So Why Is a Political Topic Moved Into Badlands Taunting Area That Follows Forum Rules?

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El-Blob-O lost by 9 million votes.

You mean Hillary ran again?


Lessee, NO ONE loses by any number of popular votes in a presidential election, idiot dummkopf, they win or lose by electoral votes. But thanks for taking the 7 million alleged popular votes which only count in North Korea and rounding them UP to 9 million, asshole. Kinda like how you always rounded up Hillary's 2.8 million to 3.

Meantime, Pennsylvania's legislature just ruled that 40% of their 2020 votes were illegal. That is now THREE of the six swing states, Pa, Georgia, and Wisconsin, who have determined since 2020 that Trump really WON their state.
Yep. Finally got a mod to talk to me. Had nothing to do with the actions I questioned so….
Thought we had a good discussion and everything was stated as to why or possibly why, Weatherman2020.
I'm confused
Why do people feel compelled to bitch about things like where this or that thread was moved to? Who the fuck cares?
Why do people feel compelled to bitch about things like where this or that thread was moved to? Who the fuck cares?
Obviously someone because they take the time and effort to move threads around for little or no reason.
Some people seem to have a hilariously inflated notion of the importance of their threads and posts here. Most clearly demonstrated by the "Hey guys, I'm gonna rewrite the Constitution!" types.
Some people seem to have a hilariously inflated notion of the importance of their threads and posts here. Most clearly demonstrated by the "Hey guys, I'm gonna rewrite the Constitution!" types.
Well, let us know who that is because it’s obviously got your sphincter sore.
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