So Why Does Hillary Have To Keep Reminding Us "That She's A Woman"?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:boobies: This was brought up on some conservative media outlets today, that Hillary had to bring up during the debates that "I'm A Woman". In other words, all the millions that were viewing may have been in doubt? Maybe half the viewers didn't know what gender Hillary is?
In your respectable replies, maybe you can inform all of us if you either didn't know what gender Hillary was before the debate, or here we are after the debate, and you still are not convinced that Hillary is a woman for various reasons. {Hmm,,,always wears mens suits? never a "lady like dress & high heels"??:boobies:
now Monica Lewinsky? yes,,,,shes all woman and she doesnt have to take her clothes off to prove it!!!!
How is that different from any candidate bringing up "I am an X".

All of them blather on and on about their families too. Should that matter?
Because it's the

I HAVE A VAGINA CAMPAIGN......................

Obviously she can't run on her past with all the luggage............


I just dont think she has a vagina,,,i mean,,she talks like a man.
well at least Hillary will be "The First Unknown Gender President". very Historical !!!
i wonder what body part chris matthews will be rubbing 7 times a day if we have a president hillary.
Is this like John Kerry having to remind us that he served in Vietnam and puts ketchup on most of his meals?
:boobies: This was brought up on some conservative media outlets today, that Hillary had to bring up during the debates that "I'm A Woman". In other words, all the millions that were viewing may have been in doubt? Maybe half the viewers didn't know what gender Hillary is?
In your respectable replies, maybe you can inform all of us if you either didn't know what gender Hillary was before the debate, or here we are after the debate, and you still are not convinced that Hillary is a woman for various reasons. {Hmm,,,always wears mens suits? never a "lady like dress & high heels"??:boobies:

It's common for candidates to keep repeating their number one qualification for the job. In her case, the fact that she is a female is her most endearing quality. She's not feminine, but being a woman is the only reason some will vote for her.

The sentiment here is that it's time to vote for a woman. As with Obama, the physical characteristic was the number one reason. It's the same reason Obama chose a Hispanic woman for the supreme court. He said it was time for a Hispanic woman and as soon as he found one, he nominated her. Actual job qualifications are secondary. The left thinks we can prove we're nice by making sure that minorities and women get special treatment.

Hillary does want special treatment. She, like Obama, wants to be treated with kid gloves. And despite not having the qualifications for president, they both act like royalty and have huge egos.

Obama got his start in Chicago, where elected offices were more like a monarchy where the positions were handed down to friends and family. Hillary thinks she is in line for the throne and it likely infuriates her that she has to campaign like some commoner.

She can't remind us about the way she handled Benghazi. She can't remind us how so much money is unaccounted for during her time as Sec of State. She can't remind us of how big money bought favors from her. She can't discuss her past at all without tripping over one scandal or another.

The only safe thing to say is that she's a woman. It's not a qualification. She's not even much of a woman. But it's all she's got.
What about the Jaws Shark? he should inform us that he is a shark and would be the first "Fish President". or maybe even the Creature From The Black Lagoon, he could run on being the first Lizard President.

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