So Who Won The Democratic Debate Last Night?

Who won last night's debate? Please choose one...

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Michael Bloomberg

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pete Buttigieg

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Amy Klobuchar

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
BTW, no one has heard the plan yet for any of it.

Plans | Elizabeth Warren
none of that is a plan. non of it. doesn't say how to achieve it. don't you get it, you're a suckaaaa
playtime let's have some fun with your link. you post one of the twenty five plans in that list and then let's discuss the way she will implement it. just one. ready? wish to laugh at me fine, let's let everyone have the last laugh at you!!! I challenge you

i gave you a link. show me donny's detailed plans & we can compare ok? where's that repeal & replace obamacare on day 1?

how'z about all them thar infrastructure weeks? please.

"Plans" are just campaign talk, Plaything. What matters is the voter's confidence that in office, you will play your hand with whatever is dealt you and make the most of it for the important things to the greatest number of Americans.

And on that count, Trump wins every time . . .
It really doesn't matter who won. The eventual nominee will smoke Fat Donnie. The voters will make sure of it. FDT

You planning on bringing in 30 million foreign voters we don't know about?
Are you kidding? Sounds like you are setting up for the big snivel.
I expect trump will carry california this time. I'll go out on that ledge after this week's Bakersfield visit he made. I'll be people don't know that he signed an EO there to undo the water restrictions hampering farmers in the state. That's leadership
Is that a Federal or a State issue? He will get sued for his actions. Here is what the moron Fat Donnie said:

"It would be different if you had a drought," Trump claimed, despite concerns the state may be headed into another drought. "You don't have a drought. You have tremendous amounts of water."

Trump signs order diverting water to California farmers against state wishes
It really doesn't matter who won. The eventual nominee will smoke Fat Donnie. The voters will make sure of it. FDT
Apparently, you're - ah - stupid.
Trump Draws Thousands To Colorado Springs Rally
Rally Shmally. Trump grasping at straws in both AZ and CO.

"When Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner defeated incumbent Sen. Mark Udall in 2014, he won with only 48.2 percent of the vote. In the five years since, Gardner has seen that high-water mark of personal favorability fall to a meager 36 percent approval, with 39 percent of Coloradans disapproving of his job as senator, according to Morning Consult ratings.

No other incumbent facing a serious 2020 challenge has struggled more in his relationship with President Trump than Gardner, most recently refusing five times in a video interview to answer questions about Trump’s dealings with Ukraine. Base Republicans will view this hesitation by Gardner as a betrayal, while independents, who helped deliver the win for Gardner in 2014, are already demanding greater accountability from their incumbent senator. Trump lost the Centennial State by 5 points in 2016 and holds just a 39 percent approval in the state. It would seem that Team Trump has already written off the once-competitive state for 2020, hosting zero large-scale rallies in Colorado during the 2018 midterms and since announcing his reelection effort."

Democrats will win back the Senate majority in 2020, all thanks to President Trump
It really doesn't matter who won. The eventual nominee will smoke Fat Donnie. The voters will make sure of it. FDT
Apparently, you're - ah - stupid.
Trump Draws Thousands To Colorado Springs Rally
Rally Shmally. Trump grasping at straws in both AZ and CO.

"When Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner defeated incumbent Sen. Mark Udall in 2014, he won with only 48.2 percent of the vote. In the five years since, Gardner has seen that high-water mark of personal favorability fall to a meager 36 percent approval, with 39 percent of Coloradans disapproving of his job as senator, according to Morning Consult ratings.

No other incumbent facing a serious 2020 challenge has struggled more in his relationship with President Trump than Gardner, most recently refusing five times in a video interview to answer questions about Trump’s dealings with Ukraine. Base Republicans will view this hesitation by Gardner as a betrayal, while independents, who helped deliver the win for Gardner in 2014, are already demanding greater accountability from their incumbent senator. Trump lost the Centennial State by 5 points in 2016 and holds just a 39 percent approval in the state. It would seem that Team Trump has already written off the once-competitive state for 2020, hosting zero large-scale rallies in Colorado during the 2018 midterms and since announcing his reelection effort."

Democrats will win back the Senate majority in 2020, all thanks to President Trump
Unfortunately for you, the Democratic party is a joke and the laughing stock of the globe. Trump will hold the white house, Republicans will hold the Senate, and take back the house - with ease - this November.

much more presidential than:

just like hitlery too right? yep who's president today? you failed again. it must suck to fail so often.

none of that is a plan. non of it. doesn't say how to achieve it. don't you get it, you're a suckaaaa
playtime let's have some fun with your link. you post one of the twenty five plans in that list and then let's discuss the way she will implement it. just one. ready? wish to laugh at me fine, let's let everyone have the last laugh at you!!! I challenge you

i gave you a link. show me donny' detailed plans & we can compare ok? where's that repeal & replace obamacare on day 1?

how'z about all them thar infrastructure weeks? please.
tax cuts implemented, will make them permanent after the election, lowest unemployment for every aspect of americans. two conservative sCOTUS. What is it you feel he didn't do? He even yesterday signed an EO to override California's water restrictions on land owners so that farming can beef back up. Real balls my man!!! he told the Governor of California to go sit on a goose egg and let the big boys take over.

tax cuts implemented because he had paul ryan & a (R) congress. his unemployment record is good cause he's riding obama's coat tails. unemployment is +/- 3.5% .... down from 5% in 3.5 years. obama brought unemployment down from 10% in 2008 to 5% despite having a (R) congress for 6 of those 8 years.

one SC justice was stolen from obama thanks to turtle boy.

EOs can be over ridden when a new sheriff takes over.

Ok, I get it. You must be the one person who voted for Warren as the one who won the debate.

Quite a debate it was, I actually watched some of it. But who came out the winner?

"Six Democratic presidential candidates took the stage tonight in Las Vegas, days before the Nevada caucuses..."

Coverage of the 2020 Nevada Democratic debate - CNNPolitics
Thought you Trumpsters didn't trust polling... now you post one.

The poll is a simple cross-representation of Americans, no matter what their political affiliations may be. USMB is open to all, whether they be Democrat, Republican, Independent, or otherwise.

There are no specific political requirements for being a member here, and USMB welcomes all, regardless of their political affiliations. If more Democrats don't participate in the poll voting, that's their own fault.

That being said, if you Democrats insist on staying away from the polls this November the same way you've avoided my poll, you have my blessings. :04:
In all the watching of the Democratic Debate last night, I was taken back by the fact that neither there during the debate nor here that I’ve seen, no one has asked or asked the candidates the

THREE OBVIOUS QUESTIONS that begged to be asked!

Over and over, most of the candidates stated that their strongest most urgent goal and the greatest reason to vote for them was to get Trump out of office! MUST REMOVE TRUMP! Yet no on asked these begging questions:

1). The economy is soaring! Employment is sky high! Wages are up! Fairer Trade is being addressed. Borders are safer. Crime is down. Several top terrorist leaders have been eliminated. The military has been modernized. Veteran care is improved. ISIS all but destroyed. North Korea has been visited and stabilized. Drug prices have been reduced. Construction jobs way up. America now largest oil producer. Russia was sanctioned. New space defense policy created. New USMCA trade agreement replaces NAFTA. War prisoners brought home. School Choice educational grants. And $500 billion in errors found at HUD plus much, MUCH more. And all this accomplished under incredible obstruction, resistance. hostility and distraction. So just what has Trump done or not done that makes it so urgently important to replace him?​

2). Liz Warren stated that healthcare is in a crisis! How is that? How can that be when we were told that the ACA Act / Obamacare was going to fix so very much? I mean, it was supposedly in a crisis BEFORE Obamacare! So it really didn’t fix anything after all?​

3). Bloomberg stated that “What Trump did to healthcare is a disgrace.” What was that? I didn’t know that Trump had done anything to healthcare! He was stopped by McCain and Congress! All I’ve heard for three years is that Trump has FAILED to address healthcare. Now he’s wrecked it?​

Why is it that these questions are never asked nor answered? I mean, these people just spent two hours on stage telling us how VITAL it was that Trump must go!!! :eek:
Quite a debate it was, I actually watched some of it. But who came out the winner?

"Six Democratic presidential candidates took the stage tonight in Las Vegas, days before the Nevada caucuses..."

Coverage of the 2020 Nevada Democratic debate - CNNPolitics
Trump won the Democrat Debate.

Democrat Voter horrified:


Bernie was an angry uncle. Bloomberg was an arrogant asshole. Warren was a ballbusting bluestocking. Pete was a glib greenhorn. Biden was barely alive. And Klobuchar was a smirking SNL character. . . It’s a f—— catastrophe!​

All in all Trump voters have been quite pleased with the Democrat nominating process.

We may be only 12 days away from Bernie effectively wrapping it up on Super Tuesday.
none of that is a plan. non of it. doesn't say how to achieve it. don't you get it, you're a suckaaaa
playtime let's have some fun with your link. you post one of the twenty five plans in that list and then let's discuss the way she will implement it. just one. ready? wish to laugh at me fine, let's let everyone have the last laugh at you!!! I challenge you

i gave you a link. show me donny' detailed plans & we can compare ok? where's that repeal & replace obamacare on day 1?

how'z about all them thar infrastructure weeks? please.
tax cuts implemented, will make them permanent after the election, lowest unemployment for every aspect of americans. two conservative sCOTUS. What is it you feel he didn't do? He even yesterday signed an EO to override California's water restrictions on land owners so that farming can beef back up. Real balls my man!!! he told the Governor of California to go sit on a goose egg and let the big boys take over.

tax cuts implemented because he had paul ryan & a (R) congress. his unemployment record is good cause he's riding obama's coat tails. unemployment is +/- 3.5% .... down from 5% in 3.5 years. obama brought unemployment down from 10% in 2008 to 5% despite having a (R) congress for 6 of those 8 years.

one SC justice was stolen from obama thanks to turtle boy.

EOs can be over ridden when a new sheriff takes over.
who cares are the numbers correct? obammy isn't running. so not sure why you wish to give him time here. but waste it it's yours. Trump implemented it all. how you saw it means you do mushrooms.

<pffffft> ^ that coming from the poster who brought up hillary. guess what? she isn't running either - & obama is enjoying his life - with his 1st & only wife & baby mama, who obviously loves him very much... poor donny can't say that.

at all.


she was diagnosed with walking pneumonia......... healed just fine. you fall for the excuse donny went to the hospital.... on a saturday... months b4 his physical ....was scheduled to get an early start? i bet you did.

now she meanders around bugging people. While my guy is the chosen one.

what she is doing is enjoying her life - & has a great gig in ireland.

Hillary Clinton is new chancellor of NI university

The witch is still running around blaming others for her debacle of a run.

the mango madman just seems so so angry ... i wonder what the odds are for him making it to the election without stroking out first.
much more presidential than:

just like hitlery too right? yep who's president today? you failed again. it must suck to fail so often.



well she wasn't.


she was diagnosed with walking pneumonia......... healed just fine. you fall for the excuse donny went to the hospital.... on a saturday... months b4 his physical ....was scheduled to get an early start? i bet you did.

Amazing how a person can end up wrong and losing 999 out of 1,000 times yet still be too smug to even realize it.

BTW, no one has heard the plan yet for any of it.

Plans | Elizabeth Warren
none of that is a plan. non of it. doesn't say how to achieve it. don't you get it, you're a suckaaaa
playtime let's have some fun with your link. you post one of the twenty five plans in that list and then let's discuss the way she will implement it. just one. ready? wish to laugh at me fine, let's let everyone have the last laugh at you!!! I challenge you

i gave you a link. show me donny' detailed plans & we can compare ok? where's that repeal & replace obamacare on day 1?

how'z about all them thar infrastructure weeks? please.
tax cuts implemented, will make them permanent after the election, lowest unemployment for every aspect of americans. two conservative sCOTUS. What is it you feel he didn't do? He even yesterday signed an EO to override California's water restrictions on land owners so that farming can beef back up. Real balls my man!!! he told the Governor of California to go sit on a goose egg and let the big boys take over.

If Governor Newsom were to sit on a goose egg, it would just easily slide inside due to no resistance.

much more presidential than:

just like hitlery too right? yep who's president today? you failed again. it must suck to fail so often.




Hope your polling is more accurate than your memes.


^ most accurate meme ... EVER.

Trump loves all Americans.

If you hate the poor, we understand. Democrats are so full of hate these days, is there anything they don't hate that doesn't agree with them 100%, 100% of the time?
BTW, no one has heard the plan yet for any of it.

Plans | Elizabeth Warren
none of that is a plan. non of it. doesn't say how to achieve it. don't you get it, you're a suckaaaa
playtime let's have some fun with your link. you post one of the twenty five plans in that list and then let's discuss the way she will implement it. just one. ready? wish to laugh at me fine, let's let everyone have the last laugh at you!!! I challenge you

i gave you a link. show me donny's detailed plans & we can compare ok? where's that repeal & replace obamacare on day 1?

how'z about all them thar infrastructure weeks? please.

"Plans" are just campaign talk, Plaything. What matters is the voter's confidence that in office, you will play your hand with whatever is dealt you and make the most of it for the important things to the greatest number of Americans.

And on that count, Trump wins every time . . .




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