So...who is watching the GOP debate?

Later on, the big boys will be waving their fists but for right now, its Graham, Huckabee, Santorum and...someone. Which means he hasn't made much impression on me if I can't remember his name. And CNN has not bothered to put name cards in front of their podiums.
I dunno. I think you should watch. Graham is really impressing me. And who knows? One of these guys might be kicking some of the big guys butts off the big guy list.
Only 4 guys right now. Graham is kicking some ass.

He always does at the kidde table. Like playing Golf when out by yourself with no pressure of trying to keep up with your buddies. Past times I glanced at him he also had good Humor.

I have always like Huckabee because his stance on Social Security. None of them can move up?
"Women? If you want to kill terrorists? Ok!" ~Graham
"Women? No, even if you can, you can't cuz yer a woman"~Santorum
Graham~ "Trump, you don't have to comment on every single thing".

In short..Graham wants to go over there and make a big hole. The others wanna do Obama no fly zones, red lines, etc.
I want to know if Trump makes Cruz his bitch tonight.

He won't. He needs a VP. Cruz cares enough to do 4 years as VP, then I would hope Trump steps aside, unless things are so great..............

Cruz VP may have to be ??? Rand? Carson? smartest available.
"Women? If you want to kill terrorists? Ok!" ~Graham
"Women? No, even if you can, you can't cuz yer a woman"~Santorum

Santorum said he would reverse the policy and 1 min later when Pataki called him on it he said no I didn't say I would reverse the policy???And then he explained what a really really bad policy it is. People have said this guy is dumb, I,m seeing why.

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