So...who is watching the GOP debate?

Graham. I like him.

Santorum said his son joined the military and he wants to make sure the ones that have his back are able to do it. Never mind if a woman is a sniper and damn good at it. If its a woman...nope. Graham said sure...if you want to fight for your country? I'm yer guy.

Questions about bergdahl. Trump said execute him. Graham said try him first. Then said Trump needs to stfu (in a round about way).

Yes. I like Graham. I dislike Santorum A LOT. Blowhard. Bigot.
I dunno. I think you should watch. Graham is really impressing me. And who knows? One of these guys might be kicking some of the big guys butts off the big guy list.
They're fucking morons. They keep talking about putting in a no fly zone. Who the fuck are they planning on preventing from flying, ISIS has no planes. Might as well stick a no gun zone too.
I dunno. I think you should watch. Graham is really impressing me. And who knows? One of these guys might be kicking some of the big guys butts off the big guy list.
They're fucking morons. They keep talking about putting in a no fly zone. Who the fuck are they planning on preventing from flying, ISIS has no planes. Might as well stick a no gun zone too.
Which is why I like Graham. He didn't dodge the question by answering "no fly zone". He said just get our military back to its former strength, go in there on their turf and blow them to smithereens (so to speak). The other three? No fly zone. But. I would. First no fly zone. Blah blah blah.
Oy. WE KNOW what you are, have done, blah blah. Tell us what you will DO, not what you have DONE.
wolfie is such a faggot and so is graham and anderson suck a dick cooper
They are the bottom 4 for a reason. was interesting to watch. Well, except for Santorum. I had to keep muting him :lol:

Now on to the big boys! ;)
Was graham crying? He seemed to be every time he answered a question.
Wasn't really impressed by the first debate. Pakati did surprisingly

The real one is about to begin.............the low card had lower expectations and met them.
I am gonna have my mute button handy for Carly. Maybe block my eyes. I can't stand looking at her pursed mouth.

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