So who's been idled by the pandemic?

Well, at some point next week I start working at least 50% from home.

All this does is add to an already existing push for teleworking which I don't want to do.

I worry about that to. I don’t some teleworking, but not as a regular thing. I am pretty old fashioned and work forces me to interact with people, which is a good thing.

This has been tried before and one of the major issues was trying to identify who was actually working. I know there are a great deal of people who are infatuated with their pink bunny slippers and they want the rest of the population to like their pink bunny slippers.

They also spend a great deal of time talking about self-care as if they give a damn about anyone or anything outside of their own pink bunny slippers.

I'm out in the field a lot. I work a lot of hours. I know my personality and if I have a coffee pot then I will work non stop. I don't shut down. There is always going to be a part of my brain identifying what still needs to be done and then doing it. Now.

The prospect of never being able to leave the job.......pisses me off.
Well, at some point next week I start working at least 50% from home.

All this does is add to an already existing push for teleworking which I don't want to do.

I worry about that to. I don’t some teleworking, but not as a regular thing. I am pretty old fashioned and work forces me to interact with people, which is a good thing.

This has been tried before and one of the major issues was trying to identify who was actually working. I know there are a great deal of people who are infatuated with their pink bunny slippers and they want the rest of the population to like their pink bunny slippers.

They also spend a great deal of time talking about self-care as if they give a damn about anyone or anything outside of their own pink bunny slippers.

I'm out in the field a lot. I work a lot of hours. I know my personality and if I have a coffee pot then I will work non stop. I don't shut down. There is always going to be a part of my brain identifying what still needs to be done and then doing it. Now.

The prospect of never being able to leave the job.......pisses me off.

Agree. I like a sharp delineation between work and off work, and this blurs it too much. I think it can work for people who are paid by project, but less so for hourly where it is harder to determine who is really working.
Is this another panicky grammatical error?

I think so. Grab a hold of yourself, man!
Not panicky, autocorrect has been acting weird lately.

Ignore me.
I'm an :ahole-1:, but only for today.
You know what??...If I were Trump I'd resign immediately and tell America.......FUCK YOU and go to Marlago..........Quit right now, get on the plane and bring me my things later.
Mar-a-lago is contaminated.

By strange Chinese women who get caught trespassing.

You could be right, but she would have had to have been trespassing in the kitchen because that's where the cases were found.

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