) at least 100 notorious kulaks, the rich, and the bloodsuckers. ... "

2. A straight line can be drawn from AdBusters, the Tides Foundation, Fenton Communications, Soros, and SIEU.

3. Here is Katrina vanden Heuvel doing her “Internationale” hectoring:
“People are waking up. And they’re in the streets. There are going to be fifty rallies around this country. Maybe a million people in the streets of this country. And what are they saying? Enough! You’re giving our people’s money away. Invest in our country, invest in jobs, invest in education. Keep cops on the street, keep teachers in the classrooms. Enough with these perks for corporations. There’s a movement called U.S. uncut, which is inspired by an article in The Nation. If we can recoup from the very richest who brought us this financial crisis and from corporate tax dodgers, we can balance budgets in a fair way. Justice, fairness, concepts that may be coming back to America in this moment.” “Live With Cenk Uygur,” MSNBC, February 23, 2011.

Nine months ago.

4. No matter the exposure of the connections, the polls showing that the rabble are hardly who they say they are, and this thread which shows that it is not Wall Streeters making up the top 1%, our friends like Sally will do their unmost to pretend that they see only idealists with the best interests of the nation at heart- rather than a naked motivation to reelect this failed President

a. Telling was how roiled the Left became when Mayor Bloomberg, himself of the Left, admitted that it was Congress- not Wall Street that caused the collapse.

It will end when this adminstration is tossed out by the American people....as though a switch had been thrown.
Your hypocrisy is priceless! :lol:

You probably don't realize that you said nothing in your post.

Looking forward to your repeat of the highlight-reel faceplant.
...the uber-wealthy, of whom I personally know a few, don't need your love...
One of my values is that we should glory in that we love our kind, that we love both rich and poor alike, and that humanity does in fact need this love.

Just the same, the topic here concerns the hatred for the rich and explores who the rich are. Hatred for the rich is a poison and joining it with misguided love for just the poor is what brought about our current economic difficulties. The typical millionaire lives next door and drives a three year old car. Hating them is for morons.
The left don't hate other classes! They (I) hate a system based on exploiting many to benefit a small portion of the population. Additionally, the left hates a system that lies about being a meritocracy while still being full of inequality.

I can't post quotes yet as I'm new but the same person who posted the quote in my title wondered how the left can say we believe certain things (for example, the massive tax cuts to corporations should stop) but then can support Obama (who bailed out Wall Street). I voted for Obama, not because he is amazing but because the alternative was so horrible.
I am left, I voted Democrat, but those things do not mean Obama represents me. They mean I would have rather had him be President than John McCain with that bat-shit crazy, Sarah Palin, as VP.
The left don't hate other classes! They (I) hate a system based on exploiting many to benefit a small portion of the population. Additionally, the left hates a system that lies about being a meritocracy while still being full of inequality.

I can't post quotes yet as I'm new but the same person who posted the quote in my title wondered how the left can say we believe certain things (for example, the massive tax cuts to corporations should stop) but then can support Obama (who bailed out Wall Street). I voted for Obama, not because he is amazing but because the alternative was so horrible.
I am left, I voted Democrat, but those things do not mean Obama represents me. They mean I would have rather had him be President than John McCain with that bat-shit crazy, Sarah Palin, as VP.

Welcome to the board.
I look forward to lots of jousts!

But for now, let me point out that the semi-capitalist systmem in this nation has benefitted all, and a careful analysis of the 'inequality' will show that it is merely a bumper-sticker.

1. ...that the percentage of households with real incomes higher than $50,000 increased from 24.9% in 1967 to 44.1% in 2003, and the percentage with real incomes lower than $35,000 fell from 52.8% in 1967 to 40.9% .
More On The Certain Equality Of Reaganomics - Forbes

a. “…in 1967 only one in 25 families earned an income of $100,000 or more in real income, whereas now, one in six do. The percentage of families that have an income of more than $75,000 a year has tripled from 9% to 27%. But it's not just the rich that are getting richer. Virtually every income group has been lifted by the tide of growth in recent decades.”
Great American Dream Machine
Every think how lucky folks are to have the President and his party ready to point out the evil-doer, you know, the Wall Street baddies!

Maybe we should double check before we get the pitch-forks, and light the torches...

Who are the ‘Top 1%,” so reviled by the class warriors?

1. If the Occupy Wall Street protests are aiming to take down the "1 percent" of Americans who control the increasingly largest chunk of our nation's wealth, perhaps they need to redirect their efforts to somewhere other than Wall Street.

2. According to Nicole Lapin of CNN, financial services professionals make up just 14 percent of that top 1 percent of wage earners. Their average salary of $311,000 per year, while quite gaudy, falls just below the threshold needed to break into the highest-earning subset.

3. The biggest single group of professionals in the top one percent is actually doctors, who make up 16 percent of that subset.

4. Executives and managers outside of finance make up 31% of the total, but Lapin didn't break them down by industry.

5. David Carr of The New York Times would also like to offer up his bosses as targets for the mass uprising, pointing out in his column today that media executives are some of the worst offenders when it comes to CEOs who reap multi-million dollar bonuses and golden parachutes by slashing budgets and laying off rank-and-file workers. Go ahead and add them to the list.

6. So those who want to direct their anger at the winners in the income inequality sweepstakes might want to look beyond the lower of half of Manhattan. There's plenty of other folks closer to home that you might want to have a word with. Where Does the Top 1% Really Work? - National - The Atlantic Wire

7. Lawyers make up 9 percent. The 1 Percent Are Not All Wall Streeters?But Lots of Them Are Bosses - Business - GOOD

8. To get into the “top 1%” of Americans you don’t need to be a billionaire or millionaire or half-millionaire. The minimum wage earners in that group make about $343k/year….The “top 1%” of wage earners earn 17% of the nation’s income. Nicole Lapin, Who the Heck Are the "Top 1%"?!!

I'll bet the Leftist elites knew who they were...but also knew that the Lefties and the ones they control were too dumb to remember all those groups....so: "Occupy Wall Street!"

From "Demonic," by the brilliant Ann Coulter:
1. Gustave Le Bon, in his groundbreaking 1896 book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” was the first to identify the phenomenon of mass psychology. Both Hitler and Mussolini used his book to understand how to incite a mob.

2. "Many of liberals' peculiarities are understandable only when one realizes that they are a mob. For example, a crowd's ability to grasp only the simplest ideas is reflected in the interminable slogans.

3. As is usual in the evolution of a mob, vagrants, professional protesters, and thugs swelled the ranks. Firebombing and rock throwing assaults punctuated the speeches.(The Sixties. Here we go again.)
Great post. OWS don't have any idea what would happen to our economy if that 1% were forced into what we now consider the upper middle class.

Over just a few years everyone else would drop down a notch in the scheme of things creating a huge increase in the number below the poverty level.

The money the top 1% make doesn't just go in a lock box, it is invested. For the moment mostly in passive investments as many are afraid the continued Obama policies are going to push us back into recession so they are hoarding the money instead of creating jobs. Administration policies are the biggest hold back on job creation, and that includes Obamacare.

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