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So, Who Are Those Top 1% We're To Hate?

Every think how lucky folks are to have the President and his party ready to point out the evil-doer, you know, the Wall Street baddies!

Maybe we should double check before we get the pitch-forks, and light the torches...

Who are the ‘Top 1%,” so reviled by the class warriors?

1. If the Occupy Wall Street protests are aiming to take down the "1 percent" of Americans who control the increasingly largest chunk of our nation's wealth, perhaps they need to redirect their efforts to somewhere other than Wall Street.

2. According to Nicole Lapin of CNN, financial services professionals make up just 14 percent of that top 1 percent of wage earners. Their average salary of $311,000 per year, while quite gaudy, falls just below the threshold needed to break into the highest-earning subset.

3. The biggest single group of professionals in the top one percent is actually doctors, who make up 16 percent of that subset.

4. Executives and managers outside of finance make up 31% of the total, but Lapin didn't break them down by industry.

5. David Carr of The New York Times would also like to offer up his bosses as targets for the mass uprising, pointing out in his column today that media executives are some of the worst offenders when it comes to CEOs who reap multi-million dollar bonuses and golden parachutes by slashing budgets and laying off rank-and-file workers. Go ahead and add them to the list.

6. So those who want to direct their anger at the winners in the income inequality sweepstakes might want to look beyond the lower of half of Manhattan. There's plenty of other folks closer to home that you might want to have a word with. Where Does the Top 1% Really Work? - National - The Atlantic Wire

7. Lawyers make up 9 percent. The 1 Percent Are Not All Wall Streeters?But Lots of Them Are Bosses - Business - GOOD

8. To get into the “top 1%” of Americans you don’t need to be a billionaire or millionaire or half-millionaire. The minimum wage earners in that group make about $343k/year….The “top 1%” of wage earners earn 17% of the nation’s income. Nicole Lapin, Who the Heck Are the "Top 1%"?!!

I'll bet the Leftist elites knew who they were...but also knew that the Lefties and the ones they control were too dumb to remember all those groups....so: "Occupy Wall Street!"

From "Demonic," by the brilliant Ann Coulter:
1. Gustave Le Bon, in his groundbreaking 1896 book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” was the first to identify the phenomenon of mass psychology. Both Hitler and Mussolini used his book to understand how to incite a mob.

2. "Many of liberals' peculiarities are understandable only when one realizes that they are a mob. For example, a crowd's ability to grasp only the simplest ideas is reflected in the interminable slogans.

3. As is usual in the evolution of a mob, vagrants, professional protesters, and thugs swelled the ranks. Firebombing and rock throwing assaults punctuated the speeches.(The Sixties. Here we go again.)

the real 1 % hide there wealth in off shore accounts..you are simple repeating the talking points of the Marxist that organized and funded these events but it does not represent the reality of the boots on the ground. there are problems on wall street without question, the solutions are open to discussion
Every think how lucky folks are to have the President and his party ready to point out the evil-doer, you know, the Wall Street baddies!

Maybe we should double check before we get the pitch-forks, and light the torches...

Who are the ‘Top 1%,” so reviled by the class warriors?

1. If the Occupy Wall Street protests are aiming to take down the "1 percent" of Americans who control the increasingly largest chunk of our nation's wealth, perhaps they need to redirect their efforts to somewhere other than Wall Street.

2. According to Nicole Lapin of CNN, financial services professionals make up just 14 percent of that top 1 percent of wage earners. Their average salary of $311,000 per year, while quite gaudy, falls just below the threshold needed to break into the highest-earning subset.

3. The biggest single group of professionals in the top one percent is actually doctors, who make up 16 percent of that subset.

4. Executives and managers outside of finance make up 31% of the total, but Lapin didn't break them down by industry.

5. David Carr of The New York Times would also like to offer up his bosses as targets for the mass uprising, pointing out in his column today that media executives are some of the worst offenders when it comes to CEOs who reap multi-million dollar bonuses and golden parachutes by slashing budgets and laying off rank-and-file workers. Go ahead and add them to the list.

6. So those who want to direct their anger at the winners in the income inequality sweepstakes might want to look beyond the lower of half of Manhattan. There's plenty of other folks closer to home that you might want to have a word with. Where Does the Top 1% Really Work? - National - The Atlantic Wire

7. Lawyers make up 9 percent. The 1 Percent Are Not All Wall Streeters?But Lots of Them Are Bosses - Business - GOOD

8. To get into the “top 1%” of Americans you don’t need to be a billionaire or millionaire or half-millionaire. The minimum wage earners in that group make about $343k/year….The “top 1%” of wage earners earn 17% of the nation’s income. Nicole Lapin, Who the Heck Are the "Top 1%"?!!

I'll bet the Leftist elites knew who they were...but also knew that the Lefties and the ones they control were too dumb to remember all those groups....so: "Occupy Wall Street!"

From "Demonic," by the brilliant Ann Coulter:
1. Gustave Le Bon, in his groundbreaking 1896 book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” was the first to identify the phenomenon of mass psychology. Both Hitler and Mussolini used his book to understand how to incite a mob.

2. "Many of liberals' peculiarities are understandable only when one realizes that they are a mob. For example, a crowd's ability to grasp only the simplest ideas is reflected in the interminable slogans.

3. As is usual in the evolution of a mob, vagrants, professional protesters, and thugs swelled the ranks. Firebombing and rock throwing assaults punctuated the speeches.(The Sixties. Here we go again.)

the real 1 % hide there wealth in off shore accounts..you are simple repeating the talking points of the Marxist that organized and funded these events but it does not represent the reality of the boots on the ground. there are problems on wall street without question, the solutions are open to discussion

1. Try to be a little more astute...
....didn't you note that the article being quoted is by Nicole Lapin of CNN?

2. "the real 1 %"...
Could you provide the souce of your wisdom, unless the source was rolled in Bambu...in that case it won't be necessary.

3. To set you on the correct path, consider the political persuasion that benefits from societal disruptions under discussion.

And pick up a copy of "Demonic."
In Drag, experience playing peek-a-boo with a three year old taught me not to
engage in that sort of endless game.

You still haven't answered, which means my point continues to go unrefuted. (Note that expat_panama at least tried. You haven't even done that.)

Nobody is saying that we should "hate" the 1%. (Except maybe eots, but he's weird.) Certainly that is not the point of Occupy. The point is that the government should not be favoring the 1% so that their income keeps increasing while everyone else stagnates.

Thus, personal descriptions of the 1% that might make it seem like they shouldn't be "hated" are completely pointless and irrelevant. You are addressing a straw man.

Your entire argument here, as on the other thread, is invalid.
Well...hmm...haaa..who is the 1% and why should I not think they are good moral people. This question crosses over from economics to main stream social inequality and illegal undocumented workers.

For example to make it simple for those who can't see. If a company life Ralcorp makeing billions per year hires undocumented workers and doesn't hire documented workers---they don't pay employee taxes to the feds, states, and local cities. Yet at the same time they keep out documented workers who are unemployed and who can't pay back their unforgiven debt such as student loans and are held in involuntary servatude to the federal gov the executive branch of govenment---then Companies like Ralcorp should face criminal prosecution for their shading Rico hiring employment practices..But are they..nope. Instead American's who play by the rules run the gamet of suffering and inturn punished by ambigious laws that punish the innocent and reward the criminals---Ralcorp is a criminal company...do not invest it it.
Maybe the ones who use their financial clout to get things to go their way.
In Drag, experience playing peek-a-boo with a three year old taught me not to
engage in that sort of endless game.

You still haven't answered, which means my point continues to go unrefuted. (Note that expat_panama at least tried. You haven't even done that.)

Nobody is saying that we should "hate" the 1%. (Except maybe eots, but he's weird.) Certainly that is not the point of Occupy. The point is that the government should not be favoring the 1% so that their income keeps increasing while everyone else stagnates.

Thus, personal descriptions of the 1% that might make it seem like they shouldn't be "hated" are completely pointless and irrelevant. You are addressing a straw man.

Your entire argument here, as on the other thread, is invalid.

I’m not a proctologist, but I recognize you…

You aren't very quick on the uptake...so let me be as blunt as I can, to save us both a bit of effort....
...You know why people take an instant dislike to you?
‘Cause it saves time.

I have no desire to communicate with you....is that clear enough?
I have no desire to communicate with you....is that clear enough?

Not my problem, frankly. When you use logical fallacies such as straw men and make invalid points, I'm going to call you on it. And if all you can do in response is to hurl insults, your intellectual bankruptcy is going to become all that much more obvious to everyone.

You have nothing to say here. You are arguing a straw man. You are presenting as the point an idea that we should "hate" the 1%, when that isn't it at all. To the real charge, that the government favors the 1% in ways that hurt the rest of us, you have made no response whatsoever.

I called you on it, and you have responded with nothing but personal insults, so obviously I struck a nerve, and I was right.
If that were true then instead of 'OCCUPY WALL STREET" we'd be hearing from "OCCUPY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT".

We're not, so it isn't.

Wall Street and the federal government are not independent institutions. Wall Street pulls the strings, and the federal government passes laws and enacts policies at its behest. To protest the one is, therefore, to protest the other.

Wall street doesn't compose the 1%. To say the OWS people are protesting wall street is accurate, their claims about percentage are complete bullshit. They do not represent 99% of people, 1% of the highest wage earners do not have undue influence over the government. Unless you can provide me a list of the 3 million odd people that make up this 1%, with information about how they're influencing the government in an undue manner, the claims are bullshit.
Wall street doesn't compose the 1%. To say the OWS people are protesting wall street is accurate, their claims about percentage are complete bullshit. They do not represent 99% of people, 1% of the highest wage earners do not have undue influence over the government. Unless you can provide me a list of the 3 million odd people that make up this 1%, with information about how they're influencing the government in an undue manner, the claims are bullshit.

You're treating a catchy political slogan as if it were a scientific claim subject to exacting standards of proof. If in fact the real culprits are only the top 1/10 of 1% of the rich, instead of "the 1%," do you think that really invalidates anything the movement is trying to do? Will it be any less true that our government is corrupted by corporate money? Will it be any less true that government policies have, over the last thirty years, enriched the wealthy and kept the rest of the people down?
Maybe the ones who use their financial clout to get things to go their way.

Almost all of us do so.

1. If you were to go back and read the Constitution, you would find that lobbying is covered by the 1st amendment, referred to in this way: "petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances."

2. In "Demosclerosis:: The Silent Killer of American Government," Jonathan Rauch points out that 7 out of 10 Americans belong to an interest group, and one out of four belong to at least four!

Do you? Any work group, union, interest group such as Sierra Club, etc.
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If you were to go back and read the Constitution, you would find that lobbying is covered by the 1st amendment, referred to in this way: "petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances."

Lobbying unaccompanied by bribes would not be a problem. The problem is that gifts of money to politicians for their campaigns, and the spending of money by third parties in unlimited amounts for campaign purposes, has been perversely defined as a function of free speech or petition.

We do not allow bribery in the form of gifts into the personal bank accounts or possession of politicians, but bribes that go to the campaign chest are just as corrupting. Since the Supreme Court has defined money as being a form of speech, at this point we need a Constitutional amendment to insist that it is not. The First Amendment was never intended to safeguard a right to bribe elected officials. It should never be interpreted as protecting such a right.
@Politicalchic..(who is more likey some guy who like it up the ***) and works for Fox News. If you read the constitution you'll find threw the Sct case law that the framers had much to say about nothing which was later said to much by the imagination of the right wing fiscist radicals who would like the poor to go out into the middle of the ocean and drown themselves.

The masses and the poor are going nowhere but to overcome the eliteist way of life. The rid the world of facism and elitist way of life to make room for the masses who have shown the way, the truth, and the light..unlike u selfish materialistic person who thinks the elite rule while the working class is take all the they spoonfeed the rest of us.
@Politicalchic..(who is more likey some guy who like it up the ***) and works for Fox News. If you read the constitution you'll find threw the Sct case law that the framers had much to say about nothing which was later said to much by the imagination of the right wing fiscist radicals who would like the poor to go out into the middle of the ocean and drown themselves.

The masses and the poor are going nowhere but to overcome the eliteist way of life. The rid the world of facism and elitist way of life to make room for the masses who have shown the way, the truth, and the light..unlike u selfish materialistic person who thinks the elite rule while the working class is take all the they spoonfeed the rest of us.

This is the most poorly written post of the day!
On the bright side, it is exactly matched with your thinking skills!

Base on both writing and thinking, you will never be addressed as anything but 'sonny.'

Now, be sure to come back once you can cross the street by yourself.
@Politicalchic..(who is more likey some guy who like it up the ***) and works for Fox News. If you read the constitution you'll find threw the Sct case law that the framers had much to say about nothing which was later said to much by the imagination of the right wing fiscist radicals who would like the poor to go out into the middle of the ocean and drown themselves.

The masses and the poor are going nowhere but to overcome the eliteist way of life. The rid the world of facism and elitist way of life to make room for the masses who have shown the way, the truth, and the light..unlike u selfish materialistic person who thinks the elite rule while the working class is take all the they spoonfeed the rest of us.

This is the most poorly written post of the day!
On the bright side, it is exactly matched with your thinking skills!

Base on both writing and thinking, you will never be addressed as anything but 'sonny.'

Now, be sure to come back once you can cross the street by yourself.

It was poorly written, but both his writing skills and his thinking skills are like the sun next to a candle when compared to your own maturity and courtesy. When you behave like that, you make him look pretty damned good.
Thank you for that link lonelaughter. It's pretty interesting that even they don't know. Look at those stats. They mention both "income" and "wealth". Two difference conversations that require two different plans of action - unless we just lump them together and "eat all the rich". That certainly would be the simpler way to go to clear up the confusion.

In just the last generation, the richest 1% almost quadrupled their incomes.

The average wealth of the 1% is 225 times bigger than the wealth of the typical household -- the highest it's ever been.

Three decades ago, CEOs made about 40 times as much as an average worker – now CEOs make almost 200 times as much as regular employees.

Last year, half of Americans earned less than $26,000 while CEOs at top 500 companies raked in an average of $11 million.

Over the past decade, earnings for middle-class Americans actually fell. In fact, working Americans' wages are now a lower percentage of our economy than they've ever been.

The divide between the richest and the poorest is worse in America than it is in nearly all of Europe and Asia and much of Africa. It's about as bad as in Rwanda and Serbia -- and it's bad for our economy.

The 1% is not an accident – it is the result of policies our government chose to pursue.
...no "hates" the "1%". What they "hate" are the de-regulation and the tax cuts that have so poorly skewed the economy...
That doesn't match with the names chosen by the gatherings. The OCCUPY WALL STREET movement hates the rich Wall-Streeter money-makers and that's who the target is. If they hated government policy then they'd be OCCUPY GOVERNMENT.
When you want to end the PUPPET SHOW, you take out the PUPPETMASTERS, not the puppets, EX.
...Wall Street pulls the strings, and the federal government passes laws and enacts policies at its behest...
It's supposed to be that way.

The constitution was written by the people who set things up where "the federal government passes laws and enacts policies at its behest". The problem is not the people buying and selling being able to pull strings. The problem is the idea that the government cut the strings to people who don't buy and sell.

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