so who is more evil now - soros or murdoch?

What I enjoy about the Soros debate is this. Soros made his fortune by destroying ordinary citizens around the world. Any criticism for that? No. They love him.... because that money he made by wrecking ordinary people.... he uses that for causes close to the liberal heart.

Fucking hypocrites.
what's this we shit?

he did survive. he did experience the holocaust. he posed as a gentile, that's why he survived.

"he helped cause it", every US american helped cause it, how's that, you muppet?

In the Jewish community, we distinguish between Nazi-occupied Europe and the camps. He did not survive the camps. So your "he's a Holocaust survivor" blebleh doesn't mean anything. By that logic, so are partisans, Yiddishe brigade members, anyone who could've pissed off the Nazis, etc.

hungarian jews had about no chance to survive in the camps, look it up, you daft tart. you had time enough now. why do you think i am harping on about the year 1944. i could narrow it down to several months. starting in march, when the german army occupied hungary.

The only thing that is clear is that Soros behaved just like the Hungarian Arrow Cross collaborators. Who knows he may even have been one. And none of it makes a bit of difference. The thing which you are eternally attempting to avoid is his denial of remorse and concience. That is what damns him and you and other vermin like you.
In the Jewish community, we distinguish between Nazi-occupied Europe and the camps. He did not survive the camps. So your "he's a Holocaust survivor" blebleh doesn't mean anything. By that logic, so are partisans, Yiddishe brigade members, anyone who could've pissed off the Nazis, etc.

hungarian jews had about no chance to survive in the camps, look it up, you daft tart. you had time enough now. why do you think i am harping on about the year 1944. i could narrow it down to several months. starting in march, when the german army occupied hungary.

The only thing that is clear is that Soros behaved just like the Hungarian Arrow Cross collaborators. Who knows he may even have been one. And none of it makes a bit of difference. The thing which you are eternally attempting to avoid is his denial of remorse and concience. That is what damns him and you and other vermin like you.

and vermin should be exterminated, right?

lol, eternally attempting to avoid.

read the thread, i addressed that part.

then continue blaming a jewish teenager in hungary in 1944 for surviving and not feeling guilt about it later.

then use anne frank to smear soros, again.

then call other people vermin. hahahaha
hungarian jews had about no chance to survive in the camps, look it up, you daft tart. you had time enough now. why do you think i am harping on about the year 1944. i could narrow it down to several months. starting in march, when the german army occupied hungary.

The only thing that is clear is that Soros behaved just like the Hungarian Arrow Cross collaborators. Who knows he may even have been one. And none of it makes a bit of difference. The thing which you are eternally attempting to avoid is his denial of remorse and concience. That is what damns him and you and other vermin like you.

and vermin should be exterminated, right?

lol, eternally attempting to avoid.

read the thread, i addressed that part.

then continue blaming a jewish teenager in hungary in 1944 for surviving and not feeling guilt about it later.

then use anne frank to smear soros, again.

then call other people vermin. hahahaha

No, vermin are to be avoided. Nice try. I don't have to use anyone or anything to smear Soros, he's capable of that all by his lonesome. Nice attempt there apologist, now run along back to your bridge, troll.
The only thing that is clear is that Soros behaved just like the Hungarian Arrow Cross collaborators. Who knows he may even have been one. And none of it makes a bit of difference. The thing which you are eternally attempting to avoid is his denial of remorse and concience. That is what damns him and you and other vermin like you.

and vermin should be exterminated, right?

lol, eternally attempting to avoid.

read the thread, i addressed that part.

then continue blaming a jewish teenager in hungary in 1944 for surviving and not feeling guilt about it later.

then use anne frank to smear soros, again.

then call other people vermin. hahahaha

No, vermin are to be avoided. Nice try. I don't have to use anyone or anything to smear Soros, he's capable of that all by his lonesome. Nice attempt there apologist, now run along back to your bridge, troll.

is vermin to be eternally avoided?

if you don't have to use anne frank to smear soros, why are you doing it?

and why are you not crumbling away in shame?

questions question questions.
I didn't expect this in this thread but seriously, no one believes that ppl in 2011 hates Soros because of his actions as a 13 year old. That's an excuse to hate the guy. Period.

I didn't expect this in this thread but seriously, no one believes that ppl in 2011 hates Soros because of his actions as a 13 year old. That's an excuse to hate the guy. Period.

People hate him because he's 1) evil; 2) greedy; 3) unrepentant.

But whatever helps the water carriers get up in the morning...

Evil is need specifics. Unrepentant about what? And greedy how so?

Again, you need specifics but what I see is ppl pretending they hate him because of his actions more than half a century ago. Thats simply a lie and an excuse used to sure up the hatred thats already there for completely different reasons

You, my good friend, have these people absolutely PEGGED! Dead to rights. :clap2:
these two should fuel anonymous internet rants for years to come

They may play on the opposite sides of the isle, but make no mistake, it's the same game. It's just unfortunate that the left is better at it.
and vermin should be exterminated, right?

lol, eternally attempting to avoid.

read the thread, i addressed that part.

then continue blaming a jewish teenager in hungary in 1944 for surviving and not feeling guilt about it later.

then use anne frank to smear soros, again.

then call other people vermin. hahahaha

No, vermin are to be avoided. Nice try. I don't have to use anyone or anything to smear Soros, he's capable of that all by his lonesome. Nice attempt there apologist, now run along back to your bridge, troll.

is vermin to be eternally avoided?

if you don't have to use anne frank to smear soros, why are you doing it?

and why are you not crumbling away in shame?

questions question questions.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Epic fail kraut boy, epic fail.
No, vermin are to be avoided. Nice try. I don't have to use anyone or anything to smear Soros, he's capable of that all by his lonesome. Nice attempt there apologist, now run along back to your bridge, troll.

is vermin to be eternally avoided?

if you don't have to use anne frank to smear soros, why are you doing it?

and why are you not crumbling away in shame?

questions question questions.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Epic fail kraut boy, epic fail.

i guess you win again.
What has Soros done worthy of the "evil" title?

The tip of the proverbial iceberg.

"What disturbs most is something you will not read about in his Wikipedia entry, except in the most veiled manner. Soros — who appears in the right-hand column of that entry as a “Hungarian American” and an “atheist” — is a Hungarian Jew who, when 14 at the height of the Holocaust, was, well… no Anne Frank.

The Ottawa Sun’s Ezra Levant, quoted by Kimball, puts it succinctly:
To survive, George, then a teenager, collaborated with the Nazis.

First he worked for the Judenrat. That was the Jewish council set up by the Nazis to do their dirty work for them. Instead of the Nazis rounding up Jews every day for the trains, they delegated that murderous task to Jews who were willing to do it to survive another day at the expense of their neighbours.

Theodore [his father] hatched a better plan for his son. He bribed a non-Jewish official at the agriculture ministry to let George live with him. George helped the official confiscate property from Jews.
Well, okay, you’re thinking — he was fourteen. Give the guy a break. And I must admit that I — a secular Jew like Soros — have occasionally speculated about how I would have behaved in similar circumstances. And, although in my fantasy I might be a noble resistance fighter, laying my life on the line against fascism the way Primo Levi and others have described it, I certainly have no way of knowing. I might have been a sleazy collaborator myself. But I do know this: if I had done something like that just to survive, it would have haunted me the rest of my days.

And here’s the really creepy part: not so George Soros. In a surprisingly overlooked interview with 60 Minutes‘ Steve Kroft, Soros denied guilt or second thoughts about his World War II activities.

From Levant again:
How does Soros feel about what he did as a teenager? Has it kept him up at night?

Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes asked him that. Was it difficult? “Not at all,” Soros answered.

“No feeling of guilt?” asked Kroft. “No,” said Soros. “There was no sense that I shouldn’t be there. If I wasn’t doing it, somebody else would be taking it away anyhow. Whether I was there or not. So I had no sense of guilt.”

Somebody else would have done it. Sound familiar? It’s just the kind of excuse you might use when devaluing the British pound. A psychoanalyst might call it “splitting,” taking a part of your personality and splitting it off, as if there were two disconnected parts of you — the monster and the good citizen. The good citizen provides a mask, a disguise for the monster to do his work."

Israel Matzav: Just how evil is Soros?

I'm not a Soros fan but what a 14 year old does to survive the NAZIs is forgivable. There is a reason why 14 year olds don't get drivers licenses. Bringing this up is stupid.
What has Soros done worthy of the "evil" title?

The tip of the proverbial iceberg.

"What disturbs most is something you will not read about in his Wikipedia entry, except in the most veiled manner. Soros — who appears in the right-hand column of that entry as a “Hungarian American” and an “atheist” — is a Hungarian Jew who, when 14 at the height of the Holocaust, was, well… no Anne Frank.

The Ottawa Sun’s Ezra Levant, quoted by Kimball, puts it succinctly:
To survive, George, then a teenager, collaborated with the Nazis.

First he worked for the Judenrat. That was the Jewish council set up by the Nazis to do their dirty work for them. Instead of the Nazis rounding up Jews every day for the trains, they delegated that murderous task to Jews who were willing to do it to survive another day at the expense of their neighbours.

Theodore [his father] hatched a better plan for his son. He bribed a non-Jewish official at the agriculture ministry to let George live with him. George helped the official confiscate property from Jews.
Well, okay, you’re thinking — he was fourteen. Give the guy a break. And I must admit that I — a secular Jew like Soros — have occasionally speculated about how I would have behaved in similar circumstances. And, although in my fantasy I might be a noble resistance fighter, laying my life on the line against fascism the way Primo Levi and others have described it, I certainly have no way of knowing. I might have been a sleazy collaborator myself. But I do know this: if I had done something like that just to survive, it would have haunted me the rest of my days.

And here’s the really creepy part: not so George Soros. In a surprisingly overlooked interview with 60 Minutes‘ Steve Kroft, Soros denied guilt or second thoughts about his World War II activities.

From Levant again:
How does Soros feel about what he did as a teenager? Has it kept him up at night?

Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes asked him that. Was it difficult? “Not at all,” Soros answered.

“No feeling of guilt?” asked Kroft. “No,” said Soros. “There was no sense that I shouldn’t be there. If I wasn’t doing it, somebody else would be taking it away anyhow. Whether I was there or not. So I had no sense of guilt.”

Somebody else would have done it. Sound familiar? It’s just the kind of excuse you might use when devaluing the British pound. A psychoanalyst might call it “splitting,” taking a part of your personality and splitting it off, as if there were two disconnected parts of you — the monster and the good citizen. The good citizen provides a mask, a disguise for the monster to do his work."

Israel Matzav: Just how evil is Soros?

I'm not a Soros fan but what a 14 year old does to survive the NAZIs is forgivable. There is a reason why 14 year olds don't get drivers licenses. Bringing this up is stupid.

No HUGGY, it's not. Had he said he felt remorse for his actions I would agree with you, and that's the point. He has said repeatedly he doesn't. Do you get it now.
The tip of the proverbial iceberg.

"What disturbs most is something you will not read about in his Wikipedia entry, except in the most veiled manner. Soros — who appears in the right-hand column of that entry as a “Hungarian American” and an “atheist” — is a Hungarian Jew who, when 14 at the height of the Holocaust, was, well… no Anne Frank.

The Ottawa Sun’s Ezra Levant, quoted by Kimball, puts it succinctly:
To survive, George, then a teenager, collaborated with the Nazis.

First he worked for the Judenrat. That was the Jewish council set up by the Nazis to do their dirty work for them. Instead of the Nazis rounding up Jews every day for the trains, they delegated that murderous task to Jews who were willing to do it to survive another day at the expense of their neighbours.

Theodore [his father] hatched a better plan for his son. He bribed a non-Jewish official at the agriculture ministry to let George live with him. George helped the official confiscate property from Jews.
Well, okay, you’re thinking — he was fourteen. Give the guy a break. And I must admit that I — a secular Jew like Soros — have occasionally speculated about how I would have behaved in similar circumstances. And, although in my fantasy I might be a noble resistance fighter, laying my life on the line against fascism the way Primo Levi and others have described it, I certainly have no way of knowing. I might have been a sleazy collaborator myself. But I do know this: if I had done something like that just to survive, it would have haunted me the rest of my days.

And here’s the really creepy part: not so George Soros. In a surprisingly overlooked interview with 60 Minutes‘ Steve Kroft, Soros denied guilt or second thoughts about his World War II activities.

From Levant again:
How does Soros feel about what he did as a teenager? Has it kept him up at night?

Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes asked him that. Was it difficult? “Not at all,” Soros answered.

“No feeling of guilt?” asked Kroft. “No,” said Soros. “There was no sense that I shouldn’t be there. If I wasn’t doing it, somebody else would be taking it away anyhow. Whether I was there or not. So I had no sense of guilt.”

Somebody else would have done it. Sound familiar? It’s just the kind of excuse you might use when devaluing the British pound. A psychoanalyst might call it “splitting,” taking a part of your personality and splitting it off, as if there were two disconnected parts of you — the monster and the good citizen. The good citizen provides a mask, a disguise for the monster to do his work."

Israel Matzav: Just how evil is Soros?

I'm not a Soros fan but what a 14 year old does to survive the NAZIs is forgivable. There is a reason why 14 year olds don't get drivers licenses. Bringing this up is stupid.

if it was westwall he would have just stayed quiet and went to the camps..

No, I am more of a fighter. Think Warsaw uprising here. I most probably would not have survived for more than five or ten minutes but I wouldn't have died like a sheep. I would have gone down fighting. It's the way I've allways been. I was born poor so have had to fight for everything I have.
The tip of the proverbial iceberg.

"What disturbs most is something you will not read about in his Wikipedia entry, except in the most veiled manner. Soros — who appears in the right-hand column of that entry as a “Hungarian American” and an “atheist” — is a Hungarian Jew who, when 14 at the height of the Holocaust, was, well… no Anne Frank.

The Ottawa Sun’s Ezra Levant, quoted by Kimball, puts it succinctly:
To survive, George, then a teenager, collaborated with the Nazis.

First he worked for the Judenrat. That was the Jewish council set up by the Nazis to do their dirty work for them. Instead of the Nazis rounding up Jews every day for the trains, they delegated that murderous task to Jews who were willing to do it to survive another day at the expense of their neighbours.

Theodore [his father] hatched a better plan for his son. He bribed a non-Jewish official at the agriculture ministry to let George live with him. George helped the official confiscate property from Jews.
Well, okay, you’re thinking — he was fourteen. Give the guy a break. And I must admit that I — a secular Jew like Soros — have occasionally speculated about how I would have behaved in similar circumstances. And, although in my fantasy I might be a noble resistance fighter, laying my life on the line against fascism the way Primo Levi and others have described it, I certainly have no way of knowing. I might have been a sleazy collaborator myself. But I do know this: if I had done something like that just to survive, it would have haunted me the rest of my days.

And here’s the really creepy part: not so George Soros. In a surprisingly overlooked interview with 60 Minutes‘ Steve Kroft, Soros denied guilt or second thoughts about his World War II activities.

From Levant again:
How does Soros feel about what he did as a teenager? Has it kept him up at night?

Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes asked him that. Was it difficult? “Not at all,” Soros answered.

“No feeling of guilt?” asked Kroft. “No,” said Soros. “There was no sense that I shouldn’t be there. If I wasn’t doing it, somebody else would be taking it away anyhow. Whether I was there or not. So I had no sense of guilt.”

Somebody else would have done it. Sound familiar? It’s just the kind of excuse you might use when devaluing the British pound. A psychoanalyst might call it “splitting,” taking a part of your personality and splitting it off, as if there were two disconnected parts of you — the monster and the good citizen. The good citizen provides a mask, a disguise for the monster to do his work."

Israel Matzav: Just how evil is Soros?

I'm not a Soros fan but what a 14 year old does to survive the NAZIs is forgivable. There is a reason why 14 year olds don't get drivers licenses. Bringing this up is stupid.

No HUGGY, it's not. Had he said he felt remorse for his actions I would agree with you, and that's the point. He has said repeatedly he doesn't. Do you get it now.

Get what? What I see is mindless angst against Soros. Honestly I don't know much about him.

Me..I hate liars. I haven't seen where Soros is a liar. That isn't a left or right viewpoint. It is a right or wrong viewpoint. Murdoch sued in the courts to maintain the right to lie to the American public. THAT is unforgivable.

Organizations like "Media Matters" do not bother me. They point out falsehood. Ya...they are a left leaning biased group...but so what...I am far more concerned about the lies generated from my own party than those from the left. It is a matter of integrity.

The GOP was taken over by a bunch of insane lying assholes calling themselves Christian Conservatives. They are neither Christian nor Conservative in their actions.
I'm not a Soros fan but what a 14 year old does to survive the NAZIs is forgivable. There is a reason why 14 year olds don't get drivers licenses. Bringing this up is stupid.

No HUGGY, it's not. Had he said he felt remorse for his actions I would agree with you, and that's the point. He has said repeatedly he doesn't. Do you get it now.

Get what? What I see is mindless angst against Soros. Honestly I don't know much about him.

Me..I hate liars. I haven't seen where Soros is a liar. That isn't a left or right viewpoint. It is a right or wrong viewpoint. Murdoch sued in the courts to maintain the right to lie to the American public. THAT is unforgivable.

Organizations like "Media Matters" do not bother me. They point out falsehood. Ya...they are a left leaning biased group...but so what...I am far more concerned about the lies generated from my own party than those from the left. It is a matter of integrity.

The GOP was taken over by a bunch of insane lying assholes calling themselves Christian Conservatives. They are neither Christian nor Conservative in their actions.

Doesn't it bother you when Media Matters Lies? And Soros may not lie, we honestly don't know. What we do know is that he aided and abetted the genocide of innocent people and he feels no remorse for that. They were nothing more than cows being sent off to slaughter to him...and that's how he feels about everyone now. I firmly believe that if he felt a profit could be made by killing someone, he would do it.

His economic policies have led to the destruction of families worldwide, all for him to profit.
Sounds like a wonderful fellow.
if it was westwall he would have just stayed quiet and went to the camps..

No, I am more of a fighter. Think Warsaw uprising here. I most probably would not have survived for more than five or ten minutes but I wouldn't have died like a sheep. I would have gone down fighting. It's the way I've allways been. I was born poor so have had to fight for everything I have.
Sure do talk like a sheep.

What was that parrot?
and vermin should be exterminated, right?

lol, eternally attempting to avoid.

read the thread, i addressed that part.

then continue blaming a jewish teenager in hungary in 1944 for surviving and not feeling guilt about it later.

then use anne frank to smear soros, again.

then call other people vermin. hahahaha

No, vermin are to be avoided. Nice try. I don't have to use anyone or anything to smear Soros, he's capable of that all by his lonesome. Nice attempt there apologist, now run along back to your bridge, troll.

is vermin to be eternally avoided?

if you don't have to use anne frank to smear soros, why are you doing it?

and why are you not crumbling away in shame?

questions question questions.

Using Anne Frank to 'smear' Soros is no better than you abusing the Holocaust to make him look innocent of (any) evil.
Not sure about the Tread Question, but Soros is worth twice what Ruppie is. Just saying...
It's not so much his 'involvement' in the Judenrat - it's his willingness to sink TENS OF MILLIONS in world politics. That is all kinds of backwards.

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